Arabs in Israel demand boycott of large Arab tahini company for donating to LGBTQ crisis line


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Nazareth-based Al-Arz Tahini faces calls for consumer boycott for partnering with the Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel to fund a crisis hotline for LGBTQ Arab Israeli youth, thus breaking a taboo in conservative Arab society.

An Arab Israeli tahini company has found itself in the eye of the storm over the past few days after a donation it made to a local LGBTQ charity sparked a heated debate about gay rights in the Arab sector.

Founded in the 1980s, the Nazareth-based Al-Arz Tahini company is one of the country's largest producers of the classic sesame seed paste, making about 20% of commercially sold tahini in Israel. It also exports its products to Europe and the United States.

Last week, the company announced it plans to partner with the Aguda – the Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel, to fund a crisis hotline for LGBTQ Arab Israeli youth.

The move essentially broke a taboo as the Arab world still views homosexuality as a sin, an illness, and a perversion. Social media was atwitter with news of the donation, and while LGBTQ activists in Israel hailed the move – as did Arab rights groups, which lauded Al-Arz's CEO Julia Zaher for her courageous decision – calls for a consumer boycott by those in the Arab sector who oppose it soon followed.

Many stores in Arab localities even went as far as to remove the company's tahini from their shelves.

One store owner in the northern Arab town of Tamra posted a video on social media calling on the company to collects its products.

"No one wants to buy Tahini that supports gay people," he said.

In a countermove, the Aguda took to social media with a campaign urging the public to show their support by buying Al-Arz's products.

"The Al-Arz Tahini company has made a brave decision - to form with us a hotline to help the LGBTQ Arab population," it said in a tweet. "This initiative has caused a negative backlash and calls for a boycott against it. Don't let hate and incitement win!"

Speaking with Walla News, Zaher said she was stunned by the backlash.

"The wave of hatred – the number of calls that we received [condemning the move] was astounding. It was extremely upsetting," she said.

"But then came an outpouring of support and love from so many people. It allowed me to catch my breath."

An official statement from the company said, "The Al-Arz Tahini family loves people regardless of religion, sex, gender, or color. Food connects people and so do we. We will continue to be an open house and empower disadvantaged sectors whatever they may be."

Joint Arab List leader MK Ayman Odeh slammed the calls for a boycott against the tahini maker as "hypocritical" and said it was the work of "Al Arz's Jewish and Arab competitors."



You see, apparently according to Odeh,
the Arab call to boycott Arab business is a "Jewish conspiracy".

How else of course...:rolleyes-41:

Big win for BDS, yay!
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I have just read a serious book on this topic. I have thrown away the book, but I could find its name if any member is interested.

Basically, it said (a) People in Israel are not that thrilled about gay people, (b) the Israeli government, however, does everything possible to show the world how tolerant Israel is of gay people in order to show a contrast with the intolerance toward gay people in the West Bank and Gaza. In other words, this helps to put Palestinians in a bad light in the world, and (c) some people in Palestine are NOT so intolerant of gay people as we may think.
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I have just read a serious book on this topic. I have thrown away the book, but I could find its name if any member is interested.

Basically, it said (a) People in Israel are not that thrilled about gay people, (b) the Israeli government, however, does everything possible to show the world how tolerant Israel is of gay people in order to show a contrast with the intolerance toward gay people in the West Bank and Gaza. In other words, this helps to put Palestinians in a bad light in the world, and (c) some people in Palestine are NOT so intolerant of gay people as we may think.

you look for ulterior motives for the tolerance
of one of world's most gay friendly country,
while excusing those who criminalize it.

Spoken like a true Leftist :cuckoo:
I have just read a serious book on this topic. I have thrown away the book, but I could find its name if any member is interested.

Basically, it said (a) People in Israel are not that thrilled about gay people, (b) the Israeli government, however, does everything possible to show the world how tolerant Israel is of gay people in order to show a contrast with the intolerance toward gay people in the West Bank and Gaza. In other words, this helps to put Palestinians in a bad light in the world, and (c) some people in Palestine are NOT so intolerant of gay people as we may think.

you look for ulterior motives for the tolerance
of one of world's most gay friendly country,
while excusing those who criminalize it.

Spoken like a true Leftist :cuckoo:

Actually, those are the views of the author, not necessarily mine.

Have a nice day!
why should people be thrilled about gay people?

I myself am not that thrilled.

But there's a difference between the reality of LGBTQ forcing new pronouns,
and being criminalized in one of the most radical Islamist societies in the middle east.

Big difference, I will tell You even further - in modern Armerica, if the treatment of gays was the same as widely in the Arab middle east today, would bother much of the Conservatives.

This is not a "give me a gay day on the calendar",
the business owner merely donated to a LGBTQ crisis hotline....

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I have just read a serious book on this topic. I have thrown away the book, but I could find its name if any member is interested.

Basically, it said (a) People in Israel are not that thrilled about gay people, (b) the Israeli government, however, does everything possible to show the world how tolerant Israel is of gay people in order to show a contrast with the intolerance toward gay people in the West Bank and Gaza. In other words, this helps to put Palestinians in a bad light in the world, and (c) some people in Palestine are NOT so intolerant of gay people as we may think.

you look for ulterior motives for the tolerance
of one of world's most gay friendly country,
while excusing those who criminalize it.

Spoken like a true Leftist :cuckoo:

Actually, those are the views of the author, not necessarily mine.

Have a nice day!

So you just read some major none sense,
and now realize how idiotic, got it.

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why should people be thrilled about gay people?

I myself am not that thrilled.

But there's a difference between the reality of LGBTQ forcing new pronouns,
and being criminalized in one of the most radical Islamist societies in the middle east.

Big difference, I will tell You even further - in modern Armerica, if the treatment of gays was the same as widely in the Arab middle east today, would bother much of the Conservatives.

This is not a "give me a gay day on the calendar",
the business owner merely donated to a LGBTQ crisis hotline....
Criminalized? Your OP says nothing of criminality? Are you speaking of Israel, the title of the OP states as much?

I am for the rights of the consumer. I am also for the rights and traditions of other societies. I think that is one founding principle of the Democrat party?

either way, you speak of criminality, are you sure you are speaking israel?
why should people be thrilled about gay people?

I myself am not that thrilled.

But there's a difference between the reality of LGBTQ forcing new pronouns,
and being criminalized in one of the most radical Islamist societies in the middle east.

Big difference, I will tell You even further - in modern Armerica, if the treatment of gays was the same as widely in the Arab middle east today, would bother much of the Conservatives.

This is not a "give me a gay day on the calendar",
the business owner merely donated to a LGBTQ crisis hotline....
Criminalized? Your OP says nothing of criminality? Are you speaking of Israel, the title of the OP states as much?

I am for the rights of the consumer. I am also for the rights and traditions of other societies. I think that is one founding principle of the Democrat party?

either way, you speak of criminality, are you sure you are speaking israel?

The Arab society in Israel,
demand boycott of Arab business for donating to LGBTQ crisis hotline.

The Arab society of Gaza,
criminalizes Homosexuality, up to 10 years, and recently a public execution.

There's child marriage, girls are sent to Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc.
There's family 'honor killings', recently for posting a picture with fiance, day before wedding.

Imagine what LGBTQ's go through...
But there will be crickets from the Left,
they're just happy Arabs wanna boycott Israel.
why should people be thrilled about gay people?

I myself am not that thrilled.

But there's a difference between the reality of LGBTQ forcing new pronouns,
and being criminalized in one of the most radical Islamist societies in the middle east.

Big difference, I will tell You even further - in modern Armerica, if the treatment of gays was the same as widely in the Arab middle east today, would bother much of the Conservatives.

This is not a "give me a gay day on the calendar",
the business owner merely donated to a LGBTQ crisis hotline....
Criminalized? Your OP says nothing of criminality? Are you speaking of Israel, the title of the OP states as much?

I am for the rights of the consumer. I am also for the rights and traditions of other societies. I think that is one founding principle of the Democrat party?

either way, you speak of criminality, are you sure you are speaking israel?

The Arab society in Israel,
demand boycott of Arab business for donating to LGBTQ crisis hotline.

The Arab society of Gaza,
criminalizes Homosexuality, up to 10 years, and recently a public execution.

There's child marriage, girls are sent to Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc.
There's family 'honor killings', recently for posting a picture with fiance, day before wedding.

Imagine what LGBTQ's go through...
But there will be crickets from the Left,
they're just happy Arabs wanna boycott Israel.
I understand what Arabs are. I also know the laws in Israel. Your OP says Israel. I am unaware of the specifics in Gaza and that you were speaking of Gaza not Israel.
why should people be thrilled about gay people?

I myself am not that thrilled.

But there's a difference between the reality of LGBTQ forcing new pronouns,
and being criminalized in one of the most radical Islamist societies in the middle east.

Big difference, I will tell You even further - in modern Armerica, if the treatment of gays was the same as widely in the Arab middle east today, would bother much of the Conservatives.

This is not a "give me a gay day on the calendar",
the business owner merely donated to a LGBTQ crisis hotline....
Criminalized? Your OP says nothing of criminality? Are you speaking of Israel, the title of the OP states as much?

I am for the rights of the consumer. I am also for the rights and traditions of other societies. I think that is one founding principle of the Democrat party?

either way, you speak of criminality, are you sure you are speaking israel?

The Arab society in Israel,
demand boycott of Arab business for donating to LGBTQ crisis hotline.

The Arab society of Gaza,
criminalizes Homosexuality, up to 10 years, and recently a public execution.

There's child marriage, girls are sent to Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc.
There's family 'honor killings', recently for posting a picture with fiance, day before wedding.

Imagine what LGBTQ's go through...
But there will be crickets from the Left,
they're just happy Arabs wanna boycott Israel.
I understand what Arabs are. I also know the laws in Israel. Your OP says Israel. I am unaware of the specifics in Gaza and that you were speaking of Gaza not Israel.

We agree.
Linda 'Cockroach' Sarsour might not.
Though 'Queers for Hamas' will keep marching to the rooftops of CHAZA.

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