‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

April 2020 was cooler than average in the eastern USA.

Globally, April 2020 was the hottest April in the historical record, beating out 2016.

That's one reason why the world laughs at deniers, because of their inability to grasp the concept of "global".

And yes, poor Tommy. Now by his own very stupid standard, he has to admit global warming is real and ongoing, and did not stop in 2016.
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Your second chart actually supports my claim that it has been cooler since 2016.

Next time use your glasses.....
Nest time, get a brain, Tommy boi. The six warmest years on record are this year and the last five. Yes, since 2016 we have not had a year as warm as 2016, but every year since then, as well as 2015, have been warmer than any other year in the satellite record. But that does not fit your cherry picking lie, now does it.
May I suggest reducing the worlds population by 90 or so percent and see what happens ?

‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

And breaking lots of heat records in the Arctic. The stable ring of separation between a cold North and a warm South is ... how to say this? Looks like we lose a climate wheel, while we drive much too fast. The wheel wobbles. The situation becomes more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous - on a time scale which is not made for a individual human experience. By the way: All natural scientists worldwide say the man made climate change is real and the consequences will be more and more drastic.
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What does the UAH data show over the long term? Is it getting colder? Is it staying the same? No and no. It shows, as does every other such dataset, that the world is getting warmer. Why do you think that is happening?

This is what I wrote in POST 7,

It has been cooling since 2016, but they stridently ignore that all the time.

You reply with a SINGLE month chart, and a 42 year chart, neither doesn't address the specific years from 2016-2020

I specifically mentioned SINCE 2016.

Can't you people read.....?

.88C in 2016

.48C in 2020

Math is hard for warmists....
Of course we can read, well enough to see that you are forming a lie with your cherry picking. Here are the facts;

Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
View attachment 329357
The warmest years globally have all occurred since 1998, with the top ten being 2016, 2019, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2014, 2010, 2013 and 2005 (tied), and 1998, respectively.Feb 14, 2020

Here is a COMPOSITE of all of the temperature data centers in one chart:

View attachment 329615


Did you say it was a …. lie?


-0.47 deg C drop in temp in just over 5 years... That is 1/2 of the whole amount of warming since 1790. And they Believe!

Both circk and old crock are broken records playing the same tune over and over again...

‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

And breaking lots of heat records in the Arctic. The stable ring of separation between a cold North and a warm South is ... how to say this? Looks like we lose a climate wheel, while we drive much too fast. The wheel wobbles. The situation becomes more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous - on a time scale which is not made for a individual human experience. By the way: All natural scientists worldwide say the man made climate change is real and the consequences will be more and more drastic.
Actgually the record breaking has stopped about two years ago and it has rapidly returned to breaking cold records again. Earth is a paradoxically presenting planet and many dont know why. Cross winds are nothing new and happen every time we go through a warm phase.
Your second chart actually supports my claim that it has been cooler since 2016.

Next time use your glasses.....
Nest time, get a brain, Tommy boi. The six warmest years on record are this year and the last five. Yes, since 2016 we have not had a year as warm as 2016, but every year since then, as well as 2015, have been warmer than any other year in the satellite record. But that does not fit your cherry picking lie, now does it.
May I suggest reducing the worlds population by 90 or so percent and see what happens ?
I believe the Chinese already tried that this last year...
May I suggest reducing the worlds population by 90 or so percent and see what happens ?

I think just reducing the male population by 90% would be good enough ... the remaining people would have nearly twice the resources AND women would be in charge of everything ...

And since this is MY idea, I get ten wives ...

As proof of concept, we can start with white men ... see what the world looks like without that trash ...
‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

And breaking lots of heat records in the Arctic. The stable ring of separation between a cold North and a warm South is ... how to say this? Looks like we lose a climate wheel, while we drive much too fast. The wheel wobbles. The situation becomes more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous - on a time scale which is not made for a individual human experience. By the way: All natural scientists worldwide say the man made climate change is real and the consequences will be more and more drastic.
Actgually the record breaking has stopped about two years ago and it has rapidly returned to breaking cold records again. Earth is a paradoxically presenting planet and many dont know why. Cross winds are nothing new and happen every time we go through a warm phase.
I do not discuss any longer with deniers of the man made climate change. This "discussions" in the Anglo-American style brougth since about 60 years no satisfying results.
‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

What you say is idiotic - and you know this.
May I suggest reducing the worlds population by 90 or so percent and see what happens ?

I think just reducing the male population by 90% would be good enough ... the remaining people would have nearly twice the resources AND women would be in charge of everything ...

And since this is MY idea, I get ten wives ...

As proof of concept, we can start with white men ... see what the world looks like without that trash ...

In theory women are able to survive without men. Not so men without women. First step: Do suicide - if all women who know you - except your mother - will be happy about, then this was perhaps the right decision.
‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

What you say is idiotic - and you know this.
What's that? You calling me a liar? That my wall ISN'T covered in moss? You think I made that up, Fuckalewa?
‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

What you say is idiotic - and you know this.
What's that? You calling me a liar? That my wall ISN'T covered in moss? You think I made that up, Fuckalewa?

Take a look at the planet Venus for example, then you are able to see what a greenhouse effect is able to do. Hear what the people say all over the world - since about 60 years - then you will hear what happens all around because of the climate change. Compare for example prognosis' with the real effects in the last decades. If something is able to have extremely drastic effects - and if the same time the possibility of this something is not going direction 0 - but the other way - then this problem forces attention, reflection and solutions - and not an endless senseless jabber.
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‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

What you say is idiotic - and you know this.
What's that? You calling me a liar? That my wall ISN'T covered in moss? You think I made that up, Fuckalewa?

Take a look at the planet Venus for example, then you are able to see what a greenhouse effect is able to do. Hear what the people say all over the world - since about 60 years - then you will hear what happens all around because of the climate change. Compare for example prognosis' with the real effects in the last decades. If something is able to have extremely drastic effects - and if the same time the possibility of this something is not going direction 0 - but the other way - then this problem forces attention, reflection and solutions - and not an endless senseless jabber.

‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

And breaking lots of heat records in the Arctic. The stable ring of separation between a cold North and a warm South is ... how to say this? Looks like we lose a climate wheel, while we drive much too fast. The wheel wobbles. The situation becomes more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous - on a time scale which is not made for a individual human experience. By the way: All natural scientists worldwide say the man made climate change is real and the consequences will be more and more drastic.

I see that you are here to talk down to people, because you think like a bigoted cultist.

Your consensus statement is worthless, doesn't meet the Scientific Method.

The article was only showing that Cold waves still exist, that was all.
‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

What you say is idiotic - and you know this.
What's that? You calling me a liar? That my wall ISN'T covered in moss? You think I made that up, Fuckalewa?

Take a look at the planet Venus for example, then you are able to see what a greenhouse effect is able to do. Hear what the people say all over the world - since about 60 years - then you will hear what happens all around because of the climate change. Compare for example prognosis' with the real effects in the last decades. If something is able to have extremely drastic effects - and if the same time the possibility of this something is not going direction 0 - but the other way - then this problem forces attention, reflection and solutions - and not an endless senseless jabber.

Venus is hot largely to a very dense atmosphere, Mars is very cold despite having an atmosphere with 95.32% CO2 in it.

‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

And breaking lots of heat records in the Arctic. The stable ring of separation between a cold North and a warm South is ... how to say this? Looks like we lose a climate wheel, while we drive much too fast. The wheel wobbles. The situation becomes more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous - on a time scale which is not made for a individual human experience. By the way: All natural scientists worldwide say the man made climate change is real and the consequences will be more and more drastic.

From the very first words in post one:

From the fastest warming place on Earth is a nice Arctic blast, despite that such cold isn't supposed to do that anymore due to superman CO2 awesome anti cold powers. The trace gas unfortunately can't keep up with muscular Jack Frost continuing defiance to stop spoiling the coming Utopia plans of the Green lobby.

My sarcasm didn't help you...... obviously!

CO2 is a trace gas with a trace IR absorption range, have a very small energy footprint.

You don't have to be the usual ignorant CO2 sniffing loser, you could try being smart and rational instead....., but that requires honesty and rational thinking.
CO2 is a trace gas with a trace IR absorption range, have a very small energy footprint.
Tommy, here's an excerpt from a book chapter I wrote many years ago:

For those who may not know, the atmosphere really is as follows:

 78% Nitrogen
 21% Oxygen (from Plants mainly, essential for the animal life)

_That is 99% of your total atmosphere right there!_

That only leaves 1% left, as a combination of /trace gases./

These trace gases can be further broken down into the Noble gases and IR
 storing gases which help to moderate our climate.

 Of that 1% trace gas left over, _9/10ths_ of that is ARGON, a harmless,
 inert gas.

 That leaves roughly 0.1%, or about 1/10th of 1/100th of the atmosphere

 The other remaining inert noble gases (combined total of 0.002% total
 atmosphere) are Neon, Helium, Krypton, Xenon, and also Hydrogen.

 Of the remaining (combined total less than 1/10th of 1%, or 0.098% of
 the) atmosphere left over, these are the IR storing

components, such as Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and Ozone, /combined/.

 Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

Water Vapor, essential to life, is by far the largest, at 0.04%
(1/2500th%), and carbon dioxide (plant food, essential to plant life
 which sustains us), which is only 0.03%, or about 1/3000th% of the 

 Methane, a far more powerful IR storing agent than water vapor and CO2
 combined, is at .0002%, and the remaining vestiges (roughly 0.0278% by
 subtraction) are made up of Nitrous Oxide and Ozone combined.

The often lost fact is that free atmospheric CO2 is a very weak
"greenhouse gas" and only exists in traces, and part of most everything
 in the Earth is in the form of Carbon anyway. People are carbon, trees 
are carbon, rocks are carbon. We exhale carbon dioxide. We are
 carbon-based life. Burn anything--- you are pretty much left with
 carbon. CO2 is routinely exchanged from the rocks and oceans back into
 the air, back into feeding plants and then back into the Earth again.

 Since time immortal, single volcanic and many other events of the past
 have dramatically produced more "greenhouse gases" than all of man in 
history since the start of modern industrialization, and such events 
routinely happen over and again (such as Mt. Saint Helens) and is
 recycled over and over. And we are still here and the world is fine.

Even cataclysmic events like super-volcanoes and asteroids that
 devastate the planet overnight, cannot overcome the equilibrium of the 
planet, which inevitably returns to how it is at present even after such
 a horrendous event. 

Changes in our climate, short of such cataclysms, are largely dictated by
 three natural cycles of the Earth along with natural cycles of the Sun.
 Right now, we are actually cooling off again.

 It is estimated that over the past several hundred years, CO2 gas in the 
air has gradually increased by 35% to the present 0.03% level compared 
to that of several hundred years ago. It has only reached that level 
now and even at that, still only constitutes less than 1/30th of 1% of
 the air, and so was even less during the rest of the industrialization 

 99.97% of what you breathe is not carbon dioxide! If CO2 were that
 potent at such traces for so short a period of time, and the Earth's
 climate that fragile,
the Earth would never have reached a stable point,
 let alone one so long as to allow the development of advanced life over billions of years.

The fact of the matter is that the whole "CO2 Scare" leaves out the fact 
that the Sun may be putting out less energy now than normal, and the 
extremely tiny modification to the retention of heat from carbon dioxide 
may very well indeed be a welcome thing, if anything, to help moderate
 our cooling trend.
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Hear what the people say all over the world - since about 60 years
You IDIOT--- 60 years ago, they were predicting we were heading for another ICE AGE.

Such scenarios had another background. Air pollution and nuclear winter for example. In case the hot spot in Yellowstone explodes for example the whole planet will die. To get as well a nuclear winter and a global warming is not a contradiction. To freeze because of a sickness and to get fever beause of another sickness is not sanity.
‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America
I live in the eastern mid-Atlantic and it is so global warmed around here, Tommy, that on my front driveway wall, facing north in the shadow of my house and with a big locust tree to its west that the entire top of the wall is now covered in thick, green moss from all the cold and rain!

What you say is idiotic - and you know this.
What's that? You calling me a liar? That my wall ISN'T covered in moss? You think I made that up, Fuckalewa?

Take a look at the planet Venus for example, then you are able to see what a greenhouse effect is able to do. Hear what the people say all over the world - since about 60 years - then you will hear what happens all around because of the climate change. Compare for example prognosis' with the real effects in the last decades. If something is able to have extremely drastic effects - and if the same time the possibility of this something is not going direction 0 - but the other way - then this problem forces attention, reflection and solutions - and not an endless senseless jabber.

‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

And breaking lots of heat records in the Arctic. The stable ring of separation between a cold North and a warm South is ... how to say this? Looks like we lose a climate wheel, while we drive much too fast. The wheel wobbles. The situation becomes more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous - on a time scale which is not made for a individual human experience. By the way: All natural scientists worldwide say the man made climate change is real and the consequences will be more and more drastic.

I see that you are here to talk down to people, because you think like a bigoted cultist.

Your consensus statement is worthless, doesn't meet the Scientific Method.

The article was only showing that Cold waves still exist, that was all.

This cold waves and other weather extremes show very well that the predictions in context "climate change" have to be taken serios.

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