‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

From the fastest warming place on Earth is a nice Arctic blast, despite that such cold isn't supposed to do that anymore due to superman CO2 awesome anti cold powers. The trace gas unfortunately can't keep up with muscular Jack Frost continuing defiance to stop spoiling the coming Utopia plans of the Green lobby.


‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

April 14

by Cap Allon


Record cold and snowfall hit many parts of North America over the Easter weekend, continuing what has so far been a largely Arctic April.

Records were toppled across many U.S. states, with Montana, Iowa, South Dakota, and Colorado seemingly worst hit.

A winter storm system moved through Iowa on Sunday delivering between three inches and a foot to the majority of locations — several northern Iowa towns saw all-time records tumble:



I am very worried these days, since our planetary savior, CO2 is slipping badly...…..

Here in Florida, numerous record high temperatures are taking place. Looking at localized temperatures is relatively worthless. When someone (like an actual scientist working from actual data) says that globe is warming, they mean the globe is warming. Their are still ranges of temperatures. Besides, the movement of Arctic air into the lower latitudes taking place the last several years is actually due to a decrease in the temperature difference between the poles and the equator, something that global warming has been accomplishing with a vengeance.

You are missing the obvious point of Post 1, 7, 13, not surprising since too many warmists concentrate on warming events and records, but ignore the cooling events and records.

It has been COOLING for nearly 4 years now, but warmists ignore that inconvenience because they have their heads up their ass.
Cooling for the last four years? My God, you are one dumb ass

View attachment 327533
Temps have been rising for 20000 years actually
Ah, more of those denier "I SAW A SNOWFLAKE, SO GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!" rants. Needless to say, they were silent during the preceding record warm spell. If it weren't for double standards, the deniers would have no standards at all.

The normal people were silent too. That's because we on the rational side aren't dumb enough or dishonest enough to go screaming "MY BACKYARD WAS WARM TODAY, SO GLOBAL WARMING IS PROVED!".

The two sides are totally different in that regard. Only the denier side relies on "LOCAL WEATHER IS GLOBAL CLIMATE!" fallacies.

AGW Cult Chart

Warmer= Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Concensus = Moonbat
From the fastest warming place on Earth is a nice Arctic blast, despite that such cold isn't supposed to do that anymore due to superman CO2 awesome anti cold powers. The trace gas unfortunately can't keep up with muscular Jack Frost continuing defiance to stop spoiling the coming Utopia plans of the Green lobby.


‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

April 14

by Cap Allon


Record cold and snowfall hit many parts of North America over the Easter weekend, continuing what has so far been a largely Arctic April.

Records were toppled across many U.S. states, with Montana, Iowa, South Dakota, and Colorado seemingly worst hit.

A winter storm system moved through Iowa on Sunday delivering between three inches and a foot to the majority of locations — several northern Iowa towns saw all-time records tumble:



I am very worried these days, since our planetary savior, CO2 is slipping badly...…..

Here in Florida, numerous record high temperatures are taking place. Looking at localized temperatures is relatively worthless. When someone (like an actual scientist working from actual data) says that globe is warming, they mean the globe is warming. Their are still ranges of temperatures. Besides, the movement of Arctic air into the lower latitudes taking place the last several years is actually due to a decrease in the temperature difference between the poles and the equator, something that global warming has been accomplishing with a vengeance.

You are missing the obvious point of Post 1, 7, 13, not surprising since too many warmists concentrate on warming events and records, but ignore the cooling events and records.

It has been COOLING for nearly 4 years now, but warmists ignore that inconvenience because they have their heads up their ass.
Cooling for the last four years? My God, you are one dumb ass

View attachment 327533
LOL added in the "Warming" trapped- like a rat! in the deep ocean
From the fastest warming place on Earth is a nice Arctic blast, despite that such cold isn't supposed to do that anymore due to superman CO2 awesome anti cold powers. The trace gas unfortunately can't keep up with muscular Jack Frost continuing defiance to stop spoiling the coming Utopia plans of the Green lobby.


‘Arctic April’ is Breaking Hundreds Of Cold Records in America

April 14

by Cap Allon


Record cold and snowfall hit many parts of North America over the Easter weekend, continuing what has so far been a largely Arctic April.

Records were toppled across many U.S. states, with Montana, Iowa, South Dakota, and Colorado seemingly worst hit.

A winter storm system moved through Iowa on Sunday delivering between three inches and a foot to the majority of locations — several northern Iowa towns saw all-time records tumble:



I am very worried these days, since our planetary savior, CO2 is slipping badly...…..
What complete nonsense.

View attachment 327526
Ah, more of those denier "I SAW A SNOWFLAKE, SO GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!" rants. Needless to say, they were silent during the preceding record warm spell. If it weren't for double standards, the deniers would have no standards at all.

The normal people were silent too. That's because we on the rational side aren't dumb enough or dishonest enough to go screaming "MY BACKYARD WAS WARM TODAY, SO GLOBAL WARMING IS PROVED!".

The two sides are totally different in that regard. Only the denier side relies on "LOCAL WEATHER IS GLOBAL CLIMATE!" fallacies.

Your Red Herring babble was very sloppy today, I never said anything about global warming being a hoax. It is people like YOU who employs the double standard, when you scream about any heat wave, warming phases, with over the top we are doomed messages over every small warm tick in the weather. Yet ignore all the cold waves, cooling phases, even fight against reality that it has COOLED since 2016, as YOU will right here.
Another really dumb ass statement by an ignoramus.

View attachment 327527

From the UAH website at https://www.nsstc.uah.edu/climate/2020/march/202003_map.png. Everything in shades of yellow and orange is warmer than seasonal norms. Shades of blue indicate cooler than seasonal norms. There is also the point that UAH data is all atmospheric, while NASA's GISSTemp includes the ERSST 4.0 sea surface temperature data.


Your second chart actually supports my claim that it has been cooler since 2016.

Next time use your glasses.....
What does the UAH data show over the long term? Is it getting colder? Is it staying the same? No and no. It shows, as does every other such dataset, that the world is getting warmer. Why do you think that is happening?
Why are archeologists "unearthing" imaginary 1,200 year old "Viking Artifacts" in Greenland. How is that possible? Did the Vikings drive CO2 spewing ships?
Why are archeologists "unearthing" imaginary 1,200 year old "Viking Artifacts" in Greenland. How is that possible? Did the Vikings drive CO2 spewing ships?

Southern iceland is not so bad even today. That it was slightly warmer 1,200 years ago does nothing to refute AGW. Nothing.
What does the UAH data show over the long term? Is it getting colder? Is it staying the same? No and no. It shows, as does every other such dataset, that the world is getting warmer. Why do you think that is happening?

This is what I wrote in POST 7,

It has been cooling since 2016, but they stridently ignore that all the time.

You reply with a SINGLE month chart, and a 42 year chart, neither doesn't address the specific years from 2016-2020

I specifically mentioned SINCE 2016.

Can't you people read.....?

.88C in 2016

.48C in 2020

Math is hard for warmists....
No one (except I guess for you) has ever even suggested that greenhouse warming from CO2 emissions is the only process that can affect global temperatures. So you are both applying faulty logic and illustrating your ignorance on this topic, even after YEARS of hanging out here. Are you really that unteachable or are you just that frightened of the idea that you might be wrong?
AGW Cult Chart

Warmer= Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Concensus = Moonbat

Flat earthers also tell me how I'm the real cultist. Compared to you deniers, they're freakin' brilliant. And they cry a lot less.

At this stage, you're only interesting as an example of how hardcore cultists usually self-lobotomize through a combination of fanaticism and heavy drinking.
Last edited:
I specifically mentioned SINCE 2016.

Can't you people read.....?

Out of pity, we were ignoring you.


Seriously, we were genuinely ignoring you out of pity.
Your second chart actually supports my claim that it has been cooler since 2016.

Next time use your glasses.....
Nest time, get a brain, Tommy boi. The six warmest years on record are this year and the last five. Yes, since 2016 we have not had a year as warm as 2016, but every year since then, as well as 2015, have been warmer than any other year in the satellite record. But that does not fit your cherry picking lie, now does it.
What does the UAH data show over the long term? Is it getting colder? Is it staying the same? No and no. It shows, as does every other such dataset, that the world is getting warmer. Why do you think that is happening?

This is what I wrote in POST 7,

It has been cooling since 2016, but they stridently ignore that all the time.

You reply with a SINGLE month chart, and a 42 year chart, neither doesn't address the specific years from 2016-2020

I specifically mentioned SINCE 2016.

Can't you people read.....?

.88C in 2016

.48C in 2020

Math is hard for warmists....
Of course we can read, well enough to see that you are forming a lie with your cherry picking. Here are the facts;

Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
Image result for warmest years on record noaa
The warmest years globally have all occurred since 1998, with the top ten being 2016, 2019, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2014, 2010, 2013 and 2005 (tied), and 1998, respectively.Feb 14, 2020
What does the UAH data show over the long term? Is it getting colder? Is it staying the same? No and no. It shows, as does every other such dataset, that the world is getting warmer. Why do you think that is happening?

This is what I wrote in POST 7,

It has been cooling since 2016, but they stridently ignore that all the time.

You reply with a SINGLE month chart, and a 42 year chart, neither doesn't address the specific years from 2016-2020

I specifically mentioned SINCE 2016.

Can't you people read.....?

.88C in 2016

.48C in 2020

Math is hard for warmists....
Of course we can read, well enough to see that you are forming a lie with your cherry picking. Here are the facts;

Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
View attachment 329357
The warmest years globally have all occurred since 1998, with the top ten being 2016, 2019, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2014, 2010, 2013 and 2005 (tied), and 1998, respectively.Feb 14, 2020

Here is a COMPOSITE of all of the temperature data centers in one chart:



Did you say it was a …. lie?

I have to laugh....before Covid hit, absolutely nobody was giving a shit about global warming.


You have more interest in the Distance Spitting World Championships.
I have to laugh. Actually I don't. All this time and all this debate you haven't learned . one . single . fucking . thing.

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