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Arctic Ice Gain Embarrasses Global Warming Scientists. 40-Year Meteorologist: “Don’t Be Surprised Ov

You seem confused. Warming means warming. Why do so many deniers think that cooling means warming? You never see anyone on the rational side making that claim.

Your penchant for projecting your own stupid beliefs onto others as a defense for your position is failing miserably. It is you wacko warmer cultists who claim that warming = colder weather. How many times have you idiots claimed that the record breaking cold winter time temperatures are due to global warming?

How many articles would you like from climate science which claim that warming = colder weather? They are available in abundance.
"You're not even trying to defend your stupid and dishonest tactic of looking at the short term instead of the trend. You just repeat your fallacy over and over. Making the same mistake with 4 different graphs doesn't make it any less of a mistake."

Mamooths pathetic reply since he IGNORED this chart that showed BOTH short trends in it:


Never once disputed that there has been a decline since 1979, even said so right here!

"For one thing most skeptics have acknowledged the decline, which happened before nearly 100 years earlier, then it came back up to the probably Century high in the late 1970's, before a new decline sets in."

You are a grossly dishonest person, one who deliberately ignore what others say because you are so wedded to a belief that you will twist or lie on anything to maintain your delusions. Skeptical science chart was misleading and dishonest, which is why I exposed it in POST 13, showing that declines and increases are cyclic, that skeptics don't dispute the decline, while YOU and others are resisting hard evidence that it is NOT currently declining and hasn't for 12 years now.

SSDD, shows a chart from a published paper showing a much longer cycle in which a similar low point was in the late 1920's to the early 1940's, to reach the century high in the early 1970's, similar to my statement I posted:

"then it came back up to the probably Century high in the late 1970's, "

Meanwhile your SS chart shows that starting in 2006, it is NOT declining anymore, meanwhile no one here has ever said it is in recovery mode a dozen different times, it is a lie!

You have tried hard to ignore the two sources showing a flat to a slight increase in ice cover since 2007, you once again show your overt dishonesty by posting a skeptical science chart starting in 1979, while the two charts I posted started in 2007 to show it is not declining anymore, in DEFIANCE to warmists scientists who predicted it would be all gone in the Summer time a few years earlier...….


You are as usual pathetic in your dishonest lying presentations.
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"You're not even trying to defend your stupid and dishonest tactic of looking at the short term instead of the trend. You just repeat your fallacy over and over. Making the same mistake with 4 different graphs doesn't make it any less of a mistake."

Mamooths pathetic reply since he IGNORED this chart that showed BOTH short trends in it:


Never once disputed that there has been a decline since 1979, even said so right here!

"For one thing most skeptics have acknowledged the decline, which happened before nearly 100 years earlier, then it came back up to the probably Century high in the late 1970's, before a new decline sets in."

You are a grossly dishonest person, one who deliberately ignore what others say because you are so wedded to a belief that you will twist or lie on anything to maintain your delusions. Skeptical science chart was misleading and dishonest, which is why I exposed it in POST 13, showing that declines and increases are cyclic, that skeptics don't dispute the decline, while YOU and others are resisting hard evidence that it is NOT currently declining and hasn't for 12 years now.

SSDD, shows a chart from a published paper showing a much longer cycle in which a similar low point was in the late 1920's to the early 1940's, to reach the century high in the early 1970's, similar to my statement I posted:

"then it came back up to the probably Century high in the late 1970's, "

You have tried hard to ignore the two sources showing a flat to a slight increase in ice cover since 2007, you once again show your overt dishonesty by posting a skeptical science chart starting in 1979, while the two charts I posted started in 2007 to show it is not declining anymore, in DEFIANCE to warmists scientists who predicted it would be all gone in the Summer time.

You are as usual pathetic in your dishonest lying presentations.
when there isn't anything you can post or show.
I see that mamooth, completely ignored this statement I made in POST 13

"Despite all that undisputed decline since the 1970's, Polar Bears TRIPLED in population size to a new official high of around 30,000 today. This despite the lower Summer Sea Ice levels that supposedly horrible to them."

Maybe because he hasn't figured out his latest delusion deflection attempt against that reality?

But of course there IS a good reason why Low to no Summer ice cover is mostly irrelevant to Polar Bear survival.
I see that mamooth, completely ignored this statement I made in POST 13

"Despite all that undisputed decline since the 1970's, Polar Bears TRIPLED in population size to a new official high of around 30,000 today. This despite the lower Summer Sea Ice levels that supposedly horrible to them."

Maybe because he hasn't figured out his latest delusion deflection attempt against that reality?

But of course there IS a good reason why Low to no Summer ice cover is mostly irrelevant to Polar Bear survival.
convenient ignorance.
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
That's precisely what they will say.

And my next comment will trigger them I'm sure, but what does this constant "end of the world" predicting sound like?? Does it not sound like the "end time prophecies" of various theistic religions, religions which these types of people regularly make fun of??

More evidence that Global Warming is religion rather than science...

In fact, Global Warming outright rejects not only science, but logic and mathematics as well...
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
That's precisely what they will say.

And my next comment will trigger them I'm sure, but what does this constant "end of the world" predicting sound like?? Does it not sound like the "end time prophecies" of various theistic religions, religions which these types of people regularly make fun of??

More evidence that Global Warming is religion rather than science...

In fact, Global Warming outright rejects not only science, but logic and mathematics as well...

Gore has frantically re-written and lied about his predictions from his movie "An Inconvenient Truth".

But his original prediction was not about extenuating circumstances of a storm like Sandy slamming into New York or any “storm surge” at all. It was about the sea level rise that would be generated as (he predicted) ice melt in Greenland and Antarctica escalated dramatically.

The latest maps show that Greenland still has ice 11 years after Gore’s prediction of catastrophic melt due to global warming.

What’s worse than Gore’s rewrite of history is that online media not only aren’t exposing it, they’re perpetuating the distortion. EcoWatch reported on Jan. 23, “Al Gore’s Prediction Came True.” SlashFilm.com also posted on Jan. 22, that “Flooding Predictions From the First Film Have Come True.”

As for claims that Hurricane/"Superstorm" Sandy was the result of manmade climate change, there are scientists who dispute it. Even The Washington Post admitted, “Climate change does not cause storms and did not cause Superstorm Sandy. The historic record shows violent storms, some even more severe than Sandy, have struck the Northeast repeatedly.” The article quoted multiple scientists who disputed such attempts to place blame on “climate change.”

Gore Rewrites 'Inconvenient' Claim About NYC Flooding in Sequel Promo
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
That's precisely what they will say.

And my next comment will trigger them I'm sure, but what does this constant "end of the world" predicting sound like?? Does it not sound like the "end time prophecies" of various theistic religions, religions which these types of people regularly make fun of??

More evidence that Global Warming is religion rather than science...

In fact, Global Warming outright rejects not only science, but logic and mathematics as well...

Gore has frantically re-written and lied about his predictions from his movie "An Inconvenient Truth".

But his original prediction was not about extenuating circumstances of a storm like Sandy slamming into New York or any “storm surge” at all. It was about the sea level rise that would be generated as (he predicted) ice melt in Greenland and Antarctica escalated dramatically.

The latest maps show that Greenland still has ice 11 years after Gore’s prediction of catastrophic melt due to global warming.

What’s worse than Gore’s rewrite of history is that online media not only aren’t exposing it, they’re perpetuating the distortion. EcoWatch reported on Jan. 23, “Al Gore’s Prediction Came True.” SlashFilm.com also posted on Jan. 22, that “Flooding Predictions From the First Film Have Come True.”

As for claims that Hurricane/"Superstorm" Sandy was the result of manmade climate change, there are scientists who dispute it. Even The Washington Post admitted, “Climate change does not cause storms and did not cause Superstorm Sandy. The historic record shows violent storms, some even more severe than Sandy, have struck the Northeast repeatedly.” The article quoted multiple scientists who disputed such attempts to place blame on “climate change.”

Gore Rewrites 'Inconvenient' Claim About NYC Flooding in Sequel Promo
hahaha I believe it... He was only in it for the money.. He didn't believe any of the shit he spewed from his mouth, since he hasn't made any lifestyle changes that would be "in-line" with his rhetoric... I guess that's just for "everybody else" to do... Typical Leftist Marxist Democrat...
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
dude, they waited forty years and that wasn't long enough. no, no, let's say.........hmmmm another 11 years and then we'll die.

Cause they're nothing if not flaming looney toons. cuckoo fks to say the least. they are friggin all fking knowing. ask them!! I'm amazed they don't win the lottery every week.
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
That's precisely what they will say.

And my next comment will trigger them I'm sure, but what does this constant "end of the world" predicting sound like?? Does it not sound like the "end time prophecies" of various theistic religions, religions which these types of people regularly make fun of??

More evidence that Global Warming is religion rather than science...

In fact, Global Warming outright rejects not only science, but logic and mathematics as well...

It is one of the classic hallmarks of cults...they only exist because they are the only ones aware of impending doom. They produce a constant stream of revised and recycled prophecies of doom. Humanity is doomed in X years if we don't act now...

Their primary message is repent or burn...doesn't sound quasi religious to me...that sort of message sounds like full blown religious fundamentalism.
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
That's precisely what they will say.

And my next comment will trigger them I'm sure, but what does this constant "end of the world" predicting sound like?? Does it not sound like the "end time prophecies" of various theistic religions, religions which these types of people regularly make fun of??

More evidence that Global Warming is religion rather than science...

In fact, Global Warming outright rejects not only science, but logic and mathematics as well...

It is one of the classic hallmarks of cults...they only exist because they are the only ones aware of impending doom. They produce a constant stream of revised and recycled prophecies of doom. Humanity is doomed in X years if we don't act now...

Their primary message is repent or burn...doesn't sound quasi religious to me...that sort of message sounds like full blown religious fundamentalism.
Yup, indeed it is! Religion is fine in and of itself, but when one becomes a fundamentalist of their religion, that becomes a problem (as it is usually anger/hate fueled and it usually renders the person blind to other ways of thinking). I used to be a fundamentalist of my Christian religion at one point during my short life. It led me to "war" against the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution. It blinded me. It didn't allow me to properly consider other theories, nor allow me to understand WHY I believe what I believe (as in, how the logic behind my beliefs flowed).

Now that I have gained understanding of these things, I am no longer a "warrior" against those other theories. I am now generally accepting of the Theory of Evolution (though I outright reject the Natural Selection Theory that people attach to it as the "vehicle" due to the existence of falsifications for that theory, such as it ultimately arguing a paradox as well as the fact that albino species do exist even though they shouldn't exist if Natural Selection were true) and I am an agnostic regarding the Big Bang Theory. On that one, I simply shrug my shoulders and say "I don't know". I don't hold a belief either way.

What these AGW cultists do is they ultimately end up arguing Pascal's Wager. We "must take action now" to "prevent impeding doom". It is "smarter" for us to "do something" so that we avoid the "negative consequences" of doing nothing. Pascal's Wager is a fallacy. Maybe there will be NO consequences if we "do nothing"... Maybe it doesn't matter whether we try to "do something" or not... It's just not logical to argue that way. Pascal originally tried to argue that way in a Christian framework. He tried to argue that one ought to "believe in God" lest they face "eternal damnation in Hell". It would be "smarter" to do so since there was "everything to gain" and "nothing to lose"... That simply isn't true... Maybe there will be no consequence for not believing in God... Maybe the consequence will happen either way... Pascal's argument is not a sound one... That's what these AGW twits are arguing, but they are just replacing the Christian framework of the original argument with their own religious framework...
More bad news for the warmists propagandist, the Arctic region has stabilized with a forecast of increasing summer ice cover into the future. It never did agree with overrated warmist scientists who study that region, with their overblown no summer ice cover forecasts made in the PREVIOUS decade.

No Tricks Zone

Arctic Ice Gain Embarrasses Global Warming Scientists. 40-Year Meteorologist: “Don’t Be Surprised Over What Happens Next 10 -15 Years!

By P Gosselin on 21. April 2019


Yesterday I wrote here how some scientists misrepresent the observed data concerning Greenland ice melt in order to get the alarming results they want. There we see that Greenland has been melting, but recently much more slowly than what we are often led to believe.

Looking at the latest Greenland ice volume data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), we see that currently the ice volume is below normal, but well within the range of the past 17 years:

Data source: Danish Meteorological Institute. Chart by Kirye

It appears the Arctic sea have bottomed out, with increasing confidence of ice gain forecast into the near future. The silly overconfident predictions of the last decade have failed utterly. Summer Ice cover has stabilized or increased slightly in size since 2007.

The North Atlantic show signs of a cooling phase in the near future as well, already had some short cooling spells recently. The data shows a flattened trend of the last decade, meaning no more increasing warming trend anymore, the warming outflow is decreasing.


So, tell us, did ice loss "bottom out" between 1982 and 1992? How about between 2000 and 2004? How about between 2010 and 2014? The loss of ice volume in the Arctic and the world in general is due directly (melting) and indirectly (wx pattern changes), simply, to rising temperatures. Global temperatures have NOT stopped rising. So WHAT THE FUCK do you think would cause ice mass loss to cease? Thoughts and prayers?
View attachment 662439

So, tell us, did ice loss "bottom out" between 1982 and 1992? How about between 2000 and 2004? How about between 2010 and 2014? The loss of ice volume in the Arctic and the world in general is due directly (melting) and indirectly (wx pattern changes), simply, to rising temperatures. Global temperatures have NOT stopped rising. So WHAT THE FUCK do you think would cause ice mass loss to cease? Thoughts and prayers?
Even though you have been shown that the model used by these people fails 100% of the time you still use it.


WE are back inside the 30 year average. this means we are gaining ice pack, not losing it. Even your failed model show that loss has stopped, and we are now rebounding.

View attachment 662439

So, tell us, did ice loss "bottom out" between 1982 and 1992? How about between 2000 and 2004? How about between 2010 and 2014? The loss of ice volume in the Arctic and the world in general is due directly (melting) and indirectly (wx pattern changes), simply, to rising temperatures. Global temperatures have NOT stopped rising. So WHAT THE FUCK do you think would cause ice mass loss to cease? Thoughts and prayers?

You used the only 100% modelled sea ice chart but I will use it to show the decline stopped about 14 years ago,
piomas-ice-volume-to-mar-2021 (1).png

The below is MASIE and SII:


Year end sea ice NOAA SII:


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View attachment 662439

So, tell us, did ice loss "bottom out" between 1982 and 1992? How about between 2000 and 2004? How about between 2010 and 2014? The loss of ice volume in the Arctic and the world in general is due directly (melting) and indirectly (wx pattern changes), simply, to rising temperatures. Global temperatures have NOT stopped rising. So WHAT THE FUCK do you think would cause ice mass loss to cease? Thoughts and prayers?
We're in the interglacial cycle of a highly interconnected and complex system in the middle of an ice age. The threshold for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation is less than 2C away.
We're in the interglacial cycle of a highly interconnected and complex system in the middle of an ice age. The threshold for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation is less than 2C away.
The near 1 watt/meter^2 shift in power output on the sun can easily tilt us into glaciation. The loss of just that much warming, over 72% of the globe, is having devastating consequences to the ENSO. A drop of over 2.5 deg C. so far in the oceans. It's only a matter of time before the atmosphere follows suit and the cooling has already started.
The near 1 watt/meter^2 shift in power output on the sun can easily tilt us into glaciation. The loss of just that much warming, over 72% of the globe, is having devastating consequences to the ENSO. A drop of over 2.5 deg C. so far in the oceans. It's only a matter of time before the atmosphere follows suit and the cooling has already started.
Given the belief that a net 0.6 W/m^2 is absorbed I can see how a 1 W/m^2 could start that shift. I don't believe many people realize what a precarious perch we are on with respect to northern hemisphere glaciation. There's a lot of land for glaciers to grow on. Albedo becomes a snowball rolling down a hill. That's how we can drop 5C to 8C in a hurry. Pardon the pun.
Given the belief that a net 0.6 W/m^2 is absorbed I can see how a 1 W/m^2 could start that shift. I don't believe many people realize what a precarious perch we are on with respect to northern hemisphere glaciation. There's a lot of land for glaciers to grow on. Albedo becomes a snowball rolling down a hill. That's how we can drop 5C to 8C in a hurry. Pardon the pun.
I was looking at the DMI data and found this:

KPC_U 2022-04-01 00:00:00.0

Temperature (°C): -23.72

Windspeed (m/s): 3.57

Incoming Sunshine (W/m²): -78.35

See details at GEUS

They monitor downwelling radiation at each of their monitoring stations. A negative number means the outgoing LWIR is more than the incoming solar radiation. Most of the stations are in the low 100's which is a far cry from the Trenberth energy balance graphing... Just an interesting side note.. Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

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