Arctic ice thins dramatically

That does not look like the bottom of the glacier to me.

[ame=]YouTube - Must see video of Greenland melting (2009.02.20)[/ame]
Beautiful video with this article.

Greenland Ice Melt Sets New Record - Environment - GOOD

So, in fact, our headline understates the facts. Greenland is losing a France-sized area of ice more than it was losing 30 years ago. (That seemed a little cumbersome for a headline.) It's worth noting here that an incredible amount of water is stored in Greenland's ice sheet. The ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are the biggest sea level threats, as they're land-based, so when they melt, it adds water volume to the ocean. (As opposed to ice caps, which are already floating on the sea and don't really have any impact on sea levels when they melt. Though there are other troubling impacts.)

Three miles thick in some parts, there's enough ice on Greenland that, if it were all to melt, sea levels would rise about 20 feet. Current models don't anticipate that happening anytime soon—not this century, at least—but then again, the melt is fast exceeding pretty much all models have predicted thus far.

All the doom and gloom aside for a moment, there is something just plainly beautiful about the patterns of the rivers and superglacial lakes and waterfalls cutting through Greenland's ice sheet. Tedesco has some video from his latest research trip:
Some German input on the effects of global warming.

08.06.2009 Global Warming: Oxygen and Aquatic Habitats in a Changing World

Global Warming: Oxygen and Aquatic Habitats in a Changing World

All higher aquatic life depends on oxygen. It is, thus, an alarming finding that hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions in aquatic ecosystems increase in number, duration and extent due to global warming and eutrophication.
On the 1st of April the EU-funded project HYPOX started with the goal to understand causes, temporal dynamics, future trends and consequences of hypoxia (i.e., low oxygen conditions) in aquatic systems.
The alarming observation of propagating “dead zones” where ecosystems collapse due to oxygen depletion as well as the potential worsening effect of climate change call for stronger scientific efforts in this field. Global warming will lead to degassing of oxygen, increased stratification, reduced deep-water circulation and changes in wind patterns affecting transport and mixing. Observed and projected increases in hypoxia are accompanied by enhanced emission of greenhouse gases and losses in biodiversity as well as ecosystem functions and services such as fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. A better understanding of global changes in oxygen depletion requires a global observation system continuously monitoring oxygen and associated parameters at high resolution, including the assessment of physical mixing and of the role of the seafloor in controlling the sensitivity of aquatic systems to oxygen depletion and their recovery after periods of hypoxia.
WBGU: Home

Klimapolitik nach Kopenhagen: Auf drei Ebenen zum Erfolg
Politikpapier 6

WBGU, Berlin, 2010

Die internationale Klimapolitik befindet sich nach der Klimakonferenz von Kopenhagen in einer Krise: Das erhoffte umfassende und verpflichtende UN-Klimaabkommen ist derzeit nicht absehbar. Damit eine Erhöhung der globalen Mitteltemperatur um mehr als 2 °C bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts noch verhindert werden kann, müssen in der internationalen Klimadiplomatie innerhalb weniger Jahre entscheidende Weichen gestellt werden. mehr...

NO DOWNWARD TREND WHATSOEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now here is a more accurate graph;

Note the low points 1979 to 1989, about 5 to 5 1/2 million. Now the last four years have been running about 3 million. Then you have the high points, 1979 to 1989, 14 to 15 million. High points for the last four years, 13 to 14 million.

But you state that is not a downward trend? You and Ian seem to be incapable of reading even the simplist of graphs. Even on your graph, you can see the downward trend on both the high and the low end. What are you drinking, Bi, old boy? Torpedo juice?
Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Is it really so difficult for you to understand that proof of an event does not even begin to approach proof of the cause of the event? Can you or can you not provide some proof that man is responsible?

Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations

�� Between 10,000 and 150 years ago, atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O were relatively stable. In the last 150 years, concentrations of CH4 and N2O increased 148% and 18%, respectively. Pre-Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 remained around 280 parts per million by volume (ppm). The seasonal-corrected measurement of CO2 in the summer of 2007 was 383 ppm.4 With other greenhouse gases, the total effect was 460 ppm CO2.

Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Anthropogenic CO2 is emitted primarily from fossil fuel combustion. Cement production and changes in land use – e.g., deforestation are other significant sources of CO2 emissions. CH4 and N2O are emitted from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Agriculture (domestic livestock), landfills, and natural gas
systems are the primary anthropogenic sources of CH4. Agricultural soil management (fertilizers) contributes 67% of anthropogenic N2O, while mobile and stationary combustion, and livestock are other significant sources. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are used as replacement gases for ozone depleting substances (CFCs) that were once utilized in refrigeration, cooling, and as solvents. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are used primarily for manufacturing semiconductors, and SF6 is used in electricity distribution equipment, as
well as the magnesium and aluminum production industries.
That does not look like the bottom of the glacier to me.

YouTube - Must see video of Greenland melting (2009.02.20)

Man oh man, there is no end to your stupidity and you fall for every "global warming" stage prop there is.
First of all, do you know the operating radius of a jet ranger helicopter?...that alone should have tipped you off where these "save the glaciers" movie actors were.!!!
As if they were there for more than just posing for a "global warming proof" video for Youtube.
We supply REAL expeditions that REALLY EXPLORE glaciers on Greenland & Ellesmere and it takes several Sikorsky loads for 3 or 4 guys...
Aside from their video camera and a rucksack they had nothing else with them...
that went right by you and all the morons like you as well..

I can tell you EXACTLY where that was...they filmed it at this spot...:


I made 2 composites, hoping someone even as stupid as you gets the drift

Left top is the bottom of the ice field where each July TV camera crews film "the melting Greenland" for Al Gore, and after about 2 or 3 hours they fuck off and go back to New York or where ever they came from
Churchill Manitoba, same thing. "Geraldo`s" from all over the world appear within hours after Manitoba Hydro has to dump from the Conowapa, Kettle Rapids, Longs Spruce, Limestone rapids and all the other Nelson River reservoirs into the Hudson bay, just to get "Starving Polar Bear" footage..
and we can`t even get a hotel-room when we visit family in Churchill, because of all these urban fuck heads with TV cameras are hogging all of Churchill`s accommodations... next Morning there is ice as far as the eye can see and thank God all these bastards pack up and fuck off...
It`s as if the Hotel Operators have a hot-line to TV stations and or GW "researchers"...
Why not...aside from assholes taking pictures an video footage of "starving Polarbears waiting for the ice" there is no tourism in Churchill..NEVER EVER...!!! .and all it takes is one phone call, after that they are booked out solid at triple the going rate for a flee bag bed in Churchill

This video and this very location on Greenland...SAME THING !!!!
In the composite picture looking at this glacier, just above there are lots of places where it`s real easy to set down a chopper, we go there all the time to sunbathe and thaw out our bones. Top right is the view from the bottom of the ice field where they filmed this video...
This river has been flowing for ...well how many 10`s of 1000`s of years does it take to form sandbanks and sediments..? Ask a Geologist like Westwall, he knows better than I would...!
Lower left is the mouth of this river, where these clowns were filming for their dramatic "Greenland is melting...a must see video"

And You know what`s on the other side where they were?...
FORT CONGER where ships have sailed since 1876, ships that were definitely not ice breakers ...!!!
see lower right...
You fucking dumb numb-skull, I already showed you how many times now, what`s there..
I`ll show You again..:


Why the fuck don`t you ask the "Greenland is melting" assholes to make a video of all the tree stumps on the other side of the Straits where they keep shooting their dramatic CO2 is melting Greenland videos, ever since this global warming fraud started...!

This is the view of Greenland from where the tree stumps are, and up top we see Jet Ranger Helicopters bringing in TV crews and National Geographic Photographers to document for stupid people like You that Greenland has started to melt, right after we had cars...

But I really had a laugh when these Youtube actors started their dramatic dare-devil descent, which for some reason they did not film...because they probably faked that as well...

If somebody really wanted to know where these holes go, they could have just any of asked us who are stationed up there!
Because we go in there for a walk from below where the water that feeds that age old river comes out from the "Melting Greenland" Disneyland ice field for tourists ..see lower right

Looking at what you do..:
"OldRocks"...join date : Join Date: Oct 2008, # of posts...: 14,664
that`s on average 27 per day EVERY DAY for 3 years just in this forum..
God knows how much more of the same garbage you post elsewhere...
Aside from your Google scavenging for every piece of "global warming" crap, you don`t seem to have much more of a life, not much more than other low life creatures...

I spent about 40 Years in total in the arctic, 15 of these 40 in Greenland & on Ellesmere Island...summer AND WINTER...not like these "Global Warming" con-artists, that fly in for 1 or 2 days in July produce fucking crap like that, for gullible people

I know every nook and cranny of Greenland and the Canadian side of the arctic,...
what the fuck makes you think you can con me with a piece of video crap like that...

On the other hand it might be worth it to make a few videos that really rip the shit out of this fucking "Melting Greenland" fraud...:


There are lots more of similar offers from many different countries lately
I should just give 'Skookerasbil" a couple of CD`s full of the pictures I have from up there, he might enjoy it to blow your and Al Gore`s head clean off with it...!
As far as I`m concerned I might even throw in some more prize money myself...!

And by the way "OldRocks" I don`t believe one word coming from You...:
About Old Rocks

I am an active, pretty much physically average man.
Portland, Ore.
Geology, music, I play a five string and a guitar, history
Millwright, in a steel mill

Anybody can be anything on the internet, somewhere else on facebook you are probably 21, single, blond and Swedish..
Show me a picture, that shows some stuff a Millwhright in a Steelmill ought to have..
like your hardhat with a Union sticker...
I got no trouble showing some of mine, I got a closet full:


On the back of the cap is my call name.."B" stands for Base, the Gen, CME uses the abbreviated word for engineer, and the "O" stands for Officer.
That`s what I did @ Alert and Thule Airbase...

How hard could it be to show us some millwright stuff...I bet You don`t even have a lunch pail to show, because dope dealers who sell indoor grown pot don`t need any...except growing lamps and solar panels on the roof there`s not much else they do need

I advise you to quit smoking your own merchandise, it sure as hell isn`t making you smarter
Last edited:
That does not look like the bottom of the glacier to me.

YouTube - Must see video of Greenland melting (2009.02.20)

Man oh man, there is no end to your stupidity and you fall for every "global warming" stage prop there is.
First of all, do you know the operating radius of a jet ranger helicopter?...that alone should have tipped you off where these "save the glaciers" movie actors were.!!!
[ame=]YouTube - Must see video of Greenland melting (2009.02.20)[/ame]
As if they were there for more than just posing for a "global warming proof" video for Youtube.
We supply REAL expeditions that REALLY EXPLORE glaciers on Greenland & Ellesmere and it takes several Sikorsky loads for 3 or 4 guys...
Aside from their video camera and a rucksack they had nothing else with them...
that went right by you and all the morons like you as well..

I can tell you EXACTLY where that was...they filmed it at this spot...:


I made 2 composites, hoping someone even as stupid as you gets the drift

Left top is the bottom of the ice field where each July TV camera crews film "the melting Greenland" for Al Gore, and after about 2 or 3 hours they fuck off and go back to New York or where ever they came from
Churchill Manitoba, same thing. "Geraldo`s" from all over the world appear within hours after Manitoba Hydro has to dump from the Conowapa, Kettle Rapids, Longs Spruce, Limestone rapids and all the other Nelson River reservoirs into the Hudson bay, just to get "Starving Polar Bear" footage..
and we can`t even get a hotel-room when we visit family in Churchill, because of all these urban fuck heads with TV cameras are hogging all of Churchill`s accommodations... next Morning there is ice as far as the eye can see and thank God all these bastards pack up and fuck off...
It`s as if the Hotel Operators have a hot-line to TV stations and or GW "researchers"...
Why not...aside from assholes taking pictures an video footage of "starving Polarbears waiting for the ice" there is no tourism in Churchill..NEVER EVER...!!! .and all it takes is one phone call, after that they are booked out solid at triple the going rate for a flee bag bed in Churchill

This video and this very location on Greenland...SAME THING !!!!
In the composite picture looking at this glacier, just above there are lots of places where it`s real easy to set down a chopper, we go there all the time to sunbathe and thaw out our bones. Top right is the view from the bottom of the ice field where they filmed this video...
This river has been flowing for ...well how many 10`s of 1000`s of years does it take to form sandbanks and sediments..? Ask a Geologist like Westwall, he knows better than I would...!
Lower left is the mouth of this river, where these clowns were filming for their dramatic "Greenland is melting...a must see video"

And You know what`s on the other side where they were?...
FORT CONGER where ships have sailed since 1876, ships that were definitely not ice breakers ...!!!
see lower right...
You fucking dumb numb-skull, I already showed you how many times now, what`s there..
I`ll show You again..:


Why the fuck don`t you ask the "Greenland is melting" assholes to make a video of all the tree stumps on the other side of the Straits where they keep shooting their dramatic CO2 is melting Greenland videos, ever since this global warming fraud started...!

This is the view of Greenland from where the tree stumps are, and up top we see Jet Ranger Helicopters bringing in TV crews and National Geographic Photographers to document for stupid people like You that Greenland has started to melt, right after we had cars...

But I really had a laugh when these Youtube actors started their dramatic dare-devil descent, which for some reason they did not film...because they probably faked that as well...

If somebody really wanted to know where these holes go, they could have just any of asked us who are stationed up there!
Because we go in there for a walk from below where the water that feeds that age old river comes out from the "Melting Greenland" Disneyland ice field for tourists ..see lower right

Looking at what you do..:
"OldRocks"...join date : Join Date: Oct 2008, # of posts...: 14,664
that`s on average 27 per day EVERY DAY for 3 years just in this forum..
God knows how much more of the same garbage you post elsewhere...
Aside from your Google scavenging for every piece of "global warming" crap, you don`t seem to have much more of a life, not much more than other low life creatures...

I spent about 40 Years in total in the arctic, 15 of these 40 in Greenland & on Ellesmere Island...summer AND WINTER...not like these "Global Warming" con-artists, that fly in for 1 or 2 days in July produce fucking crap like that, for gullible people

I know every nook and cranny of Greenland and the Canadian side of the arctic,...
what the fuck makes you think you can con me with a piece of video crap like that...

On the other hand it might be worth it to make a few videos that really rip the shit out of this fucking "Melting Greenland" fraud...:


There are lots more of similar offers from many different countries lately
I should just give 'Skookerasbil" a couple of CD`s full of the pictures I have from up there, he might enjoy it to blow your and Al Gore`s head clean off with it...!
As far as I`m concerned I might even throw in some more prize money myself...!

And by the way "OldRocks" I don`t believe one word coming from You...:
About Old Rocks

I am an active, pretty much physically average man.
Portland, Ore.
Geology, music, I play a five string and a guitar, history
Millwright, in a steel mill

Anybody can be anything on the internet, somewhere else on facebook you are probably 21, single, blond and Swedish..
Show me a picture, that shows some stuff a Millwhright in a Steelmill ought to have..
like your hardhat with a Union sticker...
I got no trouble showing some of mine, I got a closet full:


On the back of the cap is my call name.."B" stands for Base, the Gen, CME uses the abbreviated word for engineer, and the "O" stands for Officer.
That`s what I did @ Alert and Thule Airbase...

How hard could it be to show us some millwright stuff...I bet You don`t even have a lunch pail to show, because dope dealers who sell indoor grown pot don`t need any...except growing lamps and solar panels on the roof there`s not much else they do need

I advise you to quit smoking your own merchandise, it sure as hell isn`t making you smarter

That was pretty funny! You should ask to see his rock hammer too!
That was pretty funny! You should ask to see his rock hammer too!

He can`t show us that one either, he had an accident with it and wacked his head trying to get at the rocks in`s still stuck in his skull...
I`m still up doing the graveyard shift babysitting one of our kids that came down with the flu..
So I thought I`ld look at the 50 or so reply posts from "OldRocks-the millwright/would be Geologist"

This video he linked, one guy calls himself a physist, and says that "ice melt on a scale of 1 to 10 is an 11, it could flood Germany under 1 meter of water in one year" and the other one claims to be a glaciologist" and neither realized that on that ice field where they filmed that was just the top snow cover that melts there every summer, not the glacier itself...
"Germany would be flooded under one meter of water"..from the run off from the top snow melting...
Fuck imagine what Greenland would look like today if the top snow layer did not melt in the summer.
You could mountaineer to the moon, with the pile of snow that would be on top of this southern Greenland ice-field where they filmed...
And the rest of Greenland where the snow top layer does not melt even in the summer would be the same, were it not that cold...way to cold for snowfall...
I thought this jerk "OldRocks" would comprehend by now...
Up North where I am it ONLY SNOWS WHEN WARM AIR MOVES IN...!!!

That it hardly ever snows in the colder parts of Greenland and Ellesmere is even all over the internet...and the little bit of snow we do get is blown away by the furious wind storms we have....
On my first day in this forum I said so and even posted pictures...actually some guy did it from my photobucket, because I was not allowed to post direct links till I had 10 posts...

Anyway on these pictures it was clearly visible, that the snow that is further away from this Greenland warm spot stays all summer, does not melt and is drift snow, like sand dune drifts in the Sahara...
My God, according to these climatologists Sahara desert sand snowed from sand clouds in the sky then too...
The amount of precipitation on Greenland is as little as in the Sahara desert...even wikipedia has that one right...
That warm spot where these "melting Greenland videos" are filmed all the time,for the same reasons as the "starving polar bears" in Churchill ALWAYS was that "warm", because the water temperature in the Nares Strait up to this spot ALWAYS IS AND ALWAYS WAS 2-3 deg Celsius. Go just ~50 miles further and You need an ice breaker...and that`s why the crew of the HMS Discovery died right there, after that it was all ice...this stretch we also nickname the banana belt, because it ALWAYS was unusually warm right there on both sides of the Nares Strait.
Shit, You can find spots like that all over Northern BC and the Yukon. Nor far from Whitehorse going towards Skagway you can wear shorts while just 1 hour drive in the other direction You`l freeze to death unless You wear a parka over a snowmobile suit.

All it takes is some warm water and a mountain valley with prevailing winds going through from that direction...You know it, most people know it, Michael Mann lies about it and Al Gore + his following are just too fucking stupid to understand it
Last edited:
Polar should debate would be the end of the whole scam!!! Gore would look like the fraud he is.

Al's busy these days getting his rooster whacked off by a massage therapist. Tipper said no more!

Hi Bernard from Bernhard..! I was playing with the thought to use my first name here in this forum, but decided to use our Northern Manitoba city pets instead...
Anyway there is not much difference between the2, because in Germanic "Bernhard" means "The Heart of the Bear"...don`t matter if You spell it with the "h" or stay true to Your given name and rip these bastards to shreds and eat`em up alive...!!!!

Oh yeah, and another thing about spelling...:
Al's busy these days getting his rooster whacked off by a massage therapist. Tipper said no more!

I liked the way Benny Hill spelled "therapist" he split it into "The rapist".....especially if Al Gore is mentioned in the same breath
Last edited:
Beautiful video with this article.

Greenland Ice Melt Sets New Record - Environment - GOOD

So, in fact, our headline understates the facts. Greenland is losing a France-sized area of ice more than it was losing 30 years ago. (That seemed a little cumbersome for a headline.) It's worth noting here that an incredible amount of water is stored in Greenland's ice sheet. The ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are the biggest sea level threats, as they're land-based, so when they melt, it adds water volume to the ocean. (As opposed to ice caps, which are already floating on the sea and don't really have any impact on sea levels when they melt. Though there are other troubling impacts.)

How many times does a prediction have to fail before you guys stop believing? Here are some headlines from 1947.


Here is a recently published peer reviewed paper that states quite clearly that Greenland was warming considerably faster in the period from 1919 - 1932 than in the period from 1994 - 2007. The warming is nothing new and in no way unprecedented.

Here is an interesting story. Scientists drill through 2 miles of ice in greenland and find perhaps some of the oldest pure samples of DNA ever found. Seems that greenland was crawling with butterflies and insects and the site of lush forests prior to decending into the ice age that the earth is still in the process of exiting.

Scientists drill through 2 kilometers of Greenland ice, find butterflies & lush forests | Climate Depot

Study after study shows that your claims are, in reality, nothing more than the hand wringing hysterics of a doom and gloom kook; and the really big question remains. Can you provide any hard, observed evidence that proves an unequivocal link between the activities of man and the changing global climate?

The answer to that question remains no.
Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Is it really so difficult for you to understand that proof of an event does not even begin to approach proof of the cause of the event? Can you or can you not provide some proof that man is responsible?

Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations

�� Between 10,000 and 150 years ago, atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O were relatively stable. In the last 150 years, concentrations of CH4 and N2O increased 148% and 18%, respectively. Pre-Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 remained around 280 parts per million by volume (ppm). The seasonal-corrected measurement of CO2 in the summer of 2007 was 383 ppm.4 With other greenhouse gases, the total effect was 460 ppm CO2.

Are you under the impression that history started 10,000 years ago? Why don't you go further back into history and point out atmospheric CO2 levels in the thousands of parts per million, even during ice ages? Why don't you note that the earth has been warmer with less atmospheric CO2 than the present? Why don't you note the string of evidence going back millions upon millions upon millions of years that prove that CO2 is nothing more than a trace gas in the atmosphere that can not drive the climate?
Polar should debate would be the end of the whole scam!!! Gore would look like the fraud he is.

Al's busy these days getting his rooster whacked off by a massage therapist. Tipper said no more!

Hi Bernard from Bernhard..! I was playing with the thought to use my first name here in this forum, but decided to use our Northern Manitoba city pets instead...
Anyway there is not much difference between the2, because in Germanic "Bernhard" means "The Heart of the Bear"...don`t matter if You spell it with the "h" or stay true to Your given name and rip these bastards to shreds and eat`em up alive...!!!!

Oh yeah, and another thing about spelling...:
Al's busy these days getting his rooster whacked off by a massage therapist. Tipper said no more!

I liked the way Benny Hill spelled "therapist" he split it into "The rapist".....especially if Al Gore is mentioned in the same breath

Hi Bernhard! The left always needs a "cause" to drum into the minds of the masses and they use their media outlets to do their bidding.
Is it really so difficult for you to understand that proof of an event does not even begin to approach proof of the cause of the event? Can you or can you not provide some proof that man is responsible?

Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations

�� Between 10,000 and 150 years ago, atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O were relatively stable. In the last 150 years, concentrations of CH4 and N2O increased 148% and 18%, respectively. Pre-Industrial Revolution, the concentration of CO2 remained around 280 parts per million by volume (ppm). The seasonal-corrected measurement of CO2 in the summer of 2007 was 383 ppm.4 With other greenhouse gases, the total effect was 460 ppm CO2.

Are you under the impression that history started 10,000 years ago? Why don't you go further back into history and point out atmospheric CO2 levels in the thousands of parts per million, even during ice ages? Why don't you note that the earth has been warmer with less atmospheric CO2 than the present? Why don't you note the string of evidence going back millions upon millions upon millions of years that prove that CO2 is nothing more than a trace gas in the atmosphere that can not drive the climate?

No, according to them history (well the only history that matters to them) began about 30 years ago. What happened before then is immaterial.
No, according to them history (well the only history that matters to them) began about 30 years ago. What happened before then is immaterial.

The sheer volume of mental masturbation required to believe that a trace gas in the atmosphere can drive the global climate staggers the mind.
Polar should debate would be the end of the whole scam!!! Gore would look like the fraud he is.

He already looks like the fraud he is.

{The former Vice President on Monday responded to Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly’s on-air question last week: “Why has southern New York turned into the tundra?” O’Reilly then said he needed to call Gore. “I appreciate the question,” Gore wrote on his website.

“As it turns out, the scientific community has been addressing this particular question for some time now and they say that increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with what they have been predicting as a consequence of man-made global warming".'}

Gore: Global Warming Causing Record Cold, Snow - David Icke Website

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