Arctic ice thins dramatically

On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

You forgot this part...

As of March 22, ice extent has declined for five straight days. However there is still a chance that the ice extent could expand again. Sea ice extent in February and March tends to be quite variable, because ice near the edge is thin and often quite dispersed. The thin ice is highly sensitive to weather, moving or melting quickly in response to changing winds and temperatures, and it often oscillates near the maximum extent for several days or weeks, as it has done this year.

Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, the maximum Arctic sea ice extent has occurred as early as February 18 and as late as March 31, with an average date of March 6.

OK. So we will see what the max ice extant was for this year in a very short while. Looks like it will be far below the norm, once again.

Methinks you repeatedly leave out the part that humankind just don't know. That we are basically ignorant and nowhere near as smart as we often pretend to be. Another take. Perhaps all that ocsillation left the Arctic not knowing whether it was coming or going this year.

Blame the Arctic Oscillation!
On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

You forgot this part...

As of March 22, ice extent has declined for five straight days. However there is still a chance that the ice extent could expand again. Sea ice extent in February and March tends to be quite variable, because ice near the edge is thin and often quite dispersed. The thin ice is highly sensitive to weather, moving or melting quickly in response to changing winds and temperatures, and it often oscillates near the maximum extent for several days or weeks, as it has done this year.

Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, the maximum Arctic sea ice extent has occurred as early as February 18 and as late as March 31, with an average date of March 6.

OK. So we will see what the max ice extant was for this year in a very short while. Looks like it will be far below the norm, once again.

Actually, it looks like we'll be having one of the shorter melt seasons on record.

whaaaaaa????? global warming in the '20s?


oh my goodness! glaciers melting faster in the twenties than the nineties? burn the witch
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You forgot this part...

As of March 22, ice extent has declined for five straight days. However there is still a chance that the ice extent could expand again. Sea ice extent in February and March tends to be quite variable, because ice near the edge is thin and often quite dispersed. The thin ice is highly sensitive to weather, moving or melting quickly in response to changing winds and temperatures, and it often oscillates near the maximum extent for several days or weeks, as it has done this year.

Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, the maximum Arctic sea ice extent has occurred as early as February 18 and as late as March 31, with an average date of March 6.

OK. So we will see what the max ice extant was for this year in a very short while. Looks like it will be far below the norm, once again.

Actually, it looks like we'll be having one of the shorter melt seasons on record.

OK, Walleyes, I'll save that prediction.
OK, Walleyes, I'll save that prediction.

Me too. So I can ask why you conveniently forgot it when the prediction bears out.

wire..........good to have you on here bro.............check back in. It's a hoot being able to go to a place on the internet and publically humiliate some fools!!!

By the missed it a few months back when the IPCC was having their annual fraudulent pep rally in Cancun that nobody went to. About 36 people attended. It was held during a week of epic cold in Mexico. The thread was pretty damn funny.

My contribution..................


I thought the polar bear was appropriate since the IPCC kicked out the scientist who had definitive proof of the growing polar bear population. He came with his research and they said........

Get the fcukk out asshole!!!!"

As usual, the environmental k00ks with no interest in information that might expose the scam even more.......:lol:
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wire..........good to have you on here bro.............check back in. It's a hoot being able to go to a place on the internet and publically humiliate some fools!!!

By the missed it a few months back when the IPCC was having their annual fraudulent pep rally in Cancun that nobody went to. About 36 people attended. It was held during a week of epic cold in Mexico. The thread was pretty damn funny.

Thanks. Me and some other skeptics were kicking the crap out of a different bunch of kooks when that pathetic little party was happening. Imagine, a string of record low temps in Cancun just for the wackos.

I said from then on I would make sure to never take a vacation where a global warming anything was going on because you could be sure that the weather would suck.
wire..........good to have you on here bro.............check back in. It's a hoot being able to go to a place on the internet and publically humiliate some fools!!!

By the missed it a few months back when the IPCC was having their annual fraudulent pep rally in Cancun that nobody went to. About 36 people attended. It was held during a week of epic cold in Mexico. The thread was pretty damn funny.

Thanks. Me and some other skeptics were kicking the crap out of a different bunch of kooks when that pathetic little party was happening. Imagine, a string of record low temps in Cancun just for the wackos.

I said from then on I would make sure to never take a vacation where a global warming anything was going on because you could be sure that the weather would suck.

It`s also pretty funny to compare the claims to the facts on the ground in Canada, the arctic as well as the southern regions...:

[ame=]YouTube - Global Warming April 3rd.wmv[/ame]

And here is the full length video,= a collection of real measurements & findings by internationally acclaimed scientists each a well known specialist in his field.

Its a 35 min long video, so "OldRocks" who lives in Bedrock, right next door to Fred Flintstone can`t watch it with his 1byte per hour internet connection...

That`s probably the same reason why the "info" he keeps quoting is about 20 years behind...

[ame=]YouTube - Science versus Global Warming.wmv[/ame]

And that`s the way it works...If we get "warm air" it dumps snow on us.
Most of the time our prevailing winds are from the northwest and we are cold, +clear skies and no precipitation.
Up in Greenland and further North from AFB Thule @ CFS Alert Ellesmere Island same thing. It hardly ever snows there and if we get "warm air" it starts dumping and the glaciers + the ice sheet build up.
We don`t report temperatures and no one ever even asked us, least of all Michael Mann and his dopy crowd of followers.
If You want to find out the current conditions on the Internet or any Meteorological Service good luck...:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c4f9bf7f64efb33f

Nothing there from the northern part of Ellesmere Island, the closest You get are current conditions in Thule AFB Greenland where it is ALWAYS WARMER than on Ellesmere!
Thule AB
(Greenland) 2011-04-03
12:55 local

16:55 GMT)

Clear calm
(0 km/h at 0) -20.3 °C

But today`s current temperature @ CFS Alert = minus 29 C...because all I have to do is e-mail the "Met-tech" at the runway or the guy who now has my job there, the BGenO at CFS and know exactly what`s going on 400 miles south of the North Pole, although I`m retired now.

At Thule they get the first sun-up of the new year, long before we see the sun for the first time again @ CFS Alert Ellesmere Island.
While the sun shines in Thule our "Globally Warmed" day on Ellesmere Island still looks like that...:

But morons like "OldRocks" quoting dumb ass "Friends Of the Earth information" claims he is better informed than anyone who actually is in the arctic.

It`s not easy to land a Herc on Ellesmere during the winter, but land & take-off they must...but for these reasons no civilians are on board during the winter...and consequently no climate researchers either, just us guys...and the Military calls us the "chosen frozen".



There is no alternate airport, once You are here it`s do or die!
Once in February the ground crew had us hooked to ropes to lead us to the ground transports...could not see the hand before Your eyes, winds were @ > 150 kmh and blowing took 4 attempts to land

By the way here is Churchill Manitoba & the Hudson Bay today...where he always has "better FOE information"...:
[ Manitoba ]
Current Conditions

Observed at: Churchill Airport 1:00 PM CDT Sunday 3 April 2011



100.9 kPa

16 km

Wind Chill:

Dew Point:

Wind Speed:
NW 22 km/h

And here is "Globally warmed" southern Manitoba today:
Brandon Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:46 CDT
Carman 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Churchill Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Cypress River 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Dauphin Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Delta Marsh 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Emerson 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Fisher Branch 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Flin Flon Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
George Island 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Gillam Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Gimli Harbour 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT

Grand Rapids 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT

Gretna 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Island Lake Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Kelsey Dam 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
-10 SSW 6 N/A N/A
Lynn Lake Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Sunny -6 59 -13 NW 15 gust 33

Melita 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Morden AAFC 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Norway House Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT

Pilot Mound 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT

Portage Southport Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
N/A 1 100 1 NNE 23 100.6 N/A
Roblin 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Shoal Lake 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
-3 NNE 32 gust 41 100.9 -7

Swan River 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
-7 ENE 8 101.2 N/A
Tadoule Lake 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
-17 NW 18 101.3 -20
>>>>>> is our cold spot today<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The Pas Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Light Snow -1 62 -7 N 5 101.4 -3

Thompson Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:40 CDT
Light Snow -1 69 -6 W 15 gust 30 100.0 -6

Victoria Beach 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
N/A 2 87 0 NE 13 N/A N/A

Wasagaming 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
-5 NNE 22 gust 38 100.9 -6
Winnipeg - The Forks 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
0 NNE 11 100.4 N/A

Winnipeg Richardson Int'l Airport 3 Apr 2011 12:00 CDT
Light Snow 1 100 1 NNE 24 100.5 N/A

These are all perfectly normal temperatures for us...NOTHING UNUSUAL HERE
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Various estimates of Greenland ice loss

Various estimates of Greenland ice loss
Posted on 28 February 2011 by John Cook
Over the last few weeks, three different papers have been published that all examine ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet. What's interesting is all three papers use entirely different methods to measure the rate of ice loss. Even more interesting is that these three different methods paint a consistent picture of what's happening to Greenland.

Schrama et al 2011 uses gravity measurements from the GRACE satellites to determine any change in mass of the Greenland ice sheet (there's a great article The Riddle of the ice about Ernst Schrama's work). They find from March 2003 to February 2010, Greenland lost ice mass at a rate of 252 gigatonnes per year. A key result from their paper was to confirm that ice loss had spread to the north west of Greenland.

Another paper Zwally et al 2011 uses satellite altimetry to determine the thickness of the Greenland ice sheet. They calculate that over 2003 to 2007, the ice sheet was losing ice at a rate of 171 gigatonnes per year. They then compare this to radar and airborne altimetry data from the 1990s. From 1992 to 2002, Greenland was only losing 7 gigatonnes per year.

Lastly, Rignot 2011 uses the Mass Balance Method to construct a 19 year record of ice loss from Greenland. This involves calculating the amount of snowfall on the surface, the amount of ice mass lost to wind and melt and the amount of ice lost calculated from glacier velocity and ice thickness. Putting all these pieces together gives the total amount of ice lost or gained over the ice sheet.

Over this nearly two decade period, Rignot finds a clear signal of accelerating ice loss. He then compares his results from the Mass Balance Method to results from GRACE data. Both show consistent rates of mass loss. Just as significantly, both are accelerating at similar rates.
Greenland ice melt sets a record &#8212; and could set the stage for sea level rise | Environment Forum | Analysis & Opinion |

Greenland&#8217;s ice sheet melted at a record rate in 2010, and this could be a major contributor to sea level rise in coming decades.

The ice in Greenland melted so much last year that it formed rivers and lakes on top of the vast series of glaciers that covers much of the big Arctic island, with waterfalls flowing through cracks and holes toward the bottom of the ice sheet. Take a look at video from Marco Tedesco of City College of New York, who is leading a project to study what factors affect ice sheet melting. The photo at left shows a camp by the side of a stream flowing from a lake &#8212; all of it on top of the ice sheet.

&#8220;This past melt season was exceptional, with melting in some areas stretching up to 50 days longer than average,&#8221; Tedesco said in a statement. &#8220;Melting in 2010 started exceptionally early at the end of April and ended quite late in mid- September.&#8221;

Summer 2010 temperatures in Greenland were up to 5.4 degrees F (3 degrees C) above average, and there was reduced snowfall, Tedesco and his co-authors noted in an article in the current edition of Environmental Research Letters. Nuuk, Greenland&#8217;s capital, had the warmest spring and summer since records began there in 1873. Average summer temperatures vary widely, but in coastal areas hover around freezing.
And this year, Hudson's Bay did not finish freezing up until the end of January, continueing the trend observed in this paper.

Atmospheric forcing of sea ice in Hudson Bay during the fall period, 1980&#8211;2005

Atmospheric forcing of sea ice in Hudson Bay during the fall period, 1980&#8211;2005

Atmospheric forcing of sea ice in Hudson Bay during the fall period, 1980&#8211;2005
K. P. Hochheim

Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
D. G. Barber

Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The principal objective of this study is to describe the autumn sea ice regime of Hudson Bay in the context of atmospheric forcing from 1980 to 2005. Both gridded Canadian Ice Service (CIS) data and Passive Microwave (PMW) data are used to examine the freezeup period for weeks of year (WOY) 43&#8211;52. Sea ice concentration (SIC) anomalies reveal statistically significant trends, ranging from &#8722;23.3% to &#8722;26.9% per decade, during WOY 43&#8211;48 using the CIS data and trends ranging from &#8722;12.7% to &#8722;16.8% per decade during WOY 45&#8211;50 using the PMW data. Surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies are highly correlated with SIC anomalies (r2 = 0.52&#8211;0.72) and with sea ice extents (r2 = 0.53&#8211;0.72). CIS data show that mean sea ice extents based on SICs &#8805;80% (consolidated ice) have decreased by 1.05 × 105 to 1.17 × 105 km2 for every 1°C increase in temperature in late November; PMW data show similar results. Regression analysis between SAT and standardized climate indices over the 1951&#8211;2005 period show that the East Pacific/North Pacific index is highly predictive of interannual SATs followed by the North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation indices. The data show that the Hudson Bay area has recently undergone a climate regime shift, in the mid 1990s, which has resulted in a significant reduction in sea ice during the freezeup period and that these changes appear to be related to atmospheric indices.
Hudson Bay a month late in freezing up
02. Feb, 2011

Hudson Bay a month late in freezing up | ClimateSignals

Hudson Bay did not completely freeze up until mid-January, about a month later than normal according to Canadian Ice Service analyses. The Labrador Sea region is still largely free of ice, except in protected bays along the coast. Normally at this time of year, ice extends several hundred kilometers from the coast all the way to northern Nova Scotia.
I hate to tell you olfraud but all of those posts are invalid...they all originate from alarmist blogs so based on your rules they are invalid. Please remove them!:lol::lol::lol:
Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Is it really so difficult for you to understand that proof of an event does not even begin to approach proof of the cause of the event? Can you or can you not provide some proof that man is responsible?
This farging icehole "OldRocks" just won`t shut up...
I checked in here after I came back home from a little ice fishing trip and find a whole heap of rubbish this moron plastered in here
OldRocks You are a farging icehole...the same as this fuckhead blogger you keep quoting.
a few months ago in another thread we` ve all been around this bend and I did the math for you, that your pee brain is not able to comprehend...
this moron web site you are quoting (yet again) claims that in 1 year an extra 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) "melted away"...because of CO2...!
First I`ll do the math again, not for you, because you and your FOE fuck-heads are way too stupid, but I`ll do it for the other readers here that will understand it and know how full of shit you are..:
Most of the arctic ice sheet (the floes that break up) are ~ 30 meters thick, but the ice that slides off the steep slopes of southern Greenland, by force of gravity..NOT BECAUSE IT`S MELTING is 100 or more meters thick...

[ame=]YouTube - Iceberg Calving - Rare video[/ame]

I`m not a climatologist...they would pick maximum values now, but I`m going to be modest now and use only 100 meters.
The "extra ice" that they claim melted per year would amount to 120 000 cubic kilometers of ice that melted because of our exhaust pipes ...

If all that ice had been MELTING because of heat from the top that would have took 40 080 exa joules of heat energy

Are you out of your fucking mind..?
The entire solar output absorbed by the ENTIRE EARTH per year, never mind just Greenland is only 3 850 000 EXA JOULES

If that ice had been melted by solar radiation heat from the top down, as you and these morons claim you could have fried eggs on "OldRocks" in Greenland
Over and over again it`s been explained
This ice is not "MELTED" but i`ts DISSOLVED from underneath by the salt water...

If as you and your dope-head web pages you keep quoting the ice is "melted by warm air" from above THEN WHY DO THESE FUCKING ICEBERGS ROLL...?????

[ame=]YouTube - Ilulissat, Greenland - Giant rolling Iceberg creates a tsunami like wave[/ame]

and by the way, here is what you left out again, this "extra melted ice" again was not REAL ICE, BUT AS USUAL VIRTUAL ICE FROM ONE OF THESE FUCKING COMPUTER MODELS..!!!!

I dug into these "sources " You quoted and here is the source they did use...:


and here is the actual data as observed by satellites


NO DOWNWARD TREND WHATSOEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are one psychotic bastard, even more so than the bastards who post falsified data on the internet...they do it to maintain their gainful employment courtesy of us tax paying citizens, at least their motives are explicable, bu it takes a psychiatrist to figure out what motivates you

And this idiotic Greenland "average surface graph" yo posted here, You never noticed that these liars claim the data came from Nuuk airport on Greenland a time when there was not even an airport in Nuuuk

Also, none of the GW experts have a clue what kind of currents a difference in salinity can generate.
Have You ever seen how powerful osmotic pressure can be...?...I`m sure You dont even have a clue what that is...but its the same pressure that is a powerful motive force in the ocean. The difference in salinity under calving ice masses does the same thing...

and "OldRocks" if you don`t believe it, try it out and drink ~ 1.5 gallons of distilled water...(zero salinity)`ld do us all a favor...because in short order every cell in your miserable body would burst (because of osmotic pressure)
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The city of Nuuk was founded in 1728, had it's first newspaper in 1861. So the weather station probably preceded the airport by a good many years.

Nuuk Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuuk Airport (Kalaallisut: Mittarfik Nuuk; Danish: Nuuk Lufthavn; (IATA: GOH, ICAO: BGGH)) is an airport in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. The airport is a technical base and focus city for Air Greenland, the flag-carrier airline of Greenland, linking the capital with several towns in western and south-western part of the country, including the airline hub at Kangerlussuaq Airport. With connections to Iceland, Nuuk Airport is also one of 6 international airports in Greenland.

In the early 1960s, water planes of the newly established Air Greenland landed in Nuuk Port. In 1965, the airline invested in developing a more robust fleet based on the large Sikorsky S-61 helicopter, which continued to serve the town for the next four decades, even after the construction of an airport in Nuuk capable of serving the short takeoff and landing de Havilland Canada Dash-7 aircraft, which dominated at the airport since the 1970s.

The airport was constructed to serve the largest town in Greenland, yet due to space constraints at the location in a mountainous area and problems with the weather, it is unable to service large airliners. An expansion of the airport is not an acceptable option also due to the approach over the urbanized area of the outlying districts of Nuuk, although the issue continues to be a subject of internal debate in Greenland

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