Arctic ice thins dramatically

The very page he`s trying to stick into my face because it`s of Canadian origin concludes..:
Permafrost - Permafrost and Climate Change
General circulation models predict that, for a doubling of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide due to anthropogenic sources, mean annual air temperatures may rise up to several degrees over much of the Arctic
An assessment of the impact of climate change on permafrost is necessary in order to determine ......

And as usual he serves it up as if it was a done deal...
And all it really was..., this is a preliminary application for yet another Global warming "research" Government grant ...
That`s the procedure in Canada, first You have to outline Your project and then You apply for the buck$$$$

Fuck, how can You lie like that...posting that stuff here as some sort of "proof" for the crap You preach here

And now he is the "expert" on the NWT...
Yesterday it was the Hudson Bay...and the "experts" he quoted on that one, I showed his post (a copy & paste) to some folks in Churchill, .... It might even make the Newspapers in a few days, something about how unbelievably ignorant people from down south can be.....
like having some dingbat from a U.S. wildlife club "informing" the world about ice conditions in the Hudson Bay, while standing right next to inlet where the Nelson River empties into Hudson Bay, draining all that..:

And the ice or the absence of depends more on how much power the US demands from all the huge H.E. dam-chain along the Nelson, which in turn determines how much warm water floods into the Bay...while even in the shot from my video shows there is still ice out in the Bay and on land at the height of Summer 2010, same as my friends noticed 20 years earlier when they flew over it also in July

And today the same Fuckhead starts yapping as if car exhaust is melting the permafrost in the NWT, because a few left thread wing-nuts want a federal Government grant to "study" the permafrost in the NWT presumably with a dip stick and a 7 digit budget...

Just as with the Hudson Bay these areas marked in red by these dip sticks get flooded with a river draining an even larger area that the Nelson:

Has nothing to do with "global warming" but the exact OPPOSITE...the more snow & ice there was during the winter the more flooding there will be in the summer.
this fraudster picks a few words he needs and left all the other "minor details" off his quote..:
This research will improve our understanding of permafrost-climate interaction and our capability to predict permafrost response to future climate change. However, it must be completed by a clearer understanding of how processes such as sediment transport in rivers,

Ignorance & stupidity is one thing, but this bastard hiding behind this user-name OldRocks is a despicable liar and fraudster to boot...
altering applications for research grants to "a study by Canadian scientists concluded"

You`ll find a lot more of these applications in the near future, because this kind of "research" and "science" has been getting the axe and has become a political liability..
the gravy train for this easy money is over and Government research grants are going back into real least in Canada
Here AGAIN is what was CONCLUDED BY OFFICIAL STUDIES ABOUT THE`s in the same video, You don`t want to see:

This video is from the CBC Canada, I know You don`t know, because You know fuck all about Canada...CBC stands for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation...

It is a Crown Corporation, that means it`s run by THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT...You Bozo !

As if the Canadian Government would go public, stating on National Television that Global Warming is a fraud and then as You claim "confirm what OldRocks" found on the Internet with a Government study...which they will certainly not fund..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are not only a fraud, a liar but also a total psychopath
and retarded Psychos ought not even be on the loose
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In situ study of the effects of the warming in the Arctic. and Labrador_The Earth is Faster Now.pdf

As seen from the many direct statements of residents of Nain, Labrador and Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, Inuit in these regions are observing various changes in the climate, weather, environment, flora and fauna, and the effects of such changes on their health, way of life, and relationship with the land. According to the World Health Organization (1967), health includes aspects of physical, mental and social well-being and is not simply the absence of disease. In the holistic Inuit vision of health, the well-being of individuals and communities is tied to the land and sea. Thus, changes in the land, weather, and sea reported here affect individual and community health and well-being in a variety of ways.

A number of direct impacts of climate related changes on health were reported by residents of the two communities surveyed in this project. In this sense we refer to “direct impacts” as those health consequences resulting from direct interactions with aspects of the environment that have / are changing with changes in local climate (i.e. resulting from direct interactions with physical characteristics of the environment: air, water, ice, land; e.g. exposure to thermal extremes). They included such things as: difficulties in dealing with heat and cold stress; alleviation of cold stress due to warmer winters; the dangers associated with travel and time on the land considering unpredictable
weather patterns and ice conditions; and, reports of increased incidences of sun burns and rashes as a result of increased sun intensity. Accounts of direct impacts varied within and between communities in the two regions involved in this study. The larger study we conducted utilized these reports, in concert with projected potential impacts gleaned from the scientific literature and discussion with environmental health experts, to develop a list of potential direct health impacts from climate change in the two regions (Table 5).'re so fcukking stupid its beyond real.

For people coming into this forum and trying to size things up, you look like a total fcukking imposter...........posting up your canned internet shit like an EPA agent. In the "Who looks like they know what they are talking about?" game, YOU LOSE!!! ( oh.....except of course, for the already committed religious environmental numbs)
Polar............dude, if it makes you feel a bit better, this asshole Old Rocks is a miserable fcukk who is a loser in life and has spent the last 20 years looking for somebody to blame. Like most k00k lefties, he ends up blaming capitalism, thus, he loaths anybody who has been successful due to our capitalistic system. Rocks made loser personal decisions in his life and now lives in the middle of nowhere, using this forum as an escape from his lot in life. If you go over to the POLITICS forum and see his posts, they are steeped in jealousy and rage. What makes him more happy than anything else? Seeing successful people get fcukked over.

Bottom line Polar? Old Rocks is a fringe asshole..........maybe 5% of Americans think like he does. Knowing that is why I can come in here and have so much fun as my way of thinking represents at least 40% of Americans. He'll go in his box a miserable mofu still angry at the world for having fcukked him..............which is exactly why I love coming in here and publically humiliating his ass and practically crying with laughter each time I click the POST REPLY button. Posting up my gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics is a fcukking hoot!!!
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Polar............dude, if it makes you feel a bit better, this asshole Old Rocks is a miserable fcukk who is a loser in life and has spent the last 20 years looking for somebody to blame. Like most k00k lefties, he ends up blaming capitalism, thus, he loaths anybody who has been successful due to our capitalistic system. Rocks made loser personal decisions in his life and now lives in the middle of nowhere, using this forum as an escape from his lot in life. If you go over to the POLITICS forum and see his posts, they are steeped in jealousy and rage. What makes him more happy than anything else? Seeing successful people get fcukked over.

Bottom line Polar? Old Rocks is a fringe asshole..........maybe 5% of Americans think like he does. Knowing that is why I can come in here and have so much fun as my way of thinking represents at least 40% of Americans. He'll go in his box a miserable mofu still angry at the world for having fcukked him..............which is exactly why I love coming in here and publically humiliating his ass and practically crying with laughter each time I click the POST REPLY button. Posting up my gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics is a fcukking hoot!!!

Thanks,...I think it was You that told me a few days ago that this guy would not last long where I am...and so right you are. Where I live everything is based on mutual trust in each other`s honesty and we don`t dial 911 very often, but rather deal with the problem ourselves. I`m not all for it, but sometimes that means that choice assholes get a potato sack pulled over their head and a well deserved licking.
A few guys handle the potato sack and we leave the rest up to our women to teach assholes what they`s an old Indian custom.
Too bad "OldRocks" did not take me up on the invite...
Maybe now, that he knows the procedure he will, he strikes me as one of these pervs that enjoy getting a whooping from a bunch of girls.
It`s not so much what he writes here that bugs me so much. What bugs me is that these 5% or less damage the reputation of Americans all too often.
In my off duty time...after I got older I drove heavy long haul all over the U.S. , always preferred the back roads because You eat a lot better if You stop for food there...and I made a lot of friends in a lot of little towns, in other words I know many "Jo the Plumbers" and people of all walks of life...
Same thing where I served we worked side by side with the U.S. Military and the cameraderie is very tight.
Unfortunately some European news papers have nothing better to do than scavenge the Internet for "php" garbage just like what this dumb ass keeps writing, and cheap shit leftist tabloid papers in Europe exploit it to the fullest..!!!!!!!!!
And in political discussion forums these papers also have, the U.S.A. and main stream Americans are portrayed....I don`t even want to tell You any examples..., because if I were You, I`d write my Congressman to send B-52`s to Andrea Merkel`s neo-communist Germany...anyway stuff like this garbage is used over there for maximum political mileage
This Merkel **** just spent a piss-pot full of money on a "computer model" how the contrails of scheduled domestic flights contribute to "Global Warming"...the "results" were released last week..The plan is to shut down all intra European commuter flights and force people on these I.C.E. trains that were foisted on Europeans nearly bankrupting all of Europe, same as this Windmill Grid, which as it turns out now can`t be used as a power grid at all.

Mark my word now...once this bitch Merkel is sunk, the end of this IPCC crap will follow soon. She lost 2 recent key elections big time..and even lost the last federal election...then stayed in power by forming a coalition...and now she is preparing to form another coalition with the "green party" who are openly communist ...well that`s where her roots are anyway...Top graduate of the Soviet Propaganda and Agitation Academy
and began her political career in Communist East Germany...then usurped her way to the B.R.D. Chancellors Office after the collapse of the DDR and the U.S.S.R.

And the horse she kept flogging was this "Global Warming" fraud...
Aside from outright Communists (the Green Party" everyone else in Germany wants to get rid of her...any way they can...unfortunately Germans lost the right to possess firearms a long time ago, else I`m pretty sure she`d be dead and planted for some time already

Merkel`s jaw dropped when the CBC aired that video and again more so as more and more Americans are discovering how fraudulent this crap is...she has actually created a department for the sole purpose to collect this kind of garbage in php`s especially those written by "a majority of Americans and the opinions they express" like the 5% or so of assholes we are talking about just now...
Of course "OldRocks" will follow this up immediately and "prove" he represents 95% of Americans.


Pretty soon You`ll see posters like that on Lufthansa Jets as well..
Translation...: Billions for bank bail outs and Billions to facilitate the death of our Transport industry
Most European Truckers have this paint job on their trailers today, and bumper sticker versions for cars sell like hot-cakes

Here is that communist whore`s I.C.E. project...and how she rammed it down the throats in Europe..:



The only difference is that during the Soviet era they used tanks, and today she is using high pressure water cannons aimed right into the faces of anyone opposing her

And that`s why I am so angry about assholes like this guy behind that handle "OldRocks"...he seems to take delight in making Americans look as stupid as possible and can`t wait for a United States of America ... Merkel style.
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Poor Kookybill, he has only idiocy to contribute.

Perhaps s0n......but enough idiocy to leave the impression amongst the curious ( non-evnvironmental wingnuts) that at the end of the day on this stuff ( with major contributions from Ian, West and Polar Bear, of course) the epilogue on each thread.............

Is this...................

ProstateExam-5.jpg the way Rocks...........heres another reason your crap is crap..............even if your nutty ass thoery were TRUE!!!

Made in China: Our Toxic, Imported Air Pollution | Pollution | DISCOVER Magazine

Makes your rants on temperatures beyond laughable!!! We're all real sure the rants of the fcukking k00ks like Rocks are going to stop the Chinese in their tracks!!!:oops::oops::oops:

If you cant figure it out, you're more of a dumbass than I thought!!!!!
Polar Bear;

Thanks,...I think it was You that told me a few days ago that this guy would not last long where I am...and so right you are. Where I live everything is based on mutual trust in each other`s honesty and we don`t dial 911 very often, but rather deal with the problem ourselves. I`m not all for it, but sometimes that means that choice assholes get a potato sack pulled over their head and a well deserved licking.
A few guys handle the potato sack and we leave the rest up to our women to teach assholes what they`s an old Indian custom.
Too bad "OldRocks" did not take me up on the invite...
Maybe now, that he knows the procedure he will, he strikes me as one of these pervs that enjoy getting a whooping from a bunch of girls.

So this is your fun and games idiocy, old boy? Can't handle someone on your own, get a few of the boys and make a party of it? Sounds just like the old KKK here. Same kind of cowardice.
Poor Kookybill, he has only idiocy to contribute.

Perhaps s0n......but enough idiocy to leave the impression amongst the curious ( non-evnvironmental wingnuts) that at the end of the day on this stuff ( with major contributions from Ian, West and Polar Bear, of course) the epilogue on each thread.............

Is this...................



[ame=]YouTube - ooops.wmv[/ame]

I love this forum......................:fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu:

Me too..!
Hey Polar.....hope you can do up some more of those gems!!! I need some new gay MSPAINT Photobucket classics to post up, illustrating the utter absurdity of the BS threads posted up by Rocks and Chris.

No intention of changing the minds of mental cases, mind you, but simply more fodder to humiliate these k00ks.
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Hey Polar.....hope you can do up some more of those gems!!! I need some new gay MSPAINT Photobucket classics to post up, illustrating the utter absurdity of the BS threads posted up by Rocks and Chris.

No intention of changing the minds of mental cases, mind you, but simply more fodder to humiliate these k00ks.

Are You doing the MSPAINTS..? If You gottem we`ll use`'m ...would be happy to linee`m up as a video.
"OldRocks: is so predictable..I`ve been comparing what he posts with the e-mailers
of the foes of the earth, ....but they say the f-o-e- stand for friends of...something starting with "e"....and in Canada we think the "e" stands for energy...not earth
Against All Energy Anywhere
Environmentalists, Greens, Energy and Prosperity
Against All Energy Anywhere

One of the great afflictions of the environmentalists—Greens—everywhere is a profound lack of understanding of the role that energy plays in whether a nation prospers or just limps along, barely keeping the lights on.

A classic case is the communist paradise of North Korea that is almost completely dark at night while just across the 38th parallel, South Korea is ablaze with light, energy, and a thriving economy.

Dedicated Greens don’t really like any kind of energy whether it is nuclear, provided by burning coal, from natural gas, oil or from hydropower. They think that wind power is trouble-free and cost effective when it is neither. They feel the same way about solar power. Both are deemed acceptable because they don’t “emit” anything. This viewpoint is not merely naïve, it is profoundly stupid.

Any way we reply all the time to theses "foe"`s
And I noticed if You plat "sock puppet" with them ans subscribe to their newsletters then "OldRocks" posts are topic by date pretty much the same as the shit this crackpot site flings.

Global Warming | Friends of the Earth
Wikileaks: Our suspicions confirmed
Cables reveal U.S. bullying in climate talks and underplay of tar sands’ environmental impacts
Just climate treaty held hostage

The stakes are high in the climate negotiations for the United States and their allies. The “diplomatic” cables released this past week by Wikileaks provide insight into the bullying tactics used by U.S. negotiators. The leaked cables show how the Obama administration used its foreign aid budget to bribe some developing countries into supporting a deeply flawed climate proposal called the Copenhagen Accord, which could set the world on a path to devastating levels of global warming -- up to nine degrees Fahrenheit by this century's end. This is just the opposite of fair engagement on the climate crisis President Obama promised when seeking office.

You can take action and sign our petition asking Secretary Clinton to start acting as a constructive force in international climate negotiations here

I`ll show You what I mean:


Global Warming | Friends of the Earth
Opposition to Keystone XL Pipeline and Tar Sands Oil Getting Under Big Oil's Skin

In Canada, indigenous people living near tar sands oil extraction sites are already suffering from high rates of cancer. (You can learn more about the pipeline at Keystone XL Pipeline | Friends of the Earth.)

If approved by the Obama administration, the Keystone XL pipeline would transport toxic tar sands oil -- the world’s dirtiest variety of oil -- 1,700 miles from Alberta, Canada through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma to refineries in Port Arthur and Houston, Texas.
We Canadians will send You TOXIC OIL, so watch out guys
Our plan to flood New York with our polar ice melt is not working, so we thought we`ll try TO KILL YOU ALL with some TOXIC OIL...
So far almost every lame duck he posted coincides...or with their FAG , sorry I meant FAQ section...geezus these typos
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The arctic ice is thinning?

Cool. Now I can sail 24/7 in Alaska this year in June.

Which moron was dissing global warming anyway?
Polar........the main reason I can have such a fcukking hoot on here is that every post I matter what............I win!!!

These naive dolts could post up a million links of their BS............the bottom line is, a clear plurality exists that sticks a fork in any legislation that would address the epic fraud ( google RGGI + New Hampshire). Nobody wants to spend a red dime on fighting global warming............EVERY single poll confirms that, thus, with these temperature debates, every time I chime in I envision a dumbass like Old Rocks sitting in a wheelchair ten years from now. contemplating his navel, looking out his window and still seeing guys like me doing long burnouts down the street in gasoline powered late model muscle cars!!! Most times when I click POST REPLY, Im laughing my balls off.
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Lovely, two brainless trolls on this board.

Hey.....heres to the brainless who win.

Think bout it........the left said George Bush was brainless and he served two terms. Then along comes some genius to run the country and he ends up serving just one term.

The brainless are WINNING everywhere you look s0n. Even the real smart "real" scientists arent winning!!!!!!!!!!:fu:

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