Arctic ice thins dramatically

Lovely, two brainless trolls on this board.

Hey.....heres to the brainless who win.

Think bout it........the left said George Bush was brainless and he served two terms. Then along comes some genius to run the country and he ends up serving just one term.

The brainless are WINNING everywhere you look s0n. Even the real smart "real" scientists arent winning!!!!!!!!!!:fu:

Hey skookerasbil, You`re good with some cutouts and stuff with these and
then we can make a short video where all this shit "green energy" and "global warming" fairy tales are really coming from......


Obama Flips While Germany Flops on Solar Panels - By Chris Horner - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Planet Gore
Obama Flips While Germany Flops on Solar Panels

Consider Obama’s thesis, as stated by the German government to open its effort:

In many countries, efforts to address climate change have been stalled by public fears that helping the environment will hurt the economy.

Germany is proof that going green is good for business.

It is no such thing. Germany is instead trying to get the U.S. to follow suit (even if Obama doesn’t realize whose pocket he is in,...
A]lthough Germany’s promotion of renewable energies is commonly portrayed in the media as setting a ‘shining example in providing a harvest for the world’ (The Guardian 2007), we would instead regard the country’s experience as a cautionary tale of massively expensive environmental and energy policy that is devoid of economic and environmental benefits.

Ach du lieber! However, and revealing ever more the absence of a defensible argument for their thesis, the German government’s newfound defense of the boondoggle couldn’t even stick to its argument.
But there’s another lesson here worth learning: Germany’s law that created the model that Obama wants to impose on us didn’t actually do what they claim it did.
But since Obama’s point is to argue for U.S. adoption of the 2000 German law, we ought to at least point out that it has actually had no apparent impact on Germany’s energy intensity. It dropped 14.75 percent in the decade before the fetishized windmill/solar panel law, and 3.3 percent in the six years after it.

Over the same period, U.S. energy intensity dropped 15.4 percent for the decade 1991–2000 and 12.3 percent for the period 2000–2006 — without the economic harm described by the German researchers above

And that`s why Merkel needs Obama to do the same thing...
so that she does`nt stand out like a sore thumb

Climate Change Paradox: Wind Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Wind Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals

By Anselm Waldermann

Despite Europe's boom in solar and wind energy, CO2 emissions haven't been reduced by even a single gram. Now, even the Green Party is taking a new look at the issue -- as shown in e-mails obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE.
Experts have known about this situation for some time, but it still isn't widely known to the public. Even Germany's government officials mention it only under their breath. No one wants to discuss the political ramifications.

It's a sensitive subject: Germany is recognized worldwide as a leader in all things related to renewable energy. The environmental energy sector doesn't want this image to be tarnished. Under no circumstances does Berlin want the Renewable Energy Law (EEG) -- which mandates the prices at which energy companies have to buy green power -- to fall into disrepute.

Americans already got a small tatse how fucked up Merkel`s power grid is..:
Loss of wind causes Texas power grid emergency | Reuters
Loss of wind causes Texas power grid emergency

ERCOT said the grid's frequency dropped suddenly when wind production fell from more than 1,700 megawatts, before the event, to 300 MW when the emergency was declared.

Yeah shit happens in the REAL WORLD...but not in their`s..:
Check out their "Bio-fool article...holy fuck..
First the same Global warming fuckheads DEMANDED Bio-Ethanol, now everybody who humored them is a "Bio-fool" that it flopped, like almost every engineer said it would..
Like why make "fuel" which takes 3.5 times the energy to make it than it yields...
But just 8 years ago they gouged out everybodies eyes who said

Energy | Friends of the Earth


Read the latest news and updates from our energy campaigns below:
.2011 Biofools Nominees

Another Biofools Day is swiftly approaching and we need your help to pick out the biggest Fool of the lot!

It has been a good year for Biofools of all shapes and sizes: ethanol subsidies were slipped into the December tax cut deal, EPA approved a 15 percent ethanol blend for cars up to a decade old, and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico covered up that region's other ecological disaster -- a dead zone the size of Massachusetts caused by agricultural runoff from the Midwest.

Read More
"Under new management", but only in name, because all this crap is indeed post U.S.S.R. soviet propaganda warfare to bring the United States down and every country that embraces the free enterprise system.
After the former communist Germany the "DDR" and the USSR were defeated and bankrupted by an arms race they had no hope in hell to win, they simply changed names and the former East Germany became part of West Germany.
What happened then was the same thing if another communist country almost the same size and number of States as the U.S. suddenly became part or the U.S. and took over most of the seats in the Congress and suddenly someone who was just yesterday a prominent Communist sits in the White House.
And that`s what happened in Europe. It`s not as if the KGB and the Stasi had to go on some sorts of Nurenberg NAZI Trials and were hung...they kept their jobs and still do the same old thing.
And they are pretty good at it...having finished subverting almost all of Europe, now they are starting with the U.S....and that "Greenhouse Gasses/Global Warming" fucking propaganda lie is the same Trojan horse that brought Europe to it`s knees.

This is a very well oiled dis-information machine with well trained people.
There were actually Universities for Dis-information, Propaganda and Agitation and nobody should forget that Andrea Merkel was a top graduate...and long before she usurped herself to the top in today`s Germany she was while East Germany still existed, a personal friend on a first Name basis with Putin, who was at that time KGB Chief... (he speaks fluent German by the way and Merkel also speaks fluent Russian)

And I don`t know how many Americans, but Obama is one of them who believe everything the same batch of graduates of these Propaganda and Agitation Academies has put out to date, while Merkel now has an even more powerful job that Putin had in the USSR...lately they just publish in English, because Europe`s done for.
Frog soup!

Won`t be long and the "friends of" who knows what or who, and every moron environ -mentally ill organization will start quoting the latest brainstorm of this ex Soviet Propaganda & Agitation machinery:
Global radiative forcing from contrail cirrus : Nature Climate Change : Nature Publishing Group

Global radiative forcing from contrail cirrus

* Ulrike Burkhardt
& Bernd Kärcher

Aviation makes a significant contribution to anthropogenic climate forcing. The impacts arise from emissions of greenhouse gases, aerosols and nitrogen oxides, and from changes in cloudiness in the upper troposphere. An important but poorly understood component of this forcing is caused by ‘contrail cirrus’—a type of cloud that consist of young line-shaped contrails and the older irregularly shaped contrails that arise from them. Here we use a global climate model that captures the whole life cycle of these man-made clouds to simulate their global coverage, as well as the changes in natural cloudiness that they induce. We show that the radiative forcing associated with contrail cirrus as a whole is about nine times larger than that from line-shaped contrails alone. We also find that contrail cirrus cause a significant decrease in natural cloudiness, which partly offsets their warming effect. Nevertheless, net radiative forcing due to contrail cirrus remains the largest single radiative-forcing component associated with aviation. Our findings regarding global radiative forcing by contrail cirrus will allow their effects to be included in studies assessing the impacts of aviation on climate and appropriate mitigation options.

Figures at a glance


Radiative forcing—a measure of the radiative imbalance of the atmosphere caused by a particular forcing agent—due to aircraft-induced cloudiness has been estimated from observed trends in cirrus cloudiness to range approximately between 10 and 80 mW m−2 for the year 2005 (refs 2, 3, 4).

Contrail cirrus initially form behind cruising aircraft as line-shaped contrails and transform into cirrus-like clouds or cloud clusters in favourable meteorological conditions, occasionally covering large horizontal areas5, 6, 7. They have been tracked for up to 17 h in satellite observations6. They remain line-shaped, and therefore easily distinguishable from natural cirrus, for only a fraction of their lifetime. The impact of aircraft soot emissions on cirrus in the absence of contrails depends on the ice-nucleating properties and the ice-active number concentration of soot-particle emissions. Both of these parameters are highly uncertain....

And a whole lot more buzz word blah blah...
designed to impress morons like "OldRocks"...
But if You take the trouble to read the entire publication and examine what has NOT been built into yet another idiotic global warming "computer model" are the 2 most important principles if You were to make an HONEST assessment just how much Infrared Energy a contrail can prevent from leaving the surface and going back out into space...:
This law does not even exist in this fuckhead computer model..:

and this one doesn`t either...:


They have Infrared Light Radiation coming and going as if it was coherent LASER light with zero divergence...

I always thought that the "holocaust physics/math/chemistry" held the world record for defying conventional science...and all that came out of the VERY SAME Propaganda mill as this crap...back then a Soviet Jew Ilya Ehrenburg was Chief Apparatchik of Stalin`s war Propaganda...


Merkel has made a sacred cow out of him, "StGB #130"...
doubt ANYTHING Stalin and Ilya have said regarding the "holocaust" and in "her Germany" You get a ~ 10 Year prison sentence
Germany hopes to make Holocaust denial a crime across the EU as part of a package of laws it wants to introduce during its presidency of the bloc.

Berlin is also set to outline plans to ban Nazi symbols like the swastika,

...something a jewish fuck like "OldRocks" would also like to see in the U.S. for "GW deniers"...(well he did point it out to me that he is jewish, after I came clean and said I`m a NAZI)
but the next batch of graduates is ambitious and they are about to break the old record with how far You can drive dis-information

They are not just after Your Car keys, they also want You to scrap all Your jet planes as well and You are supposed to defend the United States with Helium Balloon and Zeppelin Blimps
And last not least freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, as Merkel is hoping to push not just Europe wide
Did You know, that since she is in power Germany is second only to communist China in censorship...
at least this is what Google has been saying....Germany demands Google to block search results like no other "free country"

don`t believe it...try a few Google searches with the censored version...Porno, no problemo, but don`t expect to find any serious web pages that don`t toe the line regarding the 'holocaust" or "gloabal warming:...!! they don`t exist in Merkel`s Orwellian world....that fuckers like OldRocks want to import to North America

per 10 Google hits per page You get ~ 2 of those EVERY TIME..:
Aus Rechtsgründen hat Google 2 Ergebnis(se) von dieser Seite entfernt. Weitere Informationen über diese Rechtsgründe finden Sie unter

Aus Rechtsgründen hat Google 1 Ergebnis(se) von dieser Seite entfernt. Weitere Informationen über diese Rechtsgründe finden Sie unter
Translation...for legal reasons Google had to remove this result from this page
and Google itself posts the link to ""
German Complaint of Criminal Code Violation

All I did is put in a Name like "Ernst Zudel"...a "holocaust denier" or "Arch Bishop Williamson" a british Bishop who said he doesn`t believe any gas chambers existed...Merkel had the German federal Police issue an arrest warrant for him..if a plane with him on bord ever lands for a stop over in a German airport he is in handcuffs...A BRITISH CITIZEN..!!!!!
Just like it would have been in Communist East Germany or the USSR...and Americans are led to believe this bunch of bastards don`t exist any more...
They are alive and well and have simply changed their costume

Now why would anybody in their right mind believe this communist whore, that censors information like nobody else?
Compare that now with M.Mann`s "organziation"...same fucking thing...same censorship, same persecution of dissenters...NO DIFFERENCE, because the threads that move these puppets all lead to the same fucking place
The M.O. alone should tip everyone off
I swore an Oath of Loyalty to the U.S. , to the Queen and Canada and I intend to stay true to both.
When I was a kid, every day a "deuce" with American G.I.`s came to my school and seen to it that us kids were fed properly...
So bastaerd like You "OldRocks" I will fight tooth and nail!
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Polar Bear;

something a jewish fuck like "OldRocks" would also like to see in the U.S. for "GW deniers"...(well he did point it out to me that he is jewish, after I came clean and said I`m a NAZI)
but the next batch of graduates is ambitious and they are about to break the old record with how far You can drive dis-information

This is the real American back country. Had this group tried to continue with their plans, they would have found just how tough a bunch of cowboys and loggers can be with confronted with the feces that are Nazis. And that area is as close to home for me as any I have lived in.

Care to point out where I said that I was Jewish? Seems that you are pretty much a liar in every detail.

John Day (Oregon): Neo-Nazis, Go Home - Democratic Underground

In an odd twist of events, the Aryan Nations claims its being discriminated against as their public pronouncement of wanting to move the group from Athol, Idaho to John Day, Oregon has been met with an overwhelmingly negative response. So many people in fact turned out to a public meeting to protest the Aryan Nations looking into buying land in the John Day area that hundreds of people had to be turned away.Paul Mullet, the 36-year-old self-proclaimed leader of the Aryan Nations, says his group has gotten angry e-mails, phone calls and negative publicity from a planned moved to eastern Oregon and he says he doesn’t understand why.“I do have this one question to John Day itself. What did we do to anyone in that community?”

something a jewish fuck like "OldRocks" would also like to see in the U.S. for "GW deniers"...(well he did point it out to me that he is jewish, after I came clean and said I`m a NAZI)
but the next batch of graduates is ambitious and they are about to break the old record with how far You can drive dis-information
Hey Kooky, are you a Nazi, also? Or are you just normally insane?
You are not up on your own Orwellian "Newspeek" terminology..everyone who is not far enough out in left field is by that definition a "Nazi", Reagan...especially him because he laid a wreath on SS graves in Germany, Bush sr. & jr, Limbaugh, Glen Beck and so on and on..
You not being jewish.?.You posted that Your family fled Germany even before the dawn of the 3rd Reich and it was forbidden to have any German literature in Your home or to speak German. Who else other than jews would do that? Israel`s jews really do what we "Nazis" were accused of and go the extra mile.
Anyway now we are in Your element....discussing personalities, because when it comes to arctic ice, glacier calving, Infrared Absorption, facts on the ground in Greenland and Canada`s arctic you are way out of your depth.

Don`t matter to me if You want to stray off the subject matter of this thread.
I just had enough of this "bi-polar" crap coming from a lunatick like You, so I let You have a load of the same...pitch you can, but catch.??? clearly not.

How retarded You come off telling someone who has spent most of his working life in the arctic what you think is there is beyond description...
and at the same time You kept posting and re-posting over and over again Your idiotic link
The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
John Tyndall expert on "Heat as a Mode of Motion" he took time to consider geology. Tyndall had hands-on knowledge of the subject, for he was an ardent Alpinist (in 1861 he made the first ascent of the Weisshorn). Familiar with glaciers, he had been convinced by the evidence —

So this asshole once took a walk up the Weisshorn and that made him an expert on glaciers, and because he was sweating going uphill, your dope head "science" credits him for the discovery of thermodynamics "heat and motion"...
We should go through all Your posts and count how many times You quoted this link.

Everything You do post here is straight from the FAQ section how to bury realists with "GW evidence" smut, including how to switch over to avoid having to acknowledge real evidence to the contrary..everything from being a "oil lobby, liar" to a "red neck" is advised....and posters like You do it, over and over again...:
"Kookbil", "Walleyes" "Bipolar" and countless other name calling...
But the other way around once someone had enough and reciprocates giving you a taste of Your own medicine You can`t swallow it, so Skookerasbil administered it rectally...

May we can now come back to the main subject here again?
And if a few spinny dopeheads in Canada want to shut down the Tar sands Project exist, what exactly does that have anything to do with what really goes on in the arctic?

That was your typical "FOE / FAQ" response tactic to "prove" that You "know" more about Canada than anyone who actually lives there...

It`s not that anyone could expect from You to stay on course with a scientific debate over glacier calving, Infrared absorption and so on...
In true FOE style, you change any such debate into a mud flinging contest
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While all You FOE assholes are getting off on personal attacks on retired Presidents who did not do what You wanted them to do and even issued "citizen arrest warrants" , the very science and industry You attack keeps leading us further away from the stone age "OldRocks" wants to return to.
Materialprüfungsamt: Auto-Superakku besteht Leistungstest - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Auto
Auto-Superakku besteht Leistungstest

Berlin - Die Macher des abgebrannten Elektroautos, mit dem im vergangenen Jahr eine Weltrekordfahrt über 600 Kilometer gelungen war, sehen alle Zweifel an ihrer Batterietechnik entkräftet.
They just set a world Record with a 600 kilometer range.
And the emblem on the car, in case You did not notice is the evil Audi emblem, one of FOE`s nightmare enemies

And the battery was developed in the same evil Canada which will pipeline TOXIC Tar Sands Oil to Texas refineries (according to FOE),...actually it`s not really a battery in the conventional sense, but more of an electrolysis chamber and it uses a tank full of charged electrolyte that flows through like a fuel, discharging and the discharged electrolyte is later again re-charged..
That all happened while all You fuckhead tree-hugger assholes were issuing citizens arrest warrants and conducted Your e-mail attacks on Congressmen, car makers, etc etc..
Show me one shred of evidence what FOE has contributed to Science and Technology, for the benefit of mankind......!!!!!

This will be so funny to watch You jerks squirm yet again. After having to admit, that the global temps actually went down instead of up, "GW scientists" countered that with Chinese aerosols "reflecting sunlight", to bury all heads in the sand about the low solar activity cycle we just been through..
Now the solar cycle is really picking up steam again, and yes we will get on average warmer..
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: B4 1438 UT Apr02
24-hr: B4 0018 UT Apr02
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at: 1800 UT
Daily Sun: 02 Apr 11
How funny it would be if these electro Audi`s went into mass production, not just with Audi but also world wide...but the new solar cycle keeps raising gloabal temperatures and REALLY starts melting some arctic ice...while CO2 emissions went down
Maybe, just maybe it`s all heading this way....I`m looking forward to it...It`ll be good for another real belly laugh to watch You assholes squirm in Your pissy lie puddles yet again

Anyway, that`s what we do in Canada with the money we axed from idiotic "GW research" funding...! we put it where tax $s earmarked for R&D does some good
And amongst Audi/Porsche/BMW etc engineers You will not find a single one who subscribes to this moron "GW science" either
It would be interesting to tally up the costs like Japan did how much You usless bastards have cost us so far in North America..
Japan Wasted $78 Billion on Global Warming Research

It`s not just "blog opinion" either check it out...:
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While assholes like "OldRocks" quote week end visitors to Churchill Manitoba, reporting that he could not see any ice...and Manitoba Hydro could not hold back any more water from the stupendous Nelson River flow and simply has to discharge it into the Hudson Bay, lest they flood Manitoba, North Dakota and Minnesota. Manitoba hydro was not aware that some Sierra club fag was there when they dumped out the reservoirs into the Hudson bay...
So what...? 2 day later the bears had their ice and did the fag from the Sierra club reporting on the starving polar bears in Churchill because
of man made GW...
But "OldRocks" quoted him repeatedly "proving" he knows mor abaout Manitoba, Churchill, (where I have family) +the arctic & Greenland and last not least power engineering, while I have been doing just that with the Military engineers

While fuckheads like "OldRocks" and FOE keep ranting and spewing email spam, Canada`s power industry sector has been busy to store power in different ways, not just a potential mechanical energy in huge water reservoirs

Without being able to do that, all windmills and solar grids are also totally useless in a REAL WORLD power demand grid.
In the FOE and "GW science" dream world this is supposed to be done by generating stupendous amounts of highly explosive Hydrogen gas and pipeline it throughout America...
The same assholes argue that Nuclear power plants are not save, because they can`t withstand R9 earth quakes...but in their pipe dream world a hydrogen gas pipeline is ayokay.

Merkel actually forced the German Power industry to build a huge Hydrogen Generating Station...when they turned around after having done so, and confronted her with the Hydrogen pipe line system no one including her wants to take responsibility for it left these facilities they were forced to build now they use it to make Chlorine Gas instead in never before seen quantities and ship it to China, where it`s used to make CFC`s...! Had Merkel and these Green FOE fuckheads not meddled into Science & Technology + Industrial affairs this fiasco would have never happened.

The U.S. branch of FOE goes on pushing that very same thing in their total ignorance with e-mail campaigns to Congress and the White if Germany had actually built a Hydrogen Gas Pipeline if anybody in their right mind would ever do such a thing, especially in the aftermath of Japan and Chernobyl...the explosions in all cases were Hydrogen Gas explosions

Anyway while the GW and FOE bastards have been lobbying against the evil energy sector, Canada has axed almost all GW "research" and funded some real research to be conducted by the evil energy industry...
now we have a VRB Energy Storage System (VRB-ESS) which can store Mega Watt Hours at a cost of $0.001/kWh ....
And the R&D was done with a fraction of the money the GW bastards had as semi annual budget
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@ Skookerasbil, if You think the "Mr.Kidd" video was funny, You ain`t seen nothing yet...
Get a load of this...this is what "OldRocks" and FOE technology "envisions"...:
A Clean Energy Future: Available Now | Friends of the Earth
A Clean Energy Future: Available Now
Sara Schedler, Friends of the Earth’s Clean Car Program Associate, heads a regional initiative in California to build and promote solar fueling stations for plug-in electric vehicles. This technology is tried and true and available immediately. Electric vehicles are in production and will be on the market by next year. By installing and using solar fueling stations we can wean ourselves off of dirty liquid fuels like oil and biofuels and create near-zero emissions driving

So we are supposed to camp overnight and wait for the sun to come out to "re-fuel" our cars ...someone should actually make a video for Yutube about all their hairbrained ideas.
Sarah Schedler has a plate in her head.............

Progress report from Skookerasbil video productions studios...
A joint American Canadian venture to combat stupidity and ignorance

[ame=]YouTube - Green Technology.wmv[/ame]

Do You approve?
On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

You forgot this part...

As of March 22, ice extent has declined for five straight days. However there is still a chance that the ice extent could expand again. Sea ice extent in February and March tends to be quite variable, because ice near the edge is thin and often quite dispersed. The thin ice is highly sensitive to weather, moving or melting quickly in response to changing winds and temperatures, and it often oscillates near the maximum extent for several days or weeks, as it has done this year.

Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, the maximum Arctic sea ice extent has occurred as early as February 18 and as late as March 31, with an average date of March 6.

You not being jewish.?.You posted that Your family fled Germany even before the dawn of the 3rd Reich and it was forbidden to have any German literature in Your home or to speak German. Who else other than jews would do that? Israel`s jews really do what we "Nazis" were accused of and go the extra mile

LOL. Damned right before the dawn of the Third Reich. Try 1848.
On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

You forgot this part...

As of March 22, ice extent has declined for five straight days. However there is still a chance that the ice extent could expand again. Sea ice extent in February and March tends to be quite variable, because ice near the edge is thin and often quite dispersed. The thin ice is highly sensitive to weather, moving or melting quickly in response to changing winds and temperatures, and it often oscillates near the maximum extent for several days or weeks, as it has done this year.

Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, the maximum Arctic sea ice extent has occurred as early as February 18 and as late as March 31, with an average date of March 6.

OK. So we will see what the max ice extant was for this year in a very short while. Looks like it will be far below the norm, once again.

You not being jewish.?.You posted that Your family fled Germany even before the dawn of the 3rd Reich and it was forbidden to have any German literature in Your home or to speak German. Who else other than jews would do that? Israel`s jews really do what we "Nazis" were accused of and go the extra mile

LOL. Damned right before the dawn of the Third Reich. Try 1848.

history reached its turning point and failed to turn.

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