Arctic ice thins dramatically

Well, BiPolar and Kookybill have had their rant. So what do real scientists say?

Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet decay update | The Way Things Break

Rignot, et al. conclude:

This study reconciles two totally independent methods for estimating ice sheet mass balance, in Greenland and Antarctica, for the first time: the MBM method comparing influx and outflux of ice, and the GRACE method based on time-variable gravity data. The two records agree in terms of mass, M(t), mass change, dM(t)/dt, and acceleration in mass change, d2M/dt2. The results illustrate the major impact of monthly-to-annual variations in SMB on ice sheet mass balance. Using the two-decade long MBM observation record, we determine that ice sheet loss is accelerating by 36.3 2 Gt/yr2, or 3 times larger than from mountain glaciers and ice caps (GIC). The magnitude of the acceleration suggests that ice sheets will be the dominant contributors to sea level rise in forthcoming decades, and will likely exceed the IPCC projections for the contribution of ice sheets to sea level rise in the 21st century.
computer models are BS.........cant even call the weather 24 hours out..........

real science not winning............
Here is my ice sheet, today @ ~13:00.
I retired, so this aint CFS Alert Ellesmere Island or Thule`s my backyard in Manitoba.
Noon Temperature today finally came up to minus 4 Celsius, was -25 to -30 C last week.
Night temp. last night was -15 C. So at least I can go for a walk now. The top snow is solid ice and You don`t sink in all the way up to belt level.

So is this just a short term weather or is it "climate" it sure as fuck did not get any warmer in Manitoba, neither where I live now, nor up at Churchill, Hudson Bay Manitoba.
Official Polar-bear Capitol of the world.
Where everyone wants to know how a polar bear could "drown" like Ass Gore says they do...but he does`nt answer his phone

Churchill Manitoba today:
Current Churchill Weather Conditions Updated Mar 28, 2011 8:00 PM
A Few Clouds
Temperature: -7°C

Iqaluit today:
Weather for Iqaluit, NU, Canada

And last week my backyard looked like this:

But some assholes in some cities where they have been playing Golf for over a month claim it`s gotten "on average" warmer were I live.
And New York will flood soon because our ice here is melting
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The extreme warmth in Northeast Canada is undoubtedly related to the fact that Hudson Bay was practically ice free. In the past, including the GISS base period 1951-1980, Hudson Bay was largely ice-covered in November. The contrast of temperatures at coastal stations in years with and without sea ice cover on the neighboring water body is useful for illustrating the dramatic effect of sea ice on surface air temperature. Sea ice insulates the atmosphere from ocean water warmth, allowing surface air to achieve temperatures much lower than that of the ocean. It is for this reason that some of the largest positive temperature anomalies on the planet occur in the Arctic Ocean as sea ice area has decreased in recent years.
Heading Toward a Record Setting Year for Hudson Bay : Wildlife Promise

Heading Toward a Record Year

Ice went out earlier and is lower in cover overall this year in Hudson Bay.
As we reported yesterday, Hudson Bay polar bears are eagerly awaiting the sea ice to freeze up so they can break their fast, return to the ice and start hunting for seals, their primary food source. Historically, Hudson Bay should have ice by now and the bears should be long gone. However, climate change is causing dramatic declines in sea ice. As a result, these bears are stuck on land, living off their fat reserves, and waiting. For some, the longer wait could mean starvation and death.

When my plane departed Churchill yesterday, there was still no ice to be seen on the Bay. We could see a new record set this year if things do not improve soon. According to a bulletin issued by Environment Canada today, “the progression of freeze-up is 2 weeks late in western Hudson Bay and only a very narrow fringe of new ice is evident along the western and southern shores at this time.” Check out the above graph to see how low sea ice cover has been in Hudson Bay this year.
Heading Toward a Record Setting Year for Hudson Bay : Wildlife Promise

Heading Toward a Record Year

Ice went out earlier and is lower in cover overall this year in Hudson Bay.
As we reported yesterday, Hudson Bay polar bears are eagerly awaiting the sea ice to freeze up so they can break their fast, return to the ice and start hunting for seals, their primary food source. Historically, Hudson Bay should have ice by now and the bears should be long gone. However, climate change is causing dramatic declines in sea ice. As a result, these bears are stuck on land, living off their fat reserves, and waiting. For some, the longer wait could mean starvation and death.

When my plane departed Churchill yesterday, there was still no ice to be seen on the Bay. We could see a new record set this year if things do not improve soon. According to a bulletin issued by Environment Canada today, “the progression of freeze-up is 2 weeks late in western Hudson Bay and only a very narrow fringe of new ice is evident along the western and southern shores at this time.” Check out the above graph to see how low sea ice cover has been in Hudson Bay this year.

Unbelievable!...This is exactly what I`ve been saying about assholes like You and the even bigger assholes You keep quoting.
I can count on You to do it EVERY TIME....Quoting a blog from an wide eyed Tourist who`s never been in Churchill MB in his life, just like You and writing an idiotic global warming blog like that. Meanwhile half my relatives from my wife`s side live in Churchill and we drive up there almost every other Month.
Lets start with "the "starving Polar bears"..Typical New York "experts on arctic wildlife"...what the You and others think these bears if they live all their lives on the ice.
Matter of fact some of them never even venture out on the ice but stay on the tundra!
Then the "abnormal high temperature" Your experts writes abut...he quoted an environment Canada FORECAST...:
FECN15 CWIS 161800
And did EXACTLY the same as You always do...did not even bother to read what he quoted on his retard blog...
Just as soon as he spotted "above normal" he ran with it, after looking high and low for something usable for "GW"...and on the same page...:
New and grey ice will gradually fill the
northern half of Foxe Basin and grow along the coasts of its southern
half as well as in Frozen Strait and Repulse Bay. Small amounts of
multi-year and second-year ice may be present in Fury and Hecla. In
Hudson Bay, the narrow band of new ice along western and southern shores
and along the southern shore of Southampton Island will thicken to a mix
of new and grey ice and expand outward to about 120 km north of 59°N and
out to about 30km south of 59°N by the end of November.

First of all, a LT OF ICE NEVER EVEN you would see if You actually ever been to Hudson Bay...and by the way this forecast that your expert quoted was way off the mark, as most forecasts are.
By the end of November the ice extended way more than 250 kms out the bay.

Of course You have no way of knowing this, because all You have is what You get with Your slanted sense of reality...You Google for something about Churchill Manitoba +global warming and the first thing You would find is this blog...and after that every New York "arctic expert" on Churchill Manitoba found that blog...quoted it and blew it up even more...and the proof is in the pudding..!
churchill temperature november 2010 - Google Search

Not a single one, ever even bothered to check an actual Churchill MB weather report for Churchill for November 2010
Because November turned out to be brutally cold...and everybody would have preferred the forecast, but as usual reality never cared what people believe..

Google is like a fortune teller, it will tell You what You want to hear...and simply bases it on how You ask the question.
Had You not been so eager to try tell me what it`s like where I live You could have avoided your latest and by far most retarded fuckup!
You could have just Googled the Manitoba News paper Archives for November 2010 ..
But of course You went Googling for "Churchill Manitoba"..."EVIDENCE OF GLOBAL WARMING" and found a Tourist blog...
You know, it`s not as people who live in Churchill Manitoba don`t write blogs...only You`l never find these with they way you look for "information"...You need "information" that suits Your stupidity...

So lets see what people who actually live here have to say and compare that with Your "Global Warming Expert" You found after looking all day for it..:

Tom Nelson: Stupid polar bears: Off the ice since July 15 and still fat, they refuse to cooperate with the warmists
Stupid polar bears: Off the ice since July 15 and still fat, they refuse to cooperate with the warmists
[November 18, 2010]: Late Hudson Bay ice imperils polar bears - News - MSN CA

While a recent aerial survey of 333 polar bears along the bay's western coast showed the bears to be in good condition, conservationists worry the animals' good health will deteriorate quickly if ice does not form in the next few weeks.
On Nov. 15, Manitoba Conservation, along with the WWF, Polar Bears International, and York Factory First Nation Resource Management Board, conducted an aerial survey of 333 polar bears along Hudson Bay's western coast. The bears had been off the ice since July 15.

The results were "surprisingly pleasant," said Darryll Hedman, a regional wildlife manager for the provincial agency.

Many of the mostly single, adult males were relatively fat, with "wide rear ends" and a belly "with a dish to it," Hedman said. Cubs were also considered to be doing well, based on how their fat rippled when they ran.
Hedman emphasized the aerial survey was "just a snapshot in time" and warned the bears will become "exponentially skinnier."

Polar Bear Alley - Polar Bear Blog, Polar Bear News from Churchill, Manitoba

Polar Bear Blog - November 19, 2010 - Churchill, Manitoba - Bears on Ice

Maybe my prediction of ten days was a little conservative. After two more days of cold and north wind, the ice extends well out into Hudson Bay, looks like two miles at some places such as Halfway Point and from what I heard Gordon Point as well. Down at the coast, you can see bears walking in the distance, patrolling the floe edge for more seals or possibly just testing how far out they can go. Button Bay to the west of Churchill must be fully locked in now as well.

Funny how just a few days ago, it seemed as though the bears would be here well into December and now it looks like they will head back onto the bay only a few days later than 'normal'.
...Polar Bear Blog - November 16, 2010 - Churchill, Manitoba - Year of the Seal

Fuck off You asshole

Churchill Manitoba is my back Yard and I do know what`s going on in my own back Yard...what the fuck are You trying to pull here?
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I guess in Churchill we`ld have an opportunity like no where else to get rid of assholes that write nonsense like that,
All it takes is a few high power rifles, ..and provide something for the bears to snack on while they are waiting to eat seal.
This is even more ridiculous what the Siearra Club writes about Iqaluit...and after that it`s on CNN.. and none of them ever even been there...
"Eskimos are forced to eat at McDonalds instead of raw seal meat, because the ice is too thin"
Any hoaxter can write anything he wants about "Global Warming" + the Hudson Bay, Iqaluit or Greenland without ever even having to bother going there and countless Media Channels crown him instantly as an "arctic expert" and publish crap like that, so that assholes like "OldRocks" have something to quote. .
All they need is one single weather forecast with the words "above normal" and that is then all the "proof" they need for "global warming"

People who actually live there can supply Temperature readings every day all Year long how cold it really is or has been for their entire life, but then it`s called "the (local) weather" and we don`t understand the concept of "climate change".

What`s there to understand about this concept?
It`s exactly the same concept telephone fraudsters have used decades long before this scam showed up on RADAR
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Rocks thinks everything pro-alarmist is genuine............never gives it a second thought that it MIGHT be a cherry picked comment.

He criticizes folks for not living out in the wilderness, but let me tell you something, people who live in the middle of nowhere just arent exposed to being bamboozled, thus, they trust whatever the fcukk comes along. Its called being naive..........typical when you hail from places like Scratchthegroinville USA and spend half your life talking to the trees in the woods from 9-5. You dont pick up on the social dynamic like people in the real world............c'mon...........doesnt take a real scientist to figure that out.

Polar Bear is out there SEEING the shit in real time. Rocks is taking the word of some shitforbrains doing a fcukking flyover. I'll take the guy's word whos there.........not to mention, Polar's passion comes out of the absurdity of the whole engineered snow job. Rocks just despises anybody who's had success in life..........hates the capitalist. THATS his passion.........its clearly evident in his posts. When you're a miserable fcukk, the only place you can hold a job is in the middle of the fcukking forest.........not exactly a premium on social skills uness you are an ent.

LOL........Rocks proably thinks the Sierra Club is about saving nature!!!:boobies::boobies::funnyface::funnyface:


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Heading Toward a Record Setting Year for Hudson Bay : Wildlife Promise

Heading Toward a Record Year

Ice went out earlier and is lower in cover overall this year in Hudson Bay.
As we reported yesterday, Hudson Bay polar bears are eagerly awaiting the sea ice to freeze up so they can break their fast, return to the ice and start hunting for seals, their primary food source. Historically, Hudson Bay should have ice by now and the bears should be long gone. However, climate change is causing dramatic declines in sea ice. As a result, these bears are stuck on land, living off their fat reserves, and waiting. For some, the longer wait could mean starvation and death.

When my plane departed Churchill yesterday, there was still no ice to be seen on the Bay. We could see a new record set this year if things do not improve soon. According to a bulletin issued by Environment Canada today, “the progression of freeze-up is 2 weeks late in western Hudson Bay and only a very narrow fringe of new ice is evident along the western and southern shores at this time.” Check out the above graph to see how low sea ice cover has been in Hudson Bay this year.

Unbelievable!...This is exactly what I`ve been saying about assholes like You and the even bigger assholes You keep quoting.
I can count on You to do it EVERY TIME....Quoting a blog from an wide eyed Tourist who`s never been in Churchill MB in his life, just like You and writing an idiotic global warming blog like that. Meanwhile half my relatives from my wife`s side live in Churchill and we drive up there almost every other Month.
Lets start with "the "starving Polar bears"..Typical New York "experts on arctic wildlife"...what the You and others think these bears if they live all their lives on the ice.
Matter of fact some of them never even venture out on the ice but stay on the tundra!
Then the "abnormal high temperature" Your experts writes abut...he quoted an environment Canada FORECAST...:
FECN15 CWIS 161800
And did EXACTLY the same as You always do...did not even bother to read what he quoted on his retard blog...
Just as soon as he spotted "above normal" he ran with it, after looking high and low for something usable for "GW"...and on the same page...:
New and grey ice will gradually fill the
northern half of Foxe Basin and grow along the coasts of its southern
half as well as in Frozen Strait and Repulse Bay. Small amounts of
multi-year and second-year ice may be present in Fury and Hecla. In
Hudson Bay, the narrow band of new ice along western and southern shores
and along the southern shore of Southampton Island will thicken to a mix
of new and grey ice and expand outward to about 120 km north of 59°N and
out to about 30km south of 59°N by the end of November.

First of all, a LT OF ICE NEVER EVEN you would see if You actually ever been to Hudson Bay...and by the way this forecast that your expert quoted was way off the mark, as most forecasts are.
By the end of November the ice extended way more than 250 kms out the bay.

Of course You have no way of knowing this, because all You have is what You get with Your slanted sense of reality...You Google for something about Churchill Manitoba +global warming and the first thing You would find is this blog...and after that every New York "arctic expert" on Churchill Manitoba found that blog...quoted it and blew it up even more...and the proof is in the pudding..!
churchill temperature november 2010 - Google Search

Not a single one, ever even bothered to check an actual Churchill MB weather report for Churchill for November 2010
Because November turned out to be brutally cold...and everybody would have preferred the forecast, but as usual reality never cared what people believe..

Google is like a fortune teller, it will tell You what You want to hear...and simply bases it on how You ask the question.
Had You not been so eager to try tell me what it`s like where I live You could have avoided your latest and by far most retarded fuckup!
You could have just Googled the Manitoba News paper Archives for November 2010 ..
But of course You went Googling for "Churchill Manitoba"..."EVIDENCE OF GLOBAL WARMING" and found a Tourist blog...
You know, it`s not as people who live in Churchill Manitoba don`t write blogs...only You`l never find these with they way you look for "information"...You need "information" that suits Your stupidity...

So lets see what people who actually live here have to say and compare that with Your "Global Warming Expert" You found after looking all day for it..:

Tom Nelson: Stupid polar bears: Off the ice since July 15 and still fat, they refuse to cooperate with the warmists
Stupid polar bears: Off the ice since July 15 and still fat, they refuse to cooperate with the warmists
[November 18, 2010]: Late Hudson Bay ice imperils polar bears - News - MSN CA

While a recent aerial survey of 333 polar bears along the bay's western coast showed the bears to be in good condition, conservationists worry the animals' good health will deteriorate quickly if ice does not form in the next few weeks.
On Nov. 15, Manitoba Conservation, along with the WWF, Polar Bears International, and York Factory First Nation Resource Management Board, conducted an aerial survey of 333 polar bears along Hudson Bay's western coast. The bears had been off the ice since July 15.

The results were "surprisingly pleasant," said Darryll Hedman, a regional wildlife manager for the provincial agency.

Many of the mostly single, adult males were relatively fat, with "wide rear ends" and a belly "with a dish to it," Hedman said. Cubs were also considered to be doing well, based on how their fat rippled when they ran.
Hedman emphasized the aerial survey was "just a snapshot in time" and warned the bears will become "exponentially skinnier."

Polar Bear Alley - Polar Bear Blog, Polar Bear News from Churchill, Manitoba

Polar Bear Blog - November 19, 2010 - Churchill, Manitoba - Bears on Ice

Maybe my prediction of ten days was a little conservative. After two more days of cold and north wind, the ice extends well out into Hudson Bay, looks like two miles at some places such as Halfway Point and from what I heard Gordon Point as well. Down at the coast, you can see bears walking in the distance, patrolling the floe edge for more seals or possibly just testing how far out they can go. Button Bay to the west of Churchill must be fully locked in now as well.

Funny how just a few days ago, it seemed as though the bears would be here well into December and now it looks like they will head back onto the bay only a few days later than 'normal'.
...Polar Bear Blog - November 16, 2010 - Churchill, Manitoba - Year of the Seal

Fuck off You asshole

Churchill Manitoba is my back Yard and I do know what`s going on in my own back Yard...what the fuck are You trying to pull here?
Are you going to believe your own lying eyes or him? I mean really. Your own eyes?
Of course You have no way of knowing this, because all You have is what You get with Your slanted sense of reality...You Google for something about Churchill Manitoba +global warming and the first thing You would find is this blog...and after that every New York "arctic expert" on Churchill Manitoba found that blog...quoted it and blew it up even more...and the proof is in the pudding..!
churchill temperature november 2010 - Google Search

Not a single one, ever even bothered to check an actual Churchill MB weather report for Churchill for November 2010
Because November turned out to be brutally cold...and everybody would have preferred the forecast, but as usual reality never cared what people believe..

Google is like a fortune teller, it will tell You what You want to hear...and simply bases it on how You ask the question.

It's even worse than that.

Poeople with political agendas, like environmentalist/gullible warming moonbats, pay Google to rank their sites higher than the hits they naturally draw.

Rocks..............listen up s0n............

For anybody looking in on this thead, you're getting pwned in epic fashion. Perhaps you just like being a cheerleader for the k00ks, but to the standard curious blogger, your shit doesnt resonate anymore. Its not 2006 when you had the wind in your sails...........

If people were so convinced of your "science" vs the stuff posted by Polar Bear, Cap and Trade woud be the law of the land. Its the hard facts s0n............when all is said and done............

Old Rocks- I wonder what the world would have thought back in 1921 when the ice pulled back so far that the landmarks were unrecognizable? of course we didnt have 30 minute news cycles or even TV much less a frame of mind that sees catastrophe in every weather event and fevered imaginations that portray exaggerated climate models as 'data'.

its odd that the 'legitimate' ice records dont match up with the newspaper accounts of the time.
Can't handle the truth at all, can you, BiPolar.

Polarbear lives the truth, you're the one who can't handle it. Lets look a little further into the report shall we? We find this.....

"As of March 22, ice extent has declined for five straight days. However there is still a chance that the ice extent could expand again. Sea ice extent in February and March tends to be quite variable, because ice near the edge is thin and often quite dispersed. The thin ice is highly sensitive to weather, moving or melting quickly in response to changing winds and temperatures, and it often oscillates near the maximum extent for several days or weeks, as it has done this year.

Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, the maximum Arctic sea ice extent has occurred as early as February 18 and as late as March 31, with an average date of March 6."

So here we are almost out of March.......sure beats the hell out of February doesn't it?

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