Arctic ice thins dramatically

." However, these temperature reconstructions are based on, in large part, data compiled from high latitude or high altitude terrestrial proxy records, such as tree rings and ice cores, from the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Little pre-historical temperature data from tropical regions like the IPWP has been incorporated into these analyses, and the global extent of warm temperatures during this interval is unclear. As a result, conclusions regarding past global temperatures still have some uncertainties."

As in most of the "data is from high latitude or high altitude proxy records, tree rings and ice cores". Now that would have to be north Asian or North European, wouldn't it? So these proxy records indicate that the temperature for the high nothern hemisphere was about 0.5 degrees below that of the late 20th century.

Now that is a long ways from being warmer by 5 degrees than today.

It is the article that you posted, Walleyes. So now you are backing away from it as fast as you can. Perhaps you should read the articles before you post them.
Temperature reconstructions suggest that the Northern Hemisphere may have been slightly cooler (by about 0.5 degrees Celsius) during the 'Medieval Warm Period' (~AD 800-1300) than during the late-20th century


Temperatures were significantly warmer during the MWP............depending where the temperatures were read..........

Here's a more recent study from Woods Hole. It dates from 2009 so is still a little old but the basics are still good and far superior to that which you posted. But feel free to argue with one of the pre-eminent organisations on the planet. I am sure there is a windmill you can tilt at.

News Release : New Temperature Reconstruction from Indo-Pacific Warm Pool : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

And exactly how do you feel this compellingly supports either of your claims?

Even if all elements of this press release are taken at the most simple, face value, and we allow for the breathless spin-meistering implied, we are talking about the results from two core samples less than 50miles apart within 5 degrees of the equator.

While the coupling (particularly the proposed inverse relationship interactions as suggested in this topic paper's detailed assessment of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) activity and its inverse association with the much weaker Indonesian monsoon (IM), and the suggested similar nature of the various Northern Hemisphere (NH) pacific cycle oscillations and the central Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) hydrologic variabilities are extremely interesting, and with better understanding will undoubtably help us to more accurately confirm and predict how such intricate interactions play out as the planet's climate continues to warm over the coming centuries,...I just don't see how these support your contentions of global warming greater than currently experienced extremes during the specifically defined dates of the MWP and the LIA. Did you look at the graph from the paper?(it is reproduced at your press release link):

Image : New Temperature Reconstruction from Indo-Pacific Warm Pool : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Looky here, as predicted the Arctic Sea Ice extent is increasing and has surpassed the levels seen in 2005, 2006, and 2007. If it continues apace it will exceed the extent for 2004 as well fairly quickly. Time will tell.


  • $AMSRE_Sea_Ice_Extent_L.png
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Where did we say that it would be significantly lower than that of 2007? For it is tracking the 2007 track pretty well. In spite of the end of summer and fall being in a very strong La Nina pattern.

In fact, given the strenght of the La Nina, the curve of temperatures is very strange. When you look at the graph on Dr. Spencer's site, you see a large drop both after 1998, and 2007. Yet, after a moderate
El Nino, 2010 nearly matched 1998, and, with a very strong La Nina, only has dropped to -0.01 for January, and -0.02 for February. If it does not drop substancially, or even goes into the plus territory, the running mean may fall no further than the running mean from 2002 to 2007. And start the next rise from that point.

UAH Temperature Update for Feb. 2011: -0.02 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
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The ice sheets covering both ends of Earth are losing mass at an accelerating pace, and are on a faster-than-projected path to surpass other sources of rising sea levels, according to a new study.

"The magnitude of the acceleration suggests that ice sheets will be the dominant contributors to sea level rise in forthcoming decades," the team of researchers concluded after surveying 18 years of satellite and modeling data from Antarctica and Greenland.

"That ice sheets will dominate future sea level rise is not surprising — they hold a lot more ice mass than mountain glaciers," lead author Eric Rignot, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a statement.

"What is surprising is this increased contribution by the ice sheets is already happening," he added. "If present trends continue, sea level is likely to be significantly higher than levels projected by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007."

The IPCC's estimate is actually a range — between seven inches and two feet by 2100, with little attributed to ice sheets because the science was less certain when the report was written.

Rignot's team noted that, if current trends hold, the ice sheet melt will raise sea levels by nearly six inches by 2050. Total sea level rise could top 12 inches once melting glaciers and thermal expansion are factored in, they noted.

Earth's ice sheets melting faster, study finds - U.S. news - Environment - Climate Change -
On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

and Antarctic sea ice is expanding............

The Real Facts on Increasing Antarctic Ice | Ecoworld


2 years old!! LMFAO!!! Try to keep current you fucking troll:cuckoo:

10 December 2010
Media Advisory: NSIDC Antarctic Scientist at Press Briefing
Unstable Antarctica: What's Driving Ice Loss?

New results based on data from airborne and satellite missions show a clear picture of mechanisms driving ice loss in West Antarctica. Scientists have previously shown that West Antarctica is losing ice, but how that ice is lost remained unclear. Now, using data from a range of NASA's Earth observing satellites and from the ongoing Operation IceBridge airborne mission, scientists have pinpointed ice loss culprits above and below the ice. Continued monitoring of Antarctica's rapidly changing areas is expected to improve predictions of sea level rise.
On March 7, 2011, Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year, at 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1%) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Yes, minimum ice that was the same as 2006. So better than 2007 when the record low was recorded. And wow, the icebreakers had one of their busiest years because the ice that was there was thicker and harder to punch through. Multi year ice is also increasing as is the thickness. So the next few years will se even more buildup. As usual, you guys focus on one aspect of the issue and ignore all others.

and Antarctic sea ice is expanding............

The Real Facts on Increasing Antarctic Ice | Ecoworld


2 years old!! LMFAO!!! Try to keep current you fucking troll:cuckoo:

10 December 2010
Media Advisory: NSIDC Antarctic Scientist at Press Briefing
Unstable Antarctica: What's Driving Ice Loss?

New results based on data from airborne and satellite missions show a clear picture of mechanisms driving ice loss in West Antarctica. Scientists have previously shown that West Antarctica is losing ice, but how that ice is lost remained unclear. Now, using data from a range of NASA's Earth observing satellites and from the ongoing Operation IceBridge airborne mission, scientists have pinpointed ice loss culprits above and below the ice. Continued monitoring of Antarctica's rapidly changing areas is expected to improve predictions of sea level rise.

epic fAiL bozo........that area is insignificant in terms of MY link makes perfectly clear!!!:fu:


fcukking skiers..............crash too many tree's.............

and Antarctic sea ice is expanding............

The Real Facts on Increasing Antarctic Ice | Ecoworld


2 years old!! LMFAO!!! Try to keep current you fucking troll:cuckoo:

10 December 2010
Media Advisory: NSIDC Antarctic Scientist at Press Briefing
Unstable Antarctica: What's Driving Ice Loss?

New results based on data from airborne and satellite missions show a clear picture of mechanisms driving ice loss in West Antarctica. Scientists have previously shown that West Antarctica is losing ice, but how that ice is lost remained unclear. Now, using data from a range of NASA's Earth observing satellites and from the ongoing Operation IceBridge airborne mission, scientists have pinpointed ice loss culprits above and below the ice. Continued monitoring of Antarctica's rapidly changing areas is expected to improve predictions of sea level rise.

epic fAiL bozo........that area is insignificant in terms of MY link makes perfectly clear!!!:fu:


fcukking skiers..............crash too many tree's.............

a clueless troll is still a fucking moronic troll, you post about antarctic and the original post was about the arctic, fucking moron, 2 year old link, blah, blah, blah

btw, 32 years skiing and i've never hit a tree, epic fail troll
2 years old!! LMFAO!!! Try to keep current you fucking troll:cuckoo:

10 December 2010
Media Advisory: NSIDC Antarctic Scientist at Press Briefing
Unstable Antarctica: What's Driving Ice Loss?

New results based on data from airborne and satellite missions show a clear picture of mechanisms driving ice loss in West Antarctica. Scientists have previously shown that West Antarctica is losing ice, but how that ice is lost remained unclear. Now, using data from a range of NASA's Earth observing satellites and from the ongoing Operation IceBridge airborne mission, scientists have pinpointed ice loss culprits above and below the ice. Continued monitoring of Antarctica's rapidly changing areas is expected to improve predictions of sea level rise.

epic fAiL bozo........that area is insignificant in terms of MY link makes perfectly clear!!!:fu:


fcukking skiers..............crash too many tree's.............

a clueless troll is still a fucking moronic troll, you post about antarctic and the original post was about the arctic, fucking moron, 2 year old link, blah, blah, blah

btw, 32 years skiing and i've never hit a tree, epic fail troll


Well.........skiing in the east, we have a phrase for skiiers who wreck on the slopes and end up with a hat here, a glove there and a ski shooting down the hill. We call it a "garage sale"........obviously too many garage sales for you s0n!!!:fu::fu::fu:

Too.......evidently, you either failed to read my link OR the reading skills are a tick off. Id check the eye perscription s0n........those wrecks can cause retinal displacement................totally fcukk up your eyesight.
The ice sheets covering both ends of Earth are losing mass at an accelerating pace, and are on a faster-than-projected path to surpass other sources of rising sea levels, according to a new study.

"The magnitude of the acceleration suggests that ice sheets will be the dominant contributors to sea level rise in forthcoming decades," the team of researchers concluded after surveying 18 years of satellite and modeling data from Antarctica and Greenland.

"That ice sheets will dominate future sea level rise is not surprising — they hold a lot more ice mass than mountain glaciers," lead author Eric Rignot, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a statement.

"What is surprising is this increased contribution by the ice sheets is already happening," he added. "If present trends continue, sea level is likely to be significantly higher than levels projected by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007."

The IPCC's estimate is actually a range — between seven inches and two feet by 2100, with little attributed to ice sheets because the science was less certain when the report was written.

Rignot's team noted that, if current trends hold, the ice sheet melt will raise sea levels by nearly six inches by 2050. Total sea level rise could top 12 inches once melting glaciers and thermal expansion are factored in, they noted.

Earth's ice sheets melting faster, study finds - U.S. news - Environment - Climate Change -

Let`s not even go into this bullshit that antarctic ice is "melting", because people as dumb as You will never comprehend what ice sheet and glacier calving is..
There seems to be no limit to the stupidity of people like You, "OldRocks" and these "scientists" that spread the most ridiculous bullshit ever published

Total sea level rise could top 12 inches once melting glaciers and thermal expansion are factored in, they noted.[/b]

So not even something as simple as Archimedes has been factored into these moronic computer models this moron "science" is based on.
So on the one hand they do say this "study" is based on ice that floats in the ocean, not on the ice that is on a land mass...and they say, once "Thermal expansion is factored in" the sea level will rise by 12 inches...
And You believe that!
Fuck, did`nt You ever notice that ice floats on water?
Why do You think it floats?
When water freezes to ice it EXPANDS, it does not shrink!
The volume SHRINKS when the ice melts You idiot!
Or did You think the ice floats because it might be hollow or something?

When ice floats in the ocean, by definition it`s not submerged then...can Your pee brain still follow, or are You lost already ?
So, when something floats, meaning some ice, say from an iceberg is sticking out of the water it can only float because it displaces and equal weight of water.
Have You ever heard of the Archimedes law..? it`s even in grade 8 physics books.
Obviously the assholes and their "computer models" You are quoting here never heard of him.
I`ll make it real simple for You. Take a shot glass and put some water in it and mark the line. Then drop an ice cube in it..note the water line went up...?
Mark it, then let it sit till the ice cube melted and keep watching the water line...!

Only a total moron would expect "a rise in the the (shotglass) sea level"
And every grade 8 kid could have told You or Your dope head "scientist" that the level would not go up

But hey, thanks for posting Your "source information"...and the "computer model data" this entire crap is based on.
Fuck, it`s unbelievable how stupid people can be!
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