Are all leftists irony impaired?


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
The leftist thief accuses her victim of having no conscience, sees no irony.

Wow, just wow.

The leftist thief accuses her victim of having no conscience, sees no irony.

Wow, just wow.
Wow indeed, this creature is a fascinating amalgamation of ignorance and stupidity not to mention an excellent argument for forced sterilization, however I don't think it's either accurate or fair to characterize it as a typical leftist. I believe it more accurately demonstrates the level of intellect, civility, command of language and respect for the rights of others that one might expect to find in the short bus class at a school of piranha.

... on the bright side, once this creature perishes (which given its level of intellect isn't likely to be too far in the future) the average IQ of humanity as a whole is likely to rise by at least 15 points.

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