Zone1 Are all monotheists also monodemonists?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The bifurcation of good and evil and the personification of those classifications would seem to necessitate a yin-yang interdependence.

Does your concept of a god demand that of a reciprocal demon, and how does your necessarily imperfect human understanding of such a transcendent matter characterize the requisite uni-devil?

What do you think about Satan?
The bifurcation of good and evil and the personification of those classifications would seem to necessitate a yin-yang interdependence.

Does your concept of a god demand that of a reciprocal demon, and how does your necessarily imperfect human understanding of such a transcendent matter characterize the requisite uni-devil?
The way that I view God, there is no need for a Devil because goodness is not an aspect of that God. In fact that entity is most often a heartless SOB who couldn’t care any less about people.

What do I think about satan? I think he looks an awful lot like Obama for some reason.
The way that I view God, there is no need for a Devil because goodness is not an aspect of that God. In fact that entity is most often a heartless SOB who couldn’t care any less about people.
The ultimate transcendent entity would be simultaneously none, and one, and many, but limited human understanding requires that restraints be imposed upon the divine.
The bifurcation of good and evil and the personification of those classifications would seem to necessitate a yin-yang interdependence.

Does your concept of a god demand that of a reciprocal demon, and how does your necessarily imperfect human understanding of such a transcendent matter characterize the requisite uni-devil?

What do you think about Satan?
I don't know who or what Satan is apart from Biblical descriptions. But I do believe a force of evil exists just as certain as I am that God exists. And God is never the source of evil. The metaphorical descriptions of Satan in the Bible as well as those created by humankind I pretty much see as that, i.e. metaphor. Humankind simply does not have the vocabulary or understanding to fully describe/understand all that God is and the same is most likely true of Satan or that force of evil.

The Bible teaches us that some are given temporary gifts of the Spirit as they need them. Among this is the gift of 'discernment of spirits' when they need it, i.e. a sort of sixth sense that you know that what a person is telling you is not right or is intended to deceive you. Sometimes you have thoughts running through your head that are not good, not you, and that you shouldn't believe or listen to. Sometimes you have a sense that evil is present and intends no good.

That is my impression of Satan at work in the world.
The ultimate transcendent entity would be simultaneously none, and one, and many, but limited human understanding requires that restraints be imposed upon the divine.
All the churches' beliefs are changing and so there's no standard concept of a Satan. What these people believe at the present, will be what their church tells them to believe.
All the churches' beliefs are changing and so there's no standard concept of a Satan. What these people believe at the present, will be what their church tells them to believe.
It'll be interesting to see how the updated Satan will be presented.
Satan is part of the Christian belief system. One of the lessor gods that the top God created.
Not really.

The Left views Trump, for example, as theri satan, along the Zionist Israel, yet they are all godless heathens.

We all have a satan and a savior.

For example:


Which are yours?
I don't know who or what Satan is apart from Biblical descriptions. But I do believe a force of evil exists just as certain as I am that God exists. And God is never the source of evil. The metaphorical descriptions of Satan in the Bible as well as those created by humankind I pretty much see as that, i.e. metaphor. Humankind simply does not have the vocabulary or understanding to fully describe/understand all that God is and the same is most likely true of Satan or that force of evil.

The Bible teaches us that some are given temporary gifts of the Spirit as they need them. Among this is the gift of 'discernment of spirits' when they need it, i.e. a sort of sixth sense that you know that what a person is telling you is not right or is intended to deceive you. Sometimes you have thoughts running through your head that are not good, not you, and that you shouldn't believe or listen to. Sometimes you have a sense that evil is present and intends no good.

That is my impression of Satan at work in the world.
"In the world" is the essential qualifier.

Some monotheists project their version of their god onto the entire universe, but the devil appears to be a localized phenomenon.
Not really.
Yes really. So much so that Christians are really just closet Satanist because of their belief that such a being exists. Of course anyone calling themselves Satanist, who believe Satan exists, are also closet Christian as well.
Is there a reciprocal demon with comparable scope?
No, because the Deity isn’t good, so there’s no need for an equivalent evil entity. As I see it the Deity is true neutral (to use D&D lingo). It’s only purpose is to test the souls of humanity and determine the eventual disposition of the soul after death.
It'll be interesting to see how the updated Satan will be presented.
Well actually the hell story has already been amended into at least a half dozen different versions. That's to represent the latest Satan beliefs. You must be aware of some of them?

Lake of fire, halfway stopover, free lunch for those who haven't even heard of Jesus or the God, babies not baptized, blah, blah, blaah etc.
Yes really. So much so that Christians are really just closet Satanist because of their belief that such a being exists. Of course anyone calling themselves Satanist, who believe Satan exists, are also closet Christian as well.
Don't blame them for not giving up the bullsh-t that's been passed down through generations for over 1800 years.
Yes really. So much so that Christians are really just closet Satanist because of their belief that such a being exists. Of course anyone calling themselves Satanist, who believe Satan exists, are also closet Christian as well.
That makes no sense at all. Do you know any practicing Christians? I know many and not one of them is a "closet Satanist" that is absurd.
That makes no sense at all. Do you know any practicing Christians? I know many and not one of them is a "closet Satanist" that is absurd.
Do they believe Satan exists and has existed for the entire history of mankind? I was raised Catholic and they all believe a being called Satan exists. It is part of their beliefs.
Yes really. So much so that Christians are really just closet Satanist because of their belief that such a being exists. Of course anyone calling themselves Satanist, who believe Satan exists, are also closet Christian as well.
Does that make you a closet Trumper?


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