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LOL...Dings thinks so too.

You all read scripture without having an inkling that they have deeper figurative meanings and hidden subjects not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

To perceive those hidden subject's requires intelligence.

Prove that you have enough to stop perpetuating lies.
Dude, you are the one who has twisted the NT beyond recognition.
An entire religion disagrees with you.

OMG! What a surprise! lol...(Do you really think that I give a shit?) stupid.

That entire religion, your religion, seeks spiritual life from the lifeless work of human hands.

I have kindled a flame. Your entire religion is a forest of dead trees and fallen branches.

My eyes are on all your ways, your wrongdoing is not hidden from my sight.

There is no hole in the ground or crevice in the rocks where you can hide.
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Dude, you are the one who has twisted the NT beyond recognition.

What I have done is what no one else in heaven, on the earth, or under the earth could ever do.

I have broken the 7 seals place on scripture that has prevented everyone from seeing what was hidden inside ever since it was written. Now anyone can look, see, and understand whether young or old, rich or poor, cop or criminal, good or evil, Jew or Gentile, believer or atheist, whatever.

What Jesus taught, the way to eternal life, is now clear.

What was hidden is now obvious. It can't be undone. There's a sign, duh, miracle for you...dude.

If people do not do the right thing now, what scripture requires, the next 1000 years will make the past 2000 look like a stroll in paradise.
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What I have done is what no one else in heaven, on the earth, or under the earth could ever do.

I have broken the 7 seals place on scripture that has prevented everyone from seeing what was hidden inside ever since it was written. Now anyone can look, see, and understand whether young or old, rich or poor, cop or criminal, good or evil, Jew or Gentile, believer or atheist, whatever.

What Jesus taught, the way to eternal life, is now clear.

What was hidden is now obvious. It can't be undone. There's a sign, duh, miracle for you...dude.

If people do not do the right thing now, what scripture requires, the next 1000 years will make the past 2000 look like a stroll in paradise.
You should write a book. :rolleyes:
OMG! What a surprise! lol...(Do you really think that I give a shit?) stupid.

That entire religion, your religion, seeks spiritual life from the lifeless work of human hands.

I have kindled a flame. Your entire religion is a forest of dead trees and fallen branches.

My eyes are on all your ways, your wrongdoing is not hidden from my sight.

There is no hole in the ground or crevice in the rocks where you can hide.
So you have said.... over and over and over again.

Other than GreatestIam and breezewood, I've never seen anyone as triggered by Christianity like you.
You may ask what scroll, and I may answer you with a question. Do not all homes, all nations have a proclamation, a deed, and a title to them proclaiming who's lands they are, and for what purpose they exist, and for what boundaries they may be defined by and whom they belong to?

I am a sinner, like all men are sinners. The wise man admits he is a sinner, and does what he can to warn others of the dangers of sin. Free will begot sin. And sin entered the world through Adam & Eve, whether you interpret that as allegorical, or actual. Sin though was the virus carried by The Serpent who tempted Eve and was the most beguiling of all creatures.

Lucifer's first target then after he had convinced a 1/3rd of the Angels to Rebel with him, was not Adam & Eve but was The Serpent who was beguiled by Lucifer to act as his emissary on earth, to act as his delivery system to infect the world with sin. But going back further, who was patient Zero? This was Lucifer himself, who was the most beautiful and artful thing ever created by The Creator.

It was through this beguilement and through Lucifer, that Adam once proclaimed as Lord of The Earth, forfeited his Title, and Deed to the now God of this Earth, Lucifer, now called Satan, that Old Serpent.

So where did sin originate from? Heaven.

Heaven? Really? Yes Heaven!

Shocking isn't it?

In this Universe, Our Universe, God created all things. However, God cannot violate His own by laws, as He is The Law Maker, and made all The Laws that Govern Our Universe. God is Holy and Righteous and though it may sound a contradiction, God by His own Law will not Force Humans to commune with Him, to be unified with Him or to Love Him. So, God in His Righteousness and Holiness created Free Will in all of His Created Beings.....so that over the entirety of Space and Time, which is a Finite Dimension, each Created Being could choose Freely until that day Time Expires in the Space Time Dimension.

The entire process of Free Will and "The Decision" was initiated by Lucifer, but was planned for in The Mind of God, who can see The Past, Present and Future simultaneously.

Lucifer was The Covering Cherub, who was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him, who's light was a part removed from The Light of his Creator. Lucifer who admiring his own beauty and power, and seeing God create a rival being called Man whom God said He would elevate above The Angels, first found offense in that because of his pride, and then instead of repentance which I believe God would have allowed, he held on to pride and gave birth to Envy, and Envy Begat Lies & Slander, and Slander Begat Strife, and Strife then Begat Rebellion, and Rebellion is as The Sin of Witchcraft thinking it not a sin to be Equal to God. Then there was Rebellion in Heaven and Lucifer transformed in to Satan, began pleading his cause before Heaven day and night, accusing man of all manner of Evil and pleading his case that Man should never be allowed to be elevated above The Angels.

Did God foreknow this? Yes He did. He had to allow it. He had to allow all sentient beings Free Will, and had to allow them to experience in Themselves Self Will, and Free Will, so that they could discover what Opposition to God's Will, and God's Laws would bear. That Original Tree which they would have eaten of had they of their own Free Will chose to heed God's cautions, was The Tree of Life, yet, that Tree they chose instead, was The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. "I have set before you life and death, choose life" They chose death. This is the fruit they picked, and this is the fruit they planted and cultivated, and this is the fruit we harvest to this day. So the process of redemption began so that at some point in Future, God can draw all men who will, back to The Tree of Life, and so He will at that last day, cut Down The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and cast it in to The Fire and all those who worship it, with it.

God's Law is as Just as it is Merciful. Man chose The Impostor Tree, and that Tree will always bear things that look good, taste good, and smell good, and appear to give life but inside are the seeds of death, sin, rebellion and misery. And through those seeds came not just The Knowledge of Good, but The Knowledge of Evil and through sin did Entropy enter the Universe so that each subsequent iteration of man, of Earth and of the Human Condition is worse than that first state.

The first state was Antediluvian, which is a topic all on it's own, but that state of Earth was better than our current state, as was The Garden of Eden better than The Antediluvian state. Yet man rebelled in The Garden of Eden as perfect as it was just as Lucifer rebelled in Heaven as perfect as he was, and man rebelled in the Antediluvian World as good as it was. The Rebellion in The Antediluvian World became so great, that God had to mount a rescue mission, & God had to offer Salvation through Noah and The Ark, and purge from The Earth Rebellion, and Sin, and purge and refine man, through a remnant as He did when He cast out Adam and Eve and provided a sacrifice to cover "their sin". So the Ark covered Noah and his family from the rain and from condemnation of sin, and that Ark landed on Mount Ararat on the 17th of Nissan as a sign of Salvation and Resurrection for man.

God is always looking for someone to stand in The Gap, each and every generation to prove His concept of Free Will and how He loves man and wants man to be reconciled unto Him. God's will is that Man will come full circle back to Him after being purified and redeemed. And so this is His plan we see from Genesis through Revelation.

So we move forward in time to Abraham & Isaac, who was faithful to God, and when asked of God to erect an altar to Him, and offer a blood sacrifice for the remission of sin, did not turn his face from God, but said "God will provide the sacrifice". When Isaac asked him, "Where was The Sacrifice" not knowing that God commanded Abraham to give his only son Isaac as the sacrifice, Abraham replied, "God will provide the sacrifice."

So they traveled to the mount in obedience and faith. And up the mount of Golgotha they climbed, and then Abraham revealed to Isaac that he was to be The Sacrifice for The Remission of Sins. Isaac, still trusting his father and God, allowed himself to be bound, and laid upon the altar, and Abraham still trusting God, carried out God's commandments of him, but God stayed his hand at the last moment. It was then that God provided The Ram, The Lamb as a sign for The Future, and for Redemption upon Golgotha.

"God will provide The Sacrifice."

Then skipping some prophecies about Israel being bound and taken in to captivity by Babylon, & the prophecy of Cyrus who would free Israel after they were chastised in Babylon and rebuild Jerusalem, and The Temple, and the 490 years of prophecy of which 483 are fulfilled, including The Prediction of Messiah coming, and getting it exactly right when he began His ministry in 27 AD, and His Death, Crucifixion Burial and Resurrection on The 17th of Nissan, on The Mount of Golgatha we see God's plan as unfailing. "God will provide "The Sacrifice"

Christ was crucified on Golgotha the same place where God tested Abraham and provided The Sacrifice, The Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world" and Christ was resurrected on The 17th of Nissan, the same day The Ark rested upon Mount Ararat as a Sign to Man for Redemption.

God will provide "The Sacrifice"?

God Provided The Sacrifice!

The Messiah, The Suffering Savior, Messiah Ben Joseph will return as He said He would as Messiah Ben David, The Ruling Savior. But He had to serve as "The Sacrifice" first. He did descend in to Hell and defeat Death, gained the keys to Hell, The Crown of Adam, and The Title, Deed Scroll to Earth and it's decree of Lordship.

Christ The Redeemer, did this in preparation for His return as Messiah Ben David. Yeshuah will break those seals on That Great Scroll, unleash the curses and judgments contained in it, and read The Deed in to The Records in The Court of Heaven, and transfer the deed to Himself, and then come to claim His Throne, The Crown of Adam, and The Throne of David as The 2nd Adam, and heir to David, as The Son of David, and Rule as The Prince of Peace.

And Who is this Tree of Life I spoke of before hand, that Tree of Life Adam and Eve did not partake of, but which we shall partake of in Eternity? It is Christ Jesus, Yeshua, who is The Way, and The Life, who gives Living Waters to those who drink it, and Eternal Life to those who desire it, and who is The Logos, and The Bread of Life, The Beginner of Time, and The Ender of Time, The Alpha and Omega.

I may fail, and I may disappoint, but God's word Never Fails. All things will come Full Circle and all things will come back to God. Do not hold it against God for my frailties, my faults and my sins and my offenses, for what I do, I do in my limited human understanding, but I give God The Glory for his plan, and God The Glory for those things which I understand and those things which I shall understand in The Future.

So you ask me about Sin and Self Will or Free Will? There is my understanding of it. God is not willing that any should perish, but He also cannot force anyone to Eat of The Tree of Life and Live.

Sin exists in All Men. Even The Redeemed, but the only difference being is that The Spirit and Soul are Redeemed in those who place their faith in Christ, while The Body remains a corrupted thing, and The Mind is part of The Body, and The Mind and Body will not be fully redeemed until Resurrection Day, and The Day of Rapture where we put on The Incorruptible, and for a time are removed from the coming Wrath of God.

If I falter it is This Mind, This Body that falters, and not The Spirit of God that lives within me who Wars with The Corrupt Mind and Body. So do not blame God, blame me for letting the desires of the flesh overcome my better self. This is the daily fight we all should take up, and in doing so bring The Mind and Body under Control of our redeemed spirit, so that we may walk in a manner which is pleasing to God, but not necessarily pleasing to man. But this is only possible through the sacrifice of Messiah, Yeshua, who humbled Himself to come in The Form of Man as The Second Adam to win back for us what The First Adam Lost, and to offer himself up as "The Sacrifice" whereby we may be reconciled to God.

"God will provide The Sacrifice"?

God Provided The Sacrifice!

Who is worthy to Open The Scroll? Yeshua is Worthy.

May His Kingdom come, and soon.
Sounds like time to build a...raft. The boat thing is unneeded now. The rainbow declares that. Fire suits are the new order
You should write a book. :rolleyes:

What I have already written is encyclopedic.

By posting the information here I have done all of you a favor for which you can never repay.

Even so you have failed to take the right course but instead make lame attempts at derision.

And so, when the shit hits the fan, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you.
What I have already written is encyclopedic.

By posting the information here I have done all of you a favor for which you can never repay.

Even so you have failed to take the right course but instead make lame attempts at derision.

And so, when the shit hits the fan, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you.
Please do post it here. I'd love to see this encyclopedic volume of your work.
Please do post it here. I'd love to see this encyclopedic volume of your work.

Sorry dude.

I am afraid that you will live out the rest of your days blind to the fact that you are dead for failing to demonstrate a love for God and truth but instead openly making evil a daily deliberate choice.

Even if I could, and I can't, do something to help you..... I wouldn't.
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Sorry dude.

I am afraid that you will live out the rest of your days blind to the fact that you are dead for failing to demonstrate a love for God and truth and instead making evil a daily deliberate choice.

Even if I could, and I can't, do something to help you..... I wouldn't.
It's more likely you were lying, bro.
Actually I have no preference. I'm just making an observation from what you have written.

Actually? Just an observation? Really? lol... I see. Get used to it. You have earned the shame of eternal abhorrence.

Its not coming from me. I tried to help your pathetic ass. You are just a loser. by choice.

And its your own conscience that condemns you.
Actually? really? lol...I see. Get used to it. You have earned the shame of eternal abhorrence.

Its not coming from me. I tried to help your pathetic ass.

its your own conscience that condemns you.
What I see is someone who has an ax to grind against Christianity and Christians. But go ahead and post your encyclopedic interpretation of the NT. I'd love to read it. But we both know it does not exist, so you can't. Prove me wrong.
What I see is someone who has an ax to grind against Christianity and Christians. But go ahead and post your encyclopedic interpretation of the NT. I'd love to read it. But we both know it does not exist, so you can't. Prove me wrong.


Gold Member​

Joined Apr 1, 2013 Messages 10,095

if you are into masochism, go back in time and read it. and then realize there is nothing that you can do to make amends for your responses. No way back to sanity. No way to avoid destruction.

You blew it big time bro.
That's hilarious. I knew no such document existed. Thanks for proving it.

Right. hilarious.

And once again I thank you for helping me to show the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the vile and loathsome flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate and for so generously demonstrating the deeply disturbing and terrifying death consequent to setting that instruction aside and misleading others to do the same proving the reality of divine condemnation and showing irrefutably that the law of God remains in effect and is in full force.

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You may ask what scroll, and I may answer you with a question. Do not all homes, all nations have a proclamation, a deed, and a title to them proclaiming who's lands they are, and for what purpose they exist, and for what boundaries they may be defined by and whom they belong to?

I am a sinner, like all men are sinners. The wise man admits he is a sinner, and does what he can to warn others of the dangers of sin. Free will begot sin. And sin entered the world through Adam & Eve, whether you interpret that as allegorical, or actual. Sin though was the virus carried by The Serpent who tempted Eve and was the most beguiling of all creatures.

Lucifer's first target then after he had convinced a 1/3rd of the Angels to Rebel with him, was not Adam & Eve but was The Serpent who was beguiled by Lucifer to act as his emissary on earth, to act as his delivery system to infect the world with sin. But going back further, who was patient Zero? This was Lucifer himself, who was the most beautiful and artful thing ever created by The Creator.

It was through this beguilement and through Lucifer, that Adam once proclaimed as Lord of The Earth, forfeited his Title, and Deed to the now God of this Earth, Lucifer, now called Satan, that Old Serpent.

So where did sin originate from? Heaven.

Heaven? Really? Yes Heaven!

Shocking isn't it?

In this Universe, Our Universe, God created all things. However, God cannot violate His own by laws, as He is The Law Maker, and made all The Laws that Govern Our Universe. God is Holy and Righteous and though it may sound a contradiction, God by His own Law will not Force Humans to commune with Him, to be unified with Him or to Love Him. So, God in His Righteousness and Holiness created Free Will in all of His Created Beings.....so that over the entirety of Space and Time, which is a Finite Dimension, each Created Being could choose Freely until that day Time Expires in the Space Time Dimension.

The entire process of Free Will and "The Decision" was initiated by Lucifer, but was planned for in The Mind of God, who can see The Past, Present and Future simultaneously.

Lucifer was The Covering Cherub, who was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him, who's light was a part removed from The Light of his Creator. Lucifer who admiring his own beauty and power, and seeing God create a rival being called Man whom God said He would elevate above The Angels, first found offense in that because of his pride, and then instead of repentance which I believe God would have allowed, he held on to pride and gave birth to Envy, and Envy Begat Lies & Slander, and Slander Begat Strife, and Strife then Begat Rebellion, and Rebellion is as The Sin of Witchcraft thinking it not a sin to be Equal to God. Then there was Rebellion in Heaven and Lucifer transformed in to Satan, began pleading his cause before Heaven day and night, accusing man of all manner of Evil and pleading his case that Man should never be allowed to be elevated above The Angels.

Did God foreknow this? Yes He did. He had to allow it. He had to allow all sentient beings Free Will, and had to allow them to experience in Themselves Self Will, and Free Will, so that they could discover what Opposition to God's Will, and God's Laws would bear. That Original Tree which they would have eaten of had they of their own Free Will chose to heed God's cautions, was The Tree of Life, yet, that Tree they chose instead, was The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. "I have set before you life and death, choose life" They chose death. This is the fruit they picked, and this is the fruit they planted and cultivated, and this is the fruit we harvest to this day. So the process of redemption began so that at some point in Future, God can draw all men who will, back to The Tree of Life, and so He will at that last day, cut Down The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and cast it in to The Fire and all those who worship it, with it.

God's Law is as Just as it is Merciful. Man chose The Impostor Tree, and that Tree will always bear things that look good, taste good, and smell good, and appear to give life but inside are the seeds of death, sin, rebellion and misery. And through those seeds came not just The Knowledge of Good, but The Knowledge of Evil and through sin did Entropy enter the Universe so that each subsequent iteration of man, of Earth and of the Human Condition is worse than that first state.

The first state was Antediluvian, which is a topic all on it's own, but that state of Earth was better than our current state, as was The Garden of Eden better than The Antediluvian state. Yet man rebelled in The Garden of Eden as perfect as it was just as Lucifer rebelled in Heaven as perfect as he was, and man rebelled in the Antediluvian World as good as it was. The Rebellion in The Antediluvian World became so great, that God had to mount a rescue mission, & God had to offer Salvation through Noah and The Ark, and purge from The Earth Rebellion, and Sin, and purge and refine man, through a remnant as He did when He cast out Adam and Eve and provided a sacrifice to cover "their sin". So the Ark covered Noah and his family from the rain and from condemnation of sin, and that Ark landed on Mount Ararat on the 17th of Nissan as a sign of Salvation and Resurrection for man.

God is always looking for someone to stand in The Gap, each and every generation to prove His concept of Free Will and how He loves man and wants man to be reconciled unto Him. God's will is that Man will come full circle back to Him after being purified and redeemed. And so this is His plan we see from Genesis through Revelation.

So we move forward in time to Abraham & Isaac, who was faithful to God, and when asked of God to erect an altar to Him, and offer a blood sacrifice for the remission of sin, did not turn his face from God, but said "God will provide the sacrifice". When Isaac asked him, "Where was The Sacrifice" not knowing that God commanded Abraham to give his only son Isaac as the sacrifice, Abraham replied, "God will provide the sacrifice."

So they traveled to the mount in obedience and faith. And up the mount of Golgotha they climbed, and then Abraham revealed to Isaac that he was to be The Sacrifice for The Remission of Sins. Isaac, still trusting his father and God, allowed himself to be bound, and laid upon the altar, and Abraham still trusting God, carried out God's commandments of him, but God stayed his hand at the last moment. It was then that God provided The Ram, The Lamb as a sign for The Future, and for Redemption upon Golgotha.

"God will provide The Sacrifice."

Then skipping some prophecies about Israel being bound and taken in to captivity by Babylon, & the prophecy of Cyrus who would free Israel after they were chastised in Babylon and rebuild Jerusalem, and The Temple, and the 490 years of prophecy of which 483 are fulfilled, including The Prediction of Messiah coming, and getting it exactly right when he began His ministry in 27 AD, and His Death, Crucifixion Burial and Resurrection on The 17th of Nissan, on The Mount of Golgatha we see God's plan as unfailing. "God will provide "The Sacrifice"

Christ was crucified on Golgotha the same place where God tested Abraham and provided The Sacrifice, The Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world" and Christ was resurrected on The 17th of Nissan, the same day The Ark rested upon Mount Ararat as a Sign to Man for Redemption.

God will provide "The Sacrifice"?

God Provided The Sacrifice!

The Messiah, The Suffering Savior, Messiah Ben Joseph will return as He said He would as Messiah Ben David, The Ruling Savior. But He had to serve as "The Sacrifice" first. He did descend in to Hell and defeat Death, gained the keys to Hell, The Crown of Adam, and The Title, Deed Scroll to Earth and it's decree of Lordship.

Christ The Redeemer, did this in preparation for His return as Messiah Ben David. Yeshuah will break those seals on That Great Scroll, unleash the curses and judgments contained in it, and read The Deed in to The Records in The Court of Heaven, and transfer the deed to Himself, and then come to claim His Throne, The Crown of Adam, and The Throne of David as The 2nd Adam, and heir to David, as The Son of David, and Rule as The Prince of Peace.

And Who is this Tree of Life I spoke of before hand, that Tree of Life Adam and Eve did not partake of, but which we shall partake of in Eternity? It is Christ Jesus, Yeshua, who is The Way, and The Life, who gives Living Waters to those who drink it, and Eternal Life to those who desire it, and who is The Logos, and The Bread of Life, The Beginner of Time, and The Ender of Time, The Alpha and Omega.

I may fail, and I may disappoint, but God's word Never Fails. All things will come Full Circle and all things will come back to God. Do not hold it against God for my frailties, my faults and my sins and my offenses, for what I do, I do in my limited human understanding, but I give God The Glory for his plan, and God The Glory for those things which I understand and those things which I shall understand in The Future.

So you ask me about Sin and Self Will or Free Will? There is my understanding of it. God is not willing that any should perish, but He also cannot force anyone to Eat of The Tree of Life and Live.

Sin exists in All Men. Even The Redeemed, but the only difference being is that The Spirit and Soul are Redeemed in those who place their faith in Christ, while The Body remains a corrupted thing, and The Mind is part of The Body, and The Mind and Body will not be fully redeemed until Resurrection Day, and The Day of Rapture where we put on The Incorruptible, and for a time are removed from the coming Wrath of God.

If I falter it is This Mind, This Body that falters, and not The Spirit of God that lives within me who Wars with The Corrupt Mind and Body. So do not blame God, blame me for letting the desires of the flesh overcome my better self. This is the daily fight we all should take up, and in doing so bring The Mind and Body under Control of our redeemed spirit, so that we may walk in a manner which is pleasing to God, but not necessarily pleasing to man. But this is only possible through the sacrifice of Messiah, Yeshua, who humbled Himself to come in The Form of Man as The Second Adam to win back for us what The First Adam Lost, and to offer himself up as "The Sacrifice" whereby we may be reconciled to God.

"God will provide The Sacrifice"?

God Provided The Sacrifice!

Who is worthy to Open The Scroll? Yeshua is Worthy.

May His Kingdom come, and soon.
I must take issue with the statement that God can see the past, present and future "simultaneously". Not even God can see into a future that does not exist. God deals in the present and plans to have his will done at a time in the future that He has planned to take place.

The past is gone forever.........the future is yet to exist........there is only THE PRESENT. Time existing simultaneously as the past, present and future is a man made concept. Not even the God of creation can see into an existence that is yet to take place........so HE "PURPOSES" or plans for the future and then being the Omnipotent God of Creation controls the present to make His past plans a reality..........who can stop Him from controlling the which He created?

Its explained quite clearly in scripture with no possibility of ambiguity how God uses His omniscience to Purpose things that He wishes to take place in the future at a time of His choosing.

Read.......be enlightened.

"Remember the former things of old (the past): for I am God, there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me. Declaring the end from the beginning (God declares the future events), and from ancient times the things THAT ARE NOT YET DONE, SAYING MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND; AND I WILL (future tense, not yet happened) do my pleasure. (God will plan for the future and do what He wishes........you can stop him?). Calling a ravenous bird from the east (symbolism for a powerful nation), the man that shall execute (make happen) My counsel from a far country; YEA; I HAVE SPOKEN IT; I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO PASS; I HAVE PURPOSED IT (planned it), I WILL ALSO DO IT." -- Isa. 46:9-11

Thus, God controls the future via having planned for the future then He selects men and nature to execute His purpose as a reality at a predetermined time period that did not exist when it was planned. God does not see into the future......God makes the future take place at as He has planned for it to take place..........when the future becomes the present.

Speaking of time as being on 3 different planes of reality at the same instant is nothing but SCIENCE FICTION.......it is a philosophy that can't be demonstrated to be a fact......it exists only in theory.

The scriptural fact that "free will" exists is demonstrated in Genesis 6:5-6. God was sorry, repentant, that He even created man on earth because the thoughts of man were continually wicked. If God knew the future and predestined every move man would make..........How could He be grieved in His heart and be sorry that He ever created man on earth? :dunno:

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