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CDZ Are anti gunners serious when they say they will stop at 10 round magazines?

Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die
You didn't answer the question.

And I am for federalism, which means States have certain areas of governance reserved for themselves.

However I am also a strict constructionist, and my RKBA overrides any States "rights" otherwise.

I am not knowledgeable about every local law concerning guns. I'm sure there is more to the law than you have given. I do know the federal law, and that is what I am discussing. Federal law effects all of us. Your local laws are up to you to fix. I live 1600 miles and 6 0r 8 states away.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

I have summarized the rules quite clearly. Just answer, yes or no, do you consider it infringement?

From what you've told me about NYC gun laws, and I highly doubt that you have given a complete description of them, they could be. Unfortunately, I'm not a constitutional scholar. I will defer to what the State or Federal Supreme Court says. The constitution assigned them that job. Have either of those courts ruled on those laws?

Why can't you form your own opinion?

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

The page seems to be a bit wonky on my browser, highlight the text to read it if you have the same issue.

Because I'm not qualified to make rulings on constitutionality of NEW York laws. They seem kinda stiff, but the SC said they were fine. I don't have a problem with them.

You are qualified to have an opinion. So far the SC has never directly ruled on NYC's handgun laws, any challenge usually dies in the lower courts.

And your deference to authority is noted, and not admirably.
Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die
just because it is banned does not mean a bad guy will obey the law

look at the things the black market offers


Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana
Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die
just because it is banned does not mean a bad guy will obey the law

look at the things the black market offers


Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana

I am with you

Why make it difficult for mass killers to get the weapons they want to do the job right?
I am not knowledgeable about every local law concerning guns. I'm sure there is more to the law than you have given. I do know the federal law, and that is what I am discussing. Federal law effects all of us. Your local laws are up to you to fix. I live 1600 miles and 6 0r 8 states away.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

I have summarized the rules quite clearly. Just answer, yes or no, do you consider it infringement?

From what you've told me about NYC gun laws, and I highly doubt that you have given a complete description of them, they could be. Unfortunately, I'm not a constitutional scholar. I will defer to what the State or Federal Supreme Court says. The constitution assigned them that job. Have either of those courts ruled on those laws?

Why can't you form your own opinion?

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

The page seems to be a bit wonky on my browser, highlight the text to read it if you have the same issue.

Because I'm not qualified to make rulings on constitutionality of NEW York laws. They seem kinda stiff, but the SC said they were fine. I don't have a problem with them.

You are qualified to have an opinion. So far the SC has never directly ruled on NYC's handgun laws, any challenge usually dies in the lower courts.

And your deference to authority is noted, and not admirably.

Are you sure the state SC hasn't looked at it? If not, could it be that there is just not enough opposition to the laws you mention to make it necessary?
Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die
just because it is banned does not mean a bad guy will obey the law

look at the things the black market offers


Hundreds Of Military-Grade Machine Guns, Ammunition Seized In Fontana

I am with you

Why make it difficult for mass killers to get the weapons they want to do the job right?

actually you are by yourself in that regards
They had oil, they could have sold it to anyone, and the failure of socialism is always someone else's fault.

You really want your rights decided by some guy who isn't elected and has Public union protection?

The bottom fell out of the oil market at the same time that their economy collapsed. Imagine that.

I would rather have an unelected official keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people than having crazy people with guns.
Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die

No..you can just use 10 round magazines...since the cops didn't breach the room for 72 minutes you have all the time in the world...and changing a magazine is easy and quick anyway...
They had oil, they could have sold it to anyone, and the failure of socialism is always someone else's fault.

You really want your rights decided by some guy who isn't elected and has Public union protection?

The bottom fell out of the oil market at the same time that their economy collapsed. Imagine that.

I would rather have an unelected official keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people than having crazy people with guns.

Then tell the government clerks to press "send" when they are updating criminal records....
The left always says they just want common sense gun control....and one of those measures they always want is a limit on 10 bullets for all magazines

Now, keep in mind, this will not limit the deaths in mass shootings, as actual research shows. The killers, like the guy in Texas had plenty of magazines and changed them 14 times while he was murdering those people.

And Criminals won't care about a 10 round limit because they will just get theirs illegally, and they can rape a woman just as easily with a 10 round magazine, murder a rival or rob someone.

The only people a 10 round magazine limit effects is the law abiding gun owner, who does not commit any crime or murder. People who have guns that take 15-19 rounds in their pistols...will now be criminals if they don't do something with their guns.....dittos rifles that will take 30 round magazines.....

I have listed the points made by David Kopel on why law abiding people need more than 10 rounds, in other places and would happily do so again. I have also posted the ruling by the California judge placing a hold on the new California magazine ban where he accurately takes apart all of the arguments made against 10 round magazines.

The question, however, is this.........if the anti gunners get all the 15-30 round magazines....will they leave the 10 round magazines alone?

Keep in mind, the Santa Barbara shooter used 10 round magazines to murder 6 people.......

Nope. The eventual goal is the complete disarmament of the American People so that the wealthy can finally rule over the land like emperors. Which is their goal. So long as the "chattering class" (an elitist term for the middle class) is armed they are not able to rule like the tyrants they wish to be.
Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die

If you really want to kill more people..just rent a truck....the vegas shooter murdered 58 with two rifles in 11 minutes of shooting......

The rental truck in France murdered 89 people in 5 minutes....
10 rounds?

Screw that

Someone wanting to shoot up a church or elementary schools needs as big a magazine as he can get

Nah..he just needs a rental truck......they can kill more people with a rental truck....
How much actual work do you think the NYPD does for one of these applications?

Have no idea. If that isn't what the money is going for, then that is wrong. I think I made that pretty clear.

The fact that every time there is a mass shooting, we find out there was no good reason for this person to have a gun, but they were able to get them anyway.

so how about this- We have a background check, one time. Costs $500.00 and they actually talk to your coworkers, neighbors, etc. to make sure you aren't someone who shouldn't have a gun, but once you've passed the check, you can have as many guns as you want.

The whole point is to discourage people from applying.

How nuts would people go if they made you wait 3 months to register to vote to make sure you were eligible?

can you kill someone with a vote?

Yes..they were able to get one because your god...government didn't do the paperwork.........

Yeah...they did this......they had a guy who a co worker said was spouting jihadi sentiments...they did. 10 month detailed background check, including an under cover approach, talked to people who knew the guy, talked to him 3 different times using trained FBI agents....and on top of that the guy passed a background check for his security job, and passed a federally mandated background check for ecru gun he owned.....

After all of that....he was cleared.......and he would clear your idea for a background check too...

Then, he took his guns and murdered 49 people in Orlando...

Your god failed again.....
how about we get rid of the 5th amendment, it kills people and lets murderers walk. how about we get rid of the 1st amendment it too kills people.

Not really. But do keep trying.

Here's the thing, does it make sense to still have a second amendment now? We don't hunt for food, we don't have local militias. While the valid need for guns has gone down, the lethality of what the gun industry puts on the market increases, and that's the problem.

Look, I realize that some of you have to have your guns, for whatever irrational psychological reasons you want them, but you have yet to tell me how you are going to keep them out of the hands of crazy people.

It's not irrational...law abiding people use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminals...according to bill Clinton and Batak Obama. Also, actual research shows that guns are the best and safest way for a woman to stop a violent rape....

Those are lives saved, and even more lives saved when you take account of the criminLs taken off the streets......where guys like you then let them back out...
how about we get rid of the 5th amendment, it kills people and lets murderers walk. how about we get rid of the 1st amendment it too kills people.

Not really. But do keep trying.

Here's the thing, does it make sense to still have a second amendment now? We don't hunt for food, we don't have local militias. While the valid need for guns has gone down, the lethality of what the gun industry puts on the market increases, and that's the problem.

Look, I realize that some of you have to have your guns, for whatever irrational psychological reasons you want them, but you have yet to tell me how you are going to keep them out of the hands of crazy people.

Easy.....when you see a crazy person with a gun, the police arrest them, and then get a court order to take the guns away from them.........had your god, government done this...the guy in Texas and the guy in California wouldn't have murdered those people....
The left always says they just want common sense gun control....and one of those measures they always want is a limit on 10 bullets for all magazines

Now, keep in mind, this will not limit the deaths in mass shootings, as actual research shows. The killers, like the guy in Texas had plenty of magazines and changed them 14 times while he was murdering those people.

And Criminals won't care about a 10 round limit because they will just get theirs illegally, and they can rape a woman just as easily with a 10 round magazine, murder a rival or rob someone.

The only people a 10 round magazine limit effects is the law abiding gun owner, who does not commit any crime or murder. People who have guns that take 15-19 rounds in their pistols...will now be criminals if they don't do something with their guns.....dittos rifles that will take 30 round magazines.....

I have listed the points made by David Kopel on why law abiding people need more than 10 rounds, in other places and would happily do so again. I have also posted the ruling by the California judge placing a hold on the new California magazine ban where he accurately takes apart all of the arguments made against 10 round magazines.

The question, however, is this.........if the anti gunners get all the 15-30 round magazines....will they leave the 10 round magazines alone?

Keep in mind, the Santa Barbara shooter used 10 round magazines to murder 6 people.......

Laws against murder do not stop murder. Murderers don't follow those laws, so lets just do away with those useless laws. That makes as much sense as the silly crap you keep repeating.

There is a difference between laws that punish actual actions that harm others, and those that prevent people from having an item for the simple reason that they "might" do something wrong with it.

The reason we punish murderers is the State has taken over the right of justice from the victims relatives and friends, so the State punishes the offender for their ACTION instead of the aggrieved survivors hanging the perpetrator from the nearest tree.

A non qualified person buying fire arms does harm other's.

Which is already illegal. Non-qualified means convicted felons, and people adjudicated mentally unfit.

I know there is an exception for misdemeanor domestic violence, but would prefer we just make all domestic violence felonies instead of giving an exception for a specific misdemeanor.

You already said crooks won't follow the law. That's why we need universal checks, so honest sellers will know not to sell to them.

Criminals use straw buyers...people who can pass background checks...you know this, but insist on pushing it anyway....
Do you think full auto's and armed Abrams tanks should be legal for me to purchase?
I do. The point of the 2nd was to have a well armed citizenry to keep the government in check, and be able to resist if said government became tyrannical. Is there any threat of our government becoming tyrannical today? No, of course not. The same was once true of pre-American revolution England too though, so that argument rings pretty hollow for most pro-2nd students of history. There is, and cannot be, a law(s) that would permanently prevent a government from becoming oppressive and tyrannical, therefore we MUST have the option of being able to mount an effective resistance to such oppression and tyranny.

So, as long as the military has full autos and tanks, we should maintain the RIGHT to acquire and possess them as well.

FWIW, I draw the line at nukes. It is my opinion that nukes should remain a purely strategic weapon, and NEVER be used. I wish we could live in a world without them, unfortunately that is impossible. However, there is no reasonable use for such weapons in a government resistance scenario for either side, therefore there is no reasonable reason for civilians to acquire or possess them. There MAY be other weapons systems too, such as a "Strategic Missile Defense" system that would be impractical for civilians.

How much of an effective resistance do you think a few rifles and handguns will be against our military? Admit that your silly fantasy about resisting the government has no relation to reality, and gun nuts are just doing what gun nuts do.

It's not a few rifles....current count is over 100 million rifles and about 500 million hand guns....

And you just have to ask the Swiss....435,000 armed citizens..with actual military rifles, kept the German socialists from invading their country, the cost to the German army was going to be too high...so they just invaded all the European countries that took guns away from their people....

Are you really trying to compare the Swiss in 1940 with the power of our military today? Funniest thing I've heard all day.

Yep.......except we have more people with guns than they did.....
Now, suppose I want to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas

Ten rounds just doesn't cut it when I can get 45 rounds and a bump stock

Die suckers....Die

No..you can just use 10 round magazines...since the cops didn't breach the room for 72 minutes you have all the time in the world...and changing a magazine is easy and quick anyway...


Ten rounds at a pop allows time for a crowd to disperse
500 rpm just mows them down

But thank god he could build the arsenal of his choice.....it keeps us safe
So where did the OP get the idea 'anti-gunners' say they'll stop at 10 round magazines? Plucked from his arse?

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