are any of the birthers gonna man up and admit to being wrong?

That's weird. Where did my post go?

ETA: It's a conspiracy!!!!
That's weird. Where did my post go?

ETA: It's a conspiracy!!!!

which post? the one where you linked to the youtube vid of obama's birth in the slums of accra? that one was deep-sixed.
The non-birthers are putting a lot more energy into this than anyone else, to tell the truth. It makes people suspicious when you are so adamantly opposed to what is essentially something that can be easily dealt with.

ADDRESS THE FUCKING PROBLEM. This is why people hate Obama. He doesn't think he answers to the American people, he thinks he is above them, and he doesn't think he should have to "answer" to them.

What's the big deal? If you're born in America and you hear your people doubt it, then say, "Hey, just to put your minds at ease, here it is..."

But he won't do that. And THAT is what pisses people off.
It actually makes all the sense in the world. I suspect the Obama administration doubts that the "birther" movement is really interested in his BC and that once they start capitulating to their demands, they will continue and grow progressively more bizarre.
Nothing but more opinion.

On that note, I've seen a lot of claims about bucko bucks being spent by the Obama's to hide information. I've yet to see any proof of this. For the few cases that have made it to court, the defense has always been DOJ lawyers that are on salary.
And of course you can prove that. Should I hold my breath, or is it going to take you awhile?

As for the transparency issue: this is a personal issue that involves personal records. It's not public policy, if you accept that Obama was properly vetted in line with every other presidential candidate. Thus, that doesn't reallly wash either.


Obama is keeping more hidden than the last four Presidents put together, and yet he's the one that made the claim he'd have the most transparent Presidency of all. He's a fucking liar. He also told us that if he kept something HIDDEN, he'd tell us WHY! Well that's ANOTHER huge LIE!

You keep trying to pump this sewer gas in his defense but none of it is worth spit.

:wtf: honestly, the bolded section is the story you're sticking to?
cant admit were wrong when there hasnt been any evidence to prove it.Pale Rider has taken you to school too many countless numbers of times on this.When are YOU going to man up and admit your in denial and not objective when it comes to government conspiracys and that you ignore facts?

I posted this elsewhere but it seems an appropriate response to your post here.

We all know how hard it is to keep a secret among just a few people who are friends and colleagues, much less among those who would be your opponents. So please consider who is in on this cover-up:

Obama and his wife (of course), everyone he ran against in the primary and general, the Executive of every state where he was on the ballot for primary and general, his parents, his grandparents, administrators of Kapi'olani hospital, the publishers of 2 Hawaiian newspapers, assorted relatives and neighbors, the state of Hawaii---including the Republican governor and Director of state department of vital records (or whatever it's called there), the media and sane pundits, fact-checking groups, assorted politicians from both major parties, the SSA, the 538 Electors of the 50 states and DC, the U.S. Congress, and now Ann Coulter.

I'm sure I left a few out, but obviously this conspiracy to pull off the biggest election fraud ever is HUGE.

the majority of congress is corrupt,bought off and paid for so they dont care.and thats just it,Obamas grandmother has even said he was born in kenya and as I said on the ann coulter thread,coulter is hardly an objective source,she has been known to be wrong about many things in the really need to read through the posts of Pale objective person would be able to see Obama for the fraud he is after reading through his posts.something strolling bones and others have never been when it comes to issues on government conspiracys around here.

she didn't say it...his kenyan grandmom said over and over he was born in hawaii...i heard the tape...

i heard the scuzzy radio host try his hardest to manipulate his grandmom and twist his words to try to get her to say he was born there....offered her a bible when he comes if she would show him where obama was born in mubassa and the grandma still didn't buy in to his tricks, repeated he was born in hawaii...

so, i don't know what tape is being used as proof because the one i listened to was nothing but pure, garbage...the interviewer, pastor or whatever the heck he claimed to be was the most manipulative, slimy, scuzzy individual i have EVER heard or witnessed in action, my entire life!

so, I wouldn't be repeating the garbage about his kenyan grandmom saying he was born there and she witnessed such, because she did not say matter how hard the slimeball tried to get her to say it....

That's weird. Where did my post go?

ETA: It's a conspiracy!!!!

which post? the one where you linked to the youtube vid of obama's birth in the slums of accra? that one was deep-sixed.
Um. I didn't link to any youtube.

I responded that I had heard the interview with his grandmother, and that once the translation was clarified she adamantly denied he was born in Kenya, and then stated that he was indeed born in the U.S.

My computer has been screwing up a bit lately. I guess my post didn't 'take'.
See? The birther movement is proof that the GOP finally kicked out all the people that didn't think like them, and then their ideas became so inbred, they ended up as redneck idiots!

No wonder the GOP base likes Palin so much.

yeah because EVERY republican believes in the BC conspiracy theory.
That's weird. Where did my post go?

ETA: It's a conspiracy!!!!

which post? the one where you linked to the youtube vid of obama's birth in the slums of accra? that one was deep-sixed.
Um. I didn't link to any youtube.

I responded that I had heard the interview with his grandmother, and that once the translation was clarified she adamantly denied he was born in Kenya, and then stated that he was indeed born in the U.S.

My computer has been screwing up a bit lately. I guess my post didn't 'take'.

I saw it Emma. Maybe it was just a hiccup.
That's weird. Where did my post go?

ETA: It's a conspiracy!!!!

which post? the one where you linked to the youtube vid of obama's birth in the slums of accra? that one was deep-sixed.
Um. I didn't link to any youtube.

I responded that I had heard the interview with his grandmother, and that once the translation was clarified she adamantly denied he was born in Kenya, and then stated that he was indeed born in the U.S.

My computer has been screwing up a bit lately. I guess my post didn't 'take'.

aaaahhhh, that post. well that one went through. don't worry. it's all taken care of by the freecarpenters.
which post? the one where you linked to the youtube vid of obama's birth in the slums of accra? that one was deep-sixed.
Um. I didn't link to any youtube.

I responded that I had heard the interview with his grandmother, and that once the translation was clarified she adamantly denied he was born in Kenya, and then stated that he was indeed born in the U.S.

My computer has been screwing up a bit lately. I guess my post didn't 'take'.

I saw it Emma. Maybe it was just a hiccup.

I see it now. It wasn't showing at first (on my end).
Like I said.........because someone called McStupid's birth into question (Panama), the 'tards in charge of the GOP have decided to do the same thing to Obama.

Only thing is, because Obama won, their movement won't die.

Anyone who believes Obama is a foreign citizen is a fucking 'tard. Remember assholes (speaking to the birthers), Obama was a US Senator, and one of the things that I think would have been done is that he would have been checked out THEN.

You fucking birthers are just looking for an excuse to be stupid.
Like I said.........because someone called McStupid's birth into question (Panama), the 'tards in charge of the GOP have decided to do the same thing to Obama.

Only thing is, because Obama won, their movement won't die.

Anyone who believes Obama is a foreign citizen is a fucking 'tard. Remember assholes (speaking to the birthers), Obama was a US Senator, and one of the things that I think would have been done is that he would have been checked out THEN.

You fucking birthers are just looking for an excuse to be stupid.

If either candidate wasn't born here, they shouldn't be president. far as I know, both of them were born here.
Both are natural US citizens.

Wanna know who I blame for this kind of shit? The previous admin, with the way that they lied to us (no WMD's), as well as the way that they used rhetoric and scare tactics to get us to agree with the war in Iraq.

Think about it............the GOP is pissed that they lost, so they are going to lie to us and tell us that Obama isn't a US citizen, thereby opening up the fear gate that our country is being taken over by someone who isn't American.

They need to get a new trick. This gig isn't working any more.
And there's this:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Obama Hawaii born, insist Isle officials | | The Honolulu Advertiser

Are we done yet?
Maybe Coulter is your goddess, Strolling. She's not mine. I don't care if Obama was born in the US or not...that's not the point. The point is there are people who ARE concerned, and the asshole refuses to address their concerns. It's a simple thing, and inicative of his disdain for the American people.

But then, everything he does is indicative of his disdain for the American people, and his hatred of America.

People were concerned for a whole eight years you had a moron in the WH. Other than giving normal folk the bird, how did the Chimp and his Chickenhawks address their concerns?
And there's this:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Obama Hawaii born, insist Isle officials | | The Honolulu Advertiser

Are we done yet?


See my post above.
And there's this:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Obama Hawaii born, insist Isle officials | | The Honolulu Advertiser

Are we done yet?

Fine. She's seen it? Fine. Now let's US see it. If everything is in order as this woman proclaims, let's see it.

Nope, there's something fishy here. First, she makes no mention of the hospital, she makes no mention of the attending physician, the makes no mention of witnesses, and finally, it isn't up to her to say. Whether she's seen it or not is meaningless. She is NOT one single thing to do with the vetting process. If obama was born in Hawaii, and this broad has seen his birth certificate and says he was, then the rest of the God damned country and CONGRESS needs to see it too. Her word carries ZERO weight according to the law. What needs to be seen is THE ACTUAL DOCUMENT. Without some sort of corroborating evidence, like the birth certificate, this woman's word isn't worth SPIT.

C'mon obama... what's the problem man? Why are you HIDING your BIRTH CERTIFICATE?
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Like I said.........because someone called McStupid's birth into question (Panama), the 'tards in charge of the GOP have decided to do the same thing to Obama.

Only thing is, because Obama won, their movement won't die.

Anyone who believes Obama is a foreign citizen is a fucking 'tard. Remember assholes (speaking to the birthers), Obama was a US Senator, and one of the things that I think would have been done is that he would have been checked out THEN.

You fucking birthers are just looking for an excuse to be stupid.

If either candidate wasn't born here, they shouldn't be president. far as I know, both of them were born here.

That's NOT TRUE...children born overseas to any american citizen, is a citizen AT BIRTH according to our laws and a citizen at birth IS A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN...

This may not have been the law at the time of Obama's birth, but it is the law NOW so you are wrong elvis, disregarding obama...but future presidents ....after some time in the late 60's or early 70's I believe, they are natural born citizens if born overseas to one American citizen.

actually it goes back and forth since our constitution was created on the criteria that also has to be met, but the first law by our founding fathers in 1790 stated that Natural born citizens were citizens born on our soil or born on foreign soil to an American citizen.

Our founding fathers DID NOT state thae we have to be NATIVE BORN, but NATURAL BORN.....native born would be only those born on our soil...the constitution CLEARLY STATES Natural Born, not Native born....
Ah snap.

Orly's case in Florida just got tossed (Cook V. Simtech).

Sucks to be a birther.

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