Are any of you concerned citizens any different from the rest?


Nov 17, 2011
Each side including independents, leftists and rightists here and on television are making complete sence accusing the others, but I have been looking for solution as opposed to just barking, and the solution all seems to circle around one and the same all mighty buck, including for my favorite media candidate honorable Ron Paul.

OBVIOUSLY it is not in the interest of any of these political geniuses, or their campaigns to unite, because then they would lose their priviledge to handle the money and be in charge. so like dogs they struggle for power, all elected by exposing the previous dog.

Are any of you capable to look beyond their limited vision and realise that we need to get behind a movement which is not capable of profiting from this in any way, not just hiding behind a name such as "non profit" or "charity"? a movement of all movements which is BECAUSE THIS MOVEMENT IS LOOKING for candidates. are you ashamed or afraid to look stupid to become a candidate with this movement which does not require any money for you to run? is it too far off mainstream for you? would you rather keep beating around the bush in hopes that a decent politician will be elected, chosen from among the puppets pre selected on the establishment media? or are you different from the rest of the filth which plagues the world of politics? because I am not afraid to step into this sewer being a human being, because I understand that someone (a human) needs to rise up. and I am not seeking to get elected either. I hope I am not alone.
I am different from EVERYONE.

I belong to NO groups, now do I feel the need to belong to them.

Been thinking of founding the No Party party :D

but then that would just be wrong somehow...
Last edited:
Could the OP use a couple more 'I's next time? It isn't quite self-promoting enough yet.

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