Are CONS proud they're responsible for ISIS?

The left will come up with any excuse to justify the savage behavior of Muslims yet again. When in the last 1,000 years have Muslim countries been peaceful? Never. They are always at war with someone and there have always been brutal killings in the name of Allah. Their messiah was a terrorist and pervert who married a little girl.

I am sick of seeing people blame others for the cruelty that these radicals impose on people. They seem to enjoy watching people as they burn them alive or cut their heads off. They have the capability to kill them quickly, but get off on watching the pain and suffering of their victims. No decent human is capable of such atrocities and no one made them crazed killers. They need no provocation for these actions. They like it and believe they are given the okay to commit these disgusting acts by the koran.

These animals believe their mission in life is to rid the world of infidels. They slaughter Christians and anyone else who refuses to convert. They kill their own if they don't toe the line. Does the left understand what actually drives these savages? Nothing has changed in centuries, including the motive for murdering non-Muslims. It doesn't matter if we fight them or go out of our way to try and appease them. Short of converting, nothing will stop their desire to kill. The left would have us humor them and tiptoe around in a vain attempt not to do anything to offend them. Even if we did that, they would not give up their goal of eliminating us from the earth. Why doesn't the left get that? I don't care if we offend them. I'm not going to pretend that they are human beings capable of decency. We have a choice, which is take whatever cruelty they dish out or fight them with the intention of winning. We are stronger and could wipe them out. They aren't going to give up. Good grief, 1000 years of this bullshit should tell you that it's not about policies or offending them. It's about having the nerve to exist as a non-Muslim, which is a sin punishable by death in their eyes.

I'm not willing to appease them because that has never worked and never will. They either learn to leave other people alone and live and let live, or we eliminate their sorry asses from the earth. Sadly, Islam seems to breed radicals and there are always more where ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, the Muslim brotherhood and countless others came from. Even the peaceful Muslims are atrocious when it comes to women's rights and I will never get past that. I don't tolerate any person, government or religion that treats women as subservient beings.

The Muslims: 'They either learn to leave other people alone and live and let live' you say. The same could be said for the USA war machine that has been murdering Muslims in the middle east for decades. The oil companies and other corporations need to hire mercenaries to protect their interests in the middle east. As it is now, they use our taxpayer funded military, which used to be used only for the defense of America.
The Muslims: 'They either learn to leave other people alone and live and let live' you say. The same could be said for the USA war machine that has been murdering Muslims in the middle east for decades. The oil companies and other corporations need to hire mercenaries to protect their interests in the middle east. As it is now, they use our taxpayer funded military, which used to be used only for the defense of America.

And yet you cannot bring yourself to say one word about centuries of violence in the name of Islam. You still blame the US and act as if we've done something to justify the behavior of the terrorists. Typical blame the victims. They are killing people from all over the world and it's mostly because they want their fellow terrorists released. They don't believe anyone should be arrested and held for killing infidels.

Look at the actions of the terrorists over time and tell me that they aren't already crazed sociopaths who enjoy torture and killing. The left got bent out of shape over water boarding, which didn't kill or maim, yet can turn a blind eye to the beheading of gays and infidels, burning people alive or stoning women to death.
You do know ISIs was Hillys benefactor in Libya and even today we continue to arm and train them
The Muslims: 'They either learn to leave other people alone and live and let live' you say. The same could be said for the USA war machine that has been murdering Muslims in the middle east for decades. The oil companies and other corporations need to hire mercenaries to protect their interests in the middle east. As it is now, they use our taxpayer funded military, which used to be used only for the defense of America.

And yet you cannot bring yourself to say one word about centuries of violence in the name of Islam. You still blame the US and act as if we've done something to justify the behavior of the terrorists. Typical blame the victims. They are killing people from all over the world and it's mostly because they want their fellow terrorists released. They don't believe anyone should be arrested and held for killing infidels.

Look at the actions of the terrorists over time and tell me that they aren't already crazed sociopaths who enjoy torture and killing. The left got bent out of shape over water boarding, which didn't kill or maim, yet can turn a blind eye to the beheading of gays and infidels, burning people alive or stoning women to death.

Why not agree to set up a place for the Jihadists to live under their own rules without due process?
And anyone who agrees to bypass due process and live under military regimes can live there under that society.

So all the people who believe in getting away with murder and not answering and cooperating fully with authorities to
resolve the issues can be sent to go live there unless they respect due process of law and agree not to obstruct justice.
The Muslims: 'They either learn to leave other people alone and live and let live' you say. The same could be said for the USA war machine that has been murdering Muslims in the middle east for decades. The oil companies and other corporations need to hire mercenaries to protect their interests in the middle east. As it is now, they use our taxpayer funded military, which used to be used only for the defense of America.

Dear jasonnfree
And what have you done personally to try to correct the problem with these corporations and conflicts of interest?
If Americans keep letting corporations bypass Constitutional checks and balances and the Bill of Rights (by claiming
individual freedom as a person or private citizen)
why do you think people keep blaming Muslims for "not doing enough"
to stand in opposition to abuses of Islam by Jihadists?

If both groups stand accused of letting our laws be abused for corruption and violence,
where is this being corrected?
In their heart of hearts, every conservative in America is aware they're directly responsible for ISIS! It's simply a FACT!

CONS helped form the conditions that created ISIS!

CONS manifested the awful be-headings and burnings and murders. It's their mentality that created this monster.

What will conservatives do to repent at this point?

Bush Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

US Warmongers armed and financially assisted ISIS and and and AlQaeda.

Now we are experiencing the blowback.

omg, Is there anything a DemoRat is Responsible for?

Lets see, who killed BIN laden with his bare hands? who did the terrorist (isis) admire?

who has been dropping bombs after bombs with drones since Obambam that guy who won that noble prize has been Pretending to be a President and is a DEMOrat?

and oh heck I don't have that much time to waste but I could go on and on and on
In their heart of hearts, every conservative in America is aware they're directly responsible for ISIS! It's simply a FACT!

CONS helped form the conditions that created ISIS!

CONS manifested the awful be-headings and burnings and murders. It's their mentality that created this monster.

What will conservatives do to repent at this point?

Bush Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer
:cuckoo: :trolls:

ISIS to conservatives is just another big liberal central govt with a grand liberal scheme to perfect the world just like the schemes Hitler Stalin and Mao planned to do. It is liberals who created ISIS by opposing the basic thinking of our Constitution which is opposed to big liberal central govt schemes.

Do you understand?
omg, Is there anything a DemoRat is Responsible for?

Lets see, who killed BIN laden with his bare hands? who did the terrorist (isis) admire?

who has been dropping bombs after bombs with drones since Obambam that guy who won that noble prize has been Pretending to be a President and is a DEMOrat?

and oh heck I don't have that much time to waste but I could go on and on and on

They are responsible for passing ACA mandates
but won't accept responsibility for paying for them.

Ooops, sorry, never mind.
it was the REPUBLICANS who first pushed for insurance mandates
and it was REAGAN who first declared all hospitals not to turn away anyone.
Never mind, that was the Republicans who pushed all that.
So despite all their protests and lawsuits, there really IS consensus on this.
Umm...Obama gave weapons to ISIS (aka 'moderate syrian rebels')

And he is now telling us not to get on our high horse and judge them. Will never understand his need to protect their image after all the horrible things they've done.
Umm...Obama gave weapons to ISIS (aka 'moderate syrian rebels')

And he is now telling us not to get on our high horse and judge them. Will never understand his need to protect their image after all the horrible things they've done.

peace can only come when liberal's around the world hear the shot that was supposed to be heard around the world. Limited govt is the only way govts will stop fighting each other.
In their heart of hearts, every conservative in America is aware they're directly responsible for ISIS! It's simply a FACT!

CONS helped form the conditions that created ISIS!

CONS manifested the awful be-headings and burnings and murders. It's their mentality that created this monster.

What will conservatives do to repent at this point?

Bush Cheney Created Conditions That Led Directly to ISIL Robert Creamer

IF that is the case, why then are you liberals putting all your energies in blame? What is the liberal solution to the problem besides wagging their fingers at Christians for their behavior in Medieval times?
Umm...Obama gave weapons to ISIS (aka 'moderate syrian rebels')


Reagan also gave financing and weapons to Ben Laden, moderate Afghan rebel.

aCn you say terrorist blowlback?!?!?!?!


An enemy of your enemy is a friend, or at least a temporary ally. Sometimes, it's best to back those who have a better handle on going after even worse enemies. You also realize that in the future, things change and you are back to dealing with the original enemy. bin laden was an enemy and Obama crowed about killing him, though was reluctant to okay the mission, according to those involved.

Now Obama watches ISIS, Hamas and other radicals and never stops supporting them no matter what. He says the Muslim Brotherhood are our friends and that we shouldn't judge ISIS. That should make Americans uneasy.
Umm...Obama gave weapons to ISIS (aka 'moderate syrian rebels')


Reagan also gave financing and weapons to Ben Laden, moderate Afghan rebel.

aCn you say terrorist blowlback?!?!?!?!


An enemy of your enemy is a friend, or at least a temporary ally. Sometimes, it's best to back those who have a better handle on going after even worse enemies. You also realize that in the future, things change and you are back to dealing with the original enemy. bin laden was an enemy and Obama crowed about killing him, though was reluctant to okay the mission, according to those involved.

Now Obama watches ISIS, Hamas and other radicals and never stops supporting them no matter what. He says the Muslim Brotherhood are our friends and that we shouldn't judge ISIS. That should make Americans uneasy.
It does make sensible Americans uneasy.

The liberal left apologists? Not so much. They can't help but feel sorry for them and their plight

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