Are corporations more powerful than government

Clearly not since the government has now proven that it can take over any industry that it wants.

It took over the auto industry so it could break the unions and continue to send jobs overseas.

And it took over because $30 billion was too much money.

But $750 billion wasn't too much so they kept the banks private?

And now we find out the bankers gave THE BANKERS $2 trillion???

Are you corporate defenders hearing yourselves?

Corporate defender? I would have given all the people you listed exactly $0 were it left up to me. Let the market decide who wins and loses, not the government.

No offense, but when us liberals help you libertarians with this, then you guys are back to being on your own. You guys are radicals when it comes to every man for himself and zero government programs.

Your way the corporations will run amock.

But lets not argue. We're making people aware.
Sealy, you are aware that Ron Paul believes in a completely free market aren't you?

Read my last post Kevin. I don't like Ron Paul except for this issue. This issue is a big one though so yes, i realize Ron Paul is the lesser of evils when it comes to the GOP.

And Dude, kiss my ass. You're clueless.
Hey, us liberals are all for joining you in ending these things.

But first join us.

But all you are going to do is distract us with this bullshit so you can avoid going after the bankers.

I'll give you an example. In Michigan, the Dems want to allow people to sue phara companies when their products harm us. Michigan is the only state that has this law. We did it to attract the companies.

So what did the GOP say when we tried to end this law that protects the phara's? They said this is for the lawyer lobbyists who want to sue the drug companies.

They are masters at spin. And you friend, have proved my point. You can argue anything. You can even argue a shit sandwich tastes good I bet.
Except that lib knuckleheads like you see the corporation known as "District of Columbia" as our savior, when they're the ones who are the source of all the crap you keep winin'-n-cryin' about.

You'll do anything to distract us. Are you a banker you little bitch? Either you are rich or you are a house slave. Why don't you run along?
Read my last post Kevin. I don't like Ron Paul except for this issue. This issue is a big one though so yes, i realize Ron Paul is the lesser of evils when it comes to the GOP.

And Dude, kiss my ass. You're clueless.

I suppose that explains it then.

The dude comment was for DUDE. Not you buddy.

I know, I was referring to the part of your post where you were talking to me. I simply wasn't sure if you were 100% clear on all of Ron Paul's positions, because you seem to speak so highly of him yet you believe the exact opposite of him on most things.
You'll do anything to distract us. Are you a banker you little bitch? Either you are rich or you are a house slave. Why don't you run along?
Who's the house bitch here??

You're the one who's going crying to the Godfather, begging him to get his capos to quit shaking you down for protection loot.

Fuckin' rube!!:cuckoo:

Hey, have you seen this thread?

Which two USMB posters would you pay to see in the Octagon?

I said I want to challange you!! :lol:

Seriously, I do.
Hey, have you seen this thread?

Which two USMB posters would you pay to see in the Octagon?

I said I want to challange you!! :lol:

Seriously, I do.
I've seen this thread...And every one of your totally cognitive dissonant posts in it.

And I've also seen who is really the one doing the distracting from the topic, to make irrelevant personal asides.

But feel free to carry on....After all, you have your title of "Douchebag of the Year" to defend.
I suppose that explains it then.

The dude comment was for DUDE. Not you buddy.

I know, I was referring to the part of your post where you were talking to me. I simply wasn't sure if you were 100% clear on all of Ron Paul's positions, because you seem to speak so highly of him yet you believe the exact opposite of him on most things.

Yes, Libertarians will go to far imo, but if they want to take back the Federal Reserve from the bankers who are clearly fucking us over, then that makes them 1000 times better than the GOP. Just look at that little man Dude. He's such a brainwashed guy that he can't even get himself to admit this is a problem.

And look at us Dems. We aren't so one sided that you can't get us to join your cause. But notice how hard it is to get Dude or any other right winger to buy into this? Because it goes against everything he has been saying. He thinks government is the only problem.

I always say, "want to know the difference between the parties? Look at the voters. I don't agree with you all the time, but I do agree with you enough and I know you have sincere motives. You truly believe free trade will fix the mess, and it will bring up wages, etc.

The GOP'ers are just trying to protect the status quo. Max corporate profits and lower wages.

I believe their motives are sinister and yours are not. And guys like Dude don't think lowering wages will affect him so he thinks he belongs to the GOP. I bet he got fucked in this recession and doesn't even know it was his own party that fucked him. But he thinks it was all Freddy/Fanny/Carter/Clinton. :cuckoo:
Yes, Libertarians will go to far imo, but if they want to take back the Federal Reserve from the bankers who are clearly fucking us over, then that makes them 1000 times better than the GOP. Just look at that little man Dude. He's such a brainwashed guy that he can't even get himself to admit this is a problem.

And look at us Dems. We aren't so one sided that you can't get us to join your cause. But notice how hard it is to get Dude or any other right winger to buy into this? Because it goes against everything he has been saying. He thinks government is the only problem.

I always say, "want to know the difference between the parties? Look at the voters. I don't agree with you all the time, but I do agree with you enough and I know you have sincere motives. You truly believe free trade will fix the mess, and it will bring up wages, etc.

The GOP'ers are just trying to protect the status quo. Max corporate profits and lower wages.

I believe their motives are sinister and yours are not. And guys like Dude don't think lowering wages will affect him so he thinks he belongs to the GOP. I bet he got fucked in this recession and doesn't even know it was his own party that fucked him. But he thinks it was all Freddy/Fanny/Carter/Clinton. :cuckoo:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

This completely paranoid delusional post brought to you directly from.....

Yes, Libertarians will go to far imo, but if they want to take back the Federal Reserve from the bankers who are clearly fucking us over, then that makes them 1000 times better than the GOP. Just look at that little man Dude. He's such a brainwashed guy that he can't even get himself to admit this is a problem.

And look at us Dems. We aren't so one sided that you can't get us to join your cause. But notice how hard it is to get Dude or any other right winger to buy into this? Because it goes against everything he has been saying. He thinks government is the only problem.

I always say, "want to know the difference between the parties? Look at the voters. I don't agree with you all the time, but I do agree with you enough and I know you have sincere motives. You truly believe free trade will fix the mess, and it will bring up wages, etc.

The GOP'ers are just trying to protect the status quo. Max corporate profits and lower wages.

I believe their motives are sinister and yours are not. And guys like Dude don't think lowering wages will affect him so he thinks he belongs to the GOP. I bet he got fucked in this recession and doesn't even know it was his own party that fucked him. But he thinks it was all Freddy/Fanny/Carter/Clinton. :cuckoo:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

This completely paranoid delusional post brought to you directly from.....


The biggest compliment you can give me is to post nothing in reply.

Check Mate! Bitch!!!! :lol:
Ahhh....Another self-declaration of victory, measured by no other criteria than what you can make up on the fly!!

Yet more evidence of your neurotic delusions, and complete detachment from any reality that you haven't created for your own little fantasy world.

I guess the title of "Douchebag of the Year" was hard won....No wonder there's such an effort to go out of your way to defend it.
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Ahhh....Another self-declaration of victory, by no other criteria than what you can make up on the fly.!!

Yet more evidence that your delusions, and complete detachment from any reality that you haven't created for your own little fantasy world.

I guess the title of "Douchebag of the Year" was hard won....No wonder there's such an effort to go out of your way to defend it.

I provided links. Did you debunk any of the FACTS I posted?

Is Bloomberg a liberal lefty lying source now?

You are a joke to me.
What should make me want to pay any more attention to your sources, especially when you repudiate them in virtually every other context other than the convenience of the moment, than you've paid to mine??

Lets look at your most relevant comment:

"Let's not forget which entity consecrates corporate charters into law, extends limited liabilities from lawsuits to corporations, alternately extends and retracts various and sundry tax breaks and regulations, operates huge protection rackets like the FDA which squeeze out all but the biggest corporations from the game....The list goes on and on.

Its big Gov that is Don Veto"

So you're worrying about the biggest corporations? OMG. In an era where the big corporations are killing small business'? WOW!!

Can you tell me one or two examples of FDA rules they put on business' that are unfair?

Why didn't the GOP lift those bad regulations? They had 6 years and instead they removed the regulations that kept us safe from corporate greed and irresponsibility. Remember, it isn't zero regulations vs over regulations. But that is what you want to discuss because that is vague. And I don't mean you. YOU don't realize this is happening. THEY don't want to discuss specifics because THEY want to lift regulations that are necessary, because THEIR precious companies can make more with those regulations are gone. But now we see why those regulations were necessary. YOU probably argue for them because you don't think this will hurt you in any way and YOU want cheap goods.

Your reply is such a right wing reply that it is hard to answer it. Should I follow you off on this tangent and start talking about charters and limited liabilities? Fuck no! That's exactly why there is no way to debate with you guys. You refuse to stay on topic.

I have a friend who is like you. I give him all the facts and specific situations that perfectly illustrate my point about how bankers own this country, and instead of admitting this is a problem, he goes off on trickle down. So in other words, he/you really believe that the rich should own this country and nothing will or should ever change that.

He admitted it. Will you? If we just knew your honest opinion then maybe then we could debate honestly.

No doubt you think the rich and the corporations should have this kind of power/control. Its not that you deny it. Its that you approve.

Next you'll be talking about trial lawyers. :lol:
What should motivate me to want to pay any more attention to your sources, especially when you repudiate them in virtually every other context other than the convenience of the moment, than you've paid to mine??

I have to say that your reply about limited liabilities, tax breaks and regulations and the FDA squeezing the biggest corporations from the game.

That I didn't expect.

I want to start a thread on this alone.
Wow...You really are naïve and incapable of grasping even the most basic concepts, aren't you?

Let's start with the FDA....I doubt that you know it takes $500,000,000 (that's $1/2 BILLION) to bring a new medication to market, because of bureaucratic red tape and general political payola. Now, who is it you think can afford to drop that kind of dough to go through all that nonsense...Eli Lily, or Podunk Labs, of West Backwater, Arkansas??

In the meantime, lots and lots of safe and effective medications for relatively rare disorders are found, yet their cost recoup time is on the order that it doesn't pay to go through all the crap and expense it takes to get these so-called "orphan drugs" approved.....So the unfortunate people with these disorders can just stick their thumbs up their asses so you can have the illusion that Big Daddy Big Gubmint is "protecting" you.

There's an enemy of the much ballyhooed "little guy" here, and it ain't me, Scooter.

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