Are Democrats Losing Their Blue collar Base?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is another great video from Classic Liberal tim Pool.

His main points are that in this election cycle we are seeing Democrats leave the Democratic Party due to the riots, the prolonged lockdowns, and the Democrats willingness to stop/hinder medical responses to COVID19 even it causes thousands of people to die.

AND Democrats do not see it.
They left them since 2016. Trump has made inroads into the traditional Dem voters, one of the reasons I don't trust the polls.

My guess is, somehow they believe the mail-out votes will put them over the top. How else can one explain doing the same things Hillary did, trying to win an election via media and not having policies that the average American can get behind.

As I say, Trump better have the most patriotic and skilled lawyers America can offer for 2020.
This is another great video from Classic Liberal tim Pool.

His main points are that in this election cycle we are seeing Democrats leave the Democratic Party due to the riots, the prolonged lockdowns, and the Democrats willingness to stop/hinder medical responses to COVID19 even it causes thousands of people to die.

AND Democrats do not see it.

The medical responses that the Democrats stopped? Never happened.
Let’s hope this is the death of the Democratic Party we are witnessing. Then finally we can lay to rest the darkest chapters in our history: Democrats defending African slavery, Democrats causing the Civil War, Democrats creating the KKK, Democrats embracing socialism, Democrats pushing radical feminism, Democrats pushing abortion on demand, Democrats turning our once great cities into slums and dangerous shit holes, Democrats selling our manufacturing jobs to China, Democrats supporting Islamic-fascism, Democrats supporting open borders, and Democrats supporting race riots and a race war.
Let’s hope this is the death of the Democratic Party we are witnessing. Then finally we can lay to rest the darkest chapters in our history: Democrats defending African slavery, Democrats causing the Civil War, Democrats creating the KKK, Democrats embracing socialism, Democrats pushing radical feminism, Democrats pushing abortion on demand, Democrats turning our once great cities into slums and dangerous shit holes, Democrats selling our manufacturing jobs to China, Democrats supporting Islamic-fascism, Democrats supporting open borders, and Democrats supporting race riots and a race war.
Well we need an opposition party to the GOP to keep them, relatively speaking, mostly honest
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