College graduates, once favored in the job market, are now seemingly less valuable than their blue-collar counterparts.

College graduates are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree. Typical earnings for bachelor's degree holders are $36,000 or 84 percent higher than those whose highest degree is a high school diploma.
You can't be unemployed and pay back thousands in student loans.
Employers have too many overqualified people to choose from. It's too easy to find good hard working people.
Just dont expect plumbers to subsidize them for the rest of their life
The moronic Democrats think it is "social justice" for the plumbers to subsidize the worthless college graduates, along with the Illegals and ghetto welfare queens.

Just think how functionally illiterate you must be if you got a social science degree from a Liberal university where most of the faculty are crazy ass Libtards that voted for Gay Barry, Crooked Hillary and Mr. Potatohaead.
All the leaders of the GOP and maga nation are ivy college educated con men taking advantage of maga dummies. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
All the leaders of the GOP and maga nation are ivy college educated con men taking advantage of maga dummies. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
That's not true, some of them are, but Jim Jordan was a wrestling coach and Tubberville was a football coach. The whackjob from Arizona in the House was a dentist, and Lauren Qbert is a high school dropout, etc., etc.

You are correct they take advantage of the MAGA dummies, the MAGA Senator from Missouri has a Harvard Law degree.
So now you know why we are discussing plumbers

Take notes if you cant remember
Sure, retard. And next time bone up on the topic before jumping in. Will help you look less of a fool. Now, fuck off.
My granddaughter got her pharmacy degree. She's making decent money(6 figures) after 3 years in. She's married to an engineer(electrical). They're not going to have kids. ...
Be sure to come back here and admit it when they do have kids.
Be sure to come back here and admit it when they do have kids.
Ummm...well. she has taken medical steps to ensure she doesn't ever conceive. She's now 28. She'd need another surgery to reverse it. It's their decision if they admire for something else.
So do everyone else. Why would you think Biden is singling out plumbers?

As for student debt forgiveness? It's not just liberal education but everyone who got scammed by the so-called universities.

Trump U comes to mind.

How many people sued Trump? It was a very small percentage of the students in his school.
Employers themselves helped create this mess by requiring a bachelors for every entry level position
True, Very True.

That said, some jobs/careers require Degrees, as they should.
Some Jobs Don't require Degrees, which is also correct.

I would love to discuss some more, but only with YOUR approval 1srelluc w/out being called a moron, groomer, indoctrinator, etc.

You, 1srelluc care for some discourse, I'm here.
Higher Education in this country must be viewed as bifurcated into Before Vietnam and After Vietnam. Two different things.

Before Vietnam, a college degree - any degree - was seen by prospective employers as PROOF that a person was intelligent, reasonably articulate, and could learn (a job) quickly. Only 25% of HS grads were able to go to college, which was a realistic number. People with "generic" bachelors degrees went into purchasing, HR, logistics, general management, and non-professional staffing jobs, as well as sales.

Vietnam, coupled with the Baby Boom changed all that. The pool of HS grads exploded, and the majority of them wanted to go to college so they would avoid the draft. The colleges expanded at astounding rates to accommodate the masses, but there was a little "problem." The problem was that only 25% of the graduating HS class were "college material" - same as in previous generations - but 50% of the grads wanted to go to college. So college admission standards were relaxed, grading was relaxed, new majors were created to accommodate students who would not have made it into college a few years earlier. At the same time, college instructors and professors were terrified that they might give out a failing grade that would result in a young man being drafted and...killed in Vietnam!

Throw in Affirmative Action and Wimmins' Liberation. Even more students who were not "college material," and demanding bizarre majors, as well as watering down content in STEM majors so that they wouldn't be 100% male and white.

And that's where we are today. A college degree in 2024 is academically less rigorous than a HS diploma in 1960. Employers, facing a huge glut of people with "sheepskins" begin to demand a college degree for ridiculous, petty jobs that a HS grad would have turned his nose up at a couple generations ago.

Professionals and people who know a valuable trade have always been valuable, and have better opportunities than ever today, but that generic degree (unrelated to any gainful pursuit) is so de-valued as to be a total waste of time and money.

The job market embraces people who are willing to work and use their heads. You might start at the bottom of the work pyramid, but if you find a job with a smart company they will recognize your potential and exploit it. If you look at what you are doing as a "job," you won't get far.

And good luck paying off that student loan.

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