Are "flash mobs" and "flash gangs" the new trend in Social Media generated violence?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
These flash mobs/gangs are becoming more frequent and more violent. Is there a way to monitor for a flash mob formation on Social Media? Is this something that ought to be done? I think so, to me it could give law enforcement a few minutes at least heads up that something was brewing.

Remember the American Express slogan that said "don't leave home without it"? I substituted a 9mm for the card several years ago...
These flash mobs/gangs are becoming more frequent and more violent. Is there a way to monitor for a flash mob formation on Social Media? Is this something that ought to be done? I think so, to me it could give law enforcement a few minutes at least heads up that something was brewing. 2015.
These flash mobs/gangs are becoming more frequent and more violent. Is there a way to monitor for a flash mob formation on Social Media? Is this something that ought to be done? I think so, to me it could give law enforcement a few minutes at least heads up that something was brewing.

Nothing new about them.
It's been around for a little while, but the people organizing and participating are growing larger, as these groups grow in size. Yes, FB is going to have to tell users that if you are suspected of taking place in these, the police will get a warrant and we will turn over your conversations. Chicago has a real problem with these large groups.

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