Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Not taking sides, but you ought to know that there is no cookie cutter version of what makes a family healthy.
Of course I understand that. I was a social worker for 32 years. Any family can be dysfunctional. My point is that all evidence points to children in general doing as well with gay parents as with hetero parents
Well you are out of luck. Every state in the country allows gays to adopt. Many thousands have been adopted by gay couples. It is just a fact of life. It is normal. Deal with it.
Actually it's a lowering of the standard and there will be predictable surprises from normalizing the deviance to the standard.

But it's ok because most people won't recognize it or care.
Actually I don't it is self evident that it's natural for male / female unions to have children and that the best case scenario for a child is to have a male and a female role model he is raised by. Anyone who claims to have worked in child welfare should know that.
You just keep repeating the same stuff but offer no evidence. You are presenting your opinion as fact. . It may be self evident that a man and a woman can have a child "naturally" but the real issue, as I have said , is parenting
Because it's the exception. You want to make it the rule. Again... the best case scenario is for a child to have a male and female role model in the household.
How many more times are you going repeat that without backing it up? Children should be placed in an environment that best meets their needs and that provides the most stability. All of the evidence shows the respective genders of the parents has no bearing on that
Of course I understand that. I was a social worker for 32 years. Any family can be dysfunctional. My point is that all evidence points to children in general doing as well with gay parents as with hetero parents

Then you say something like this ...

Well you are out of luck. Every state in the country allows gays to adopt. Many thousands have been adopted by gay couples. It is just a fact of life. It is normal. Deal with it.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology ... No Expert of course.
But I can tell you right now ... That kind of bigoted attitude isn't going to help you any.

Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

In most (not all) cases it tends to be when interaction of hormones and genetics goes awry.

Basic genetic blueprint is for female reproduction, the X = X chromosomes in genes of egg and sperm. However, to make a "male" requires proper interaction of male hormone testosterone with the Y chromosome in the sperm, which starts process of mutation from basic female model to the male alteration. This opens first door of possible error in process.

Next door for error comes with adolescence when final sexual orientation is set via the hypothalamus which has to "flip" from standard "female attracted to male" setting to the opposite of "male attracted to female" for a normal male model of sexual orientation/attraction.

This is why there tends to be about a ten to one number of male homosexuals versus female. There also can be institutional sexual orientation where nuture/conditions apply that are not natural.

A good source for more information, if you can find a copy, is this book;

Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women​

Anne Moir, David Jessel

You just keep repeating the same stuff but offer no evidence. You are presenting your opinion as fact. . It may be self evident that a man and a woman can have a child "naturally" but the real issue, as I have said , is parenting
It's self evident. That's why I keep repeating it. It's true.

I's natural for male / female unions to have children. That's the norm. Anything else is the exception.

The best case scenario for a child is to have a male and a female role model he is raised by. That's common sense. What do I need to prove? I am telling you the rules. Those are the rules. Anything else is the exception to the rule and is a lower standard which will have it's own set of predictable surprises such as children with low self esteem for no other reason than they are children of gay parents. Which is no different than a victim of pedophilia could have.
Yes, gay and straight couple both have children come into their care by a variety of means. The issue isn't if gay couples could make very good parents. The issue is the whether it should be the rule or the exception. I believe it is selfish of gay couples to do that to children.
Adoption agencies must evaluate all applicants to adopt on their ability to provide a safe stable and appropriate home and to meet the unique need of a particular child. You can't send the gay couple to the back of the line as say that they will be considered if there are no other options. That is discrimination and it in no way benefits the children.
Blurring the lines of gender was the worst thing that has happened to women. It is the root cause of increased teenage pregnancies, increased single parent moms, increased violence against women and increased objectification of women as sex objects.
Really. So the relaxing of gender roles and traditions has led to all of those societal ills? Really? Good god!
Adoption agencies must evaluate all applicants to adopt on their ability to provide a safe stable and appropriate home and to meet the unique need of a particular child. You can't send the gay couple to the back of the line as say that they will be considered if there are no other options. That is discrimination and it in no way benefits the children.
I'm sure there are gay families where everything turns out just fine. I'm also sure there are gay families where the children are harmed by low self esteem. I guess that's on them.
How many more times are you going repeat that without backing it up? Children should be placed in an environment that best meets their needs and that provides the most stability. All of the evidence shows the respective genders of the parents has no bearing on that
I don't see you disagreeing that the best case scenario for placing an adopted child is in the home of a mother and a father.
I'm sure there are gay families where everything turns out just fine. I'm also sure there are gay families where the children are harmed by low self esteem. I guess that's on them.
I did not say that gay families were perfect or that the children never have problems. The issue is whether children suffer low self esteem because the have same sex parents. You have not been able to show how or why that might be. You're just taking shots in the dark
Yep. Specifically sexual promiscuity. Women acting like men was pandora's box. But it's OK because no one recognizes it or cares about it.
So only men are promiscuous? Really? Sound like you have a problem with women and the fact that they have rejected the little home maker role
I never mentioned hell.

Right and wrong are judgements.

And Where have I judged you?

No what you are doing is just what you are doing.

Why do you want to live in contradiction to the word of the god you claim to believe in?

Neither did I, that was my point.

Judging someone, in the Biblical sense, would be referencing whether or not they are going to Heaven or Hell.

Right and wrong is clearly defined throughout the Bible, including the 10 Commandments.

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