Are lap dances a human right?


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
As the recession continues onward, House Republicans are worried that those receiving welfare payments may be having a bit too good of a time.

The chamber will again vote Wednesday on a bill which would ensure that electronic withdrawals of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families dollars aren't allowed to be withdrawn from ATMs at strip clubs, casinos or liquor stores. TANF replaced national welfare programs after the welfare reforms of 1996.

House Set to Ban Welfare Payments at Strip Clubs - US News and World Report


Got any numbers on the total amount of TANF funds that are withdrawn at strip clubs, casinos or liquor stores?

Those numbers would be illuminating.
As the recession continues onward, House Republicans are worried that those receiving welfare payments may be having a bit too good of a time.

The chamber will again vote Wednesday on a bill which would ensure that electronic withdrawals of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families dollars aren't allowed to be withdrawn from ATMs at strip clubs, casinos or liquor stores. TANF replaced national welfare programs after the welfare reforms of 1996.

House Set to Ban Welfare Payments at Strip Clubs - US News and World Report



is it a problem that actually exists? or is it one of those dog whistle things?
Read the article. The overall numbers may be small, but the problem does exist. Many people use ATMs in corner liquor stores. Whether or not they actually buy liquor is debatable. But it just ain't right.

BTW - They don't expect it to pass.
I read the article. it doesn't say there's any problem. it indicates that people use ATM's at liquor stores a lot. That's true. Because there aren't necessarily banks in bad neighborhoods and the only ATM's are generally at convenience stores and liquor stores.

It's a dog whistle bill. The base will like it because it feeds into their whole welfare queen meme.

someone needs to tell them most people on welfare are white.
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I read the article. it doesn't say there's any problem. it indicates that people use ATM's at liquor stores a lot. That's true. Because there aren't necessarily banks in bad neighborhoods and the only ATM's are generally at convenience stores and liquor stores.

It's a dog whistle bill. The base will like it because it feeds into their whole welfare queen meme.

someone needs to tell them most people on welfare are white.
Someone needs to tell you that it has nothing to do with race but I guess that you will simply shut your ears and yell loudly.

To the OP - I don't have a problem with the government controlling where you can pull out your welfare check BUT banning it from local corner marts is not a good idea. Jillian did point out one correct statement, many of those that are truly in need are not in convenient distance to a bank and the local mart provides an ideal place to withdraw that cash.
I read the article. it doesn't say there's any problem. it indicates that people use ATM's at liquor stores a lot. That's true. Because there aren't necessarily banks in bad neighborhoods and the only ATM's are generally at convenience stores and liquor stores.

It's a dog whistle bill. The base will like it because it feeds into their whole welfare queen meme.

someone needs to tell them most people on welfare are white.
Someone needs to tell you that it has nothing to do with race.

the hell it doesn't...

but whatever rocks you.

now, perhaps if you focused on the second part of your response instead of pretending what i said isn't the truth, there might have been a discussion.... *shrug*
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Not this Republican. But fraud and waste of taxpayer money esp. in this economy does. Have you seen the debt clock?

It amazes me how people will defend it.

The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
I'm not seeing a connection here, chanel.

What do you think we should do? Have one atm machine in the middle of the town square that flashes for tanf recipients only?
Puhleez. There are ATMs everywhere.

Have you ever tried to get cash at a casino? There is no reason to go there except to get money to gamble.

And Jillian - the race card is getting old. It never occurred to me that only black people go to strip clubs or casinos. In fact, I believe it's mostly white men. Your racist prism needs some cleaning.
There's another reason to go to a casino. Looking for a job.
Sorry but that money should not be available as cash.

Those cards should only be used for an exchange of goods; you know food or clothing for the kids not booze and strippers.
I want to know why people are able to get cash out of an ATM via welfare.....that's not cool to me.
Sorry but that money should not be available as cash.

Those cards should only be used for an exchange of goods; you know food or clothing for the kids not booze and strippers.
You can't pay your rent with a debit card.
Lap dances are a human right!!

Grab the gals!! Lap dances for everyone!!!!
I read the article. it doesn't say there's any problem. it indicates that people use ATM's at liquor stores a lot. That's true. Because there aren't necessarily banks in bad neighborhoods and the only ATM's are generally at convenience stores and liquor stores.

It's a dog whistle bill. The base will like it because it feeds into their whole welfare queen meme.

someone needs to tell them most people on welfare are white.

leave it to a partisan hack like you to be the first to bring up race.

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