Are Liberals Bigots against Blacks?

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
American things that liberal communist hold bigotry towards and discriminate against, which they see as a threat to American society and make it their life mission to shut down, using intimidation and communism:
Ben Carson
Black Conservatives
Wealthy African Americans in the 1%
Black NRA members
Black gun owners
Black Republicans
Uncle Toms
Black Banks
Blacks in Wall Street
Black Capitalist
Black Trump Suporters
Black Christians
Aerosol cans
Global Warming
Hunting Animals
Cutting Trees
Corporate America
Free Market
Rich People
Oil Drilling
Car Fuel
Eating Meat
2nd Amendment
Sarah Palin
Fox News
Rush Limbaugh
Carly Fiorina
Ronald Reagan
Wall Street
Political Incorrectness
Building A Wall
Screening Immigrants
The Interview Movie
Vietnam War
Iraq War
George W. Bush
Ann Coulter
Bill O'rielly
Alex Jones
Tea Party
Washington Times
The Hill
National Review
More of anything else they can find and make up to call their own that will further their cause to boycott, terrorize, intimidate and hold a protest about etc etc etc

Another twisted OP, does it ever stop?

See What can republicans do for blacks? | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Conservatism once spread a message of rugged individuals and shameless moochers. This cruel story lost its purchase in the Great Depression, replaced by liberalism's redemptive story of occasional misfortune amid a society of worthy individuals. We all need a hand sometimes, modern liberalism avowed, thereby not only providing material assistance but removing some of the psychological sting of defeat or affliction. The conservative message seemed mean and petty, a gratuitous slap at the less fortunate spouted most loudly by the scions of great wealth. Nevertheless, this socially destructive message regained strength after the civil rights movement, when dog whistle racism recast the rugged as white, and the shameless as black. Now, the individual-or-moocher frame is back in vogue, even-to their personal distress-among many of those needing government help .


So how does dog whistle racism wreck the middle class? Racial demagoguery convinces many whites to think about government help in terms of race, and then to reject liberalism and the lessons of the New Deal in favor of the nostrums promoted by corporate titans and loaded insiders. We've already discussed massive tax giveaways to the very rich, attacks on welfare programs, and assaults on affirmative action. Other mechanisms from the 1980s included the hamstringing of labor, epitomized by Reagan's mass firing of air traffic controllers who went out on strike, a blow not just to that union but a clear signal of increasing governmental hostility toward organized labor. In addition, the middle class suffered from economic deregulation, particularly in the banking industry, which led to massive fraud in and the collapse of the savings and loan sector. In a harbinger of financial deregulation's effects following 2008, the ensuing economic meltdown slowed the economy and led to widespread unemployment that endured for years. Beyond economic deregulation, the Reagan administration also began a sustained campaign against environmental regulation, freeing large polluters from government oversight. Justifying this hands-off approach, Reagan infamously belittled the whole idea of controlling pollution by quipping that trees cause more pollution than automobiles.

The predictable results can be summarized in poverty statistics. From 1960 to 1970, as the New Deal expanded into the Great Society, the number of Americans in poverty declined from 40 million to under 2S million. During the 1970s, after the rise of dog whistle politics but before its full hijacking by rightwing oligarchs, the numbers in poverty remained steady. During the 1980s, as Reagan and then George H.W. Bush reigned, those in poverty soared to 3S million. At the end of Clinton's second term in 2000, those mired in poverty had fallen to just above 30 million. But following the Great Recession that marked the end George W. Bush's presidency, over 46 million Americans were in poverty." That's an additional 16 million good folks pushed into the material and emotional hardship of destitution in just one decade.

This book's subtitle suggests that race-baiting wrecks the middle class, as indeed it does. This is not, however, to claim that the purpose behind racial demagoguery is to destroy average Americans-it is not. The point, for politicians such as Wallace and Nixon, was to get elected and re-elected. Simultaneously, big money came to see dog whistling as a way to promote policies that favored society's sultans. These policies are, roughly, the same policies advocated by the malefactors of great wealth during the era of the robber baron: low taxes, a minimal or non-existent social safety net, and corporate control over the regulation of industry. These were, of course, policies that voters had repudiated during the New Deal as well as in the sweeping defeat of Barry Goldwater. Through their newly muscled think tanks and aided by Ronald Reagan, however, the modern plutocrats reintroduced these prescriptions to the American public as a response to the excesses of the civil rights era. Their aim was not to wreck the middle class, but to convince average Americans to support policies that transferred wealth and power to the already extremely wealthy and powerful. Like the nonwhites injured by dog whistle racism, the middle class was not a target-just collateral damage." p74,75 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
Bigots are against blacks and others.

Bigots can be conservatives or liberal.

What we do know is that African Americans tend to vote liberal- and against conservatives.
Liberals tend to go after black conservatives more viciously than they do white conservatives, that's pretty obvious.
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state.

The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.






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