Are Liberals in here going to still claim Obama isn't a left winger?

I don't recall anyone ever denying it.

Then you must have had your head up your ass for the last 4 years. Lefties on this Board have been claiming he is not a Liberal, and not a left winger since day one. Going so far as to call him a Centrist.

He is left of center but still to the right of Truman and Kennedy. He makes Wilson look like a socialist.
I don't recall anyone ever denying it.

Then you must have had your head up your ass for the last 4 years. Lefties on this Board have been claiming he is not a Liberal, and not a left winger since day one. Going so far as to call him a Centrist.


Then you must have an abundance of evidence to that effect.

The only disputes I have seen were over just how far left he is. From slightly to the left of center, all the way to Marxist.

No one has ever said he is on the right.

Oh, wait! You're right! Some people have called him a Nazi. I forgot!

You win.
Are Liberals in here going to still claim Obama isn't a left winger?

Obama has governed mostly center-right during his first term; however, it finally looks like he may be poised to govern center-left during his 2nd term. Let's hope...
I don't think so, Lakhota. Immigration reform is not "liberal", it is American center. He won't risk his capital on any type of gun ban, and on this the Republican Congress will take a victory. Cutting defense and maintaining a reasonable reform of entitlements is mainstream. Let's hope he does it.
Today's speech leaves no room for Doubt. Obama is, and always has been, a left wing Ideologue.

Unless some are still going by older talking points, there is no point in denying it. The AP headlines today announced that Obama is bold about discussing his liberal agenda.

The mask is off and he thinks America is ready for socialism. Fake polls and an obedient media back him up, so there is nothing stopping him now.
What "socialism", Clementione? How and where and what? This is a losing point for ultra reactionaries; the country has told you so.
Frank, you have lost it, haven't you, since the country rejected your nonsense. I told you it was going to be so, but you were going "Obama is going to get smashed." Just so.
Are Liberals in here going to still claim Obama isn't a left winger?

Obama has governed mostly center-right during his first term; however, it finally looks like he may be poised to govern center-left during his 2nd term. Let's hope...

Because annual $1 Trillion deficits are too conservative
You have to define left winger. Obama's ACA is a mandate to buy health insurance from corporations. Look at his appointments, especially trade representative. Free trader. Obama's pushed free trade since day one. Also the Trans Pacific Partnership, which he will push through. He's pushed the Bush education policy and cheered the firing of school teachers, and his pal Arnie Duncan never saw a charter school he didn't like. Obama talks like a leftie on the campaign trail and that's where it ends. He doesn't look like a leftie liberal to me, at least not like a Kucinich or Bernie Sanders.

Maybe immigration reform, homosexual marriage and gun control he's on the left, but on economic issues, which is what really matters to me, he's probably more of a republican than reagan, his hero.


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are Liberals in here going to still claim Obama isn't a left winger?

it is the Tea Party Republicans who are obsessed with defining Obama as a "left winger" ... and now they have his second term as thanks from Obama for their effort.

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