Are Men Better Drivers?

Would think it's true men would be better being the traditional hunter when women were the gatherers. Being able to hunt, pursue, and catch prey requires skills picking up things that aren't trying to ellude you don't. Fast foward to driving times and the same hardwired skills will likely be present in men moreso than women. While exceptions always exist, overall or on the average I'd think our ancestral roles would make men better.
Well, if men were better drivers, why do they have to pay more for car insurance? :funnyface:

Auto Insurance Rates for Women|

In a lifetime, women pay less for car insurance than men do. The major difference, however, stems from the difference in risk between female and male drivers in their youth. The car insurance premium for young women is at its highest when they are between 16 and 24 years old, but for young men they are much higher.
I'm a MUCH better driver than hubby - he always thinks I'm going to hit cars when pulling into a parking spot, but, has never happened.

Also, I'm a SMOOOTH driver, he's all "herky jerky" but, still, he insists he's better.... oh and he's BAD with directions, but at least not afraid to ask ...
Worth mentioning studies have proven female helicopter pilots in the Army are better than their male counterparts. Just about every military helicopter crash had a male pilot.
"One in ten Army helicopter pilot is a woman, yet men account for 97% of injuries in helicopter accidents."

"Ten out of every 100 Army helicopter pilots are women — but they account for only 3 out of every 100 accidents.

That’s the bottom line in an Army report that, in an effort to study the impact of women on the front lines, compares accident rates of men and women flying Army helicopters from 2002 to 2013."

Do Women Make Better Military Helicopter Pilots?
"One in ten Army helicopter pilot is a woman, yet men account for 97% of injuries in helicopter accidents."

"Ten out of every 100 Army helicopter pilots are women — but they account for only 3 out of every 100 accidents.

That’s the bottom line in an Army report that, in an effort to study the impact of women on the front lines, compares accident rates of men and women flying Army helicopters from 2002 to 2013."

Do Women Make Better Military Helicopter Pilots?

Well, women who are in the military are probably VERY high achiever types of women. It's not an easy environment for women, so they are probably very detail oriented and maybe more careful and concerned with things like safety issues.
Women are, after all, better drivers than men

"On one of the categories - tailgating - just 4% of women but 27% of men drove too close to the vehicle in front.

Nearly half of men approached hazards too fast, compared with only a quarter of women, while more than half of men drove through an amber light when it was turning to red, compared to just 14% of women.

Just 1% of women, but 14% of men, cut into traffic dangerously, while 24% of men, but only 16% of women, admitted to using hand-held mobiles while at the wheel. "

good side-by-side table I can't figure out how to paste at link.
"One in ten Army helicopter pilot is a woman, yet men account for 97% of injuries in helicopter accidents."

"Ten out of every 100 Army helicopter pilots are women — but they account for only 3 out of every 100 accidents.

That’s the bottom line in an Army report that, in an effort to study the impact of women on the front lines, compares accident rates of men and women flying Army helicopters from 2002 to 2013."

Do Women Make Better Military Helicopter Pilots?

Well, women who are in the military are probably VERY high achiever types of women. It's not an easy environment for women, so they are probably very detail oriented and maybe more careful and concerned with things like safety issues.

Reading about it previously the report mentions men are more prone to hotdogging, as echoed in the driving study below in the UK.
This article is shit. Call your insurance company and ask them. There's a reason insurance is more expensive for young males vs females.
That's got nothing to do with agility or spacial perspective. Young guys push the limits, and beyond. Women are more careful so they are better in that regard, but you've missed the point.

Men are better with size, space and orientation. I've worked with men and women for many projects involving graphics and gals are almost always way off in estimating size. They also get more confused over east/west north/south directions. Men focus better, women multitask better.
The genders are different no matter how many times we are told otherwise.
Lol! Your source is Cracked! They were sold along side Mad magazine when I was a kid.

If you look on their main page it is all satire.

You all have been had.
"On one of the categories - tailgating - just 4% of women but 27% of men drove too close to the vehicle in front.

Good link, but I can't see this being true in the US. My casual observation is that tailgating is much higher than a quarter of the drivers. Certainly much higher than the 4% figure. Maybe England is different for some reason.

I always hear tailgaters complaining about other drivers, but they can't even understand the simple physics of tailgating.
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This article is shit. Call your insurance company and ask them. There's a reason insurance is more expensive for young males vs females.
That's got nothing to do with agility or spacial perspective. Young guys push the limits, and beyond. Women are more careful so they are better in that regard, but you've missed the point.

Men are better with size, space and orientation. I've worked with men and women for many projects involving graphics and gals are almost always way off in estimating size. They also get more confused over east/west north/south directions. Men focus better, women multitask better.
The genders are different no matter how many times we are told otherwise.

I used to work for an insurance company, I know for a fact that women are better drivers.

Jokes about bad drivers often focus on women. But dig a little deeper, and you discover these jokes must be written by men, because car insurance companies prove year after year women are, in fact, better drivers.

Does Car Insurance Favor Women Drivers?


The evidence is on their side: Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for reckless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be cited for drunk driving, according to a study by Quality Planning, a research firm that works for insurance companies. "Women are on average less aggressive and more law-abiding drivers -- attributes that lead to fewer accidents," the study says.

Men vs. Women: Who Are Safer Drivers?
Actuaries generally get it right. I would go with the numbers of those people. Insurance is not big bucks for nothin'.
Of course, men have more testosterone which causes them to be more aggressive and to lack some patience, that includes while driving.
We are better drivers...........................We drive it home for the women.


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