Are Modern Democrats Just Socialists by Another Name?

Are modern Democrats Just Socialists by Another Name

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I love how progressives promote labor unions then claim they're not socialists...
The idea of communism is good. It does not work ( along with capitalism) but the time it takes for communism to become corrupt is just shorter than capitalism.

Socialism on the other had is just fine. All the proof I need is countries like Norway or France or Germany. Canada, although a watered down version of them is also really cool. The key difference is the companies that are in them. They exist to give their service, not to make money like American counterparts.
All the time. Go ask bfrgn for the latest.

But i consider the far right of you, and Frank, and Akin, and the wacks who want to go back to the 1950s to be very, very dangerous, and have no trouble pointing that out.

Remember: all that dave is dave.
Yeah. I have no trouble dismissing as worthless the opinions of a "mainstream Republican" who chastises Obama for not being far left enough.

Run along, boy.
Democrats are a coalition party with many different groups.

Republicans are 90% white. The real question here is, "Do Republicans, with their extreme hatred for women's rights and minorities, want to turn this country into a type of "American Christian Taliban"?
And the answer is, "No, you damned moron. Get your head out of your ass."
The idea of communism is good. It does not work ( along with capitalism) but the time it takes for communism to become corrupt is just shorter than capitalism.

Socialism on the other had is just fine. All the proof I need is countries like Norway or France or Germany. Canada, although a watered down version of them is also really cool. The key difference is the companies that are in them. They exist to give their service, not to make money like American counterparts.
Wow. That's incredibly naive. Welcome to the board -- you'll fit right in with the other leftists.
The idea of communism is good. It does not work ( along with capitalism) but the time it takes for communism to become corrupt is just shorter than capitalism.

Socialism on the other had is just fine. All the proof I need is countries like Norway or France or Germany. Canada, although a watered down version of them is also really cool. The key difference is the companies that are in them. They exist to give their service, not to make money like American counterparts.

Any "ism" is subject to greed and corruption, and those are the two qualities that seem to be consistent when any system crashes. Seems to me the key for capitalism to work is effective regulation of business and effective controls on government.

What scares me is that we seem to think that "more" regulation of business means "better" regulation of business - which it does not, nor does it effectively control greed - and we're completely unwilling to control political corruption via measures like publicly-funded elections, term limits and balanced budget amendments.

The problems are clear, we just refuse to address them. Recipe for disaster right there.

All that dave is dave, remember. If you think being chastised for not being able to lead is a call to go left, well, think it. You are wrong.

All the time. Go ask bfrgn for the latest.

But i consider the far right of you, and Frank, and Akin, and the wacks who want to go back to the 1950s to be very, very dangerous, and have no trouble pointing that out.

Remember: all that dave is dave.
Yeah. I have no trouble dismissing as worthless the opinions of a "mainstream Republican" who chastises Obama for not being far left enough.

Run along, boy.
Mr. Nick continues to reveal his ignorant and foolishness when it comes to politics.

Great Britain, France, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, etc., have all tried socialism and none of them are totalitarian or authoritarian.

Nickster thinks it is totalitarian because he is libertarian, the flip side of being a communist. Both on the principle of peer leaders, one through cadres the other through societies "of equals". Both lead to authoritarian societies that dominate the average Mr. and Mrs. Nick. That is the final irony of his failure of understanding.

Have you been to London lately? It may not be Totalitarian over there, but it is Damn Sure more Authoritarian there here. Cameras Everywhere, The Cops have much more leway as far as holding you with out charge, Etc etc.


so the difference is that....we hide our cameras better? Every major city in the US has cameras on virtually every corner.
All that dave is dave, remember. If you think being chastised for not being able to lead is a call to go left, well, think it. You are wrong.
You chastised him for not taking actions the far left wanted:

Go back and read through our comments. This has been explained to you before. Don't do it, and you are fine.
I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:
Are modern Democrats Just Socialists by Another Name?

If someone is completely ignorant of what "socialism" means, or if partisan mania has destroyed their critical thinking ability, then I can see how they could say "yes" to such a dumb question.

However, if we're talking about humans in possession of a 3-digit IQ, then no such people would answer "Yes".

I'm aware many here did answer "yes". I gave the explanations for that. They're either just really effin stupid, or their political cult has brainwashed them into believing what the cult ordered them to believe. That's one of the hallmarks of cults, the way they invent their own little cult vocabulary, in this case their own speshul PC definition of "socialist".

(Cultists, why do you restrict your cult babble to safe little haven internet forums? Oh, that's right, it's because people in the real world point and laugh and walk away when you start raving like this.)
You clearly are a lefty, daveyboy, for you are lying even though the words below are very clear.

i got on Obama for not leading: he did not do what he said he would do.

We need leaders, whether we individually voted for them or not.

But to you, all that daves is dave.

All that dave is dave, remember. If you think being chastised for not being able to lead is a call to go left, well, think it. You are wrong.
You chastised him for not taking actions the far left wanted:

I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:
'Cult Babble' is a great term: it applies to the brainwashed far leftites like bfgrn and Dick Tuck and Huggy and the far righties like daveman and bripat.
You clearly are a lefty, daveyboy...
Wow. How desperately flailing is that? :lmao:

...for you are lying even though the words below are very clear.

i got on Obama for not leading: he did not do what he said he would do.

We need leaders, whether we individually voted for them or not.

But to you, all that daves is dave.
You got on to Obama for not doing what leftists wanted him to do.

You're a leftist. There is no other rational explanation.
You continue to be a lefty with the lying, daveyboy.

The words below are very clear as are your lies.

You can't not hide from your words, daveyboy.

All daves is dave.

You clearly are a lefty, daveyboy...
Wow. How desperately flailing is that? :lmao:

...for you are lying even though the words below are very clear.

i got on Obama for not leading: he did not do what he said he would do.

We need leaders, whether we individually voted for them or not.

But to you, all that daves is dave.
You got on to Obama for not doing what leftists wanted him to do.

You're a leftist. There is no other rational explanation.
The idea of communism is good. It does not work ( along with capitalism) but the time it takes for communism to become corrupt is just shorter than capitalism.

Socialism on the other had is just fine. All the proof I need is countries like Norway or France or Germany. Canada, although a watered down version of them is also really cool. The key difference is the companies that are in them. They exist to give their service, not to make money like American counterparts.

Any "ism" is subject to greed and corruption, and those are the two qualities that seem to be consistent when any system crashes. Seems to me the key for capitalism to work is effective regulation of business and effective controls on government.

What scares me is that we seem to think that "more" regulation of business means "better" regulation of business - which it does not, nor does it effectively control greed - and we're completely unwilling to control political corruption via measures like publicly-funded elections, term limits and balanced budget amendments.

The problems are clear, we just refuse to address them. Recipe for disaster right there.


I wish I could believe that putting controls on government worked. We have term limits for elected state officials in California. We have a balanced budget requirement as well. We also have one the most sold out, corrupt, criminal set of politicians running our state government, which is constantly trying to work around these controls, and a disaster for a budget. Our elected state officials hold us in open contempt, praying we'd all just STFU and do as they say.
In the end, it's about people. Maybe most of us aren't greedy, twisted scumbags. Somehow, though, these are the people who end up in positions of power--put there, and left there, by us. Put the wrong people in the right places and I don't care what rules you enact to try to hold them in check: they'll find a way around them.

And then there's this whole US Congress and POTUS thing...

Like I always say: At least we got football.
That's what the Progressives are progressing toward, a system with a 100% guaranteed fail rate
Are they doing all of this for "corporations" in the over all maybe, as is now found in America and beyond ? I think that there is a reason for all these situations to be happening now in America, and it has gained warp speed over the years. It ain't because anyone really cares about the masses like they say, other than what those masses can be moved or conditioned to do cheaply for the corporations mostly these days, and worse it is in a communistic style and/or way that is being found that they want to do this to Americans anymore. This has been the way it has been operating with these corporations (in a communist fashion or socialistic fashion), and this as is being found within these corporations walls, and for quite sometime now it has been going on. For along time now in America and abroad they have been doing this, and gaining influence and power in doing this all the way up untill now.

Does the pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps even apply anymore in America? ( I don't think so really). Think about it and take a deep look at the bigger picture found in it all, and then think about who it all benefits the most when their kind of ideology is in action now in America. It's a race to the bottom for working class Americans, and no longer a race to the top or even to the middle, and for those who are near the top, and barely hanging on anymore within the middle, their whole concept of America in the way that they once viewed it, is being changed right before their very eyes, and will be dragging them down or their children down to the socialist operating levels real soon (coming to a theater in the style of reality near them soon), especially if it keeps up in these ways. I see people thinking that they can still open up a small business in America, and they spend almost all of their earnings saved in doing so, only to last about a year or two afterwards, otherwsie to then fail within this climate or business enviroment that exist now in America quickly. I mean when you ride through a fairly new industrial park these days, and there are over half of the buildings empty now in most of them, well what is that saying to us now America ?

I road down a street in a major city the other day, and it used to be teaming with businesses, but only a few were still in operation on this street, and there were many empty buildings for as far as you could ride down this street and see, so what is this saying to us in America anymore ?

People can be crazy enough to spend their savings on opening up a small business these days if they want to, but it better be one that is among the very few types that are able to make it these days, or they will lose their butt's quick upon such an old time venture set out to do by them, in which used to be the right thing to do in America, but is no longer the case sad to say. Now in some areas of the nation, the old ways are still working out, but these are fewer and fewer anymore, and are getting fewer by the hour in this nation.

Corporations like Wal-mart etc. have worked tirelessly to kill the small business friendly enviroment in this nation, that was once calling out to hard working people in search of a future better than what they had in being a set worker for life in America (dream bigger), and instead the corporations have since encorporated the Americans into the grind with all the others who are caught in the whirlpool together anymore these days, where as these corporations have made it almost impossible for the working stiff to escape by way of their talents or hard earned workmanship in which they lived by in order to get ahead in life, and this be it honestly and/or morally as it once was or used to be back in the day.

Wake up America, as the greed driven sell out is deep and serious in America.
You continue to be a lefty with the lying, daveyboy.

The words below are very clear as are your lies.

You can't not hide from your words, daveyboy.

All daves is dave.

It's funny when liberals insist they didn't say what they said.


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