Are Modern Democrats Just Socialists by Another Name?

Are modern Democrats Just Socialists by Another Name

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:lol: It's very funny when extremist reactionaries act just like they say their enemies act.

All that daves is dave.

You continue to be a lefty with the lying, daveyboy.

The words are very clear as are your lies.

You can't not hide from your words, daveyboy.

All daves is dave.

It's funny when liberals insist they didn't say what they said.

Who the fuck do progressives think they're fooling????

I love how progressives rationalize their stupid shit...

"who me? - no - never - I just believe in redistribution of wealth."

Fucking dummies...
daveman has trouble that his man crush on Obama is almost at an end: Romney will defeat him and will have no use for the davemans of the far right.

daveyboy is finding out that he has no place to go except to the corner with his dunce cap.

All that daves is dave.

:lol: It's very funny when extremist reactionaries act just like they say their enemies act.

All that daves is dave.

What's that? Obama's colon muffles your voice, boy.
The OP poster assumes that calling someone a socialist has some specific meaning and that meaning is known. The problem with this lack of thinking is that socialism as used by wingnuts on the right has no meaning. It is associated in their limited minds with totalitarian, dictatorships, and communism, the wingnut does not understand these conceptual political philosophies either but that does not matter. Rational thought is missing from the minds of right wing ideologues. The level of their thinking is the school yard moron who can only name call and thinks in the name calling they have done something.

Now consider what socialism is and then consider today it is part and parcel of all modern societies. Government owns and operated numerous entities in America, ironically the people on the right who name call work in this very socialist community. The postal service, the roads, bridges, food inspection, health concerns and testing, internet creation, social security, airport regulation, even sports' stadium creation are all socialistic endeavors and all exist in America. Medicare and the military are socialistic.

Wingnuts live in a bubble that creates a narrow minded view of life and it is why in power they are such failures. In power they fail. In power they have never accomplished a single thing that was good for all America. But out of power, money bring them back to life and they whine and cry like children.

Your dissertation is nonsense, since you obviously have no real understanding of your subject matter. Just because something is social, that does not make it socialism. There are many forms of socialism, but all relate to the key of socialism, and that is centralized control over the means of production and/or the economy.

Yes, social security and medicare are socialist. The military is not. Building roads and bridges is not socialism.
Watch how progressives rationalize some of the most tyrannical shit..............

Obama and other progressives could steal their kids and they would defend it and attempt to rationalize such an action in a positive legitimate perspective...

There is always some "logical" reasoning behind progressives actions - they may not understand it but there is certainly logic and it is for the "greater good."

Of course the notion that progressives just don't know what the fuck they're doing never crossed their minds or maybe the fact many progressives are just nefarious never made them rethink their position...

Yeah keep on supporting people who want you dead.....
If they're NOT socialist then neither our the politicians in France, Britain, Spain, Greece, ect that call themselves that.

France, Britain, Spain, Greece, etc., had roads and bridges, schools, hospitals, courthouses, and other infrastructure before anyone even knew to call themselves socialists.
Nope, SS is old age annuities for which the recipient paid, as is medicare.

You are mistaking progressivism (a philosophy as much as a system) for socialism.

Yes, social security and medicare are socialist. The military is not. Building roads and bridges is not socialism.
Are Modern Democrats Just Socialists by Another Name?
No more than modern republicans are fascists by another name – to refer to democrats as ‘socialists’ or republicans as ‘fascists’ is equally idiotic.

Indeed, with regard to democrats, it’s particularly moronic to refer to them as ‘socialists’ given the fact democrats participate in, and are advocates of, free markets and capitalism.

I cannot stop laughing (see highlight above^)!!!! Yeah, CCjones... Democrats are real champions of free markets, and capitalism.
tjvh clearly does not understand the definition of socialism, the role of government, and that Republicans vote regularly for what tjvh considers socialism in action.

Go ahead and define clearly just what is socialism to you.
That's what the Progressives are progressing toward, a system with a 100% guaranteed fail rate
Are they doing all of this for "corporations" in the over all maybe, as is now found in America and beyond ? I think that there is a reason for all these situations to be happening now in America, and it has gained warp speed over the years. It ain't because anyone really cares about the masses like they say, other than what those masses can be moved or conditioned to do cheaply for the corporations mostly these days, and worse it is in a communistic style and/or way that is being found that they want to do this to Americans anymore. This has been the way it has been operating with these corporations (in a communist fashion or socialistic fashion), and this as is being found within these corporations walls, and for quite sometime now it has been going on. For along time now in America and abroad they have been doing this, and gaining influence and power in doing this all the way up untill now.

Does the pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps even apply anymore in America? ( I don't think so really). Think about it and take a deep look at the bigger picture found in it all, and then think about who it all benefits the most when their kind of ideology is in action now in America. It's a race to the bottom for working class Americans, and no longer a race to the top or even to the middle, and for those who are near the top, and barely hanging on anymore within the middle, their whole concept of America in the way that they once viewed it, is being changed right before their very eyes, and will be dragging them down or their children down to the socialist operating levels real soon (coming to a theater in the style of reality near them soon), especially if it keeps up in these ways. I see people thinking that they can still open up a small business in America, and they spend almost all of their earnings saved in doing so, only to last about a year or two afterwards, otherwsie to then fail within this climate or business enviroment that exist now in America quickly. I mean when you ride through a fairly new industrial park these days, and there are over half of the buildings empty now in most of them, well what is that saying to us now America ?

I road down a street in a major city the other day, and it used to be teaming with businesses, but only a few were still in operation on this street, and there were many empty buildings for as far as you could ride down this street and see, so what is this saying to us in America anymore ?

People can be crazy enough to spend their savings on opening up a small business these days if they want to, but it better be one that is among the very few types that are able to make it these days, or they will lose their butt's quick upon such an old time venture set out to do by them, in which used to be the right thing to do in America, but is no longer the case sad to say. Now in some areas of the nation, the old ways are still working out, but these are fewer and fewer anymore, and are getting fewer by the hour in this nation.

Corporations like Wal-mart etc. have worked tirelessly to kill the small business friendly enviroment in this nation, that was once calling out to hard working people in search of a future better than what they had in being a set worker for life in America (dream bigger), and instead the corporations have since encorporated the Americans into the grind with all the others who are caught in the whirlpool together anymore these days, where as these corporations have made it almost impossible for the working stiff to escape by way of their talents or hard earned workmanship in which they lived by in order to get ahead in life, and this be it honestly and/or morally as it once was or used to be back in the day.

Wake up America, as the greed driven sell out is deep and serious in America.

Eye Spy You
daveman continues to tell lies. I chastised Obama for not leading for not being far enough left. Every time you post my comments you prove my point so post them again. daveyboy, no one really believes you. All that daves is dave.
daveman continues to tell lies. I chastised Obama for not leading for not being far enough left. Every time you post my comments you prove my point so post them again. daveyboy, no one really believes you. All that daves is dave.
I'd like to see you explain why you continually attack people who criticize Obama, and why you and leftists always come to each other's defense. :lol:
I don't tolerate disrespect of the office of the President.

I have jumped on people who have belittle and denigrated Romney.

You simply do not understand balance and the American way, daveman.

That's your issue,not mine. Why do you keep acting like a lefty, with all the lying?

daveman continues to tell lies. I chastised Obama for not leading for not being far enough left. Every time you post my comments you prove my point so post them again. daveyboy, no one really believes you. All that daves is dave.
I'd like to see you explain why you continually attack people who criticize Obama, and why you and leftists always come to each other's defense. :lol:
I don't tolerate disrespect of the office of the President.

I have jumped on people who have belittle and denigrated Romney.

You simply do not understand balance and the American way, daveman.

That's your issue,not mine. Why do you keep acting like a lefty, with all the lying?
Sheer projection.

And put your responses under the post you're quoting like a normal person.
Other: The Democratic party is not just a bunch socialists. It is a conglomeration of socialists, communists, Marxists, liberals, moderates, mild conservatives, union goons, dishonest lawyers, pseudo-intellectual "teachers", useful idiots, welfare whores, rebels without a cause, professional sign bearers and paid voters who have no sense of things political.

Since the leadership doesn't like any of those monikers, they call themselves Progressives. I mean, WHO could possibly be against progress?

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