Are Most Black American Democrats Racist? Yea or Nay?

People are people. Some are good, some bad, some so-so. Some, like me, usually get treated much better than they deserve...some less. All I know is, if the most racism that was left to exist was the racism of my black friends, there just wouldn't be any.

At all.

Ah so your physically attractive then :lol:
I have never been denied a job or a home by any black person. Never been given a bad grade or a bad evaluation by such a person either, though I might possibly have deserved a bit of criticism for my manners. Most of the black folks I know and love have endured indignities we can only dream of, and are open minded, loving people despite it all.

Oh yes, we is just suppose to love you Mrs. Great mighty Whity Plantation massa wife,
and turn the other cheek.?.

I think blacks are just as racist as the average white racist. But we have more reasons
to dislike whites after over 300 hundred years of racism that has be inflicted on us by white psychopathic slave master mentality whites in America.!!
And we are still being subjected to white racism.
Did you people see what those White New Orleans cops did to unarmed black people
after Hurricane Katrina!!, they shot 12 unarmed blacks dead.!!
Yes, blacks have every reason to be racist towards whites in America , and then some!!:razz:
Nay. Most black democrats are not racist, nor are most black republicans, nor are most white democrats, nor are most white republicans. In fact, most people - regardless of race, color or creed - are not racists.
I can only give my opinion based on my own experiences. I can't speak for anyone else. In my experiences,most Black American Democrats are very hostile and bigoted. By contrast,i've met some pretty cool Black American Conservatives/Republicans who were not hostile or bigoted in any way. Maybe it's a Democrat thing? That's why i asked the question.
Yea i know it's not PC to say this but i do feel that most but not all Black American Democrats are racist. This is just based on my experiences. They always seem incredibly hostile and bigoted. Now Black American Conservatives/Republicans? That's a whole other issue. I have never met a Black American Conservative/Republican racist.

I've met alot of Arabs in my life, always thought of them as rude pieces of shit until I realized the only Arabs I really ever came in contact with were Arabs that ran 7-Elevens and carry-outs in my neighborhood. Turns out that's not the most fun job and anybody who does it probably will at one point turn pretty f-ing rude. Especially at the end of the day.

The point: "personal experiences" in regards to race are almost 99.9999% of the time complete bullshit.:eusa_angel:
interesting, my experience with Arabs at convenience stores has been the exact opposite
they have been some of the more courteous employees i have dealt with
I have never been denied a job or a home by any black person. Never been given a bad grade or a bad evaluation by such a person either, though I might possibly have deserved a bit of criticism for my manners. Most of the black folks I know and love have endured indignities we can only dream of, and are open minded, loving people despite it all.

Jesus Christ, youre so full of shit it must be coming out of your ears. You have obviously spent zero time in the black community. Yeah, people in the ghetto are sooo open minded and loving. Black communities are dangerous places for a reason, and not because everyopne is "open minded and loving". Are you even aware of the incarceration rates for black males? Peace loving my fucking ass.

Ive never understood people like you. You seem to think that if you pretend there isnt a problem, then it doesnt exist. Why are you making shit up? Just be honest for fuck sake. Being honest doesnt make you a racist, even if the truth isnt pretty. Get some fucking balls and address the problem, rather than sticking your god damn head in the sand like a coward.
I have never been denied a job or a home by any black person. Never been given a bad grade or a bad evaluation by such a person either, though I might possibly have deserved a bit of criticism for my manners. Most of the black folks I know and love have endured indignities we can only dream of, and are open minded, loving people despite it all.

Jesus Christ, youre so full of shit it must be coming out of your ears. You have obviously spent zero time in the black community. Yeah, people in the ghetto are sooo open minded and loving. Black communities are dangerous places for a reason, and not because everyopne is "open minded and loving". Are you even aware of the incarceration rates for black males? Peace loving my fucking ass.

Ive never understood people like you. You seem to think that if you pretend there isnt a problem, then it doesnt exist. Why are you making shit up? Just be honest for fuck sake. Being honest doesnt make you a racist, even if the truth isnt pretty. Get some fucking balls and address the problem, rather than sticking your god damn head in the sand like a coward.

Yea Political Correctness does tend to stifle any real & honest discussions on race issues. Most Black Communities are certainly not very friendly to Whites. But don't take my word for it. If you're White and you think i'm just being racist,then by all means check out these communities for yourself.

Some do like to pretend that there isn't a large racist black population out there. I guess they have their reasons for this pretending. I can guess what some of those reasons are but i don't think it would serve any real purpose for me to list these reasons. They would only deny it anyway. I stand by my belief that most Black American Democrats do seem to be very hostile and bigoted. I don't see that with Black American Conservatives/Republicans though. I think it is a Democrat thing. I think the powers that be in the Democratic Party incite their hate & bitterness. I guess it means more votes for them. It's sad but probably true.
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Case in point U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters took to the airwaves of black radio stations across the country to say that the House ethics charges being brought against her are the unjust result of her advocacy for black Americans. House investigators have accused her of seeking federal help for a bank where her husband served on the board. Waters says she was standing up for black-owned banks in general – and is now being attacked for it.

Appearing on the Rev. Al Sharpton’s show, Keepin’ It Real, Waters said it was time “to stand up and be proud of the fact that we’re representing our people, we’re representing our issues, and we’re not taking a back seat because somehow somebody believes that every time we move to be an advocate we’re doing something wrong.”

Now if a white Representative came out and said he or she was advocating for white Americans and standing up for white owned banks in representation of their people. Everyone would call that person a racist.

Well just becuase it's a black person that says those things does not make it any less racist.

Wake the fuck up people, racism is racism and blacks are just as racist if not moreso than any white person.

Waters Defends Herself on Black Radio - Washington Wire - WSJ

Irish American Businesses and Professionals Promoting Irish Business Networking- Long Island, New York Business Network Community Center Community Action Business Connection Business American Association American Heritage Center

So they're racist too?

Irish, polish, jewish, etc... are not races. nice try but you fail!

Case in point U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters took to the airwaves of black radio stations across the country to say that the House ethics charges being brought against her are the unjust result of her advocacy for black Americans. House investigators have accused her of seeking federal help for a bank where her husband served on the board. Waters says she was standing up for black-owned banks in general – and is now being attacked for it.

Appearing on the Rev. Al Sharpton’s show, Keepin’ It Real, Waters said it was time “to stand up and be proud of the fact that we’re representing our people, we’re representing our issues, and we’re not taking a back seat because somehow somebody believes that every time we move to be an advocate we’re doing something wrong.”

Now if a white Representative came out and said he or she was advocating for white Americans and standing up for white owned banks in representation of their people. Everyone would call that person a racist.

Well just becuase it's a black person that says those things does not make it any less racist.

Wake the fuck up people, racism is racism and blacks are just as racist if not moreso than any white person.

Waters Defends Herself on Black Radio - Washington Wire - WSJ

The question was "are MOST black American Democrats racist", so your case in point proves nothing.

Wiki's definition of racism is "...the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race". Unless you count the black people that say that blacks are better at dancing, singing, athletics, and "swag", the answer to this question is no.

My "case in point" showed you an example of a racist democrat. Wise up dumbass!

Racism as defined by Merriam-Webster
I have never been denied a job or a home by any black person. Never been given a bad grade or a bad evaluation by such a person either, though I might possibly have deserved a bit of criticism for my manners. Most of the black folks I know and love have endured indignities we can only dream of, and are open minded, loving people despite it all.

Oh yes, we is just suppose to love you Mrs. Great mighty Whity Plantation massa wife,
and turn the other cheek.?.

I think blacks are just as racist as the average white racist. But we have more reasons
to dislike whites after over 300 hundred years of racism that has be inflicted on us by white psychopathic slave master mentality whites in America.!!
And we are still being subjected to white racism.
Did you people see what those White New Orleans cops did to unarmed black people
after Hurricane Katrina!!, they shot 12 unarmed blacks dead.!!
Yes, blacks have every reason to be racist towards whites in America , and then some!!:razz:

What about black slavemasters?
Alternate POLL

Are most people who start threads like "Are Most Black American Democrats Racist? Yea or Nay?" racists?

I think the answer is somewhat obvious.
I can only give my opinion based on my own experiences. I can't speak for anyone else. In my experiences,most Black American Democrats are very hostile and bigoted. By contrast,i've met some pretty cool Black American Conservatives/Republicans who were not hostile or bigoted in any way. Maybe it's a Democrat thing? That's why i asked the question.

Just a wild guess, LibocalypseNow, but possibly your preconceived ideas are turning black people off? I'm not black and I know I find them offensive. Next time, try getting to know the individual and judge him on his actions.
I can only give my opinion based on my own experiences. I can't speak for anyone else. In my experiences,most Black American Democrats are very hostile and bigoted. By contrast,i've met some pretty cool Black American Conservatives/Republicans who were not hostile or bigoted in any way. Maybe it's a Democrat thing? That's why i asked the question.

Just a wild guess, LibocalypseNow, but possibly your preconceived ideas are turning black people off? I'm not black and I know I find them offensive. Next time, try getting to know the individual and judge him on his actions.

I'm guessing you live in a lilly white neighborhood.
I think it's a Democrat thing. The powers that be in the Demoratic Party incite and make sure African Americans stay angry & bitter. It's a way of making sure African Americans continue to be Democrats. I also think "Civil Rights" has become a huge business. I mean where would Race-Baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be if the races came together to live in harmony? The races coming together serves no purpose for Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton and the Democratic Party. Hey these are just my observations anyway.
I think it's a Democrat thing. The powers that be in the Demoratic Party incite and make sure African Americans stay angry & bitter. It's a way of making sure African Americans continue to be Democrats. I also think "Civil Rights" has become a huge business. I mean where would Race-Baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be if the races came together to live in harmony? The races coming together serves no purpose for Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton and the Democratic Party. Hey these are just my observations anyway.

And quite accurate opinions too.
I think it's a Democrat thing. The powers that be in the Demoratic Party incite and make sure African Americans stay angry & bitter. It's a way of making sure African Americans continue to be Democrats. I also think "Civil Rights" has become a huge business. I mean where would Race-Baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be if the races came together to live in harmony? The races coming together serves no purpose for Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton and the Democratic Party. Hey these are just my observations anyway.

And quite accurate opinions too.

Yea,gotta keep em angry & bitter so they will be Democrats forever. If the races actually came together,the Democrats would be out of business. No one knows this more than the Democrats themselves. In some sense African Americans are still slaves. They're slaves to the Democratic Party.
The first comment I want to make is one the so called "evidence" that all blacks are racist that was posted regarding black businesses. Maxine Waters supporting black owned businesses would be no different then Jews supporting ;ewish interests and the Irish doing the same thing. I posted those example because they all have something in common with African Americans (the ethnicity not the race -so I'm not speaking about black immigrants coming here after the 1970s). All of those groups including the Irish, the Polis, and the Italians were at one point discriminated against and alienated from mainstream society.

It took decades and the election of the first Irish catholic president for the Irish to even begin fully assimilating into American society. We now JUST got a black president and he isn't even ethnically tied to most African Americans. The formation of the congressional black congress, BET, blackplanet, etc is a direct response to 300 years of forced separation that led to the alienation of a specific group of people. Assimilation into the mainstream has begun. More blacks lived in the suburbs now then at any other time in history, cultures are merging, and interracial relationships seem to be growing. Eventually just like the Irish blacks will assimilate fully into mainstream society without loosing their identity.

Secondly I'd like to point out the fact that it's people who think that African Americans are evil and violent that are complaining about how "most black people hate whitey". Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just don't like YOU because your clearly and openly racist?

Last to deal with this democrat issue, did anyone ever think that maybe many blacks agree with the democratic platform and that's why they're democrats? I'm a registered black repupublican. And itLs not because the republican party is any less racist or more racist but because I'm economically conservative even though I'm socially liberal.

As for the typos that will inwvitably result from this post I'm sorry 'm working off a f-ed up keyboard. So my bad.
The first comment I want to make is one the so called "evidence" that all blacks are racist that was posted regarding black businesses. Maxine Waters supporting black owned businesses would be no different then Jews supporting ;ewish interests and the Irish doing the same thing. I posted those example because they all have something in common with African Americans (the ethnicity not the race -so I'm not speaking about black immigrants coming here after the 1970s). All of those groups including the Irish, the Polis, and the Italians were at one point discriminated against and alienated from mainstream society.

It took decades and the election of the first Irish catholic president for the Irish to even begin fully assimilating into American society. We now JUST got a black president and he isn't even ethnically tied to most African Americans. The formation of the congressional black congress, BET, blackplanet, etc is a direct response to 300 years of forced separation that led to the alienation of a specific group of people. Assimilation into the mainstream has begun. More blacks lived in the suburbs now then at any other time in history, cultures are merging, and interracial relationships seem to be growing. Eventually just like the Irish blacks will assimilate fully into mainstream society without loosing their identity.

Secondly I'd like to point out the fact that it's people who think that African Americans are evil and violent that are complaining about how "most black people hate whitey". Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just don't like YOU because your clearly and openly racist?

Last to deal with this democrat issue, did anyone ever think that maybe many blacks agree with the democratic platform and that's why they're democrats? I'm a registered black repupublican. And itLs not because the republican party is any less racist or more racist but because I'm economically conservative even though I'm socially liberal.

As for the typos that will inwvitably result from this post I'm sorry 'm working off a f-ed up keyboard. So my bad.
time to buy a new keyboard ;)

and i say that as someone with a nearly new keyboard and i STILL make typos

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