ARE Obama and the democrats trying to overthrow a duly elected US Government?


Gold Member
Nov 19, 2015
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.

This country was founded on overthrow, and since conservatives can't shut up about their love of the founders,

what's the problem?
If any one person or group tries to subvert the US Government, they should be hanged
Yes, you caught us. We're secretly trying to overthrow Trump and place a totalitarian dictatorship ran by Clinton and Sharpton. Obama will replace Jesus and introduce Sharia Law to all people of the world, and then invite the lizard people up from the underworld. Anyone who doesn't understand our ways will be labeled a racist homophobic pig and will be mauled to death by a thousand angry college kids. Then we will take over the cosmos and destroy time itself! It's a glorious plan!

Now go! Run into the streets tell the world of our nefarious liberal plans! Go!
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.


This will make watergate look silly.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.

The Democrats need to put on their big boy pants and concede defeat, they didn't just lose the Presidency but the house and senate and governorships too.
I think they have an idea that they can use the press to control the Trump government by trying to keep the Russia hack lie going and tying each person in his government somehow to Russia. I think the entire Republican party need to demand an investigation into the sale of uranium to Russia by obama, and with clintons approval and where that uranium is now, how it is being used, and who benefited from the sale. That would be a good start, then we need to know how so much money from the "green energy initiative" got into the dimocrats pockets. It would also be nice to know how it is that pelosi trades drug stocks that her husband knows are going to be approved and makes a lot of money with INSIDER INFORMATION trading and is never asked to go to the local pokey? Then lets really see if the Obama shadow government DID send the ENEMY information about the Seal teams mission, It wouldn't be the first time they sacrificed our best people for a political gain!!!
I doubt Dem's have the guts, after the military mowed down a couple dozen Dem's with machine guns the rest would run for their lives.
The NYT's article bragging about how Obama and his people worked to upend the transition confirms it. Including leaking classified information.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.

The shadow government is supposedly tied to John McCain. Read it in an article they were working behind the scene's to not lose our allies.

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