ARE Obama and the democrats trying to overthrow a duly elected US Government?

Here it is. The Times brags about it. Key phrase. Dispersed information. Yowzah.

PoliticsCONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Chuck Ross
President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration sought to undermine his presidency received some support on Wednesday from a New York Times report on the Obama White House’s activities in the weeks before the inauguration.

According to The Times, Obama White House officials waged a campaign to procure, save and disperse classified intelligence regarding Trump associates’ contacts with Russians.

The campaign also involved curtailing the Trump team’s access to highly classified information and of lowering classification ratings on other information about the ongoing Russia investigation so that it could be more widely shared across the government.

More at link:

CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
This is the slimmest reed upon which to attach blame. A weird esoteric rambling conspiracy to concoct a scaffold of blame.

Consider this: Trump has no experience in government. He has been elected to only one position. His background is in business, making his name famous by licensing it to the highest bidder. His transition team eschewed government ethics training. His message has been aimed squarely at his base, not the nation at large. He was one of the two most repulsive candidates ever offered up by major political parties. The other, of course, was his Democrat count.

He has created so many problems for himself and his administration. You wanted an outsider, an amateur to 'shake things up'.

Well, you got it. And the inevitable result is leaks, fumbling and scandal.

Take an objective look and lay the conspiracy theories aside. You haven't got Barack Obama to kick around anymore. You must own the mistakes and scandals of Trump. Few on any side thought he would be competent in governing. It's high time the Trump supporters to forget stabs at laying the blame at the feet of others. If you want, truly want the responsibility of governing this nation, then take the responsibility. Otherwise, you come off just as petulant, just as self centered, just as thin skinned as the huckster buffoon you persist in claiming is a genius with orange hair.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.

The shadow government is supposedly tied to John McCain. Read it in an article they were working behind the scene's to not lose our allies.

Throw in Lindsey too. Both McCain and Graham spent Bush's years undercutting his administration. Did everything Obama wanted. Now back to shredding another R Presidency.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
This is the slimmest reed upon which to attach blame. A weird esoteric rambling conspiracy to concoct a scaffold of blame.

Consider this: Trump has no experience in government. He has been elected to only one position. His background is in business, making his name famous by licensing it to the highest bidder. His transition team eschewed government ethics training. His message has been aimed squarely at his base, not the nation at large. He was one of the two most repulsive candidates ever offered up by major political parties. The other, of course, was his Democrat count.

He has created so many problems for himself and his administration. You wanted an outsider, an amateur to 'shake things up'.

Well, you got it. And the inevitable result is leaks, fumbling and scandal.

Take an objective look and lay the conspiracy theories aside. You haven't got Barack Obama to kick around anymore. You must own the mistakes and scandals of Trump. Few on any side thought he would be competent in governing. It's high time the Trump supporters to forget stabs at laying the blame at the feet of others. If you want, truly want the responsibility of governing this nation, then take the responsibility. Otherwise, you come off just as petulant, just as self centered, just as thin skinned as the huckster buffoon you persist in claiming is a genius with orange hair.


CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
This is the slimmest reed upon which to attach blame. A weird esoteric rambling conspiracy to concoct a scaffold of blame.

Consider this: Trump has no experience in government. He has been elected to only one position. His background is in business, making his name famous by licensing it to the highest bidder. His transition team eschewed government ethics training. His message has been aimed squarely at his base, not the nation at large. He was one of the two most repulsive candidates ever offered up by major political parties. The other, of course, was his Democrat count.

He has created so many problems for himself and his administration. You wanted an outsider, an amateur to 'shake things up'.

Well, you got it. And the inevitable result is leaks, fumbling and scandal.

Take an objective look and lay the conspiracy theories aside. You haven't got Barack Obama to kick around anymore. You must own the mistakes and scandals of Trump. Few on any side thought he would be competent in governing. It's high time the Trump supporters to forget stabs at laying the blame at the feet of others. If you want, truly want the responsibility of governing this nation, then take the responsibility. Otherwise, you come off just as petulant, just as self centered, just as thin skinned as the huckster buffoon you persist in claiming is a genius with orange hair.

At least he had a job before he was elected, and had YEARS of executive experience. The last pile of shit had no real job at all before being elected a senator, and didn't do anything in that position, the only other thing he did was work as a riot\harrassment planner and intimidation trainer.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
Some of the leaks are coming directly from the government itself because they know Trump is crazy or they know his policies just won't work.
They're trying to warn us.

Have you wondered why the Muslim travel ban hasn't been re- rolled out?
It's the only policy feature Trump is trying to implement ..And it's been a failure.
Here's the rub. Rachel Maddox got ahold of a leaked document from Homeland security. She held it up and showed it was an official document. She admitted she's no sleuth. SOMEONE WANTED HER TO HAVE IT.

What it said was ICE, BORDER PATROL and a number other Government agencies have concluded that the Muslim ban is poppycock.
They found out that radical extremists get radicalized AFTER they've been in the USA for a number of years. It's never the parents, it's the children.

So career intelligence officials have said that preventing these boogie men that Trump talks about from entering the US has no basis in

It takes up to 16 years for these youths while they're in the country to become radicalized..

If one is to believe trump that " we're in urgent grave danger" why the hell are they waiting so long to roll out the new travel ban?

This new document explains part of it.

You've been sold a bill of goods again.
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
Some of the leaks are coming directly from the government itself because they know Trump is crazy or they know his policies just won't work.
They're trying to warn us.

Have you wondered why the Muslim travel ban hasn't been re- rolled out?
It's the only policy feature Trump is trying to implement ..And it's been a failure.
Here's the rub. Rachel Maddox got ahold of a leaked document from Homeland security. She held it up and showed it was an official document. She admitted she's no sleuth. SOMEONE WANTED HER TO HAVE IT.

What it said was ICE, BORDER PATROL and a number other Government agencies have concluded that the Muslim ban is poppycock.
They found out that radical extremists get radicalized AFTER they've been in the USA for a number of years. It's never the parents, it's the children.

So career intelligence officials have said that preventing these boogie men that Trump talks about from entering the US has no basis in

It takes up to 16 years for these youths while they're in the country to become radicalized..

If one is to believe trump that " we're in urgent grave danger" why the hell are they waiting so long to roll out the new travel ban?

This new document explains part of it.

You've been sold a bill of goods again.

Nope it is you liberal idiots who have been indoctrinated to the point of not being able to follow any reasonable line of factual evidence to a viable conclusion.
Valerie Jarrett has moved into Obama's house in D.C. For what other reason than to make mayhem and assist the " Lois Lerners" left behind by Obama to work against Trump. How many of them will lose their jobs as Trump starts to downsize all the government agencies?
Here it is. The Times brags about it. Key phrase. Dispersed information. Yowzah.

PoliticsCONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Chuck Ross
President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration sought to undermine his presidency received some support on Wednesday from a New York Times report on the Obama White House’s activities in the weeks before the inauguration.

According to The Times, Obama White House officials waged a campaign to procure, save and disperse classified intelligence regarding Trump associates’ contacts with Russians.

The campaign also involved curtailing the Trump team’s access to highly classified information and of lowering classification ratings on other information about the ongoing Russia investigation so that it could be more widely shared across the government.

More at link:

CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House
Obama did a great thing. He knew trump would deep six this damning information so he made sure people in high levels of government would find it by putting it in areas only people with classified credentials could find it. One of the most patriotic things a president has ever done.
Thank you Obama for having our backs.
Obama didn't sabatoge Trump. He wanted to make sure the proper people had information needed to go forth for future investigations into Trump's Russian connection.
This makes Obama a hero to the American people.

All you trump slime want is to hide the truth. The damning truth.

Obama stuck it in your eye again.
Ha ha ha ha ha
Seems as if more and more reports are coming out about the shadow government that is releasing classified information, and leaking government officials protected interactions to their complicit news media organizations. It has also been suggested that the failed Seal mission was leaked by the same group to embarrass the Trump administration. I for one hope this is true as it will result in a complete investigation into all of the crimes and treasonous activity by the persons involved. It is high time to investigate and ferret out those who would subjugate the people of this country and high time they were tried and dealt with for their actions.
Seems democrats are working with the Russians....

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