Are Politics THAT Important?

Are politics that important? Not to me. Which is why I don't have that much to do with discussing em, aside from trying to keep myself some level of informed so that I can make voting choices.
I kinda think that many people who join forums like this enjoy shit talking other people though. I do not.
Most of the idiot libs here are already on my ignore list. I have no desire to be friends or friendly with people that stupid.

Fortunately in all of our day to day, face to face activities politics just doesn't get Brought up. Life was truly better in a lot of ways before the advent of internet message boards and social media.

They are going a VERY LONG WAY towards destroying our civilization as we once knew it.
Most of y'all are just angry old people that will be dead soon. The world belongs to the young. Outta the way gramps.
Your generation is spoiled to the max. From the Baby Boomers on it has gotten worse. You speak good. But you do not know what to do with reduced resources. You have no appreciation for those who sacrificed from the past. If I can endlessly see inner cities areas become separate nations using the resources shoveled to them, then I can see tribalism and people protecting their own neighborhoods with weapons to defend their lives. When I cam back to Florida last year from a trip to N.C. and I had to go through a checkpoint because of Covid, I knew all things were possible.
Due to the fact that Slade3200 and I (who used to be rivals on here) just became friends yesterday,.. I was just literally telling him today that if it wasn't for our politics that were dividing us, I think we could have been friends a long time ago as he has one of the BIGGEST hearts I've ever seen. I know this is a risk writing this message in the politics section of a political forum, but it is one thing to support a particular political party, it's another thing altogether when you use those beliefs to attack other people with them and disrespect the American flag, US Constitution, and this country.

That's the ONLY reason why I've verbally attacked so many people on here, not that we have different political beliefs due to the general consensus of a lot of liberals on this forum. I even attacked a member of my own political party because he was using his beliefs to verbally attack my friend (Slade) and downgrading him and making it seem like he was less of a human being than he was just because he didn't like Trump. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is,.. can't we all just agree to disagree and get along? We're throwing away what could be great chances of online friendships just because of disagreements. I'm not trying to preach to anybody or anything, I'm just saying.... I just don't think that it's worth it. My online friendship with Slade3200 is more important than that. :)

"Although we come from different lands and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."- Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

Agreeing without being disagreeable would be wonderful

Let's do it
Due to the fact that Slade3200 and I (who used to be rivals on here) just became friends yesterday,.. I was just literally telling him today that if it wasn't for our politics that were dividing us, I think we could have been friends a long time ago as he has one of the BIGGEST hearts I've ever seen. I know this is a risk writing this message in the politics section of a political forum, but it is one thing to support a particular political party, it's another thing altogether when you use those beliefs to attack other people with them and disrespect the American flag, US Constitution, and this country.

That's the ONLY reason why I've verbally attacked so many people on here, not that we have different political beliefs due to the general consensus of a lot of liberals on this forum. I even attacked a member of my own political party because he was using his beliefs to verbally attack my friend (Slade) and downgrading him and making it seem like he was less of a human being than he was just because he didn't like Trump. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is,.. can't we all just agree to disagree and get along? We're throwing away what could be great chances of online friendships just because of disagreements. I'm not trying to preach to anybody or anything, I'm just saying.... I just don't think that it's worth it. My online friendship with Slade3200 is more important than that. :)

"Although we come from different lands and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."- Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

I would just like to say that I really appreciate the nice intent of your OP.

Kindness to others is such a nice thing to see these days. It is a virtue, so compliments to you.


I suspect that Slade3200 was pleasantly surprised when he saw your mushy post. :)

If only we could all realize that. Everyone is different. This is true in our own families. Hopefully we still love our family members even if we share different beliefs (we all do).

Most members here are Americans. We are all of the Human Race. Despite our differences, we actually all have much more in common than we do in contrast. We all want to eat, sleep, love, have fun, be healthy, provide for ourselves and families, be safe, etc.

So we actually share most of the same goals. We just have different viewpoints about the best way to achieve these goals. So we should be tolerant and respectful of others' views, learn from each other, and reach as much common ground as possible to ensure some mutual success.

If we could all agree that it's the government which is the problem, and not us little people, that would be a great start, LOL.

Are politics that important? Not to me. Which is why I don't have that much to do with discussing em, aside from trying to keep myself some level of informed so that I can make voting choices.
I kinda think that many people who join forums like this enjoy shit talking other people though. I do not.
I'm delighted by it. It's cathartic for me to be able to express just how much these sniveling nanny state parasites disgust me. Having to live so close to the City of Autism TX and deal with these pathetic creatures I really need to be able to vent and tell these assfucks what repugnant pieces of shit I think they are.

I literally stopped opposing abortion, as savage and barbaric as it is, because leftists get them and their genetic garbage stays out of the gene pool.
HOLY SHIT….just put your pussy hat already…BEAT IT!

Make me. :fu:

Yeah... That pretty much confirms it. Nice try Slade, you could use some lessons from Jake Fakey.

Go eat a bag of rotten dicks.


Whatever. If I was a sock puppet,.. don't you think I would have received a ban by now with the mods for having a different account? If you can't see my IP and confirm your ridiculous claims then shut the fuck up!! :mad:

You're quoting a gay witch?

So? Doesn't mean I have to be gay myself. I just like Harry Potter. :)
Most of the idiot libs here are already on my ignore list. I have no desire to be friends or friendly with people that stupid.

Stupid in the lack of intelligence sense or stupid in the way a lot of these people who aren't even libs in this thread or acting right now? Either way, I think this goes to show that both parties can be filled with jackasses. (Not you though, I actually really like you. :) )
Yeah... That pretty much confirms it. Nice try Slade, you could use some lessons from Jake Fakey.

Go eat a bag of rotten dicks.


Those rotten dicks… who’s dicks are they? (Asking for a friend)
I like him…but then I like you also. I’m just weird that way.

I like you and I like Slade and I like Pete's politics,.. but Pete's pretty much acting like a dickhead right now and you can confirm to these nincompoops that Slade and I aren't the same person. :rolleyes:
I like you and I like Slade and I like Pete's politics,.. but Pete's pretty much acting like a dickhead right now and you can confirm to these nincompoops that Slade and I aren't the same person. :rolleyes:
Nah, you are not a sock…keeping track of dicks here though is getting difficult.

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