Are Politics THAT Important?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Due to the fact that Slade3200 and I (who used to be rivals on here) just became friends yesterday,.. I was just literally telling him today that if it wasn't for our politics that were dividing us, I think we could have been friends a long time ago as he has one of the BIGGEST hearts I've ever seen. I know this is a risk writing this message in the politics section of a political forum, but it is one thing to support a particular political party, it's another thing altogether when you use those beliefs to attack other people with them and disrespect the American flag, US Constitution, and this country.

That's the ONLY reason why I've verbally attacked so many people on here, not that we have different political beliefs due to the general consensus of a lot of liberals on this forum. I even attacked a member of my own political party because he was using his beliefs to verbally attack my friend (Slade) and downgrading him and making it seem like he was less of a human being than he was just because he didn't like Trump. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is,.. can't we all just agree to disagree and get along? We're throwing away what could be great chances of online friendships just because of disagreements. I'm not trying to preach to anybody or anything, I'm just saying.... I just don't think that it's worth it. My online friendship with Slade3200 is more important than that. :)

"Although we come from different lands and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."- Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

In real life I rarely talk politics because no one seems to be able to talk about politics without bitching and griping. I would rather keep the peace than be right.
I'd have to disagree. Slade is a pseudo intellectual douchebag commie that believes he knows everything.

That's just my opinion. Some people hate OldLady, Care4all Coyote and a few others who are people I generally like, even though I disagree on just about every topic, but they at least have some intellectual quality most moonbats lack.

I'd have to disagree. Slade is a pseudo intellectual douchebag commie that believes he knows everything.

That's just my opinion. Some people hate OldLady, Care4all Coyote and a few others who are people I generally like, even though I disagree on just about every topic, but they at least have some intellectual quality most moonbats lack.


OP needs to help get her friend out of a cult.

How cult deprogramming works today​

“Exit counselling” has since replaced coercive cult deprogramming, yet consists of many of the same players. Ross compares his counselling sessions to an intervention. It spans three to four days, in eight-hour lengthy sessions, alongside families and loved ones. However, by law, it must be voluntary.

The subject can leave at any time, and the cults have clocked on to it. Cults and questionable self-help groups train their members to sense it coming. Many parents enlist psychologists in covert operations to assist them in gaining conservatorship powers. Through conservatorship, they can explore more coercive measures…

Cult deprogramming techniques used to change someone’s mind​

Alongside discrediting the authority of the cult leader and presenting contradictions in the group’s ideology, a strong emphasis is placed on education.

Margaret Singer, PhD psychologist advocates for “showing them how their own decision-making power had been taken away from them.” It can include:

  • Naming the group’s indoctrination techniques, and helping the victim to reference the ways they were used against them during their indoctrination period.
  • Asking thoughtful questions, prompting the victim to think in a critical, independent way, such as “How can the group preach X, but exploit Y? And then providing significant praise when they do.
  • Reintroducing objects and individuals from the victim’s pre-cult past to prompt an emotional connection.
Politics ARE that important when Marxists want to mandate experimental gene therapy for every human in America regardless of situation.

You fools need to wake up to the corruot relationship between big Pharma, social media, and the government.

This is all about revenue for drug companies.

Lefties, what was the exact moment you started loving evil corporations?
Politics ARE that important when Marxists want to mandate experimental gene therapy for every human in America regardless of situation.

You fools need to wake up to the corruot relationship between big Pharma, social media, and the government.

This is all about revenue for drug companies.

Lefties, what was the exact moment you started loving evil corporations?
Most of y'all are just angry old people that will be dead soon. The world belongs to the young. Outta the way gramps.
Also most of you internet warriors simply don't have the spine to talk to people in real life the way you do on forums like this.
I live in a very small town and I've known some of these people for 30 years or more. They are my friends, neighbors and clients. I'm not afraid to talk about anything with them. I'm just not willing to disrespect anyone to their face. I was raised better than that. Even on this board I'm much more likely to bail on a flame war than participate. I have no rage to vent.
I live in a very small town and I've known some of these people for 30 years or more. They are my friends, neighbors and clients. I'm not afraid to talk about anything with them. I'm just not willing to disrespect anyone to their face. I was raised better than that. Even on this board I'm much more likely to bail on a flame war than participate. I have no rage to vent.

You are another one on here who just got a whole LOT of respect from me. Good for you!! :D
When simple facts are laid out, and some imbecile refuses to even read them, spins the point of the conversation, accuses millions of people of being racists and inbred, one just gets tired of the same insipid shit over and over and stops bothering.

When it comes to libturds, I generally ignore the lot of them. I may unmask them on occasion just to ridicule the asinine shit they've cut/pasted from the Kos, but I give them no credit at all for anything. They have for the most part demonstrated deliberate ignorance and an abysmal lack of even the most rudimentary thinking skills.

No cognizant person is actually "thinking" and concludes the following:

1. Criminals willing to murder will be inhibited by gun control laws.

2. CO2 in the atmosphere, that makes up for 3% of the "greenhouse effect", and is just about 3% of the overall atmosphere itself is a "pollutant" and the 3% that human endeavors contribute to all of the CO2 the earth itself belches out naturally must be eliminated or the world will
irreversibly harmed by warming. This sort of "thinking" is contained in the child like mind of idiots who believe islands can capsize.

3. Giving "free" money to people will get them out of poverty.

4. We are all "equal". No WE ARE NOT. Some people are stupid, criminal, lazy, ugly, mean, arrogant, humble, nice, motivated, virtuous, intelligent, and mixes of those things.

5. Abortion is a "Constitutional Right", along with gay marriage.

6. There are more than two genders.

7. The world is over populated.

8. Tearing down 100 year old statues, fire bombing federal
buildings along with historic churches, vandalizing war memorials, attacking police, killing people, and destroying entire city blocks is a "peaceful protest", while protesters who get let into a federal building by police and cause almost no harm at all are worse(or even remotely equivalent) than the jihadist asswipes who flew airplanes into buildings.

I could go on...

The fact is, these pathetic mindless bed wetting parasites ARE NOT simply "people we
disagree with". They're TRAITORS. They're deliberately ignorant. They're void of any truthfulness, intellectual curiosity, humility, virtue, morality, logic or ethics. Many of them are nothing more than drones. The NPC one encounters playing RPG's and you decide not to kill them because it reduces your karma. I seriously doubt many of these parasites actually have souls. They're put in our path along life to tempt us to break the 4th Commandment, but serve no other purpose.

So yeah...

I don't care for liberals...

Due to the fact that Slade3200 and I (who used to be rivals on here) just became friends yesterday,.. I was just literally telling him today that if it wasn't for our politics that were dividing us, I think we could have been friends a long time ago as he has one of the BIGGEST hearts I've ever seen. I know this is a risk writing this message in the politics section of a political forum, but it is one thing to support a particular political party, it's another thing altogether when you use those beliefs to attack other people with them and disrespect the American flag, US Constitution, and this country.

That's the ONLY reason why I've verbally attacked so many people on here, not that we have different political beliefs due to the general consensus of a lot of liberals on this forum. I even attacked a member of my own political party because he was using his beliefs to verbally attack my friend (Slade) and downgrading him and making it seem like he was less of a human being than he was just because he didn't like Trump. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is,.. can't we all just agree to disagree and get along? We're throwing away what could be great chances of online friendships just because of disagreements. I'm not trying to preach to anybody or anything, I'm just saying.... I just don't think that it's worth it. My online friendship with Slade3200 is more important than that. :)

"Although we come from different lands and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."- Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

You’re a sweet soul Wifey… how am I to battle you after that post?!?! :)
You’re a sweet soul Wifey… how am I to battle you after that post?!?! :)

I don't want you to as I really don't want to fight with you anymore. You're more important to me than some stupid old disagreement in political parties. It's rather childish how some people behave on here! Like why the fuck does it matter!? :rolleyes:
You're more important to me than some stupid old disagreement in political parties. It's rather childish how some people behave on here! Like why the fuck does it matter!?
You're on a political debate forum questioning why people prioritize the debates over shallow online friendships.
The Doctor's Wife
Nice post thanks. But I do have a bit of an issue with this statement.

due to the general consensus of a lot of liberals on this forum

C'mon TDW - This is easily the Trumpiest political forum on the Internets. By my count it runs about 2 to 1. I could give you a dozen links to forums frequented by lots more lefties. This is not one of those ;)

But thanks for the olive branch. We could all do a better job by eliminating the name calling and focusing on things we actually DO agree on.

I have several very conservative alliances on this board. Not a lot - But several. Thanks for the inspiration to develop more of those.
You're on a political debate forum questioning why people prioritize the debates over shallow online friendships.

You can debate politics without putting down a person you know. Oh that's right,.. I wouldn't expect a little turd like you to know that since you don't have any friends. :rolleyes:

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