Are PROGS happy they elected this?

Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
Make no will finish nothing except to make havoc for yourselves.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
Make no will finish nothing except to make havoc for yourselves.
really? the mess in Seattle was cleaned up in a couple of hours, Minneapolis in less than that, Kenosha in about 39 minutes. you fools will still be trying to find which bathroom to piss in.
the old senile pervert Biden and his SFO Ho will never be in charge of this great country.
Is this how you are justifying going back on your word, by claiming Donnie Covidseed didn't lose? He lost, bigly.

my bet was to leave is Biden won. the election is still undecided as the dem cheating is being disclosed more and more every day. When you cheat to win you are still a loser. the senile pervert and his SFO Ho will never be in power. Each lower court that refuses to hear these very well documented cases just gets it to the SC faster. The SC will send it to the legislature under the 12th amendment and then, guess what, each state gets one vote and there are more GOP states than dem states. Trump will be president until 2025 and there is nothing you morons can do about it. Cheaters never win, but some go to jail.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
You don't have jack shit, fishy. You don't have anyone on your "side" except crazy conspiracy theorists. The police and military support the peaceful transition of power. Trump lost and will leave on January 21st.

What kind of gun you got little fish? I've got a few. Got a couple 22s (pistol and rifle), a double barrel shotgun and a brand new 308 hunting rifle. Also have some antique guns including an M1 training rifle. What you got?
the old senile pervert Biden and his SFO Ho will never be in charge of this great country.
Is this how you are justifying going back on your word, by claiming Donnie Covidseed didn't lose? He lost, bigly.

my bet was to leave is Biden won. the election is still undecided as the dem cheating is being disclosed more and more every day. When you cheat to win you are still a loser. the senile pervert and his SFO Ho will never be in power. Each lower court that refuses to hear these very well documented cases just gets it to the SC faster. The SC will send it to the legislature under the 12th amendment and then, guess what, each state gets one vote and there are more GOP states than dem states. Trump will be president until 2025 and there is nothing you morons can do about it. Cheaters never win, but some go to jail.
That is a lot of words to describe you lying and going back on your word. Of course it is precisely what I expected from you. You should have taken the avatar or signature bet and you wouldn't have had to be such a slimy excuse for a human with zero honor.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
Your mouth is getting in the way of your brains, hotshot. I hope you don't look as stupid as you sound.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
You don't have jack shit, fishy. You don't have anyone on your "side" except crazy conspiracy theorists. The police and military support the peaceful transition of power. Trump lost and will leave on January 21st.

What kind of gun you got little fish? I've got a few. Got a couple 22s (pistol and rifle), a double barrel shotgun and a brand new 308 hunting rifle. Also have some antique guns including an M1 training rifle. What you got?

LOL, your side has the trannys and the hollyloonies and the girly men who don't know which bathroom to use, Oh, and you also have the perverts like Weinstein, Epstein, and Clinton.

as to my guns: double barrell 12 gage, couple of 9mm, couple of 380s, and 5 22s. and about 500 rounds for each.

Are you really so foolish that you think the military and police would side with a senile pervert and his SFO whore? Why would they side with people who want to defund them and make our military incompetent?

I hope it does not come to that, but if it does it won't last long.

Seriously, If biden prevails, I think a secession movement is a very likely result. The country is so divided right now, I see no way to reconcile when there is so much hate, dishonesty, and a complete lack of trust. Let the west coast and the northeast form their own liberal countries and let the rest of us continue to live under the US constitution.
the old senile pervert Biden and his SFO Ho will never be in charge of this great country.
Is this how you are justifying going back on your word, by claiming Donnie Covidseed didn't lose? He lost, bigly.

my bet was to leave is Biden won. the election is still undecided as the dem cheating is being disclosed more and more every day. When you cheat to win you are still a loser. the senile pervert and his SFO Ho will never be in power. Each lower court that refuses to hear these very well documented cases just gets it to the SC faster. The SC will send it to the legislature under the 12th amendment and then, guess what, each state gets one vote and there are more GOP states than dem states. Trump will be president until 2025 and there is nothing you morons can do about it. Cheaters never win, but some go to jail.
That is a lot of words to describe you lying and going back on your word. Of course it is precisely what I expected from you. You should have taken the avatar or signature bet and you wouldn't have had to be such a slimy excuse for a human with zero honor.

If the EC votes for Biden I am out of here for good, that was the bet and I will totally honor it. Until then I will continue to post the truth and refute the lies of you libs. As I remember it, it was you who refused to take the sig bet. I offered a sig for me and one for you based on the election results, you tried to change the bet. typical lib----zero credibility.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
Your mouth is getting in the way of your brains, hotshot. I hope you don't look as stupid as you sound.
if the truth bothers you maybe you should find a kiddy forum to post on. everything I said is 100% true.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
Your mouth is getting in the way of your brains, hotshot. I hope you don't look as stupid as you sound.
if the truth bothers you maybe you should find a kiddy forum to post on. everything I said is 100% true.
The truth is not bothersome to me, not even a little. The truth is actually different than what you regard as "truth".
The fact is that if you and your cronies act out, you will end up dead or face felony charges and you will no longer be a gun owner. So stop reading comic books because the real world doesn't work that way and trump won't be able to pardon you. You are socially immature. Grow up.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
You don't have jack shit, fishy. You don't have anyone on your "side" except crazy conspiracy theorists. The police and military support the peaceful transition of power. Trump lost and will leave on January 21st.

What kind of gun you got little fish? I've got a few. Got a couple 22s (pistol and rifle), a double barrel shotgun and a brand new 308 hunting rifle. Also have some antique guns including an M1 training rifle. What you got?

LOL, your side has the trannys and the hollyloonies and the girly men who don't know which bathroom to use, Oh, and you also have the perverts like Weinstein, Epstein, and Clinton.

as to my guns: double barrell 12 gage, couple of 9mm, couple of 380s, and 5 22s. and about 500 rounds for each.

Are you really so foolish that you think the military and police would side with a senile pervert and his SFO whore? Why would they side with people who want to defund them and make our military incompetent?

I hope it does not come to that, but if it does it won't last long.

Seriously, If biden prevails, I think a secession movement is a very likely result. The country is so divided right now, I see no way to reconcile when there is so much hate, dishonesty, and a complete lack of trust. Let the west coast and the northeast form their own liberal countries and let the rest of us continue to live under the US constitution.
There will be no secession movement unless you join your buddies, the white supremacist movement, in the woods
and announce your secession from the world. trump refused to give the FBI permission to tackle that movement,
and who is to say that Biden won't give that permission to the FBI. Oh, bring your own tent.
the old senile pervert Biden and his SFO Ho will never be in charge of this great country.
Is this how you are justifying going back on your word, by claiming Donnie Covidseed didn't lose? He lost, bigly.

my bet was to leave is Biden won. the election is still undecided as the dem cheating is being disclosed more and more every day. When you cheat to win you are still a loser. the senile pervert and his SFO Ho will never be in power. Each lower court that refuses to hear these very well documented cases just gets it to the SC faster. The SC will send it to the legislature under the 12th amendment and then, guess what, each state gets one vote and there are more GOP states than dem states. Trump will be president until 2025 and there is nothing you morons can do about it. Cheaters never win, but some go to jail.
That is a lot of words to describe you lying and going back on your word. Of course it is precisely what I expected from you. You should have taken the avatar or signature bet and you wouldn't have had to be such a slimy excuse for a human with zero honor.

If the EC votes for Biden I am out of here for good, that was the bet and I will totally honor it. Until then I will continue to post the truth and refute the lies of you libs. As I remember it, it was you who refused to take the sig bet. I offered a sig for me and one for you based on the election results, you tried to change the bet. typical lib----zero credibility.
No Fishy it was you that wouldn’t take the bet. You picked a signature for me which I agreed to and I picked a signature for you would you would not agree to because you are a pussy.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
Your mouth is getting in the way of your brains, hotshot. I hope you don't look as stupid as you sound.
if the truth bothers you maybe you should find a kiddy forum to post on. everything I said is 100% true.
The truth is not bothersome to me, not even a little. The truth is actually different than what you regard as "truth".
The fact is that if you and your cronies act out, you will end up dead or face felony charges and you will no longer be a gun owner. So stop reading comic books because the real world doesn't work that way and trump won't be able to pardon you. You are socially immature. Grow up.

really? have you said any of that to BLM and Antifa as they loot and burn our cities, shoot cops, and attack innocent people for wearing a certain hat? No, you haven't because you are a disingenuous asshole who puts party ideology ahead of common sense and you care nothing for your fellow americans who may disagree with your socialist bullshit. I don't really anticipate a shooting civil war, what I think mat happen if senile Biden is put in the whitehouse is a secession movement by several states or groups of states. This country is so divided politically now that that might be the best solution for everyone. you libs can live under socialism and give up all your freedoms and the rest of us will live under the constitution and enjoy our freedoms
the old senile pervert Biden and his SFO Ho will never be in charge of this great country.
Is this how you are justifying going back on your word, by claiming Donnie Covidseed didn't lose? He lost, bigly.

my bet was to leave is Biden won. the election is still undecided as the dem cheating is being disclosed more and more every day. When you cheat to win you are still a loser. the senile pervert and his SFO Ho will never be in power. Each lower court that refuses to hear these very well documented cases just gets it to the SC faster. The SC will send it to the legislature under the 12th amendment and then, guess what, each state gets one vote and there are more GOP states than dem states. Trump will be president until 2025 and there is nothing you morons can do about it. Cheaters never win, but some go to jail.
That is a lot of words to describe you lying and going back on your word. Of course it is precisely what I expected from you. You should have taken the avatar or signature bet and you wouldn't have had to be such a slimy excuse for a human with zero honor.

If the EC votes for Biden I am out of here for good, that was the bet and I will totally honor it. Until then I will continue to post the truth and refute the lies of you libs. As I remember it, it was you who refused to take the sig bet. I offered a sig for me and one for you based on the election results, you tried to change the bet. typical lib----zero credibility.
No Fishy it was you that wouldn’t take the bet. You picked a signature for me which I agreed to and I picked a signature for you would you would not agree to because you are a pussy.

LOL, you continue to lie. I proposed the sig bet with sigs for the loser. you refused to take it because the sig I proposed for you was too close to the truth. I don't know why I waste my time with you, you are clearly not fully engaged mentally. Are you senile like Biden? Old, lesbian, and senile, pathetic.
Biden would be a huge embarrassment, but Harris would be a disaster for the Klanocrats

Would she?

Hey, I remember when you guys said no way a guy named Barack Hussein Obama could win.
What do you expect from these people? Hell, they think that their grifter president is an honorable guy and has 0
responsibility for the hatred that his followers have for their fellow Americans.
liberal peace and love is a myth
why is the democratic party so full of hate groups?
antifa, blm, klan, nation of islam, black panthers, muslim brotherhood....
View attachment 425325
One doesn't have to belong to hate groups to act out. We have already seen trump supporters begin to act out, like the caravan that blocked Biden's supporters on their way to an event with one genius forcing a car out of his way,
or trump supporters side-swiping cars at an event.
Or one could join one large hate group like the white supremacists, Qannon, proud boys, etc. Trump's followers who hate will act out for sure, either physically or with threats against other people already in progress, which may morph
into killing or violence.

funny how you left out BLM and Antifa, groups that have been rioting, looting, and burning for over a year.

Yeah, you may see some retaliation for that crap, tough shit, you assholes started it-----------make no mistake, we will finish it.
"We"? You can't finish a cup of pudding without help. You won't be doing anything, cowardly little fishy.

keep thinking that, witchey. real americans will tolerate a lot, but we are very close to our limit, and remember we have all the guns, the police, and the military on our side, your side does not know which bathroom to use. it won't be a long conflict. As to your pudding comment, shove it up your lesbian ass.
You don't have jack shit, fishy. You don't have anyone on your "side" except crazy conspiracy theorists. The police and military support the peaceful transition of power. Trump lost and will leave on January 21st.

What kind of gun you got little fish? I've got a few. Got a couple 22s (pistol and rifle), a double barrel shotgun and a brand new 308 hunting rifle. Also have some antique guns including an M1 training rifle. What you got?

LOL, your side has the trannys and the hollyloonies and the girly men who don't know which bathroom to use, Oh, and you also have the perverts like Weinstein, Epstein, and Clinton.

as to my guns: double barrell 12 gage, couple of 9mm, couple of 380s, and 5 22s. and about 500 rounds for each.

Are you really so foolish that you think the military and police would side with a senile pervert and his SFO whore? Why would they side with people who want to defund them and make our military incompetent?

I hope it does not come to that, but if it does it won't last long.

Seriously, If biden prevails, I think a secession movement is a very likely result. The country is so divided right now, I see no way to reconcile when there is so much hate, dishonesty, and a complete lack of trust. Let the west coast and the northeast form their own liberal countries and let the rest of us continue to live under the US constitution.
There will be no secession movement unless you join your buddies, the white supremacist movement, in the woods
and announce your secession from the world. trump refused to give the FBI permission to tackle that movement,
and who is to say that Biden won't give that permission to the FBI. Oh, bring your own tent.

the Texas suit against the crooked states that cheated for Biden is very close and could be a first step to splitting the country. Its not what I want, but it may be the only solution.
the old senile pervert Biden and his SFO Ho will never be in charge of this great country.
Is this how you are justifying going back on your word, by claiming Donnie Covidseed didn't lose? He lost, bigly.

my bet was to leave is Biden won. the election is still undecided as the dem cheating is being disclosed more and more every day. When you cheat to win you are still a loser. the senile pervert and his SFO Ho will never be in power. Each lower court that refuses to hear these very well documented cases just gets it to the SC faster. The SC will send it to the legislature under the 12th amendment and then, guess what, each state gets one vote and there are more GOP states than dem states. Trump will be president until 2025 and there is nothing you morons can do about it. Cheaters never win, but some go to jail.
That is a lot of words to describe you lying and going back on your word. Of course it is precisely what I expected from you. You should have taken the avatar or signature bet and you wouldn't have had to be such a slimy excuse for a human with zero honor.

If the EC votes for Biden I am out of here for good, that was the bet and I will totally honor it. Until then I will continue to post the truth and refute the lies of you libs. As I remember it, it was you who refused to take the sig bet. I offered a sig for me and one for you based on the election results, you tried to change the bet. typical lib----zero credibility.
No Fishy it was you that wouldn’t take the bet. You picked a signature for me which I agreed to and I picked a signature for you would you would not agree to because you are a pussy.

LOL, you continue to lie. I proposed the sig bet with sigs for the loser. you refused to take it because the sig I proposed for you was too close to the truth. I don't know why I waste my time with you, you are clearly not fully engaged mentally. Are you senile like Biden? Old, lesbian, and senile, pathetic.
You thought you got to pick both signatures for the bet. I won’t even say “arrogantly thought” because you’ve got nothing to be arrogant about. You stupidly thought you would get to pick both signatures. Not how a signature or avatar bet works. The winner picks the signature for the loser.
I agreed to your signature suggestion, you refused to agree to mine. It’s all moot because you are a pussy and a liar and don’t honor bets. Trump lost bigly and you’re still here.

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