Yes. joe biden and kamala harris are going to come after our guns, and this is how they are going to do it.

I read an article in NRA Freedom Magazine yesterday discussing oral arguments in a case involving NY's may issue law. If the questions asked of the NY solicitor general are any indication, they appear to be ready to repeal or severely modify the NY law. If they do, that would have implications in all may issue States.

Nothing but lies and demagoguery from the dishonest right.

No guns ‘banned,’ no guns ‘confiscated.’
Nothing but lies and demagoguery from the dishonest right.

No guns ‘banned,’ no guns ‘confiscated.’

Do you have something related to the court case I mentioned, or are you going to stick to your normal meaningless commie bullshit?

Being able to sue gun stores and manufacturers whenever a crime or accident occurs (even a suicide) would put the firearms industry out of business.
Fine, we'll sue Dems every time an illegal RAPES or KILLS an American. Pretty soon all the Dem leaders will be in prison.
I read an article in NRA Freedom Magazine yesterday discussing oral arguments in a case involving NY's may issue law. If the questions asked of the NY solicitor general are any indication, they appear to be ready to repeal or severely modify the NY law. If they do, that would have implications in all may issue States.

Nice necrothread!
Nice necrothread!

When there's a chance the court may strike draconian gun laws in commie States, it means that other nonsensical laws they might try to pass have a good chance of being stricken as well. There's no reason to start a new thread on just that.

If anyone wants to listen to the arguments go here: (note: it's about 1:57 long)

If anyone wants to listen to the arguments go here: (note: it's about 1:57 long)


I read some of it, but trying to listen to the moron, left wing justices trying to come up with fake reasons to impose their will as opposed to following the Constitution is just too much...
I read some of it, but trying to listen to the moron, left wing justices trying to come up with fake reasons to impose their will as opposed to following the Constitution is just too much...

Believe it or not, Kagan and Sotomayor asked some questions that shot down some of the State and Fed arguments. Frankly I was surprised. I think the may issue statutes will be found unconstitutional with a greater margin than the normal 5-4 decision.

I assumed since democrats ignore BLM and antifa domestic terrorists, allow blacks to steal, lower criminal offenses of blacks, ignore blacks that shoot up places and so on was to allow the crime to rise to the point they could justify cracking down on guns once gun related crimes got high enough.

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