Are queer weddings a sin?

I believe queer weddings are a sin. What are your thoughts?
"Sin" is whatever an individual or law deems it to be.
If sin is defined by the individual then you have no right to force your idea of what a sin is on other people

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
When have I ever done that?
By standing against other people who as you say define their own personal definition of sin you are saying that your definition of sin is what they should adhere to

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I believe queer weddings are a sin. What are your thoughts?
As far as the state is concerned all a marriage is is a property contract and property contracts are not a sin
Lefties who think marriage is merely a property contract are the reason why queer marriage will NEVER be legitimate or respected the way real marriage is.

Contards who think that marriage is merely a contract with god to keep a man and a woman from having sex outside of marriage are the reason why Evangelical marriage will never be legitimate or respected the way real marriage is.
Good for you. Keep your religion out of politics. They have the right to marry and divorce like everyone else.
I am familiar with laws and rights. I am aware of laws that allow queers to legally experience the legal aspects of a real wedding, even though it is not a real wedding. But I have not seen anything in the bill of rights that says queers have the right to get married.

I see you avoided the topic of the opening post, so I will ask again. Do you think it is a sin for queers to marry?

Sin is a subjective religious intangible.
Understanding sin and how it is connected to real marriage is an essential part of the relationship. This is why queers will never actually experience real marriage. All they will ever experience are some of the financial benefits that real married couples experience.

Understand that sin is a religious concept and marriage is a social contract. Is a polygamist marriage a sin?
Queers are perverts. Queer marriage will NEVER be respected and recognized like real marriage is. Deep down, everybody KNOWS queers are just perverts and that queer marriage isn't really legit.

People like you know that deep down 'queers are perverts'- and Catholics are all beholden to the Pope, and Jews sacrifice children as part of blood rituals.

Deep down we all know that you are just another bigot who is trying to promote your own bigoted views in order to harm other Americans.

So I will leave you with this quote:

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Maybe if you spent less time trying to live by what your Jesus told you- and less about worrying about who is married- you might have a closer relationship with your god.
I believe queer weddings are a sin. What are your thoughts?
"Sin" is whatever an individual or law deems it to be.
If sin is defined by the individual then you have no right to force your idea of what a sin is on other people

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
When have I ever done that?
By standing against other people who as you say define their own personal definition of sin you are saying that your definition of sin is what they should adhere to

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That's a stretch lol. The only people I make follow my rules are my employees and my children when they were under my roof.

Go hump someone elses leg tard.
Oh look, another PROG says ready for it, follow the "logic":

Incest and homosexuality are not equal while homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal.

They actually believe this BS. Someone clue them in on nature's law, please.

Go figure a PROG broke out the "genetic defect" card where incest is concerned. That's easy to address, you'd help your cause to think things through. Would you PROGS prevent couples with genetic disorders from marrying if they're unrelated? Course not, but somehow it's inconvenient to admit the same logic would apply to relatives.

And what happened to the argument "marriage is not about reproduction" blah blah blah? Doesn't your BS apply to incest as well? Must be another "logical fallacy", perhaps I'm being "racist".

Again, EVERY ARGUMENT FOR GAY MARRIAGE CAN BE APPLIED TO MARRIAGE BETWEEN RELATIVES, PERIOD. Perspective PROGS, perspective. Matter of fact, human's are more inclined to have tendencies to incest than homosexuality.
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Oh look, another PROG says ready for it, follow the "logic":

Incest and homosexuality are not equal while homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal.

They actually believe this BS. Someone clue them in on nature's law, please.

Go figure a PROG broke out the "genetic defect" card where incest is concerned. That's easy to address, you'd help your cause to think things through. Would you PROGS prevent couples with genetic disorders from marrying if they're unrelated? Course not, but somehow it's inconvenient to admit the same logic would apply to relatives.

And what happened to the argument "marriage is not about reproduction" blah blah blah? Doesn't your BS apply to incest as well? Must be another "logical fallacy", perhaps I'm being "racist".

Again, EVERY ARGUMENT FOR GAY MARRIAGE CAN BE APPLIED TO MARRIAGE BETWEEN RELATIVES, PERIOD. Perspective PROGS, perspective. Matter of fact, human's are more inclined to have tendencies to incest than homosexuality.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime.
And I know you Cons don't think that heterosexuality and homosexuality are both legitimate expressions of love- even though both are completely legal.

I have already addressed your claim that "Every argument for gay marriage can be applied to marriage between relatives"- but glad to do so again- since you Cons trot out this dead horse over and over again.

There are 4 arguments against incestuous marriages:
1) Its against 'God's will"- not relevant to legal marriage in America
2) its icky- not relevant to legal marriage in America.
3) Children of such marriages can have defects due to inbreeding
4) There is an inherent potential power imbalance to marriages between parents/children and sibling/sibling that has too much potential for abuse

Clearly gay couples do not have to worry about issues of inbreeding with each other. Nor do gay couples have the inherent potential power imbalance that exists in incestuous marriage.

Every argument for marriage between relatives can be made for marriage between between straight unrelated Americans. But the arguments against incestuous marriage are very different from the arguments against gay or straight marriage.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

And I know you Cons don't think that heterosexuality and homosexuality are both legitimate expressions of love- even though both are completely legal.
I could give a shit, it's not even relevant. Are you saying those involved in incest is not an expression of love but homosexuality is? I think I'll call you Cupid, captain declaration of expressions of love.

I have already addressed your claim that "Every argument for gay marriage can be applied to marriage between relatives"- but glad to do so again- since you Cons trot out this dead horse over and over again. Notice how this PROG can't distinguish the difference between arguments for and arguments against? He failed the first time, I guess he needs a reminder:

There are 4 arguments against incestuous marriages: No there's not, you have four arguments (AGAINST), but you're not a clear thinker.

1) Its against 'God's will"- not relevant to legal marriage in America Neat

2) its icky- not relevant to legal marriage in America. Neat

3) Children of such marriages can have defects due to inbreeding. But you PROGS have already declared marriage isn't about reporduction, and you don't have to be married to fuck. Don't these apply to incest or are you saying you PROGS are just full of shit? Again, would you prevent unrelated couples with genetic disorders from marrying? Course not, if we did we'd have far fewer PROGS.

4) There is an inherent potential power imbalance to marriages between parents/children and sibling/sibling that has too much potential for abuse. LOL, so hilarious. "POWER IMBALANCE", you mean like butch submissive? Gosh dang, I guess there's an inherit power imbalance with heterosexual marriages as well, after all, men are much stronger than women and there's too much potential for abuse.

Clearly gay couples do not have to worry about issues of inbreeding with each other. Nor do gay couples have the inherent potential power imbalance that exists in incestuous marriage. But marriage isn't about reproduction, you PROGS told us so. That and you don't have to be married to have kids.

Every argument for marriage between relatives can be made for marriage between between straight unrelated Americans. LOL, what a fucking twist. You're wrong of co

But the arguments against incestuous marriage are very different from the arguments against gay or straight marriage.
Golly gee, and the arguments against gay marriage are very different from the arguments against straight marriage.......Are we having fun yet PROG? Without realizing it this PROG is reminding us that "heterosexuality and homosexuality are equal"........LOL

I repeat, what arguments for gay marriage cannot be applied to marriage between close relatives? Name one.
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You are welcome to your opinion.
Yes, I am. Queers calling themselves "married" makes a mockery of this GOD-ORDAINED institution.

They can say what they want, but they are not MARRIED. That institution is reserved for one man and one woman. All else is sin.

You can say what you want- but you are not married if you live your life like you do.

In America- legal marriage is not a 'god-ordained' insittution but a civil institution. You want a religious marriage- that is between you and your religion.
When the State tells us the sky is green, they will be wrong. Marriage is a religious institution. The State inserted itself because it WAS in any nation's best interest to promote and encourage the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION called marriage. They cannot change the definition. The west will not survive much longer encouraging sin.

Civil marriage and religious marriage are two different things. Civil marriage does not involve religion. Two people who do not believe in a religion can still marry under civil law.

The concept of "sin" is a religious concept. Whether one considers same-sex marriage to be a "sin" depends on whether one is a member of a religious group that both believes in the "sin" concept and believes that same-sex marriage falls within the definition of it. Some same-sex couples have marriages celebrated in their own faith traditions.
Queer marriage will NEVER be respected like real marriage. Queers should have invented some new kind of legal union instead of just hijacking the name from real marriage and not living up to the moral standards.

What is a "real marriage"? donnie and melania and mikey and karen? Nobody, whether LGBT or hetero, is the least bit required to do anything simply to accommodate somebody else's beliefs. Why do you goofballs pretend that everyone owes it to you to conduct their personal lives according to your beliefs?
What "moral standards' are you talking about? There are lots of same-sex couples who are faithful to each other and never abuse or disrespect one another.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.
Yes, I am. Queers calling themselves "married" makes a mockery of this GOD-ORDAINED institution.

They can say what they want, but they are not MARRIED. That institution is reserved for one man and one woman. All else is sin.

You can say what you want- but you are not married if you live your life like you do.

In America- legal marriage is not a 'god-ordained' insittution but a civil institution. You want a religious marriage- that is between you and your religion.
When the State tells us the sky is green, they will be wrong. Marriage is a religious institution. The State inserted itself because it WAS in any nation's best interest to promote and encourage the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION called marriage. They cannot change the definition. The west will not survive much longer encouraging sin.

Civil marriage and religious marriage are two different things. Civil marriage does not involve religion. Two people who do not believe in a religion can still marry under civil law.

The concept of "sin" is a religious concept. Whether one considers same-sex marriage to be a "sin" depends on whether one is a member of a religious group that both believes in the "sin" concept and believes that same-sex marriage falls within the definition of it. Some same-sex couples have marriages celebrated in their own faith traditions.
Queer marriage will NEVER be respected like real marriage. Queers should have invented some new kind of legal union instead of just hijacking the name from real marriage and not living up to the moral standards.

What is a "real marriage"? donnie and melania and mikey and karen? Nobody, whether LGBT or hetero, is the least bit required to do anything simply to accommodate somebody else's beliefs. Why do you goofballs pretend that everyone owes it to you to conduct their personal lives according to your beliefs?
What "moral standards' are you talking about? There are lots of same-sex couples who are faithful to each other and never abuse or disrespect one another.
Whatever is real or not, there are a lot of men and women who stay together through thick and thin. Spending their best years raising children to bring in the next generation. No awards for them. Nothing but scorn.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

And I know you Cons don't think that heterosexuality and homosexuality are both legitimate expressions of love- even though both are completely legal.
I could give a shit, it's not even relevant. Are you saying those involved in incest is not an expression of love but homosexuality is? I think I'll call you Cupid, captain declaration of expressions of love.

I have already addressed your claim that "Every argument for gay marriage can be applied to marriage between relatives"- but glad to do so again- since you Cons trot out this dead horse over and over again. Notice how this PROG can't distinguish the difference between arguments for and arguments against? He failed the first time, I guess he needs a reminder:

There are 4 arguments against incestuous marriages: No there's not, you have four arguments (AGAINST), but you're not a clear thinker.

1) Its against 'God's will"- not relevant to legal marriage in America Neat

2) its icky- not relevant to legal marriage in America. Neat

3) Children of such marriages can have defects due to inbreeding. But you PROGS have already declared marriage isn't about reporduction, and you don't have to be married to fuck. Don't these apply to incest or are you saying you PROGS are just full of shit? Again, would you prevent unrelated couples with genetic disorders from marrying? Course not, if we did we'd have far fewer PROGS..

I am not arguing for incestuous marriages- I will leave that for you to do.
I am pointing out one of the arguments against incestuous marriage- if you don't think it is relevant- you can continue to argue for incestuous marriages.

And I am pointing out that such an argument has nothing to do with gay couples.

Maybe you should start your own thread where you argue in favor of incestuous marriages?
Since y

Every argument for marriage between relatives can be made for marriage between between straight unrelated Americans. LOL, what a fucking twist. You're wrong of co
And you of course can't refute it.

I am seeing a trend here.

I repeat, what arguments for gay marriage cannot be applied to marriage between close relatives? Name one.

I have already addressed your claim that "Every argument for gay marriage can be applied to marriage between relatives"- but glad to do so again- since you Cons trot out this dead horse over and over again.

There are 4 arguments against incestuous marriages:
1) Its against 'God's will"- not relevant to legal marriage in America
2) its icky- not relevant to legal marriage in America.
3) Children of such marriages can have defects due to inbreeding
4) There is an inherent potential power imbalance to marriages between parents/children and sibling/sibling that has too much potential for abuse

Clearly gay couples do not have to worry about issues of inbreeding with each other. Nor do gay couples have the inherent potential power imbalance that exists in incestuous marriage.

Every argument for marriage between relatives can be made for marriage between between straight unrelated Americans. But the arguments against incestuous marriage are very different from the arguments against gay or straight marriage.
You can say what you want- but you are not married if you live your life like you do.

In America- legal marriage is not a 'god-ordained' insittution but a civil institution. You want a religious marriage- that is between you and your religion.
When the State tells us the sky is green, they will be wrong. Marriage is a religious institution. The State inserted itself because it WAS in any nation's best interest to promote and encourage the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION called marriage. They cannot change the definition. The west will not survive much longer encouraging sin.

Civil marriage and religious marriage are two different things. Civil marriage does not involve religion. Two people who do not believe in a religion can still marry under civil law.

The concept of "sin" is a religious concept. Whether one considers same-sex marriage to be a "sin" depends on whether one is a member of a religious group that both believes in the "sin" concept and believes that same-sex marriage falls within the definition of it. Some same-sex couples have marriages celebrated in their own faith traditions.
Queer marriage will NEVER be respected like real marriage. Queers should have invented some new kind of legal union instead of just hijacking the name from real marriage and not living up to the moral standards.

What is a "real marriage"? donnie and melania and mikey and karen? Nobody, whether LGBT or hetero, is the least bit required to do anything simply to accommodate somebody else's beliefs. Why do you goofballs pretend that everyone owes it to you to conduct their personal lives according to your beliefs?
What "moral standards' are you talking about? There are lots of same-sex couples who are faithful to each other and never abuse or disrespect one another.
Whatever is real or not, there are a lot of men and women who stay together through thick and thin. Spending their best years raising children to bring in the next generation. No awards for them. Nothing but scorn.

Who is scorning those Americans who successfully maintain a life long commitment to each other?

As someone who has been married for decades, I have never met anyone who scorned my marriage.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.

Just curious Syriusly, what's your education? I'd ask for my money back, because you're cause and effect challenged, BIGLY. Here's what you're saying.........

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents cuz incest is illegal and homo is not. Course you're wrong, but it's not relevant anyway, because you forgot about the part where.........WAIT FOR IT.......GAY was illegal and same with gay marriage, and therefore gay and heterosexual are false equivalents too, thus gay marriage should be illegal.

Still lost?

According to you, every argument for gay marriage implying they deserved the same rights as heterosexuals must have been invalid. After all, one was legal the other not, and therefore they must have been "false equivalents". This isn't that difficult, you're just being emotional.

Again, cite a single argument for gay marriage that couldn't be applied to incest.
You can say what you want- but you are not married if you live your life like you do.

In America- legal marriage is not a 'god-ordained' insittution but a civil institution. You want a religious marriage- that is between you and your religion.
When the State tells us the sky is green, they will be wrong. Marriage is a religious institution. The State inserted itself because it WAS in any nation's best interest to promote and encourage the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION called marriage. They cannot change the definition. The west will not survive much longer encouraging sin.

Civil marriage and religious marriage are two different things. Civil marriage does not involve religion. Two people who do not believe in a religion can still marry under civil law.

The concept of "sin" is a religious concept. Whether one considers same-sex marriage to be a "sin" depends on whether one is a member of a religious group that both believes in the "sin" concept and believes that same-sex marriage falls within the definition of it. Some same-sex couples have marriages celebrated in their own faith traditions.
Queer marriage will NEVER be respected like real marriage. Queers should have invented some new kind of legal union instead of just hijacking the name from real marriage and not living up to the moral standards.

What is a "real marriage"? donnie and melania and mikey and karen? Nobody, whether LGBT or hetero, is the least bit required to do anything simply to accommodate somebody else's beliefs. Why do you goofballs pretend that everyone owes it to you to conduct their personal lives according to your beliefs?
What "moral standards' are you talking about? There are lots of same-sex couples who are faithful to each other and never abuse or disrespect one another.
Whatever is real or not, there are a lot of men and women who stay together through thick and thin. Spending their best years raising children to bring in the next generation. No awards for them. Nothing but scorn.

Who scorns them? I haven't heard of anyone criticizing heterosexuals merely based on their having loving, successful relationships. Moreover, who gets "awards" for anything having to do with this issue?
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.

Just curious Syriusly, what's your education? I'd ask for my money back, because you're cause and effect challenged, BIGLY. Here's what you're saying.........

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents cuz incest is illegal and homo is not. Course you're wrong, but it's not relevant anyway, because you forgot about the part where.........WAIT FOR IT.......GAY was illegal and same with gay marriage, and therefore gay and heterosexual are false equivalents too, thus gay marriage should be illegal.

Still lost?

According to you, every argument for gay marriage implying they deserved the same rights as heterosexuals must have been invalid. After all, one was legal the other not, and therefore they must have been "false equivalents". This isn't that difficult, you're just being emotional.

Again, cite a single argument for gay marriage that couldn't be applied to incest.

LOL I find it hilarious that you are questioning me about MY education with that word salad you vomited onto the page.

You still have yet to explain why incest- which is illegal- and homosexuality- which is not illegal- are not false equivalents.

Pretty obvious you can't explain why illegal incest and legal homosexuality are equivalent as you keep claiming.
Since you ignored my post I will repeat it and try to ignore your promotion of incest. The PROG declares I'm promoting incest when a child can see I'm offering a perspective on gay-marriage. This will be fun.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Neat, yet he explains how heterosexuality and homosexuality are true equivalents.

I know you Cons think that incest- which is a crime- is the same as homosexuality- which is not a crime. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up.

You were the one who decided to mention that incest was more 'natural' than homosexuality- not me.

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents. Notice how WTH is unable to refute this clear truth.

. Check it out man, this PROG says legality matters when it's convenient. Homosexuality is/was a crime too, same with sodomy. This PROG says the difference between right & wrong is found in the law books. Other than that you're wrong anyway, laws concerning incest vary by State. More than that gay marriage was illegal in the USA, according to your argument that was just. No? Read your argument, try and keep up- Notice how this Contard wants to ignore legality and cannot address the clear fact that incest is illegal and homosexuality is not- which as everyone knows- makes them false equivalents.

Just curious Syriusly, what's your education? I'd ask for my money back, because you're cause and effect challenged, BIGLY. Here's what you're saying.........

Incest and homosexuality are false equivalents cuz incest is illegal and homo is not. Course you're wrong, but it's not relevant anyway, because you forgot about the part where.........WAIT FOR IT.......GAY was illegal and same with gay marriage, and therefore gay and heterosexual are false equivalents too, thus gay marriage should be illegal.

Still lost?

According to you, every argument for gay marriage implying they deserved the same rights as heterosexuals must have been invalid. After all, one was legal the other not, and therefore they must have been "false equivalents". This isn't that difficult, you're just being emotional.

Again, cite a single argument for gay marriage that couldn't be applied to incest.

LOL I find it hilarious that you are questioning me about MY education with that word salad you vomited onto the page.

You still have yet to explain why incest- which is illegal- and homosexuality- which is not illegal- are not false equivalents.

Pretty obvious you can't explain why illegal incest and legal homosexuality are equivalent as you keep claiming.

Wow, you really got me. Your post is code for you've nearly given give up because your bullshit doesn't fly. It just takes you a while is all.

You've managed to completely discredit the gay-marriage agenda by stating you cannot compare two things if one is legal and the other isn't. Never mind it's irrational from start, you can't even follow the fucking logic to recognize gay-marriage advocates DID EXACTLY THAT.

Just for fun, what argument applies to gay-marriage that wouldn't apply to marriage between close relatives?
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When the State tells us the sky is green, they will be wrong. Marriage is a religious institution. The State inserted itself because it WAS in any nation's best interest to promote and encourage the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION called marriage. They cannot change the definition. The west will not survive much longer encouraging sin.

Civil marriage and religious marriage are two different things. Civil marriage does not involve religion. Two people who do not believe in a religion can still marry under civil law.

The concept of "sin" is a religious concept. Whether one considers same-sex marriage to be a "sin" depends on whether one is a member of a religious group that both believes in the "sin" concept and believes that same-sex marriage falls within the definition of it. Some same-sex couples have marriages celebrated in their own faith traditions.
Queer marriage will NEVER be respected like real marriage. Queers should have invented some new kind of legal union instead of just hijacking the name from real marriage and not living up to the moral standards.

What is a "real marriage"? donnie and melania and mikey and karen? Nobody, whether LGBT or hetero, is the least bit required to do anything simply to accommodate somebody else's beliefs. Why do you goofballs pretend that everyone owes it to you to conduct their personal lives according to your beliefs?
What "moral standards' are you talking about? There are lots of same-sex couples who are faithful to each other and never abuse or disrespect one another.
Whatever is real or not, there are a lot of men and women who stay together through thick and thin. Spending their best years raising children to bring in the next generation. No awards for them. Nothing but scorn.

Who is scorning those Americans who successfully maintain a life long commitment to each other?

As someone who has been married for decades, I have never met anyone who scorned my marriage.
Just the direction of marriage and how it has been derided and demeaned by others while destroying it in the last half century nullifies what you said. There are people suffering as they stay in marriage. And frankly by the time the children are old enough they are to old to do anything else.

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