Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worth


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Jan 12, 2012
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Too open ended, cite the countries [or at least some] and religions as well as the wars.
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Too open ended, cite the countries [or at least some] and religions as well as the wars.

All irrelevant to my O.P.

Let me rephrase for you.

Would you like to be persuaded to think a certain way by argument of by a knife at your throat that will slice if you do not agree?

Everyone knows sodomites are sick perverts, and women are to be subservient to men.

So what's the problem?? ..... :confused-84:
Everyone knows sodomites are sick perverts, and women are to be subservient to men.

So what's the problem?? ..... :confused-84:

Women and gays do not agree and religions are the problem as they push ideas like what you just put.

Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Troll Alert!!!
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Show us just ONE example of Christians using force to convert people. You can't.
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Show us just ONE example of Christians using force to convert people. You can't.
Torture Techniques of the Spanish Inquisition

Native Americans and Christianity - RationalWiki

But if you want more recent:
Joseph Kony: Profile of the LRA leader - BBC News

CAR: Muslims forced to convert to Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Show us just ONE example of Christians using force to convert people. You can't.
Torture Techniques of the Spanish Inquisition

Native Americans and Christianity - RationalWiki

But if you want more recent:
Joseph Kony: Profile of the LRA leader - BBC News

CAR: Muslims forced to convert to Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Show us just ONE example of Christians using force to convert people. You can't.
Torture Techniques of the Spanish Inquisition

Native Americans and Christianity - RationalWiki

But if you want more recent:
Joseph Kony: Profile of the LRA leader - BBC News

CAR: Muslims forced to convert to Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Show us just ONE example of Christians using force to convert people. You can't.
Torture Techniques of the Spanish Inquisition

Native Americans and Christianity - RationalWiki

But if you want more recent:
Joseph Kony: Profile of the LRA leader - BBC News

CAR: Muslims forced to convert to Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
Are religions that use military power instead of moral authority and persuasion to convert us, worthy of us?

I was reading of my Gnostic Christian history, --- which grew itself without violence and with moral authority, --- and noted that both Christianity and Islam have both grown themselves through military conquest as compared to moral authority gained by persuasion.

We have had to suffer many Holy Wars, Inquisitions and jihads instead of those religions winning us over by good deeds and a better moral code.

Both Islam and Christianity say they respect Jesus and he said that we would recognize his people by their good deed, not war, so I think that Jesus would condemn both Christianity and especially Islam, given that they are both homophobic and misogynous religions who refuse to grant gays and women full equality. Christianity is slowly moving to equality while Islam is not.

Further, most religious laws have been bested by secular humanist laws, thanks to equality provisions and have already rejected the laws of those immoral Gods and their religions.

Given that violence instead of a better moral code has been used to grow Christianity and Islam, should moral people reject both Islam and Christianity as unfit to convert us to their religions?

Show us just ONE example of Christians using force to convert people. You can't.
Torture Techniques of the Spanish Inquisition

Native Americans and Christianity - RationalWiki

But if you want more recent:
Joseph Kony: Profile of the LRA leader - BBC News

CAR: Muslims forced to convert to Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
No where in the Bible does it say "anyone who kills and tortures in the name of god is not a Christian". That's your interpretation from what you've read in the Bible. It's your opinion. Not a fact. Every "fact" known to man can be proven without the use of the Bible.
But are they really Christians? Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to force people to convert. Now, a Christian is defined as one who does the will of God. So, these people cannot be Christians.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
No where in the Bible does it say "anyone who kills and tortures in the name of god is not a Christian". That's your interpretation from what you've read in the Bible. It's your opinion. Not a fact. Every "fact" known to man can be proven without the use of the Bible.
The fact is that you cannot show me one passage of Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You lose. Have a nice day.
Can you prove what the will of God is?
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
No where in the Bible does it say "anyone who kills and tortures in the name of god is not a Christian". That's your interpretation from what you've read in the Bible. It's your opinion. Not a fact. Every "fact" known to man can be proven without the use of the Bible.
The fact is that you cannot show me one passage of Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You lose. Have a nice day.
Wrong. It was you made a claim as to what scripture says not I. You've won nothing. So put up; shut up.
Sure. Just read the Bible. It's all in there. Love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not rocket science. Anyone who tortures and kills in the name of God is not a Christian. Simple fact.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
No where in the Bible does it say "anyone who kills and tortures in the name of god is not a Christian". That's your interpretation from what you've read in the Bible. It's your opinion. Not a fact. Every "fact" known to man can be proven without the use of the Bible.
The fact is that you cannot show me one passage of Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You lose. Have a nice day.
Wrong. It was you made a claim as to what scripture says not I. You've won nothing. So put up; shut up.
You have the burden of proof. I asked for Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You cannot do so. You can only deflect the conversation. You lose.
No. That isn't a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion; not your own facts.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
No where in the Bible does it say "anyone who kills and tortures in the name of god is not a Christian". That's your interpretation from what you've read in the Bible. It's your opinion. Not a fact. Every "fact" known to man can be proven without the use of the Bible.
The fact is that you cannot show me one passage of Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You lose. Have a nice day.
Wrong. It was you made a claim as to what scripture says not I. You've won nothing. So put up; shut up.
You have the burden of proof. I asked for Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You cannot do so. You can only deflect the conversation. You lose.
I don't give a shit what you ask for. You made a claim. I challenged it. You've offered no proof to support your claim. Your claim remains disputed.
It is not my opinion. It is Scripture. I could give you chapter and verse, but you would just ignore it. Have a nice day.
No where in the Bible does it say "anyone who kills and tortures in the name of god is not a Christian". That's your interpretation from what you've read in the Bible. It's your opinion. Not a fact. Every "fact" known to man can be proven without the use of the Bible.
The fact is that you cannot show me one passage of Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You lose. Have a nice day.
Wrong. It was you made a claim as to what scripture says not I. You've won nothing. So put up; shut up.
You have the burden of proof. I asked for Scripture where God tells Christians to torture and kill people in order to convert them. You cannot do so. You can only deflect the conversation. You lose.
I don't give a shit what you ask for. You made a claim. I challenged it. You've offered no proof to support your claim. Your claim remains disputed.
I provided Scripture to back up what I said. There is no interpretation needed. It's plain English, so to speak. People who torture and murder others are not Christians. You disagreed. I asked you to show me Scripture that says differently. You failed to do so. You lose.

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