Are Republican gays, blacks and hispanics "delusional"? What is the GOP "message"?



Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.
Can't speak for Republicans, but I'd guess these people have decided that the positives outweigh the negatives. Examples might be:

Perhaps these folks believe that government must be better limited than it is now, and that it is not the responsibility of a bunch of professional politicians the federal bureaucracy to take care of us. Perhaps they feel that making millions of Americans, generations of Americans, dependent on a government in the name of "compassion" is in fact the opposite of compassion. Perhaps they identify more with the Republicans on religious issues, which would also trump the role of the federal government. As an agnostic, I can only guess on that one.

In general, I'd guess that these people are looking more big picture - the overall role of the federal government and the general direction of the country - than in the smaller, more selfish items that the government can "give" them. This would require them to care more about the big picture than what they can "get". And perhaps they feel they can be a constructive influence within the party for some kind of moderation on some issues.

Guesses only. I'm not very good at the partisan bullcrap. I'd like to see their responses, but these seem to make sense.

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Can't speak for Republicans, but I'd guess these people have decided that the positives outweigh the negatives. Examples might be:

Perhaps these folks believe that government must be better limited than it is now, and that it is not the responsibility of a bunch of professional politicians the federal bureaucracy to take care of us. Perhaps they feel that making millions of Americans, generations of Americans, dependent on a government in the name of "compassion" is in fact the opposite of compassion. Perhaps they identify more with the Republicans on religious issues, which would also trump the role of the federal government. As an agnostic, I can only guess on that one.

In general, I'd guess that these people are looking more big picture - the overall role of the federal government and the general direction of the country - than in the smaller, more selfish items that the government can "give" them. This would require them to care more about the big picture than what they can "get". And perhaps they feel they can be a constructive influence within the party for some kind of moderation on some issues.

Guesses only. I'm not very good at the partisan bullcrap. I'd like to see their responses, but these seem to make sense.


I don't understand this rightwing constant "misreprentation" of the government.

Without government, we would be completely at the mercy of "vulture capitalism". Like deregulating Wall Street, moving the mortgage market to Wall Street and then Wall Street bringing down the economy by squeeze the insurance companies of every cent they can get for their housing scheme.

Republicans want us to hate government so they can squeeze every cent they can from the country. They want to get rid of the EPA so because doing business in a clean environment costs money. If they can get rid of the EPA, and health care, then it doesn't matter the number of new birth defects created. They got their money.

How Republicans can buy this swill is beyond me.
Where would the Democrat party be if not for RACE politics.

I guess they figure they have the "blacks" owned, now they are moving onto, "browns"
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Are Republican gays, blacks and hispanics "delusional"? What is the GOP "message"?

The message is really an appeal to still working people's conceits, their spite and their easily understandable frustration that they are still working their asses off, why not everybody else?!

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Actually we want to reform education so that kids can compete with the world and not just be pushed through the system while the unions and administartors pocket milions of tax payers money.
Show where they want to raise taxes on the middle class. We want lower taxes for all.
And this BS about stopping healthcare, we want to reform it to make it cheaper.
These three groups have been suffering under dems policies for decades.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

And why shouldn't they be republican? Don't you believe in freedom of choice. I don't know about gays buts blacks and hispanics are more conservative than whites. Just look at how they voted on gay marraige in Cali.
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

hey Dean.....when the Hispanics take over your Party and change it to fit their agenda.....ill bet you and guys like Chris will be the first ones to leave....
What is the GOP "message"?


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Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

You are worried aren't you?
Where would the Democrat party be if not for RACE politics.

I guess they figure they have the "blacks" owned, now they are moving onto, "browns"

They would focus on bringing in Illegal's and undermining the Legal Vote,....... No Wait.... That's already happening.
Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

So you think that gays, Hispanics and blacks need more government then whites do, they can't make it on their own, which makes Republicans racist. Sure, dean, small government is racist. Another moronic post from a moron.
BLACK REPUBLICAN: National Black Republican Association E-News
The groundwork for victory in 2012 must be laid today. We must act now to take back the White House and make Barack Obama a one-term president!

To defeat Barack Obama and the Democrat Party, we Republicans must accomplish this one very important goal – win just 25% of the black vote. That's it. Win 25% of the black vote and we'll beat the Democrats and put an end to Obama's job killing agenda FOREVER.

But how do we win 25% of the black vote? Despite what you've heard from the liberal media, on issue after issue, most black voters favor conservative policies – not liberal ones. They are unhappy about the nearly 17% black unemployment caused by Obama's failed big government policies. They do not support higher taxes, bailouts for Obama's cronies and his out-of-control spending that's produced a massive debt that will crush our economy. For middle class blacks, voting their values NOW means voting Republican. A recent poll showed that Obama's approval rating among black voters has dropped by 20%, an amazing statistic which means Obama is, indeed, exceptionally vulnerable in the black community. That's why we must immediately gear up and put into action our NBRA 2012 VICTORY PLAN to educate and bring these black voters back to the Party of Lincoln.

We must battle Obama and the Democrat Party step by step until we've countered their divisive, race-baiting rhetoric, broadcast our conservative message and won 25% of the black vote.

Frances Rice
National Black Republican Association
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

The date is
Feb 1 2012
Obama is President
Bush is not
It's been that way for a while now....

Just thought I put that out there.... :lol:
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

The date is
Feb 1 2012
Obama is President
Bush is not
It's been that way for a while now....

Just thought I put that out there.... :lol:

Didn't Obama make that clear when he said 'I won, get over it' that time? :rofl:
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

The date is
Feb 1 2012
Obama is President
Bush is not

It's been that way for a while now....

Just thought I put that out there.... :lol:

Didn't Obama make that clear when he said 'I won, get over it' that time? :rofl:

No....I think it was the White-Wingers'
that was the most-memorable.

[ame=]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]

Rubio just had to tell them to tamp down the rhetoric but of course the right response is they dont believe their rhetoric is bad.

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