Are Republican gays, blacks and hispanics "delusional"? What is the GOP "message"?

funny how the right see the free choice of blacks voting democratic as ownage?

Funny how Blacks that Refuse to buy into the Democratic Party Line are Persecuted. ;)

By whom?

By their own, check THIS out...
OMG!!!! Blacks support self reliance, hard work and less government?

WTF???????? Can't have these fuckers straying from the liberal plantation!!!!!

Odd. you claim I deflect and defend negative rhetoric, and as proof you offer links to two threads I did not even post in.

Care to try again???
You're being dishonest Con...

You omit the part in parenthesis where he states "or righties" clearly indicating that it's not you specifically, but people like you/your ilk.

If we can't be honest with each other then what's the point. Yes?
Thats why I said "or righties here" in parenthesis because I knew you would play the find my post game. There is no denying that in those two threads righties here activly defend and deflect language that is inexcusable.

you claimed I 'or other righties'... I asked for proof 'I' did so, as you claimed. You FAILED to provide said proof. I don't really care what others did right now, I am more concerned with what YOU claimed 'I' did.

So, either you didn't mean to include me, and did so by mistake, or you LIED about me without anything to back it up.

Which was it?

Hmmm maybe you should've asked for a link to YOUR post...but you didnt.

Except every time you (or righties here) see that rhetoric from a conservative you actively deflect and defend it. Which doesnt look good with your "everybody does it and needs to stop" speech.

example please? Link to the post. Thanks.

So, here we are...Are you saying the only way to prove that the right defends and deflects is to show where YOU do it? Examples of other righties doing it dont count? :lol:
Basically...and with such a level of dishonesty debate is rendered moot.
OMG!!!! Blacks support self reliance, hard work and less government?

WTF???????? Can't have these fuckers straying from the liberal plantation!!!!!


I know!!!!! Why do libs always throw a hissy when minorities say nyet to liberal programs that serve only to ensnare them in a lifetime of poverty?

I don't get it either.

Describing blacks as slaves on a plantation because they dont agree with you will not help bring blacks to your side. You catch more bees with honey...but your goal, it seems is to just smack the bee hive then cry about being stung

I know!!!!! Why do libs always throw a hissy when minorities say nyet to liberal programs that serve only to ensnare them in a lifetime of poverty?

I don't get it either.

Describing blacks as slaves on a plantation because they dont agree with you will not help bring blacks to your side. You catch more bees with honey...but your goal, it seems is to just smack the bee hive then cry about being stung

I guess irony and sarcasm is a waste of time with you...
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Why do progressives believe they own blacks, gays, Hispanics etc???

You a fucking slave owner bitch?

You think you can own people motherfucker?

Yeah maybe there are minorities who believe in individualism and civil rights - maybe they don't like to be treated as sheep and treated as "you people" as democrats continually treat them...

Maybe they want to be treated as an individual and not as a group?

It is amazing how anyone would want to be treated as a member of a group rather than an individual...

Progressives may as well paint big signs that read: "I'm a collectivist sheep so treat me like one - treat me like you and obey the masters."

Fucking retards...
Government is sort of like your ass hole.
You have to have it as it disposes of many different things discarded from many operational systems in your body.
It is your security blanket at times and relieves you of a lot of discomfort but when it grows unregulated it creates a lot of problems.
I know a lot of liberal Democrats that would stab a gay folk in the back in a second.
Gay folk are the modern day ******* to many and political party has nothing to do with it.
Can't speak for Republicans, but I'd guess these people have decided that the positives outweigh the negatives. Examples might be:

Perhaps these folks believe that government must be better limited than it is now, and that it is not the responsibility of a bunch of professional politicians the federal bureaucracy to take care of us. Perhaps they feel that making millions of Americans, generations of Americans, dependent on a government in the name of "compassion" is in fact the opposite of compassion. Perhaps they identify more with the Republicans on religious issues, which would also trump the role of the federal government. As an agnostic, I can only guess on that one.

In general, I'd guess that these people are looking more big picture - the overall role of the federal government and the general direction of the country - than in the smaller, more selfish items that the government can "give" them. This would require them to care more about the big picture than what they can "get". And perhaps they feel they can be a constructive influence within the party for some kind of moderation on some issues.

Guesses only. I'm not very good at the partisan bullcrap. I'd like to see their responses, but these seem to make sense.


I don't understand this rightwing constant "misreprentation" of the government.

Without government, we would be completely at the mercy of "vulture capitalism". Like deregulating Wall Street, moving the mortgage market to Wall Street and then Wall Street bringing down the economy by squeeze the insurance companies of every cent they can get for their housing scheme.

Republicans want us to hate government so they can squeeze every cent they can from the country. They want to get rid of the EPA so because doing business in a clean environment costs money. If they can get rid of the EPA, and health care, then it doesn't matter the number of new birth defects created. They got their money.

How Republicans can buy this swill is beyond me.

The Era of the Robber Barons was not called that for nothing.
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Why do progressives believe they own blacks, gays, Hispanics etc???

You a fucking slave owner bitch?

You think you can own people motherfucker?

Yeah maybe there are minorities who believe in individualism and civil rights - maybe they don't like to be treated as sheep and treated as "you people" as democrats continually treat them...

Maybe they want to be treated as an individual and not as a group?

It is amazing how anyone would want to be treated as a member of a group rather than an individual...

Progressives may as well paint big signs that read: "I'm a collectivist sheep so treat me like one - treat me like you and obey the masters."

Fucking retards...

It's that LBJ "Ill have them ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" mentality behind it
I know a lot of liberal Democrats that would stab a gay folk in the back in a second.
Gay folk are the modern day ******* to many and political party has nothing to do with it.

Progressives will stab anyone in the back who don't submit to their tyranny...

The OP is just more evidence of that...

It must be difficult to be black or gay and a non-progressive, because apparently progressives believe they own the minority individual and if the individual makes it clear they are not owned progressives will go into attack mode...

Progressives are greedy and selfish - even to the point of believing they own individuals.

Fuck power to the people - it's power to the individual...
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Why do progressives believe they own blacks, gays, Hispanics etc???

You a fucking slave owner bitch?

You think you can own people motherfucker?

Yeah maybe there are minorities who believe in individualism and civil rights - maybe they don't like to be treated as sheep and treated as "you people" as democrats continually treat them...

Maybe they want to be treated as an individual and not as a group?

It is amazing how anyone would want to be treated as a member of a group rather than an individual...

Progressives may as well paint big signs that read: "I'm a collectivist sheep so treat me like one - treat me like you and obey the masters."

Fucking retards...

It's that LBJ "Ill have them ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" mentality behind it

I am sure that is why all of the Democrats in the south switched to the Republican Party instead of LBJ signing into the Law the Civil Rights Act.
I have told and heard many a crude black joke and heard and told many a redneck joke.
Not saying it is right but I speak the truth.
I know a lot of liberal Democrats that would stab a gay folk in the back in a second.
Gay folk are the modern day ******* to many and political party has nothing to do with it.

Progressives will stab anyone in the back who don't submit to their tyranny...

The OP is just more evidence of that...

It must be difficult to be black or gay and a non-progressive, because apparently progressives believe they own the minority individual and if the individual makes it clear they are not owned progressives will go into attack mode...

Progressives are greedy and selfish - even to the point of believing they own individuals.

Fuck power to the people - it's power to the individual...

Oh come on Nick.
Both sides do it. Not everything is based on political ideology, especially prejudice and bigotry.
Even Rubio warned candidates against trashing the hispanics.

Food stamp president? What about Bush?

Santorum compares gays to "man on dog".

Newt wants to speak at the NAACP to "teach" those people "how to live and work".

The list is endless.

Add the Republicans desire to slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the rich and stop health care, it's these three groups that would suffer the most under a Republican administration.

Why do they make up 10% of the Republican Party? How can the number be that high?

One wonders.

Oh, and right wingers, before you indulge in an orgy of "name calling", at least try to prove I'm wrong. At least this once.

Why do progressives believe they own blacks, gays, Hispanics etc???

You a fucking slave owner bitch?

You think you can own people motherfucker?

Yeah maybe there are minorities who believe in individualism and civil rights - maybe they don't like to be treated as sheep and treated as "you people" as democrats continually treat them...

Maybe they want to be treated as an individual and not as a group?

It is amazing how anyone would want to be treated as a member of a group rather than an individual...

Progressives may as well paint big signs that read: "I'm a collectivist sheep so treat me like one - treat me like you and obey the masters."

Fucking retards...

It's that LBJ "Ill have them ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" mentality behind it

LBJ was probably one of the biggest racists of the past 50-60 years.

It's amazing how he is respected considering he was a racist tyrant...

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