Are republicans hopelessly stuck in the 80's because of their undying love of Reagan?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I mean it's bad enough republicans can't give specific reasons why anyone should be republican other than saying "they aren't democrats!", but Reagan is the only president they feel any sort of pride about. Are republicans stuck in the 80's? Why can't they give any contemporary reasons for voting republican?

Let's look at the facts:

Clinton's job growth was about as good as Reagan's, yet both Bushs' job growth is pathetic in comparison to Obama's.

The Iraq War was the worst political travesty of modern time. He also over saw the Great Recession. That's all Bush Jr will be known for.

Supply side economics has proven to be a fraudulent idea for the good of America as a whole.

Republicans are losing badly on the issue of gay marriage. What other progressive issues will follow?

Sure, republicans will claim the senate next month, but then what? It's not like there will be a republican president come 2016. I guarantee it. Seriously. What exactly are they going to do improve this country if their mindset is stuck in the 80's? The only reason they are even taking the senate is because the current democrats running are pussies (oh and gerrymandering). May I remind you of republican disapproval ratings? They are at 75%! Is that all the have to show for? Being chosen over shitty democratic candidates? It certainly won't be for specific policies.

Polls show Americans favor democratic policies:

1) Background checks on gun ownership
2) Raising the minimum wage
3) Gay marriage
4) Extending unemployment benefits.
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Morning in America Video - Ronald Reagan -

If this doesn't answer your question you shouldn't be here.

The Democrat's promises of

1) Background checks on gun ownership
2) Raising the minimum wage
3) Gay marriage
4) Extending unemployment benefits.

Ain't shit compared to this.

Morning in America:
How Ronald Reagan Invented the 1980's
Gil Troy

Paperback | 2007 | $39.95 / £27.95 | ISBN: 9780691130606
448 pp. | 6 x 9 | 16 halftones.

eBook | ISBN: 9781400849307 |
Our eBook editions are available from these online vendors


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Did America's fortieth president lead a conservative counterrevolution that left liberalism gasping for air? The answer, for both his admirers and his detractors, is often "yes." In [I]Morning in America[/I], Gil Troy argues that the Great Communicator was also the Great Conciliator. His pioneering and lively reassessment of Ronald Reagan's legacy takes us through the 1980s in ten year-by-year chapters, integrating the story of the Reagan presidency with stories of the decade's cultural icons and watershed moments-from personalities to popular television shows.

One such watershed moment was the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. With the trauma of Vietnam fading, the triumph of America's 1983 invasion of tiny Grenada still fresh, and a reviving economy, Americans geared up for a festival of international harmony that-spurred on by an entertainment-focused news media, corporate sponsors, and the President himself-became a celebration of the good old U.S.A. At the Games' opening, Reagan presided over a thousand-voice choir, a 750-member marching band, and a 90,000-strong teary-eyed audience singing "America the Beautiful!" while waving thousands of flags.

Reagan emerges more as happy warrior than angry ideologue, as a big-picture man better at setting America's mood than implementing his program. With a vigorous Democratic opposition, Reagan's own affability, and other limiting factors, the eighties were less counterrevolutionary than many believe. Many sixties' innovations went mainstream, from civil rights to feminism. Reagan fostered a political culture centered on individualism and consumption-finding common ground between the right and the left.

Written with verve, [I]Morning in America[/I] is both a major new look at one of America's most influential modern-day presidents and the definitive story of a decade that continues to shape our times.


"A lively, sprawling work that sees Reagan's reflection in everything from '80s TV shows such as Dynasty to the rejection of 'New Coke' by consumers to the creation of [I]CNN[/I] and [I]USA TODAY[/I]. . . . He may have disregarded the rise of AIDS and seemed clueless about the rise in homelessness during his watch, but he also helped create 'an Era of Good Feelings' that left most Americans feeling better about themselves and their country."--[B]Susan Page, [I]USA TODAY[/I][/B]
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The Reagan legacy for republicans is one of conservative perfection and they don't even care that it's a fabrication. The guy skillfully invoked god and patriotism, it was his only talent, and went on spending sprees and tax hikes Obama could only dream of.
Well, you have to remember how desperate Republicans are to find a President they can be proud of.

Ike was too liberal.
Nixon Got impeached
Ford was a boob
Poppy Bush was a one-term loser
Dubya Bush fucked up, everything.

That just leaves them with Reagan, who if you ignore the fact he gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals, tripled the national debt, wasted billions on weapon systems that didn't work or we didn't need, appointed moderates to the courts, and sold weapons to terrorists, really didn't have everything turn into a shit sandwich on his watch.
Well, you have to remember how desperate Republicans are to find a President they can be proud of.

Ike was too liberal.
Nixon Got impeached
Ford was a boob
Poppy Bush was a one-term loser
Dubya Bush fucked up, everything.

That just leaves them with Reagan, who if you ignore the fact he gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals, tripled the national debt, wasted billions on weapon systems that didn't work or we didn't need, appointed moderates to the courts, and sold weapons to terrorists, really didn't have everything turn into a shit sandwich on his watch.
Yes, the only people following a political messiah are republicans, continually hoping for the second coming in this sorry lot of dolts they follow these days.
Yes, the only people following a political messiah are republicans, continually hoping for the second coming in this sorry lot of dolts they follow these days.
There are a lot following obama as a messiah now so that's wrong. I'm not registered as a Republican but history has been kind to Ronald, a far cry from the vitriol and hate from the time period. The libs did their best to destroy him and it didn't work. Tough shit.

The liberal counterpart in the White House is a smarmy, condescending asshole. The polar opposite of who Reagan was. History will not be kind to obama, his administration sucks and the fluffing won't stand the test of time.
The GOP MUST point to Reagan and exaggerate his effectiveness out of political necessity.

The reason is because he's the only Republican president that has left office on a positive note since Eisenhower.

Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: short presidency of little note, obscured by Watergate fallout.
Bush 1: one term and a soft landing recession at the end.
Bush 2: economic crisis.

Without Reagan's inflated worship, the GOP has to go back to over 50 years to find a successful ending to an administration.

Reagan did some things right.

All that increased deficit spending on defense, which was his version of a stimulus.
Being in the right spot for a resurgence of American nationalism ala' post 60's revolution.
Claiming credit for the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.
The GOP MUST point to Reagan and exaggerate his effectiveness out of political necessity.

The reason is because he's the only Republican president that has left office on a positive note since Eisenhower.

Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: short presidency of little note, obscured by Watergate fallout.
Bush 1: one term and a soft landing recession at the end.
Bush 2: economic crisis.

Without Reagan's inflated worship, the GOP has to go back to over 50 years to find a successful ending to an administration.

Reagan did some things right.

All that increased deficit spending on defense, which was his version of a stimulus.
Being in the right spot for a resurgence of American nationalism ala' post 60's revolution.
Claiming credit for the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.

But so many, many more things wrong. 25,000 Americans died before St. Ronnie even said the word "AIDS". It's ironic that the party that worships him are going over the top freakout over one guy that died of Ebola.
The GOP MUST point to Reagan and exaggerate his effectiveness out of political necessity.

Claiming credit for the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.
Inevitable due to Reagan. Sorry it rubs you wrong. Clinton was blessed with Republicans holding his feet to the fire and it's obama's best hope. Bush was too liberal and let liberals open the pocketbook too freely.
But so many, many more things wrong. 25,000 Americans died before St. Ronnie even said the word "AIDS".
Reagan is responsible for all the faggots getting and spreading AIDS indiscriminately, as if they took marching orders from the White House? Wow, you are way out there. Can you support the comment though? Just curious, I'm not expecting anything lucid.
The media was pretty hard on Reagan while he was in office.

History has shown him to be a pretty good president.

Even Chris Matthews admired his abilities.

As did David Gergen.

He certainly wasn't perfect.

But he provided the nation with a backbone and some direction.

That we chose to screw it up isn't his fault.

It's pricks like Billy that can't seem to get past the fact that it isn't Reagan, it is conservative principles that are so enduring.
Republicans pretend that the Iran-Contra never happened.

They pretend that Reagan didn't support gun control.

They pretend that Reagan caused the collapse of the Soviet Union with a speech.

They pretend that Reagan didn't preside over 8 government shutdowns.

They pretend that Reagan didn't extend the national debt.

I could go on about the things they would demand Obama's impeachment over....
The GOP MUST point to Reagan and exaggerate his effectiveness out of political necessity.

The reason is because he's the only Republican president that has left office on a positive note since Eisenhower.

Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: short presidency of little note, obscured by Watergate fallout.
Bush 1: one term and a soft landing recession at the end.
Bush 2: economic crisis.

Without Reagan's inflated worship, the GOP has to go back to over 50 years to find a successful ending to an administration.

Reagan did some things right.

All that increased deficit spending on defense, which was his version of a stimulus.
Being in the right spot for a resurgence of American nationalism ala' post 60's revolution.
Claiming credit for the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.

But so many, many more things wrong. 25,000 Americans died before St. Ronnie even said the word "AIDS". It's ironic that the party that worships him are going over the top freakout over one guy that died of Ebola.

Unless you were alive then, you have nothing to talk about.

It was great living in an area outside of San Fan where people were worried that mosquitos could give you aids.
Republicans pretend that the Iran-Contra never happened.

They pretend that Reagan didn't support gun control.

They pretend that Reagan caused the collapse of the Soviet Union with a speech.

They pretend that Reagan didn't preside over 8 government shutdowns.

They pretend that Reagan didn't extend the national debt.

I could go on about the things they would demand Obama's impeachment over....

Don't pretend at all......

You assertions are bull.
The GOP MUST point to Reagan and exaggerate his effectiveness out of political necessity.

Claiming credit for the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.
Inevitable due to Reagan. Sorry it rubs you wrong. Clinton was blessed with Republicans holding his feet to the fire and it's obama's best hope. Bush was too liberal and let liberals open the pocketbook too freely.
You wish.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was due to the farming system not efficiently producing enough food, and their mishandling of oil resources. Both of which started before Reagan was done being governor of California.'ve bought the GOP rebranding effort, hook, line, and sinker. When the Bush administration ended in disaster. Rove and Co. hijacked Ron Paul's anti TARP movement to give Republicans a place to hide, till they could saddle Obama with the blame for everything. Bush was not a liberal, he is a Republican you most likely voted for.
Republicans pretend that the Iran-Contra never happened.

They pretend that Reagan didn't support gun control.

They pretend that Reagan caused the collapse of the Soviet Union with a speech.

They pretend that Reagan didn't preside over 8 government shutdowns.

They pretend that Reagan didn't extend the national debt.

I could go on about the things they would demand Obama's impeachment over....

Don't pretend at all......

You assertions are bull.

Everything I stated is a fact. Name one that is bull, and explain how.
The GOP MUST point to Reagan and exaggerate his effectiveness out of political necessity.

The reason is because he's the only Republican president that has left office on a positive note since Eisenhower.

Nixon: resigned in disgrace
Ford: short presidency of little note, obscured by Watergate fallout.
Bush 1: one term and a soft landing recession at the end.
Bush 2: economic crisis.

Without Reagan's inflated worship, the GOP has to go back to over 50 years to find a successful ending to an administration.

Reagan did some things right.

All that increased deficit spending on defense, which was his version of a stimulus.
Being in the right spot for a resurgence of American nationalism ala' post 60's revolution.
Claiming credit for the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.

But so many, many more things wrong. 25,000 Americans died before St. Ronnie even said the word "AIDS". It's ironic that the party that worships him are going over the top freakout over one guy that died of Ebola.
give it a few more years of you blacks screwing and :suck: each other and it will be far worse given the same time period. :up:

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