Are repubs just making the stupid assumption there will be an economic benefit to ending DACA?

I don’t care if you give a fuck about them. None of you are actual adults anyway. You’re also not in charge of their fate so your bigotry is shouid be treated as the juvenile 8th grader bullshit that it is.
First off, fuck your "bigotry" claim. DACA kids are not of one particular race or national origin, so shove that up your ass.

The "adults" are usually the ones who pay for everything while the kids sit back and enjoy life, so....who are the adults again?

If you understood how job markets work, you would be demanding that we round up each and every last illegal (DACA or otherwise) and ship them the fuck out.

You want a minimum wage, but have willfully put people in power who are bound and determined to continue allowing a flood of illegals to drive wages down to their current levels.

You don't give a fuck about how this job market has harmed Americans.

Who are the adults again?

As long as you get your way, you're okay with whatever happens, because somebody else (the adults) will pick up the slack. Those who want illegal immigration to continue, are like children who want to eat nothing but candy and to stay up late playing video games, because they have not gained enough experience and matured enough to understand and appreciate the consequences of irresponsible behavior.

That's why we, the adults, need to make the decisions.

Like making the children eat dinner and go to bed at a reasonable hour, we need to take the decision out of the hands of the irresponsible and do something now.

Children will whine and cry about heartless bigotry and engage other such Alinskian nonsense, but we, the adults know the cold hard reality of the situation.

If this is a human catastrophe, creating a need for people to flee their country and come here, the FIRST thing we should do is address the CAUSE of the catastrophe, starting with the country that has the largest number of "refugees" crossing our borders.

Mexico is a country that has caused, or failed to address, serious human suffering within its borders.

Mexico has now lost the right to sovereignty.

Mexico should be destroyed.
First off, fuck your "bigotry" claim. DACA kids are not of one particular race or national origin, so shove that up your ass.

The vast majority of DACA children are Hispanic and I've heard plenty of conservatives express fears over the "browning" of America and the fact that white people are comprising less and less of the population with each passing year.
he vast majority of DACA children are Hispanic and I've heard plenty of conservatives express fears over the "browning" of America and the fact that white people are comprising less and less of the population with each passing year.
So, if they were a bunch of white people....say from Ireland, all would be good? No complaints?
End all such programs. Our Immigration System is broken. It's only serving non-citizen interests at this point. And that's unacceptable. Our System should only exist to serve American Citizen interests. Something's very wrong.

Illegal Immigration is out of control, and 'legal immigration' isn't currently serving American Citizens' best interests. If it were up to me, i would suspend all immigration until we got a handle on it. This chaos can't continue. It can't be sustained.
he vast majority of DACA children are Hispanic and I've heard plenty of conservatives express fears over the "browning" of America and the fact that white people are comprising less and less of the population with each passing year.
So, if they were a bunch of white people....say from Ireland, all would be good? No complaints?

I don't think nearly as many people would care
I don't think nearly as many people would care
Well, they certainly did care in the past, especially with the mass migration of Irish to America.

It's not a race thing, even though the left desperately WANTS it to be so. It's a job market and wage depression issue, just like it was when all the Irish came here.

It's also a resources and welfare-raping issue now.
These people pay taxes and contribute to the economy by being consumers. Deporting these people accomplishes nothing besides ruining their lives. That’s how childish republicans are. Their entitled selfish bigotry has no limit.

So what's your point? Anybody who comes here and contributes to our economy should be allowed to stay? The world population is about 7.5 billion people. How many billions do you want to join this country?
Dreamers should be able to stay here because it’s fair and humane given their situation. Because they contribute to society like any other person with a job, it’s fair to give them protections as illegal immigrants.
So when are you going back home?
Why is the left not interested in addressing the source of the problem?

People are suffering in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, and other places.

Why have those governments FAILED to address the real issues?

Because we have gladly done it for them?

Because the ruling class in those shitholes has deprived all the benefits of rule and taken none of the responsibility?

Those in power in every nation, with a substantial number of illegal immigrants fleeing and coming here, should be immediately removed, preferably by force.

THAT is the most humane and benevolent thing America can do for these poor people.
For most on the right their unwarranted hostility toward DACA participants has nothing to do with economic or legal concerns, it has to do with their ignorance, bigotry, hate, and fear of change and diversity.
Are repubs just making the stupid assumption there will be an economic benefit to ending DACA?
Not a republican, but I will answer with a question.

Are you making the stupid assumption that any of us should give a rat fuck?

Kick those faggots out.
I don’t care if you give a fuck about them. None of you are actual adults anyway. You’re also not in charge of their fate so your bigotry is shouid be treated as the juvenile 8th grader bullshit that it is.

You’re also not in charge of their fate”
Hmmm, actually we kind of are...see, you know that old document you hate so much...the one that reads “We The People”.....that pesky damn thing was written for the citizens of this nation by the the citizens of this nation....Sucks huh?
lol you doofus. This is one of many political issues that isn’t being decided by a democratic process. Are you really this stupid?
Since i pay taxes and contribute can i come squat in your living room?
Kicking me out won't benefit you economically since I'll buy my own food.
Are repubs just making the stupid assumption there will be an economic benefit to ending DACA?
Not a republican, but I will answer with a question.

Are you making the stupid assumption that any of us should give a rat fuck?

Kick those faggots out.
I don’t care if you give a fuck about them. None of you are actual adults anyway. You’re also not in charge of their fate so your bigotry is shouid be treated as the juvenile 8th grader bullshit that it is.

You’re also not in charge of their fate”
Hmmm, actually we kind of are...see, you know that old document you hate so much...the one that reads “We The People”.....that pesky damn thing was written for the citizens of this nation by the the citizens of this nation....Sucks huh?
lol you doofus. This is one of many political issues that isn’t being decided by a democratic process. Are you really this stupid?

It flew over your head didn't it?
You see, whatever it is that congress comes up with for the DACA nightmares will have to follow Constitutional know this...right?
For most on the right their unwarranted hostility toward DACA participants has nothing to do with economic or legal concerns, it has to do with their ignorance, bigotry, hate, and fear of change and diversity.

Bullshit it has everything to do with illegals, I could care less about legal immigrants..
These people pay taxes and contribute to the economy by being consumers. Deporting these people accomplishes nothing besides ruining their lives. That’s how childish republicans are. Their entitled selfish bigotry has no limit.
What is stupid is talking about DACA as if it were a stand alone issue. It is part of the Democrats overall strategy for undermining America's merit based immigration laws, which, btw, the Democrats created in the 1960's when the controlled the WH and both houses of Congress, by opposing the deportation of any illegals who have not been convicted of serious crimes and by opposing any measure to stop the flow of illegals into the US.

By opposing deportations, the Democrats are sending a message to the 600,000,000 people living south of the border that if they can enter the US illegally, the Democrats will not only do everything they can to prevent them from being deported, but they will strive to make them de facto citizens, in contravention of US laws the Democrats passed back when the Party still had a national agenda. Not only have the Democrats offered this invitation to the hundreds of millions south of the border to come and break America's immigration laws, but they have passionately opposed any measure to tighten the border. In his first year in office, President Trump's tough words and actions about illegal immigration have reduced the number of illegals entering the US by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office, and he has accomplished this despite the Democrats' passionate opposition to every step he took.

All this said, President Trump believe the DACA people are a special case and has expressed his willingness to allow them to stay on a case by case basis, but recognizing this would be an invitation to others to try to enter the US illegally, he is demanding measures to make it more difficult to cross the border illegally, including the border wall, but the Democrats refuse to consider any measures that will support US immigration laws. The DACA people are in danger of being deported because the Democrats are more interested in confronting President Trump than in serving their own constituencies.
For most on the right their unwarranted hostility toward DACA participants has nothing to do with economic or legal concerns, it has to do with their ignorance, bigotry, hate, and fear of change and diversity.

Anybody or any issue the left disagrees with has to do with hate and bigotry. It's how you've been trained to think.
First off, fuck your "bigotry" claim. DACA kids are not of one particular race or national origin, so shove that up your ass.

The vast majority of DACA children are Hispanic and I've heard plenty of conservatives express fears over the "browning" of America and the fact that white people are comprising less and less of the population with each passing year.

If they were white people who were forcing us to become a bilingual nation, I would object to them coming here as well.
Are repubs just making the stupid assumption there will be an economic benefit to ending DACA?
Not a republican, but I will answer with a question.

Are you making the stupid assumption that any of us should give a rat fuck?

Kick those faggots out.
I don’t care if you give a fuck about them. None of you are actual adults anyway. You’re also not in charge of their fate so your bigotry is shouid be treated as the juvenile 8th grader bullshit that it is.

As long as we vote and pay taxes, we are in charge of their fate. That's why we elected Trump.

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