Are the atrocities in Israel, now Ireland going to actually change European immigration policies?

Who was an Irish citizen and lived in Ireland for 20 years, apparently without incident.

This actually SOUNDS like a case of mental illness. But you do go on about how the mean immigrants are out to get you!
No one gives a shit about his Irish citizenship. He isn’t a real Irishman and is likely a Muslim lunatic. All Muslims have a mental illness, it’s called Islam. Just like how most Dems are mentally ill with woke liberalism.
Hopefully. They are already saying they won’t let Geert form a government, because you know, he’s a “threat to democracy!” So even though he and his party won bigly, they will still try to deny the will of the people.

Euro parliamentary system is garbage.

If he doesn't have a majority in parliament, he can't form a government.

He won 37 seats out of 150. That's only about a quarter of the seats.
No one gives a shit about his Irish citizenship. He isn’t a real Irishman and is likely a Muslim lunatic. All Muslims have a mental illness, it’s called Islam. Just like how most Dems are mentally ill with woke liberalism.

Um, yeah, it kind of makes a difference.

There are one billion Muslims, most of them aren't murdering anyone.

Why do you Trump supporters always come off like unhinged loons?
It's too late for Europe.

They will breed their way to numerical superiority just like they did in Lebanon, and as their numbers increase, so will their harassment of the indigenous populations that will be so severe as to cause increasing numbers of natives to flee.

The problem will then become "where will they flee TO."
It's too late for Europe.

They will breed their way to numerical superiority just like they did in Lebanon, and as their numbers increase, so will their harassment of the indigenous populations that will be so severe as to cause increasing numbers of natives to flee.

The problem will then become "where will they flee TO."

Europe has a higher standard of living and less crime than we do. So, Ironically, do some Islamic Countries...

Gay people don't care...Pro-abortion don't care...but people with children CARE to the max. Start with any incident putting children at risk and if there are govt-sponsored unvetted motley groups of immigrants around, there will killing and rioting. Put kids in danger to show how pro-immigrant you are and it is all over. I will sit back and let events prove me right. The gay IRish PM could give a sht but families will not put up with this. They will change the govt or overthrow it. Let's see if I'm right.
I have to say I do not think anything serious will change in the immigration policies of Europe, even after the Oct. 7 atrocities by hamas, and now the latest in Ireland. True, the Netherlands just gave more power to an anti-immigration party, but it may be just too late to implement any meaningful change to keep 3rd world, anti-western immigrants out of Europe.......

Well, when you piss off even the passive Dutch, you're on your way out. Good riddance, and may you choke on eating camel shit till you die after getting deported..
Europe has a higher standard of living and less crime than we do. So, Ironically, do some Islamic Countries...

View attachment 863298
False of course as any statistician can see.
As the book EUROTRASH showed this whole approach is based on skewing what "quality of life" means, what prosperity means etc

"By every economic and societal measure, the United States is more tolerant than Europe. It is more welcoming of immigrants, but also far more successful at assimilating them. Minorities do far better in United States. Our economy is dominant. Only one European company appears in top 10 corporate powerhouses in the world and only seven in the top 50. Americans make up nearly half of the list.

Americans are far more charitable and happier than Europeans. Our slightly lower life expectancy and our slightly higher infant mortality rate are not a result of substandard care, but a statistical misunderstanding based on the fact we treat every life as one worth saving."


Sweden increasingly a focus for Islamic extremists, security police say​

February 8, 2023 --- 15th on your list, you can have it :)
False of course as any statistician can see.
As the book EUROTRASH showed this whole approach is based on skewing what "quality of life" means, what prosperity means etc

I wouldn't trust a book with a title like "Eurotrash" to bash Europe any more than I would trust one titled "Trailer Trash" to bash Red State America. The difference I can find statistics to show quality of life is lower in the Red states than the blue ones.

"By every economic and societal measure, the United States is more tolerant than Europe. It is more welcoming of immigrants, but also far more successful at assimilating them. Minorities do far better in United States. Our economy is dominant. Only one European company appears in top 10 corporate powerhouses in the world and only seven in the top 50. Americans make up nearly half of the list.

Somehow, I don't take much pride in that America has more of the soulless corporations that are raping the planet and the working class than Europe does. Stop thinking like a slave.... his castle doesn't make you stronger.

Americans are far more charitable and happier than Europeans. Our slightly lower life expectancy and our slightly higher infant mortality rate are not a result of substandard care, but a statistical misunderstanding based on the fact we treat every life as one worth saving."

Actually, no, the reason why we have higher infant mortality rates and lower life expectancies is that not everyone has access to health care. Because we treat it like a commodity to be bought and sold instead of a government service.

Same thing with Charities. The Europeans take care of their people. Even the immigrants. We go out of our way to not take care of people.
Gay people don't care...Pro-abortion don't care...but people with children CARE to the max. Start with any incident putting children at risk and if there are govt-sponsored unvetted motley groups of immigrants around, there will killing and rioting. Put kids in danger to show how pro-immigrant you are and it is all over. I will sit back and let events prove me right. The gay IRish PM could give a sht but families will not put up with this. They will change the govt or overthrow it. Let's see if I'm right.

One crazy person stabbing some kids is a tragedy, but it's not a national crisis.

We have two mass shootings every day, and we don't treat that like the crisis it is.
Look at this useless vermin. We are going to need another mustache man.
Look at this useless vermin. We are going to need another mustache man.

Obviously it wasn't a normal day, because they felt the need to record it.

The guy looked like he was mentally ill and this was a social welfare office. Context is everything.
Obviously it wasn't a normal day, because they felt the need to record it.

The guy looked like he was mentally ill and this was a social welfare office. Context is everything.
Wrong. Keep making excuses for flooding white countries with criminal retards you racist.

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