Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

What Jesus said is true...Lots of false prophets around these days.
True. Jesus did prophesy that there would be false prophets upon the earth in the last days. But this doesn't preclude God from also having true prophets upon the earth.
True. Jesus did prophesy that there would be false prophets upon the earth in the last days. But this doesn't preclude God from also having true prophets upon the earth.
Jesus was the fulfillment of everything. The last prophet, priest and king. The Bible is complete. Jesus said nothing would destroy his church.
Jesus was the fulfillment of everything. The last prophet, priest and king. The Bible is complete. Jesus said nothing would destroy his church.

Nowhere does it teach that Jesus was the last prophet to ever come to earth. Paul taught the following about the true church of Jesus Christ:

Ephesians 4:11-14
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Here we read that in the true church of Christ we should always find apostles and prophets, etc. for the perfecting of the saints until we all come to a unity of the faith and a knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. I don't think we have all come to that unity of faith and we have not come unto the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ. So, we should expect to see in the true church of Jesus Christ prophets and apostles until we come to that day. By this you can know if you are in the true church of Christ. If your church has no apostles or prophets, its a pretty safe bet that you are not in the true church.
Nowhere does it teach that Jesus was the last prophet to ever come to earth. Paul taught the following about the true church of Jesus Christ:

Ephesians 4:11-14
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Here we read that in the true church of Christ we should always find apostles and prophets, etc. for the perfecting of the saints until we all come to a unity of the faith and a knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. I don't think we have all come to that unity of faith and we have not come unto the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ. So, we should expect to see in the true church of Jesus Christ prophets and apostles until we come to that day. By this you can know if you are in the true church of Christ. If your church has no apostles or prophets, its a pretty safe bet that you are not in the true church.
Agabus was a prophet in the New Testament after Jesus Christ!
This verse shows that Peter was a true prophet who received revelation from the Father and thus true prophets are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. It is built upon the rock of revelation and upon this rock Jesus built his church. The gates of Hell can never prevail against the revelations of God.
The context of the statement "........and the gates of Hades.....not Hell can never prevail against the TRUTH that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of prophecy and the only begotten of the per the actual context and subject matter of Matthew 16.

The ROCK described in Matthew 16 is the truth as delivered by Peter, "thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God." -- Matt. 16:16, Jesus then answers Peter's confession, "Blessed are you Simon Barjona (meaning the son of Jona), for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee, but My Father which art in heaven (what was revealed to Peter? Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God).........and the gates of "HADES" (the realm of the dead -- Luke 16, Rev. 20:13) shall not prevail against IT (IT?....what is IT? The truth spoken by Peter, that Jesus is the true Messiah of prophecy and shall defeat death.....) the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD TRANSLATION. Jesus Christ was the first to defeat death (Romans 5:17-18).......from Adam until Jesus there was no remedy for sin.

The American Standard and other verbatim translates .. replaces Hell (in Matthew 16) with Hades (Hell is the place reserved for Satan and His followers (Rev. 20)....based upon the fact that Jesus while in the Tomb via the Holy Spirit went to the realm of the dead in order to apply His grace to those who died before His physical birth (1 Peter 3:18-20), the only ones saved prior to Jesus' visit to Hades where the 8 of Noah........the blood of Jesus flows backwards as well as forward......and those who died before Jesus Christ (God incarnate) came to earth had no remedy for the forgiveness of sin, as the Law and Prophets merely carried sin over from one year to the next.......with no permanent remedy for sin. Jesus took the sin of the world upon Himself (2 Cor. 5:21). Those residing in Hades and Living at the time of Jesus' return and Judgment will be judged by THE BOOKS (Scripture and the Book of Life)........their lives will be compared to the revealed teaching of God found in the Holy Scriptures. (Rev. 20:12).........those remaining in Hades (those judged unfit for salvation will be cast into the Hell that is reserved for Satan and his disciples..........a lake of fire. Much different from Hades the resting place of the dead.

Hades is the resting place of the deceased.....both good and evil, where their immoral souls await the final judgment (Luke 16, and Rev. 20:13) Hades will not release its dead until the final judgment.
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The squirrel who went bezerk in the First Self-righteous Church of Pascagoula. Everything happened exactly as the squirrel said it would happen. Very Old Testament for the most part until he called on the name of Jesus.
Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking.
Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage,
and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people,
that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great ,
use it for these sacred purposes.".

Courage and Strength - The beginning of Prophecy (a)

Holy community, dear family we won't be talking long. We have to touch the essence,
as things are clarified by Rambam in the 'Guide for the Preplexed', 2nd part ch. 45.

Rambam discusses the levels of prophecy, beside the prophecy of Mosheh, there are 11 levels
of prophecy according to Rambam - and he discusses which is the first one, we'll deal only with the first one.

The first degree of prophecy consists in the divine assistance which is given to a person, and induces and encourages him to do something good and grand, e.g., to deliver a congregation of good men from the hands of evildoers; to save one noble person, or to bring happiness to a large number of people; he finds in himself the cause that moves and urges him to this deed.

This degree of divine influence is called “the spirit of the Lord”; and of the person who is under that influence we say that the spirit of the Lord came upon him, clothed him, or rested upon him, or the Lord was with him, and the like. All the judges of Israel possessed this degree, for the following general statement is made concerning them:—“The Lord raised up judges for them; and the Lord was with the judge, and he saved them” (Judges 2:18). Also all the noble chiefs of Israel belonged to this class. The same is distinctly stated concerning some of the judges and the kings:—“The spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah” (ibid. 11:29); of Samson it is said, “The spirit of the Lord came upon him” (ibid. 14:19); “And the spirit of the Lord came upon Saul when he heard those words” (1 Sam. 11:6). When Amasa was moved by the holy spirit to assist David, “A spirit clothed Amasa, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, David,” etc.(1 Chron. 12:18).

This faculty was always possessed by Moses from the time he had attained the age of manhood: it moved him to slay the Egyptian, and to prevent evil from the two men that quarrelled; it was so strong that, after he had fled from Egypt out of fear, and arrived in Midian, a trembling stranger, he could not restrain himself from interfering when he saw wrong being done; he could not bear it. Comp. “And Moses rose and saved them” (Exod. 2:17). David likewise was filled with this spirit, when he was anointed with the oil of anointing. Comp. “And the spirit of God came upon David from that day and upward” (1 Sam. 16:13). He thus conquered the lion and the bear and the Philistine, and accomplished similar tasks, by this very spirit.

This faculty did not cause any of the above-named persons to speak on a certain subject,
for it only aims at encouraging the person who possesses it to action;" - Guide for the Perplexed, Part 2 45:4

This is the spirit of HaShem, when we see mighty heroes rising to rescue, we know this is the beginning of the degree of prophecy. And we're in a very unique age, the nation of Israel returns to the land, the nation of Israel becomes the majority of the Jewish people in its land - we're going towards the renewal of prophecy.


Profit is evol.
Why? Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. And, I have no idea why you are responding to this post with this butthead of a remark? Do explain your evil pathetic self? There are other responses you could have made.
Why? Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. And, I have no idea why you are responding to this post with this butthead of a remark? Do explain your evil pathetic self? There are other responses you could have made.
Just having some "pun" fun. Sue me.
I only know what God tells me as He tells me what I need to know and when I need to know it. I don't just go around doing it whenever I feel like it.

So, what does all of this mean exactly?

Prophets weren't fortune tellers. They were observant.... They were the conscience of the community. They were also devout.

They were not clairvoyant.. Most prophesy was written after the fact.
Prophets weren't fortune tellers. They were observant.... They were the conscience of the community. They were also devout.

They were not clairvoyant.. Most prophesy was written after the fact.
Were you there to witness this? No. So, since the Holy Ghost has witnessed to me that prophets also are sometimes shown the future in order for God’s children have a fair opportunity to be judged righteously and it surprised at the judgment seat. It’s not about being clairvoyant. It’s about us being faithful with God and know all that he gives us. Including warnings today, yesterday and in the future.
Were you there to witness this? No. So, since the Holy Ghost has witnessed to me that prophets also are sometimes shown the future in order for God’s children have a fair opportunity to be judged righteously and it surprised at the judgment seat. It’s not about being clairvoyant. It’s about us being faithful with God and know all that he gives us. Including warnings today, yesterday and in the future.

The Holy ghost has witnessed to you?
Prophets weren't fortune tellers. They were observant.... They were the conscience of the community. They were also devout.

They were not clairvoyant.. Most prophesy was written after the fact.
He/she who laughs first will laugh last. Your heart and mind are closed to God. Like most Christian’s, you believe the heavens are closed and are left alone and on your own. No righteous Father or Mother would do that.
There are no "modern prophets". Either the Holy Scriptures are correct or the supposed "modern day prophets are correct. Today, God does not speak to the kingdom/church through prophets but rather God speaks through the words delivered by His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus. "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, has in these "last days" spoken to us by His Son, whom He (God) has appointed heir of all things, through whom He also made the worlds." -- Hebrews 1:1-2. (The last days of mankind began on the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus prophesied by the prophet Joel -- Act2:16-17)

God used to speak through God speaks through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is "THE WORD". "And he Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." -- John 1:14

Either the Holy Spirit of Truth is correct or the fake modern day prophets are correct........THE WORD declares itself as "Gods Breath":deal: (Koine Greek Alphabet for inspired), "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17.

Either the word of God makes man whole/complete or the fake modern days prophets are required for mankind to be complete. Are the Holy Scriptures lying when they declare that the Words spoken by Jesus Christ and recorded in scripture provide everything that "pertains to life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3).........or do we need con artists such as Joseph Smith and Mohammad to direct our lives in the pretension they speak for God? :dunno:

Are the scriptures lying again when they declare that, We, as Christians should contend earnestly for the faith delivered ONCE FOR ALL by the saints of the 1st century? (Jude 1:3)

Are the scriptures lying when they declare that once the kingdom/church has been delivered the "perfect will of God" .....when the infant church grows to maturity, the need for prophets would cease and fail to be true? (1 Cor. 13:8-10)

The scriptures provide a method to expose these con artists with their false doctrines. "Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world." -- 1 John 4:1. We are to "search the scriptures" and compare that which they speak with the actual content of the Word of God. (Acts 17:11)


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