Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Of course, there was nothing figurative or allegorical about the Bible myths about this.

It was meant quite literally.
You don't know what you are talking about, professor.

"Till now I have been using figures of speech." John 16:25. This was said after all that crazy talk about coming down from heaven, raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, eat my flesh etc, etc
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And he is the king of it, by his own claim. And he made sure everyone knew his kingdom was more important than any earthly kingdom.

So really, his claim was even loftier than simply claiming to be a king.

Okay. I don't know how they responded to a spiritual kingdom.

Most here on USMB expect a real brick and mortar kingdom in the future.
Most here on USMB expect a real brick and mortar kingdom in the future.
Jesus said to the Pharisees, "tax gatherers and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of Heaven ahead of you." which, like you said, means that it was already here, accessible, way back when.
You don't know what you are talking about, professor.

"Till now I have been using figures of speech." John 16:25. This was said after all that crazy talk about coming down from heaven, raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, eat my flesh etc, etc
Nah, that was literal as well. Blame the authors of the myths for the inconsistencies.

Like Hal Lindsey... False prophets can make a lot of money.

Cyrus Schofield was paid handsomely to write his Bible and futurism.. and founded the Dallas theological seminary and Moody Institute.
Neither one of them are prophets called by God. Is that clear enough for you? The only Prophets and Apostles that have been on the earth since John the Revelator, called by the Godhead directly, are the Prophet Joseph Smith and those called through him and through the present. That’s it. Is that clear enough for you.
Neither one of them are prophets called by God. Is that clear enough for you? The only Prophets and Apostles that have been on the earth since John the Revelator, called by the Godhead directly, are the Prophet Joseph Smith and those called through him and through the present. That’s it. Is that clear enough for you.

Anyone can claim to be called by God.
Prophets weren't fortune tellers. They were observant.... They were the conscience of the community. They were also devout.

They were not clairvoyant.. Most prophesy was written after the fact.

Observant, "not fortune tellers" in following a law?
Sounds like the Westernized Muslim salad of words
to appear smart in university Dawhah in front of
goofy drunk teenagers.

Why does Islam oppose the return of prophecy?

And don't give me your bit about some caricature priests.
Observant, "not fortune tellers" in following a law?
Sounds like the Westernized Muslim salad of words
to appear smart in university Dawhah in front of
goofy drunk teenagers.

Why does Islam oppose the return of prophecy?

And don't give me your bit about some caricature priests.

What are you talking about? Who said anything about Islam.

Prophets weren't fortune tellers or clairvoyants. Most prophecy was written after the fact, but a keen observer would have some insights about probable consequences.

It's not mumbojumbo.
What are you talking about? Who said anything about Islam.

Prophets weren't fortune tellers or clairvoyants. Most prophecy was written after the fact, but a keen observer would have some insights about probable consequences.

It's not mumbojumbo.

Islam titles an illiterate as "the seal of prophecy"...

That essentially denigrates the whole concept,
suggesting illiteracy is compatible with any
degree of prophecy, let alone its "seal".

Neither leaves much hope or
options for humanity in
the future.

The return of Prophecy
fundamentally negates Islam.
Islam titles an illiterate as "the seal of prophecy"...

That essentially denigrates the whole concept,
suggesting illiteracy is compatible with any
degree of prophecy, let alone its "seal".

Neither leaves much hope or
options for humanity in
the future.

The return of Prophecy
fundamentally negates Islam.

Damn, you're really insecure. A prophet was just a preacher. There were schools for prophets in Israel...

The schools of the prophets, then, were ancient counterparts to what the world commonly calls seminaries or what we might also refer to as theological colleges or schools of preaching.

This correlation is not lost on contemporary theologians. Several denominational schools either incorporate the phraseology School of the Prophets3 into their institutional names or make the comparison between their organizations and the schools of the prophets.4 Clearly and more aptly, our schools of preaching stand in place of the ancient schools of the prophets, with the exception that today we neither receive new revelation nor predict future events.

The schools of the prophets existed as early as the inauguration of the united kingdom of Israel.

The first biblical intimation of the schools of the prophets occurs in relationship to Samuel's anointing of Saul to be King (1 Samuel 10:1-13). Though there had been prophets before Samuel (i.e., Enoch, Jude 14-15; Abraham, Genesis 20:7; Moses, Deuteronomy 34:10), the existence of schools of the prophets is associated with Samuel and noteworthy prophets who followed him. "Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days" (Acts 3:24).

Further, Samuel (the last judge, a prophet and a priest) presided over the schools of the prophets in his day. "And Saul sent messengers to take David: and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as appointed over them, the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied" (1 Samuel 19:20, emphasis added, ler). Hence, circumstantial evidence attributes the beginning of the schools of the prophets to Samuel.
Muslims will soon say PROPHECY

is an AI Jewish conspiracy.

It's not G-d,

but Jews STOLE reality.
this one is fake, they'll say...
Damn, you're really insecure. A prophet was just a preacher. There were schools for prophets in Israel...
No, a prophet foresees the future, and can only be called a prophet if the prophecy comes true.

This is the great seal of the living God.
Damn, you're really insecure. A prophet was just a preacher. There were schools for prophets in Israel...

WHAT does my insecurity have to do with it? :)

The fact that the practice of prophecy is taught in schools,
doesn't suggest prophecy is compatible with illiteracy in any way.

Only that Muslims denigrate any concept,
including Prophecy to fit an image
of lowest lusts and vanity.

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