Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

Your tantrums don't ever help you.
What tantrums? Are you daft? Desperate? Hallucinating? Confounded? Pathetic.

You might not realize this but to dismiss the stories in the Bible as literally false because they do not conform to reality is as ignorant and dimwitted as professing to believe the stories are literally true even though they contradict reality. Thats why I said, "You are as in denial of the facts, reality, as the most deranged religious fundamentalist out there." Reality being that figurative language, metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., are literary teaching tools used by the unknown Jewish authors of scripture from the first page of the Bible to the very last page.

No tantrums necessary. Just the facts. You can dispute them as much as you like but that will only make you look stupid.

Uh oh. I guess that ship has sailed.
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What is the point of AI...

To point to Prophecy.

Collective, what are
all AI's combined
but a toy?
The Jews expected an anointed warrior king like king David who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. Jesus didn't fit that description .

Hosea and Isaiah are not about Jesus at all. Hezekiah is Emmanuel. Christians make a mess of things when they fiddle with scripture.
Strange is it not.........not one passage from the Old Testament that was presented to you included the name Emanuel as a subject matter (It appears that you have preconceived COOKIE CUTTER response to the fact that the Messiah is addressed by the Old Testament prophets. One parroted link cures These scriptures presented were presented for a reason........they did not contain the name Immanuel. But you were fast to use that common cookie cutter Aramaic name. Its like the movie industry uses "stock footage" to save time, money and effort.....over and over again and again. :popcorn:

........just as the name Jesus is not mentioned in the scripture presented to you. Do you know why? In the Aramaic alphabet the Lord's name transliterates to "YESHUA". Jesus was born, lived as Jew, worshiped as a Jew and carried a name common to the Hebrew tongue.....which was not JESUS, Jesus would be called by a Hebrew name Yhoshua. Jesus grew up in the Galilee region and would have spoken Aramaic and He would have never heard the name "JESUS". The Syriac translations of the N.T. spell out the name "Yeshua".

You forget? The N.T. was not written in Hebrew/Aramaic/ was written in the Universal language of the day, Koine Greek......and the English Translation ....i.e., JESUS comes from the LATIN, which is based on the Greek which in turn is based upon the original Aramaic Alphabet.

Often.........Prophecies in the Old Testament have dual meanings, Such as the prophecy of Isaiah in relation to prophecies concerning kings. A prophecy could have both a short term and a long term meaning. Example: Isaiah's prophecy concerning a "Virgin Birth".........had a short term partial fulfillment when Isaiah informed Ahaz he should look for the sign of a Virgin giving birth (Isaiah 7) But the Virgin would give birth to a son but before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right path Israel and Aram would be destroyed .........that was the Near prophecy. The long term prophecy of Daniel 7......Matthew connects the prophecy to the virgin birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:23)

Another example are prophecies presented to King David........the short term would be the generation when "Solomon" would become king of David throne in "Flesh and Blood"........Solomon would become king and build the temple of prophecy .....long term, Samuel the prophet declared that a king from the lineage of David would establish an everlasting kingdom. Solomon's kingdom was not eternal......nor was the temple. (2 Sam. 7:11-13) Then we find the angel "Gabriel" declaring this about the eternal kingdom of the Christ "The Lord God will give Him (the Messiah, king of the eternal kingdom) the throne of his father David and he will reign over Jacob's descendants FOREVER; HIS KINGDOM WILL NEVER END (Luke 1:32-33)
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WHAT does my insecurity have to do with it? :)

The fact that the practice of prophecy is taught in schools,
doesn't suggest prophecy is compatible with illiteracy in any way.

Only that Muslims denigrate any concept,
including Prophecy to fit an image
of lowest lusts and vanity.

Strange is it not.........not one passage from the Old Testament that was presented to you included the name Emanuel as a subject matter (It appears that you have preconceived COOKIE CUTTER response to the fact that the Messiah is addressed by the Old Testament prophets. One parroted link cures :popcorn:

........just as the name Jesus is not mentioned in the scripture presented to you. Do you know why? In the Aramaic alphabet the Lord's name transliterates to "YESHUA". Jesus was born, lived as Jew, worshiped as a Jew and carried a name common to the Hebrew tongue.....which was not JESUS, Jesus would be called by a Hebrew name Yhoshua. Jesus grew up in the Galilee region and would have spoken Aramaic and He would have never heard the name "JESUS". The Syriac translations of the N.T. spell out the name "Yeshua".

You forget? The N.T. was not written in Hebrew/Aramaic/ was written in the Universal language of the day, Koine Greek......and the English Translation ....i.e., JESUS comes from the LATIN, which is based on the Greek which in turn is based upon the original Aramaic Alphabet.

Often.........Prophecies in the Old Testament have dual meanings, Such as the prophecy of Isaiah in relation to prophecies concerning kings. A prophecy could have both a short term and a long term meaning. Example: Isaiah's prophecy concerning a "Virgin Birth".........had a short term partial fulfillment when Isaiah informed Ahaz he should look for the sign of a Virgin giving birth (Isaiah 7) But the Virgin would give birth to a son but before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right path Israel and Aram would be destroyed .........that was the Near prophecy. The long term prophecy of Daniel 7......Matthew connects the prophecy to the virgin birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:23)

Another example are prophecies presented to King David........the short term would be the generation when "Solomon" would become king of David throne in "Flesh and Blood"........Solomon would become king and build the temple of prophecy .....long term, Samuel the prophet declared that a king from the lineage of David would establish an everlasting kingdom. Solomon's kingdom was not eternal......nor was the temple. (2 Sam. 7:11-13) The we find the angel "Gabriel" declaring this about the eternal kingdom of the Christ "The Lord God will give Him (the Messiah, king of the eternal kingdom) the throne of his father David and he will reign over Jacob's descendants FOREVER; HIS KINGDOM WILL NEVER END (Luke 1:32-33)
I know, however prophets were simply preachers. They were inspired teachers and the conscience of the community. Not clairvoyants. Christians in particular like to read future events into what was much simpler. And that has nothing to do with Islam.

There are schools for prophets here in Atlanta.
There are schools for prophets here in Atlanta.

really, more than one - what would be the curriculum, for who is or for who wants to be ...

this thread has gone to shambles in the old days these posters would all be crucified. just ask who had their last supper.
Right. False prophets, like a plague of fiery serpents sent among the gullible who die when bitten
really, more than one - what would be the curriculum, for who is or for who wants to be ...

this thread has gone to shambles in the old days these posters would all be crucified. just ask who had their last supper.
Charlatans of course. This is the Elijah school for prophets, but there are a few others.
Yours. It usually takes you one or two posts for you to fall apart and have a hissy fit and talk about me instead of rhe topic.

This time it was two posts.
the topic that you and I were discussing without any hissy fit in sight is that scripture was written using figurative language, including the gospels. and btw you are the person denying this. Who else should be the subject of interest if not you because of your inability to admit the obvious?
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No, a prophet foresees the future, and can only be called a prophet if the prophecy comes true.

This is the great seal of the living God.

Interesting observation, it would be interesting to find out we actually have shared ideal and goals, after mostly disagreement.
Now I'm not pertaining to some expert, or mystical "knowledge" or experience, but material books with ink in them.
And not some unavailable secret knowledge, but standard Jewish literature, passing the very tradition of
what used to be prophetic practice.

What about collective prophecy, on an individual level?
Meaning that its purpose is not a mission to be sent
to a group or another individual, but the very
conversation? Lovers need nothing to
discuss, it's the conversation itself.
No, that's your false claim.

It was intended quite literally and is still taken quite literally.

Aaaand...both are true,

Human mind is not linear,
you need to acknowledge all your sides of the psyche,
and the depth of sub-context communicated through language,
to grasp what that generation saw literally, in the most direct manner.
Aaaand...both are true,

Human mind is not linear,
you need to acknowledge all your sides of the psyche,
and the depth of sub-context communicated through language,
to grasp what that generation saw literally, in the most direct manner.

But the primitive, ignorant, superstitious authors definitely wrote the myths as literal history. Because they didn't understand that zombies are impossible and arks that hold 2 of every animal are impossible and that worldwide floods don't happen and that the earth is 4.5 billion years old.
The Bible is not written as literal history or science.

The Bible is not written, it is said.

That's what I meant by Muslims reading Rashi
thinking they understand even the literal
meaning let alone relation of words
in a Rashi sentence.
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Interesting observation, it would be interesting to find out we actually have shared ideal and goals, after mostly disagreement.
Now I'm not pertaining to some expert, or mystical "knowledge" or experience, but material books with ink in them.
And not some unavailable secret knowledge, but standard Jewish literature,

As you well know many subjects written about in scripture are only alluded to, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

on the appointment of presbyters.
When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy.

Of religious discussion.

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law

Dead Sea scrolls, manual of discipline

Here it's clear that there is hidden teaching in the law that was withheld from the ordinary layman thousands of years ago.

This is why Jesus said, "No one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, they put it on a lamp stand so everyone in the room can see.", since the law was intended to be a light to the nations, a light for the entire world.
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lol.... In the quote that I posted Jesus made it clear that he didn't think of himself as a king, messiah meaning something entirely different. 11 other verses written by confused people won't change that fact.

Would you like to see how many verses clearly state that the disciples didn't know what Jesus meant by the nutty things he said in a strange figurative language, the language of the prophets?
So tell me, who appointed you to tell me which Scriptures to believe and which to ignore?

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