Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

You're back to voodoo. Prophets were inspired teachers not oracles. The Bible is pretty clear about rejecting pagan oracles.

"Pagan oracales" that indeed sounds like some mambo jumbo.
I wouldn't want to imagine the shallow vanity Islamists mean by that.

Torah is pretty clear about prophecy being quiet
the common and natural thing to humanity.

Pagans doesn't mean hallucinating idiots,
it's just everything has its correct
place and order.
"Pagan oracales" that indeed sound like some mambo jumbo,
I wouldn't want to imagine the shallow vanity Islamists mean by that.

Torah is pretty clear about prophecy being quiet
the common and natural thing to humanity

Pagans doesn't mean hallucinating idiots,
it's just everything has its correct
place and order.

Books of myths, for example, belong in the fiction section.
Can't you see that Moses was an inspired teacher and leader? He was a prophet.

Being a teacher and leader is not sufficient for prophecy,
again, you generalize to fit the image of an illiterate,
teacher of vanity and lowest human lusts.

LGBTQ's are prophets according to Islam,
but the illiterate saved them from
applying that logic to anyone
Being a teacher and leader is not sufficient for prophecy,
again, you generalize to fit the image of an illiterate,
teacher of vanity and lowest human lusts.

LGBTQ's are prophets according to Islam,
but the illiterate saved them from
applying that logic to anyone

That sounds like you're crazy saying LGBTQ are prophets.

You're looking for supernatural elements. Prophets were inspired teachers.
That sounds like you're crazy saying LGBTQ are prophets.

You're looking for supernatural elements. Prophets were inspired teachers.

That's where the Islamic grasp of prophecy leads you,
when basic human morality is degraded only
to feed the pride of an illiterate sadist
as the "ideal of humanity".
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That's where the Islamic concept of prophecy leads us,
when basic human morality is degraded
to feed the pride of an illiterate sadist
as the ideal of humanity.

What Islamic concept? What morality is being degraded?

All the great prophets were inspired teachers, not clairvoyants.

Why do you think they had schools for prophets in ancient Israel?
Expand, please
I need more time than I have right now to expand on that and here isn't the best place to do so.

Seedlings without deep roots given too much water will drown wither and die.

One foot in front of the other, step by step, little by little, day by day....
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What Islamic concept? What morality is being degraded?

All the great prophets were inspired teachers, not clairvoyants.

Why do you think they had schools for prophets in ancient Israel?

The Islamic concept confusing illiteracy with prophecy,
and a sadist who claimed to ride a flying donkey
as a pickup line for the fathers of whoever
desired that moment, as a teacher.

Is that anything
but vanity?
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Anyone can claim to be called by God.
Nope. With the Holy Ghost as your guide, you will know who is and who isn't. I do. I don't know why you call those people prophets anyway when they don't call themselves prophets. The Pope doesn't either.
Is there more vanity than celebrating

illiteracy as the "seal of prophecy".

and "ideal of humanity"?

Then how do you explain detailed prophecies fulfilled long after the prophets died?

A good guess?

The texts were amended. Many of the books of the Bible were written over hundreds of years.

Look at Genesis.. there were two versions from Israel and Judah that were combined during the reign of king Omri when he was trying reunite Israel and Judea.
Is there more vanity than celebrating

illiteracy as the "seal of prophecy".

and "ideal of humanity"?


I don't like that either but it's pretend . There haven't been any child suicide bombers. Do you think that photo justifies your accusation towards me?
The texts were amended. Many of the books of the Bible were written over hundreds of years.

Look at Genesis.. there were two versions from Israel and Judah that were combined during the reign of king Omri when he was trying reunite Israel and Judea.

Because the editors couldn't decide over the centuries,
so that they just glued vaguely common versions
of the same stories together.

Just a mistake by incompetent editors...
Who didn't notice what the first
questons 5y.o. may ask in
every generation.

It's not that repetition is
a literary tool with
a pedagogic

It must be that stupid,
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