Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

I know, however prophets were simply preachers. They were inspired teachers and the conscience of the community. Not clairvoyants. Christians in particular like to read future events into what was much simpler. And that has nothing to do with Islam.

There are schools for prophets here in Atlanta.
The Holy Scriptures present a truthful history........which includes the documentation of false prophets...etc, Simply because a topic is included in the Holy Scriptures is no indication that such acts are approved and condoned by the God of Creation

The scriptures present a "cure" for those whose prophesies do not come true.....they are exposed as frauds. All of the Lord's prophets present prophesies that have come true as documented in the 3500 year running history of the Holy Scriptures. The entire history recorded in the Holy Scriptures have one common theme........the fact that God has provided a path to eternal salvation through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of His only Begotten Son........the Messiah of prophecy.

The Holy Scriptures tell us that a prophet who is not speaking under the authority of a false prophet. The 1st test is the fact that their doctrine does not match the truth found in God's word (the Holy Scriptures). -- Deut. 13:1-4. But Satan can be deceitful.......with a false prophet actually making prophecies that come true. There are examples of these lying spirits in the N.T. Some of these false prophets were preaching Jesus Christ (the gospel) but they did so for pure selfish and erroneous reasons such as human envy and to cause strife. (Phil. 1:15-17)

Jeremiah declared there were prophets who prophesied without the authority of God (Jer.14:14-15). Some false teachers or prophets simply "preached about things that would please others" because they wanted preaches to please and entertain them. (Jer. 5:30-31, 2 Tim. 4:3-4). Some false teachers/prophets were motivated because of MONEY (sound familiar with today's tv evangelical prosperity preachers?) -- Titus 1:10-11. These false prophets/teachers are guilty of making "merchandise" of their congregations (2 Peter 2:1-3) They see the gospel as a way to make easy money (1 Tim. 6:3-5).

False prophets depend upon which crowd they are attempting to please (Micah 3:5). They speak from the confines of their own "imagination" -- Ez. 13:2-3.

They are guilty of teaching "deceptions" -- Jer. 14:14.

The Christ informs us that we will know the false prophets by the fruit of their labors. How many of the TV preaches have been caught red handed, cheating their own congregations, gaining a personal net wealth in the millions, using private jets, having several mansions....etc., ? Another example is the Mormon Church and the Roman Catholic Church..........they have gained wealth based upon their deceitful practices and false doctrines, they become nations unto themselves and collect millions and billions of dollars from gullible individuals. Another such organization would be the WatchTower organization......each of these false doctrines pretend to have the only correct translation of the Holy Scriptures and declare the Holy Scriptures as being corrupted. When its their own doctrines that are contradicted by the actual canon of the Holy Bible. :abgg2q.jpg:

The Scriptures are filled with examples of FALSE PROPHETS........but only God's true prophets correctly prophecy.
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Jesus said to Pilate, "King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth." John 18:37
So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
lol.... In the quote that I posted Jesus made it clear that he didn't think of himself as a king, messiah meaning something entirely different. 11 other verses written by confused people won't change that fact.

Would you like to see how many verses clearly state that the disciples didn't know what Jesus meant by the nutty things he said in a strange figurative language, the language of the prophets?
Actually John 18:37 is about why Jesus was born into this world which was to testify to the truth. Which is what one does when one is on trial as Jesus was. Jesus was saying he was born into this world to be put on trial and be convicted by man. Which was much much more important than being a king. So you can't use this verse to discredit other verses whose point was Jesus is king. Because this was about something else. Something much more important. The important thing to remember is that God allowed man to put him on trial, convict him and then execute him. And many continue to do so to this day.
Actually John 18:37 is about why Jesus was born into this world which was to testify to the truth. Which is what one does when one is on trial as Jesus was. Jesus was saying he was born into this world to be put on trial and be convicted by man. Which was much much more important than being a king. So you can't use this verse to discredit other verses whose point was Jesus is king. Because this was about something else. Something much more important. The important thing to remember is that God allowed man to put him on trial, convict him and then execute him. And many continue to do so to this day.
The "truth" Jesus was tasked to deliver was The Word of God which originated in Heaven. Its the truth that we are requested to "sanctify"..i.e, make Holy, The Word of God. "Sanctify them in your Truth; Thy Word is Truth." One is not to walk in truth while in the courtroom only, "If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples......" -- John 8:31 Thus the statement when Jesus responded to Pilate, "...........Everyone who belongs to the truth listens/hears My voice." -- John 18 Jesus was born to deliver the truth from heaven that can save the souls of men. Jesus purpose was to teach us the truth (John 18:37)

Your logical fallacy: Jesus can't be sacrificed over and over and over. You suggest that Jesus can be unjustly charged, tried and sacrificed time and time again, even today. God will not allow His only Begotten Son to be crucified over and over to date, "If they shall fall away (from the truth), to renew them again unto repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame..........."-- Heb. 6:7. Why does this put Jesus to shame? "FOR IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO WERE ONCE ENLIGHTENED, AND HAVE TASTED OF THE HEAVENLY GIFT (truth....the gift of the Holy Spirit), and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost........" Heb. 6:4 You can't keep sinning unrepentant for the same sin time and time again. Its the only sin that can't be forgiven, the unrepentant sin......if you sin often enough, your soul becomes hardened (John 12:40) become blind to the truth.

As exampled in John 6:26-27, Jesus begins, "TRULY, TRULY (king james verily, verily), I say to you (the masses that were following Jesus after the miracle of the fish and the loaves) YOU ARE SEEKING ME, NOT BECAUSE YOU SAW THE SIGNS (miracles), but because you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not work for the food that perishes (physical food that you literally eat), but for the food that endures to eternal life (the gospel truth), which the Son of Man will give you. For on Him God the Father has set His seal."

The Gospel delivered by Jesus is the very foundation of the kingdom/church......just as Jesus told Peter when Peter declared that He, Jesus, was the Son of the Living God (Matt.16)......Jesus declared that He would construct His kingdom/church upon this truth that Peter received from God. Paul declares that truth is the pillar upon which God's Kingdom/church is built -- 1 Tim 3:15

Jesus' service to the poor was to teach them the GOSPEL TRUTH -- Luke 7:22 The Gospel......literally means the GOOD NEWS OF TRUTH.

Truth is symbolized as "walking in the light".......or walking in Jesus who is the Word of Truth. If we walk in the light (Jesus is the light of the world -- John 8:12) When you walk in the light of Jesus, "we are quick to confess our sins and Jesus if faithful and just to forgive us our sins" -- 1 John 1:9 In contrast when we walk in darkness we deny that we have sinned and do not hear the Word of Jesus. "........if we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." -- 1 John 1:10
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The important thing to remember is that God allowed man to put him on trial, convict him and then execute him.

are you sure jesus went along with your scenario ...

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

a rarity, in their own words.

surly the heavens, regardless - demand the crucifiers be brought to justice ... the fallacy of 4th century christianity is they, the crucifiers were who wrote the christian bible.
I have never seen or even heard of one. Post it here.
If I can easily find it, I will. But I think you are playing dumb. Palestinian militant groups have a long tradition of this. To say you have never heard or seen one speaks to your exposure to facts.
If I can easily find it, I will. But I think you are playing dumb. Palestinian militant groups have a long tradition of this. To say you have never heard or seen one speaks to your exposure to facts.

I have been following this very closely since 1960. Just post your videos.

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