Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

I have heard rumors of a new Messiah being revealed.

But I’m not Jewish, much less one of the kind of Jewish people who adhere to things like Kabbalah (or Reddit) or Messianic Judaism, so I don’t follow this stuff too closely.

Rumors? It's the Jewish nation.
Life is simpler understanding it that way.
Prophecy is returning to all Israel collectively.

Since 1948? Earlier, during the time of Dr. Herzl and Rabbi Kook?

Pre-Prophetic Cinema Course | Jerusalem Light

"Fallouts of prophecy here are growing, and the sons of the prophets are awakening, the spirit of prophecy goes and sails in the land, seeking utterance, demanding mighty heroes, stock of might and holiness, they shall know to prosper speech..."

Shmonah Kvatzim L'Rav Kook

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Rabbinic arguments or Halacah as the local Rabbi?

Student: How to relate to a Rabbinic argument?
R. Cherki: B"H there're Rabbinic arguments,
sign that the matter is alive.

Indeed, there's a question, for example this thing I'm holding now in my hand. There are 2 options, to say it's a pen, and to say it's blue.

What do You say?

Student: A blue pen.
R. Cherki: But listen, I want only one answer.

So there are those who'd say, "listen, what's important is that it's a pen". Even if it’s not blue - it fulfills its purpose, which is to write.

But it can be something else.
I'm standing now in front of a camera man, for whom the effect is very important, that the object I'm holding is blue. Whether it's a pen or not, less important to him.

The bearing question, what is the main thing according to the hour and the conditions?

So, sometimes it being a pen,
sometimes it being blue.

Same thing in Halachah.
Ok? Next.

Therefore, the very existence of Rabbinc arguments,
is natural. It's a sign we're talking of a living Torah.

Rabbi Yizhak Hutner, the author of "Pahad Yizhak", was one of the greatest sages of Israel in the 20th century.

He said about the expression "these and these are word of living G-d". He said, if there are "these and these", those are "words of living G-d". If "these and these", aren't there, then "these are words of dead gods".

Yes, this has a meaning.
Now, does it mean it's possible to say whatever one wants? The answer - no. Because the expression continues "these and these are words of living G-d", how does it continue? "And Halachah is according to the house of Hillel".

Meaning, there's Halachah according to Beit Hillel, therefore You can't do according to Beit Shamay.
But it's not because You can't do according to Beit Shamay, that the words of Beit Shamay are not "words of living G-d".

Student: How do we know to do according to whom?
R. Cherki: For that, there are mechanisms of ruling.
The main ruling mechanism is "Mra D'Atra",
the local Rabbi.

If You have a question in Halachah, You go to the local Rabbi and ask him; I'll tell You an anecdote, what to hear?

Once HaRav Mordechai Elyahu (The First To Zion) A"H, came to my Shul, in which I'm rabbi.

There was some Kiddush, Bar-Mizvah, he came.
First of all a preface: HaRav Elyahu didn't think I was greater than he in Torah, ok?

And then he sat by me, naturally when he cames somewhere - everyone comes asking questions in Halachah.

For every question he was asked, turned to me, and said "What do You think?".

What did he want to say?
He wanted to say, "Here, the law is according to him".
Meaning, it doesn't matter what he thinks, and how great he is in Torah - the local Rabbi is the one to decide.

Right? Good.

Are you sure we're not talking about dementia?
Good question.
That may be the reason there are so few prophets in the Jewish Scriptures.
There are no prophets today.
By the way, if a positive prophecy doesn't come true, the "prophet" is executed.

Yonatan Razel - Correction Of The Rain

"And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your elders shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions"
- Yoel 3:1

Narkis - We Have No End

At nights without a moon
Always have I told You
Those afraid of the fear
Neither dance at sunrise

Remember where I came from
How the globe turned around
Once up, once down
Maybe we better settle

We have no end
You will be my sea
And for You, I am shore
Both of us artists of the painting
Blue, yellow dancing in the waters
Here I found the way back

On nights of moon
Want only to get closer
To what I was once
Fields I've run through
"There's no despair in the world" - R. Nahman

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No prophets today.......once God has delivered everything pertaining to life and godliness through the knowledge of His only Begotten Son, the need for prophets has ceased, now the only gifts of the Spirit of God that remain are Faith, Hope, and Charity/Love, with love being the greatest of the gifts. (1 Cor. 13) Why? Because the Perfect Law of Liberty (the N.T. of Christ Jesus) has been established and it shall last until the end of time. (James 1:25, Jude 1:3) We no longer live by the letter of the Law but by the Spirit of the Law that produces forgiveness through GRACE......and that gift of salvation is established in a spiritual kingdom that resides within the heart of those who believe through Faith. (Jer.31-31-34, Luke 17:21).

(1). "God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers (ancestors) has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, and through Him has also made the worlds." -- Hebrews 1:1-2

(2). Man has everything that pertains to life and godliness -- 2 Peter 1:3

(3). Either God is speaking truth when He tells us that the Holy Scriptures equips us in a PERFECT MANNER in relation to Doctrine, Proof, reproof, instruction in all righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17)....or God is lying and man requires MORE after ALL TRUTH from Heaven has been delivered, establishing the FAITH "ONCE" (Jude 1:3) by the saints of the 1st century. (John 16:13). Reality: Nothing can be added to "ALL TRUTH"........which was delivered by Jesus Christ to His hand picked Apostles in the 1st century.

The church of Christ Jesus is no longer in an infant state, it is complete in its knowledge that pertains to life and godliness, it, the church established by Christ is mature, and like all things that are mature, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Those who claim to be prophets, faith healers, speaking in tongues, etc, ARE LIKE CHILDREN PLAYING CHURCH.......pretending to be that which they read about with the misunderstanding of a CHILD. Today we live and serve by Faith, that establishes Hope in our lives in receiving the gift of salvation.........with all loving comprehension and longsuffering....knowing that God so LOVED THE WORLD that He gave His only Begotten Son that the world might find salvation. LOVE IS THE GREATEST GIFT.
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No prophets today.......once God has delivered everything pertaining to life and godliness through the knowledge of His only Begotten Son, the need for prophets has ceased, now the only gifts of the Spirit of God that remain are Faith, Hope, and Charity/Love, with love being the greatest of the gifts. (1 Cor. 13) Why? Because the Perfect Law of Liberty (the N.T. of Christ Jesus) has been established and it shall last until the end of time. (James 1:25, Jude 1:3) We no longer live by the letter of the Law but by the Spirit of the Law that produces forgiveness through GRACE......and that gift of salvation is established in a spiritual kingdom that resides within the heart of those who believe through Faith. (Jer.31-31-34, Luke 17:21).

(1). "God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers (ancestors) has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, and through Him has also made the worlds." -- Hebrews 1:1-2

(2). Man has everything that pertains to life and godliness -- 2 Peter 1:3

(3). Either God is speaking truth when He tells us that the Holy Scriptures equips us in a PERFECT MANNER in relation to Doctrine, Proof, reproof, instruction in all righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17)....or God is lying and man requires MORE after ALL TRUTH from Heaven has been delivered, establishing the FAITH "ONCE" (Jude 1:3) by the saints of the 1st century. (John 16:13). Reality: Nothing can be added to "ALL TRUTH"........which was delivered by Jesus Christ to His hand picked Apostles in the 1st century.

The church of Christ Jesus is no longer in an infant state, it is complete in its knowledge that pertains to life and godliness, it, the church established by Christ is mature, and like all things that are mature, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Those who claim to be prophets, faith healers, speaking in tongues, etc, ARE LIKE CHILDREN PLAYING CHURCH.......pretending to be that which they read about with the misunderstanding of a CHILD. Today we live and serve by Faith, that establishes Hope in our lives in receiving the gift of salvation.........with all loving comprehension and longsuffering....knowing that God so LOVED THE WORLD that He gave His only Begotten Son that the world might find salvation. LOVE IS THE GREATEST GIFT.
Every prophet claims to have the final word.
Every prophet claims to have the final word.
Claims are claims.............true prophets are confirmed by application of the word of God. Christians are commanded to "test" all things (1 Thess. 5:21) and hold onto the confirmed truth.

Example: The N.T. church of Christ Jesus confirmed the words spoken by the Prophet Joel (Acts 2:14-21) prophets were used to help establish righteous doctrine when the church/kingdom of Christ Jesus was in its infant stage (Eph. 2:19-20). The new kingdom of God had no doctrine once the Law of Moses was fulfilled and nailed to the cross of Jesus (Col. 2:14). The Old Law is still in use today as our Schoolmaster only (Gal. 3:24, 1 Cor. 10:11) that we may learn from the mistakes of Biblical Israel who were always braking the the Law of God (Jer.31-31-34).........Christ established a New Covenant between God and man, a covenant located in the heart of the believer(Luke 17:20-22) is called the kingdom of God...i.e., the kingdom of Christ as Christ is God incarnate, the church built by Jesus (Matt.16).....Jesus is ruler of the New Testament Kingdom of God (Matthew 28:18).....He was made both Lord and Christ by the Father (Acts 2:36)

Prophets? Can speak only what God instructs them to speak (Numbers 22:18-20, 38; 23:12). The Christian is commanded to test the spirits for false prophets as there are many false prophets in the world (1 John 4:1) The words of all those who claim to be prophets are to be compared to the revealed word of God that has already been confirmed as truth (Gal. 1:6-10).

The MARK (which is missed by the false prophet) is revealed by his/her consistency in agreeing with the Word of God (Deut. 13:1-5)......the words of a TRUE PROPHET always come true, if a prophet speaks words that do not come true.....he/she is a false prophet. Much like the JW's who are continually failing in their false prophesies, or the Mormons who claimed revelations from prophecy that declared that all men of black skin color were black because they had sinned against God......etc., Smith predicting the 2nd coming of Jesus within a 50 year time span (History of the church volume 2 pg. 182), the US government would be overthrown in a few short years (Volume 5, pg. 394) The list of false prophesies continues on and on............

Prophesies are stated to be but Temporary and would come to an end (1 Cor. 13:8-10). Prophesies would be SEALED UP once the Messiah's kingdom was established (Dan. 9:24). Prophecy would end (Zech. 13:1-2). But wisdom and understanding will continue until the end of days. False prophets can be detected by their lifestyles. (Example: TV evangelists ........God loves you, but send your money to my address, my private jet and several mansions are in need of repair) -- Matthew 7:15-23. False prophets live unholy lives when many church scandals for perverted sex and even rape have been recorded over the years? (Jer. 23:13-15)
Claims are claims.............true prophets are confirmed by application of the word of God. Christians are commanded to "test" all things (1 Thess. 5:21) and hold onto the confirmed truth.

Example: The N.T. church of Christ Jesus confirmed the words spoken by the Prophet Joel (Acts 2:14-21) prophets were used to help establish righteous doctrine when the church/kingdom of Christ Jesus was in its infant stage (Eph. 2:19-20). The new kingdom of God had no doctrine once the Law of Moses was fulfilled and nailed to the cross of Jesus (Col. 2:14). The Old Law is still in use today as our Schoolmaster only (Gal. 3:24, 1 Cor. 10:11) that we may learn from the mistakes of Biblical Israel who were always braking the the Law of God (Jer.31-31-34).........Christ established a New Covenant between God and man, a covenant located in the heart of the believer(Luke 17:20-22) is called the kingdom of God...i.e., the kingdom of Christ as Christ is God incarnate, the church built by Jesus (Matt.16).....Jesus is ruler of the New Testament Kingdom of God (Matthew 28:18).....He was made both Lord and Christ by the Father (Acts 2:36)

Prophets? Can speak only what God instructs them to speak (Numbers 22:18-20, 38; 23:12). The Christian is commanded to test the spirits for false prophets as there are many false prophets in the world (1 John 4:1) The words of all those who claim to be prophets are to be compared to the revealed word of God that has already been confirmed as truth (Gal. 1:6-10).

The MARK (which is missed by the false prophet) is revealed by his/her consistency in agreeing with the Word of God (Deut. 13:1-5)......the words of a TRUE PROPHET always come true, if a prophet speaks words that do not come true.....he/she is a false prophet. Much like the JW's who are continually failing in their false prophesies, or the Mormons who claimed revelations from prophecy that declared that all men of black skin color were black because they had sinned against God......etc., Smith predicting the 2nd coming of Jesus within a 50 year time span (History of the church volume 2 pg. 182), the US government would be overthrown in a few short years (Volume 5, pg. 394) The list of false prophesies continues on and on............

Prophesies are stated to be but Temporary and would come to an end (1 Cor. 13:8-10). Prophesies would be SEALED UP once the Messiah's kingdom was established (Dan. 9:24). Prophecy would end (Zech. 13:1-2). But wisdom and understanding will continue until the end of days. False prophets can be detected by their lifestyles. (Example: TV evangelists ........God loves you, but send your money to my address, my private jet and several mansions are in need of repair) -- Matthew 7:15-23. False prophets live unholy lives when many church scandals for perverted sex and even rape have been recorded over the years? (Jer. 23:13-15)
I'm amused by the "prophets" who guaranteed Trump would be re-elected, then re-instated on this date and then this date and then... Seems there are a lot of false prophets on the evangelical/pentecostal religious right!
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I'm amused by the "prophets" who guaranteed Trump would be re-elected, then re-instated on this date and then this date and then... Seems there are a lot of false prophets on the evangelical/pentecostal religious right!
Indeed and many think they are doing God's work......but clearly they have missed the Mark. The Holy Scriptures are simply a truthful record of the human condition. The bible records how many of the heroes of the Bible from Abraham, to Moses to David.......and even Peter the Apostle at times miss the mark. All men sin.

That is the reason that Christ came to earth.....the LAW of MOSES provided no permanent solution that would cover the sinful nature of mankind. All men are tempted, the best one can do is face each day, one day at a time and attempt to live by the common precepts of N.T. law.........when we fail, we have an advocate that stands between our sin and the Father and He is always ready to forgive the "repentant" sin, but there is no hope for anyone that continues in sin with a premedicated mind. That is the only sin that can't be cleaned...........the one you continue to engage. Some have made the god of this world their master and don't even comprehend just whom they are serving. This world belongs to Satan with he as its god. (2 Cor. 4:4)

The Christian must be called out from the world and accept the simple truth delivered from, not one is worthy of salvation as it can't be earned, salvation is an act of grace through Love. God so loved the world (John 3:16) and if you return that love by Worshiping in Spirit (mind) and Truth (the scriptures) -- John 4:24, you are protected from the snares of this world as deceitful Satan never a roaring lion he looks for those to devour -- 1 Peter 5:8

The scriptures will provide to you everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) instructing in Doctrine, Teaching, Proof, Reproof that the man of God might be perfect in finding TRUTH (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
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Indeed and many think they are doing God's work......but clearly they have missed the Mark. The Holy Scriptures are simply a truthful record of the human condition. The bible records how many of the heroes of the Bible from Abraham, to Moses to David.......and even Peter the Apostle at times miss the mark. All men sin.

That is the reason that Christ came to earth.....the LAW of MOSES provided no permanent solution that would cover the sinful nature of mankind. All men are tempted, the best one can do is face each day, one day at a time and attempt to live by the common precepts of N.T. law.........when we fail, we have an advocate that stands between our sin and the Father and He is always ready to forgive the "repentant" sin, but there is no hope for anyone that continues in sin with a premedicated mind. That is the only sin that can't be cleaned...........the one you continue to engage. Some have made the god of this world their master and don't even comprehend just whom they are serving. This world belongs to Satan with he as its god. (2 Cor. 4:4)

The Christian must be called out from the world and accept the simple truth delivered from, not one is worthy of salvation as it can't be earned, salvation is an act of grace through Love. God so loved the world (John 3:16) and if you return that love by Worshiping in Spirit (mind) and Truth (the scriptures) -- John 4:24, you are protected from the snares of this world as deceitful Satan never a roaring lion he looks for those to devour -- 1 Peter 5:8

The scriptures will provide to you everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) instructing in Doctrine, Teaching, Proof, Reproof that the man of God might be perfect in finding TRUTH (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
Thanks for proving you have no idea what you are talking about.
Why not? I agreed with you until this point.
Who has the qualifications?
The other issue is we already know the end of time is not going to be pleasant because too many people are narcissistic.

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