Are they hiring police officers who are so stupid that they can't even remember which side of their belt they're done and taser are holstered on

It was an honest mistake.So many times I have picked up my snips instead of my hammer from my tool belt.

See the source image
Lol but you don't hammer a wire or snip a nail on accident.
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder
Diversity or Safety? Justice Dept. Orders Lower Standards for Police Exam – PJ Media
In response to Bull’s quote, Holder said that comparing this incident with the civil rights struggle “does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people.”

It now appears that an even more egregious example of the racial discrimination that has become policy in the Obama/Holder DOJ was already underway.

Due to dozens of retirements, the Dayton, Ohio, Police Department began a hiring cycle. Using an initial test developed by an outside company to eliminate racial bias, a passing score on one part of the test was set at 66% and a second part was set at 72%. However, despite Dayton’s pressing need for police officers, the DOJ forced Dayton to postpone the hiring process for months, and finally demanded that the passing scores be lowered to 58% and 63%.
When you lower the standards for police, you dont get the best to be police. Now for this female who didnt know her right from her left, she was in a struggle that elevated her adrenalin, which could cause irrational thinking, thus she drew her firearm instead of her taser. This is why in the military and police, going up against men, it should be men, not women....

There are just as many cases of male police officers claiming to have mistakenly pulled their firearm when inttending to pull there taser as female.
There was an infamous case in Indianapolis where a male police officer shot a handcuffed subdued prisoner who was sitting on the floor in the head and claimed that he had had intended to taste the suspect

completely unarmed and was not actually resisting
He was trying to run and regain control of his vehicle, which is resisting. The vehicle is a 3000 lb weapon that can kill or injure police or bystanders.

Again, we have another idiot that instead of manning up and facing his warrant, decides to run like a child risking everyone else in the process.

Let's say it again...
"My baby din do nuffin"

Well it's funny that the car didn't start moving until after she shot and killed him. He was in the car with his foot on the break. She's in shot him and his foot lifted off the breakas he died, at which points the car begin moving.

If he was intending to run he would have just hit the gas.
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder

Its what happens when you defund, women should not be cops. This is proof positive.
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder
Don't lie he was resisting and trying to get away
This is what you can expect when your good cops have better options. They leave and toure left with the kind of cops ghetto dwellers deserve
Here is how idiots think: Let's defund the police and expect them to train more!
Which side you wear your firearm and which side you wear your CED will depend on which hand is dominant.

Because the holster of a CED and that of your firearm operate quite differently, it's not reasonable to believe you could mistake one for the other.

This was a 17 year veteran officer And since the placement of your holsters is based on hand dominance I'm going to go out on the limb and assume that they had been hostering their sidearm and taser in the exact same place for the vast majority of their career at least since hand dominance doesn't actually change.

There is also the fact that the video clearly shows her aiming the gun after suspect for several seconds before firing. And since side arms and tasers look completely different from each other to avoid being mistaken for each other this officer should have realized that's a gun she was holding right in front of her face was not a taser.

Her being stupid is the only logical explanation, either that or she intentionally murdered that suspect.
Have you had to face someone larger than you, who was going to do bodily harm to you?
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder

I don't believe it was an accident. That taser is supposed to be on the non dominant hand side holder, it's a different color than weapon and it's lighter than a weapon.

I wouldn't use the c word on her but she needs to be fired and prosecuted.

I believe she's guilty of manslaughter.
I heard a story, I don't know if it's true, but I believe it.

During disarming drills, police officer's practice taking a firearm away from a suspect at close range. It involves a blocking blow to the barrel followed by a two hand twist that it supposed to break the trigger finger of the armed suspect. Back in the day, a successful disarm was followed by giving the gun back to the role-player who is the armed offender to reset for the next attempt. The exercise if repeated many times to build muscle memory.

The story goes that an officer in the field successfully disarmed an offender who had a handgun pointed at her head, only to hand the gun right back to him by reflex. She died.

But, when we do the exercise today, a successful disarm is followed by tossing the practice firearm to the ground.
I've heard that story too.

Can't confirm it though.
Which side you wear your firearm and which side you wear your CED will depend on which hand is dominant.

Because the holster of a CED and that of your firearm operate quite differently, it's not reasonable to believe you could mistake one for the other.
You think she was acting? That she knew she was holding her gun?

Yes I do.

There are too many safeguards so that a person wouldn't mix up a weapon with a taser.

She was on the force for over 25 years. She knows the difference between a weapon and taser.
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder
Agreed to all but fist degree murder. Negligence =/= intent
Involuntary manslaughter.

But of course I expect her to be over charged like Chauvin.

Now to discuss the real issue at hand.

Defunding the police will only make things worse, far worse. The funding needs to be increased. That money can then go into training and salaries. With better salaries and restrictive hiring practices we can weed out the bad employees much easier. A higher salary can attract better candidates and the compensation should match the risk.
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder
Agreed to all but fist degree murder. Negligence =/= intent
Involuntary manslaughter.

But of course I expect her to be over charged like Chauvin.

Now to discuss the real issue at hand.

Defunding the police will only make things worse, far worse. The funding needs to be increased. That money can then go into training and salaries. With better salaries and restrictive hiring practices we can weed out the bad employees much easier. A higher salary can attract better candidates and the compensation should match the risk.
I think there should also be a three strikes you are out, policy.

Chauvin had something like 18 incident reports previously, against him.... reprimands against him.... 3 is enough to know a person is not cut out to be a policeman...imo.
In Minnesota there was a police shooting miles away from the courthouse where the trial of George Floyd's murderer was taking place.

The officer pulled her gun and claimed she believed it was her taser. She didn't put two bullets into the suspect who was completely unarmed and was not actually resisting. So even if she did pull her taser she had no legitimate reason to do so.

This stupid c*** needs to lose her job and lose her pension and be charged with first-degree murder
Agreed to all but fist degree murder. Negligence =/= intent
Involuntary manslaughter.

But of course I expect her to be over charged like Chauvin.

Now to discuss the real issue at hand.

Defunding the police will only make things worse, far worse. The funding needs to be increased. That money can then go into training and salaries. With better salaries and restrictive hiring practices we can weed out the bad employees much easier. A higher salary can attract better candidates and the compensation should match the risk.
I think there should also be a three strikes you are out, policy.

Chauvin had something like 18 incident reports previously, against him.... reprimands against him.... 3 is enough to know a person is not cut out to be a policeman...imo.
That may be true about Chauvin. Hoe many were legit? If you needed a cop, would you take Chauvin over the lady cop who used her weapon? Police departments have to few cops in the streets for the amount of police on the force. The inept, incompetent, abusive, sadistic, power hungry need to be removed. But [police circle the wagons to their own detriment. Plus there can be accusations of bias due to political correctness and diversity. Quotas and the changing of work rules with the costs per man hour exploding on the taxpayer has given us what we see. Today as compared to many decades ago, we are supposed to be better at treating people. It does not seem that way.
Good chance she was hired because of her gender.
If she wasn’t hired because of her gender, the cop there would have been hired on merit and would have been less likely to make that mistake.
Well, she is black, too. That would have been even more important to get her hired in Minnesota these days.

"Oh, shit! I shot him!" She is recorded as saying as he drove away and crashed shortly after.

Doesn't matter: any excuse will do for the mob to break into the liquor stores. Doesn't have to be a good excuse!

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