Are things better than 4 years ago? You Betcha!

All one has to do is look at the price of food in the grocery store and the price of gas at the pump to realize that things aren't better. And that's assuming you aren't one of the 8.5% plus unemployed (Which is probably a low number).
Is a bigger hole better?

I guess its all a matter of perception and who you talk to.

Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.
Is a bigger hole better?

I guess its all a matter of perception and who you talk to.

Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.

This is sheer ignorance.
Ahhh.. the scare tactic rhetoric...

Lets see.. there was not a depression... People still have lost everything under Obamalama... Bailouts hurt us more than bank closings would have... We still have less jobs and ungodly unemployment thanks to Obamalama policies... People are still freaking out.... a normal market would have adjusted and recovered faster, but the slower recovery does have a lot to do with the Obamalama policies...

Not saying Bush was great or even good on things such as domestic economic policy and spending, but Obama is plain out horrid

All of that was under Bush, you fucking moron.
Is a bigger hole better?

I guess its all a matter of perception and who you talk to.

Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.

Lots of bills have come out of the House, you fugly little troll...

Why hasn't your dreamboat Harry taken them in for a vote in the Senate?
Ahhh.. the scare tactic rhetoric...

Lets see.. there was not a depression... People still have lost everything under Obamalama... Bailouts hurt us more than bank closings would have... We still have less jobs and ungodly unemployment thanks to Obamalama policies... People are still freaking out.... a normal market would have adjusted and recovered faster, but the slower recovery does have a lot to do with the Obamalama policies...

Not saying Bush was great or even good on things such as domestic economic policy and spending, but Obama is plain out horrid

All of that was under Bush, you fucking moron.
Check the first mirror you come to. You'll see a REAL moron.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama is a Marxist. Fuck Obama and ALL of his followers.:lol:
Is a bigger hole better?

I guess its all a matter of perception and who you talk to.

Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.

Um before you go blaming OBAMA for that whole 5 trillion...look at this...


Now, don't you feel STUPID?
Or are you now against the spending when Obama does it but it was PERFECTLY FINE when Bush did it? Or were you against it all along but didn't really do or say anything about it until after Obama got in office?
Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.

Lots of bills have come out of the House, you fugly little troll...

Why hasn't your dreamboat Harry taken them in for a vote in the Senate?

Cut, Cap and Balance Act, H.R. 2560
No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, H.R. 3
Protect Life Act, H.R. 358
Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, H.R. 2
American Jobs Act, S. 1549
Respect for Marriage Act, S. 598, H.R. 1116
Stop Online Piracy Act, H.R. 3261
PROTECT IP Act, S. 968
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Golly, 2 abortion bills, a gay marriage bill, SOPA, PIPA and a repeal of Obamacare.

BOY! You conservatives REALLY know how to get right down to what REALLY MATTERS don't you? 2 Abortion bills and a gay marriage bill. That's equal to about HALF what this do nothing House has actually signed into law!

Get the hell out of here you ignorant fool. You are like an insect to me.
Last edited:
Ahhh.. the scare tactic rhetoric...

Lets see.. there was not a depression... People still have lost everything under Obamalama... Bailouts hurt us more than bank closings would have... We still have less jobs and ungodly unemployment thanks to Obamalama policies... People are still freaking out.... a normal market would have adjusted and recovered faster, but the slower recovery does have a lot to do with the Obamalama policies...

Not saying Bush was great or even good on things such as domestic economic policy and spending, but Obama is plain out horrid

All of that was under Bush, you fucking moron.

Uhhh.. no.. not all of that was under Bush... it has continued under Obamalama
Today is better then 3 years ago? This is a joke, right? The number of registered, eligible unemployed is starting to go down only because the number of unemployed no longer eligible for benefits has increased or given up, the value of your home continues to decline, foreclosures and short sales rule the market, the purchasing value of the dollar continues to fall. Private sector jobs continue to decline, Manufacturing in the US continues to decline, The cost of food, fuel, utilities, clothing.... continue to increase. The government debt continues to increase. Dam what a wonderful period of prosperity we live in. We and our kids are virtual indentured servants to the ever expanding cost of maintaing the government. We now have a government that now picking and legislating winners and losers. I guess those rose colored glasses are pretty good. But then again not everyone needs someone to wipe their sorry ass.
Remember the dark days of start the Bush Depression?
Remember how people were worried they were gonna lose EVERYTHING?
There was talk of bank closings. Panic on Wall Street.
700,000 jobs lost in the month prior to Obama taking office.
People were freaking the hell out!

Look at today.
Complaints that the markets haven't recovered FAST enough yet.

I'd say, considering where BushCo left us, we're not doing so bad.
God knows, if "the fundamentals of our economy are sound" old man McCain would have gotten in there, who KNOWS where we'd be today. Probably waiting in a bread line.

My groceries have gone waaaaaaaay up

My gasoline has gone waaaaaaay up

My energy costs have gone waaaaaaaay up

My health insurance premimums have gone wayyyyyy up

My prescriptions cost mooooooore

No,, by golly I don't think they're better..
Ahhh.. the scare tactic rhetoric...

Lets see.. there was not a depression... People still have lost everything under Obamalama... Bailouts hurt us more than bank closings would have... We still have less jobs and ungodly unemployment thanks to Obamalama policies... People are still freaking out.... a normal market would have adjusted and recovered faster, but the slower recovery does have a lot to do with the Obamalama policies...

Not saying Bush was great or even good on things such as domestic economic policy and spending, but Obama is plain out horrid

All of that was under Bush, you fucking moron.

Uhhh.. no.. not all of that was under Bush... it has continued under Obamalama

Thanks for crystalizing what needed to be said.

It was OK under Bush. But things are different since Bush and CONZ tanked the economy so now it's NOT OK under Obama.
But of course, NARY A CON was warning about our deficits back then. In fact, who was it who said, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"???
Oh, the Republican Vice President, Dick Cheney.
Is a bigger hole better?

I guess its all a matter of perception and who you talk to.

Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.

Um before you go blaming OBAMA for that whole 5 trillion...look at this...


Now, don't you feel STUPID?
Or are you now against the spending when Obama does it but it was PERFECTLY FINE when Bush did it? Or were you against it all along but didn't really do or say anything about it until after Obama got in office?

Actually you are the being proven to be stupid.

The dem majority extended those cuts. The tea party enters and suddenly its their fault.

But the fact that democrats wanted to spend that money instead of giving it back makes you even more of a moron.
No, things are not better than they were four years ago. Millions have lost jobs, their savings, their houses and their health insurance. Even if many get jobs in the next few months, trying to get back to square one will take years, if ever because it costs a lot of money to not have money. Many people who are hurting still have the facade that everything is OK. But if one were to ask a WalMart clerk who works the graveyard shift if they've seen an uptick in store activity in the wee hours, I would venture they would all say yes. People on SNAP shop at midnight after their swipe cards are reloaded, and they don't want their neighbors to know they are on assistance, either.
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.

Lots of bills have come out of the House, you fugly little troll...

Why hasn't your dreamboat Harry taken them in for a vote in the Senate?

Cut, Cap and Balance Act, H.R. 2560
No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, H.R. 3
Protect Life Act, H.R. 358
Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, H.R. 2
American Jobs Act, S. 1549
Respect for Marriage Act, S. 598, H.R. 1116
Stop Online Piracy Act, H.R. 3261
PROTECT IP Act, S. 968
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Golly, 2 abortion bills, a gay marriage bill, SOPA, PIPA and a repeal of Obamacare.

BOY! You conservatives REALLY know how to get right down to what REALLY MATTERS don't you? 2 Abortion bills and a gay marriage bill. That's equal to about HALF what this do nothing House has actually signed into law!

Get the hell out of here you ignorant fool. You are like an insect to me.

If Obama is doing such a great job why isn't he polling in the 60's?
Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.

Um before you go blaming OBAMA for that whole 5 trillion...look at this...


Now, don't you feel STUPID?
Or are you now against the spending when Obama does it but it was PERFECTLY FINE when Bush did it? Or were you against it all along but didn't really do or say anything about it until after Obama got in office?

Actually you are the being proven to be stupid.

The dem majority extended those cuts. The tea party enters and suddenly its their fault.

But the fact that democrats wanted to spend that money instead of giving it back makes you even more of a moron.

Things have gone downhill since Donald Regan started whispering in Ronald Reagan's ear in the 1980's. Get a grip and realize it's as Ralph Nader has said, "....we are ruled in this country by a two-party dictatorship".
Imagine how much worse it could have been without Obama spending $5 trillion.

8.3 unemployment although the highest in 60 yrs is quite an accomplishment.

For the first time in this country's history we can't expect that our children will have a better life than we had. But who cares. Bring on another Greek economy and hope somebody likes us enough to bail us out.
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.

Lots of bills have come out of the House, you fugly little troll...

Why hasn't your dreamboat Harry taken them in for a vote in the Senate?
I'm talking about this mythical $5 Trillion you keep blaming on Obama: he can't spend any money! Blame Congress. And start with the House.
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.

Lots of bills have come out of the House, you fugly little troll...

Why hasn't your dreamboat Harry taken them in for a vote in the Senate?
I'm talking about this mythical $5 Trillion you keep blaming on Obama: he can't spend any money! Blame Congress. And start with the House.

then kick his ass to the curb he's as useless as tits on a boar hog and doesn't earn his keep.
Ahhh.. the scare tactic rhetoric...

Lets see.. there was not a depression... People still have lost everything under Obamalama... Bailouts hurt us more than bank closings would have... We still have less jobs and ungodly unemployment thanks to Obamalama policies... People are still freaking out.... a normal market would have adjusted and recovered faster, but the slower recovery does have a lot to do with the Obamalama policies...

Not saying Bush was great or even good on things such as domestic economic policy and spending, but Obama is plain out horrid

All of that was under Bush, you fucking moron.

Uhhh.. no.. not all of that was under Bush... it has continued under Obamalama
You are one stupid motherfucker.

True story!
Doesn't the House control spending? I don't believe the President can authorize any spending, in fact. He can only approve or veto it.

Lots of bills have come out of the House, you fugly little troll...

Why hasn't your dreamboat Harry taken them in for a vote in the Senate?

Cut, Cap and Balance Act, H.R. 2560
No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, H.R. 3
Protect Life Act, H.R. 358
Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, H.R. 2
American Jobs Act, S. 1549
Respect for Marriage Act, S. 598, H.R. 1116
Stop Online Piracy Act, H.R. 3261
PROTECT IP Act, S. 968
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Golly, 2 abortion bills, a gay marriage bill, SOPA, PIPA and a repeal of Obamacare.

BOY! You conservatives REALLY know how to get right down to what REALLY MATTERS don't you? 2 Abortion bills and a gay marriage bill. That's equal to about HALF what this do nothing House has actually signed into law!

Get the hell out of here you ignorant fool. You are like an insect to me.

Fuck you troll...

Instead of wikipedia, try and search for all the bills that came out of the House... Then look at the status...

There is a prerequisite that you can read and understand at a 5th grade level, you you will certainly have trouble with the bigger words... Ask an adult to help you, dumbfuck...

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